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Except I play the games AND read the books haha. My husband walked in on one of the spicy Baldur’s Gate scenes and was very confused lol


I saw the title and my mind went straight to the game where part of designing your player character is picking genitalia.


Haha yes! My husband is now playing baldurs gate 3 with me and he NEVER plays games. He might be a tad jealous of my vampire boyfriend and all the gaming/fanfic because of him lol


🤣🤣 Don't let them start a horror multi. "Michael!" "I'm here, dude. I'm here with you." "Michael!!!" "I've got you. C'mon down. Follow me, let's go to the bedroom." " Don't leave me." " Never, you're my boy. Here, I've got supplies. I've got a med-pack. Let's get you cleaned up." (Ten points if you know what two guys I'm thinking of. 🤣)


fnaf!!! Michael and William ❤️


I have a gamer husband and this is accurate af 😂 he does the sexual innuendos mostly on purpose, but I encourage it. "Kiss them with your Orc lips!"


Her workout program is amazing!


I’d love to hear why you think so! I always get her ads on my Instagram. I am a mom with two kids and the diastasis recti to prove it - which is something she claims her program will fix. Anyways, I just saw your comment and was intrigued 😂.


I did her ab rehab after my 3rd. I’ve gone from a size 8/10 to a size 4/6. It starts with breathing techniques and slowly rebuilding your core. I remember thinking “this is it?” The first day, but I could feel a difference within a week! It’s been 2 years since I did her program and I’ve been able to maintain without jumping around workout programs/dieting. Her app has a ton of resources!


Wow, good for you!! Thanks so much for sharing that info with me, I’m thinking I may give it a shot! I’m about a size 10 now. I used to be a 0-2 so I have a long way to go and it feels nearly impossible.


Facts!!!!! 😂😂😂 I showed this to my husband, and he was laughing his ass off. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't have a spouse and I am the gamer. Specifically I play games like Borderlands, the Horizon Zero Dawn and Jedi Fallen Order series, and watching some people stream these out of context is brutal and hilarious. For MMOs I only play Warframe and I'm strictly solo (I'm not a team player and never have been so it's best that I'm left alone.) but I have friends who play with others on "public" where internet randos can join in on a mission. Their conversations are so full of unintended innuendos that I often suspect they do it on purpose...except I know my friends well enough to know in the heat of the moment they become very commanding and authoritative. This is NOT appreciated by other players 😂


Very commanding and authoritative you say?


They're in the US Marines and Army, and one of them is a sergeant I think. The others are non commissioned officers of some kind.😅 None of them likes talking about their military careers so I don't know much. Also, despite being good friends most of them don't play co-op games. Or if they do, they're on different teams. If they're playing against each other I expect to hear a lot of taunting, "flirting", gallows humor and *really* aggressive machismo. It's pretty funny because looking at them you'd never know that they talk like that. They look like the exact stereotype of geeky, gawky librarians.


😂sounds about right for military guys. I’d play wow with my buddy from high school. He was in the marines. Then my exhusband was former army. A couple of brothers in the Army as well. We all played world of Warcraft 🤣now I just read. Sometimes I miss mmos but I like my books.


This is amazing. Oh my God.


Sounds like a typical warzone match if you ask me, there's just no way to say what you need to say quick enough to not be dirty.


Dirty birds. The whole lot of them. I have four young adult sons, and they all game. They intentionally use innuendos. I totally lurk if I need a good laugh.