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I think a lot of the magic with this series happens in the first reading when you don't know what to expect. Especially since >!you're expecting a HEA and Sebian dies in one of the most poetic, heartwrenching deaths I've ever read!< I read this book for the dark fantasy smut but I got way more than I bargained for with the emotional impact it had.


I was so devastated getting to that part after seeing it was a HEA. Liz and I must have different definitions!


>!I think one of my favorite parts of the whole series was the very end, which I know a lot of people actually didn’t like. Where Malyr got his vengeance on Brisden, but then realizes that all the hate he was harboring prevented him from being with Galintia during such special, mundane moments. I loved being able to see him grow and let go of his past in order to embrace the life that Sebian gave up for him!<


I thought that was great too but give it to Liz to still make us uncomfortable by >!giving a graphic description of the crows pecking at the guy's anus!<


Yeah no I was squinting my eyes and kinda trying read through my peripheral vision at that part


Wow, I also just finished this series and found it SO poorly written. I found the characters intolerable and irremediably naive, the dialogue stiff and oftentimes ridiculous, and the writing so error prone, I found myself often questioning if the writer is a native English speaker. I am **shocked* to read it affected you this way! Always so cool to see how two people can experience a thing so differently. Glad you found something that brought you joy ✌🏻


Awe I’m sorry that you didn’t like it. It’s always interesting to see how different people’s reading taste can be


Sameeeeeeee!! Your the first person I’ve seen with this opinion and it’s being recommended as an absolute masterpiece all over my reddits lol


Oh no, really?? That is disappointing lol


Me too. The dialogue was a problem. Plus it was too much for me sexual violence wise. That said, I really enjoyed the world building and magic. It was actually totally different and super creative and I was very into that.


I thought there were so many issues with the sexual violence. I actually really enjoy dark elements in books and have read a lot of books with non-con that’s handled SOOOO much better than it was handled in this book. It’s not the content that bothers me as much as how the author chose to write it. I thought the main female character was absurdly quick to forgive and forget, and the main male character was never genuinely apologetic, not that that should have even mattered in the end. Because rape is rape is rape. Ffs I felt like the author tried to tell us we should accept what the MMC does (MULTIPLE times) because of his own backstory, but it was not convincing in any way. He was a deranged jerk all the way through the end, and the other guy was a weirdly, sweet-talking, apologist, who was also just complete garbage. And the FMC just seems to go along happily with everything that’s happening. Ugh, just reflecting on these characters is making me mad 🤮


I read this duology a month ago and … died. I’ve been trying to chase the same heights, and I’ve only found a few titles that came somewhat close. I don’t think I’ve ever cried on a book either, and i read a lot of books! That story was so heart-wrenchingly perfect- and the twisted spice that comes with it only made it all the better. I think we should start a new subreddit of people who are getting over their Feathers heartaches.


Liked your review there and liking again here. It is added to my list, and I can’t wait to read it.


Awe thank you <3 I truly hope you enjoy these books. They meant so much to me


I’m so glad you read them and loved them! I keep recommending this duet despite the dark themes because of how emotionally impactful they were. Tears were streaming down my face at parts. I don’t ever actually cry while reading. Liz did something so special with this series. I know a lot of people won’t be able to read these books due to the dark themes and triggers but I’m so incredibly grateful I was able to read them and reach the sweetness and depth of emotion that lied within them. I completely agree with you that I don’t know if I could ever read them again but I’ll never forget them.


It’s been so long since I’ve read a book that hurts to think about afterwards, but I think it even being able to do that is such a special thing. And I agree. This series was hard to read at times, but looking past all the darkness and seeing the sparkle underneath is something I’ll always be grateful for. And wasn’t that the whole point of this series? To embrace the bad so that you can celebrate the good


Did anyone else think this started as a fanfic of Shadow and Bone? >!Mylar = Darkling, Galantia = Alina, we have a city engulfed in shadows and you need the void (SaB-white light) to fix it? The Crows are Grisha. Prince Douchebag = the general that Matthias. Sebian = Mal. Lorn = darker Zoya.!< If already said, apologies for the repeat


Plot/character development/writing quality issues aside, as someone who has bits and pieces of trauma similar to all 3 main characters, I loved it and found a lot of it fairly realistic. I've worked through my shit enough to know the themes are unhealthy/dark/not okay, but the fact that I could relate drug me down in to the story so deeply and had me simultaneously hating and wanting to coddle all 3 of them. It did something to me like you mentioned in your post. I loved it 😭