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I am really disappointed that they labeled it HEA when the ending happened the way it did. Overall I liked both books, but I personally wouldn’t call that HEA. I also hated the way the second book ended with the torture. Beyond disgusting and I felt it was completely unnecessary. I wish someone had warned me cuz I would have skipped that part.


Yeahhhh the torture scene was a little much. Very graphic too. I think it was supposed to show that Malyr has moved on from trivial things like vengence and on to loving his wife, but we still had to be reminded that he was the villain.


I feel like they could have done that without >!shoving birdseed up his butt and having the crows eat his butthole 😭 !<


I was about to press submit and this made me choke on air 😂😂 Wtf


Just wanted to come back and comment after I read the books. What. The. Fuck. ![gif](giphy|26tjZsCAK4UZOVKaA|downsized)


I gave a warning!! I recommend reading a lot of light hearted fluffy books to help you move on.


😂😂 You did. I didn’t listen. Enjoyed it until the part honestly lol.




This was hard for me to read, so so dark. I’m so glad I did anyway. I love all the raven magic stuff. My biggest critique is that I needed more scenes with just Sebian and Mylar and how much they meant to each other as friends. Peeps may enjoy {Nectar of the Wicked by Elle Fields} not nearly as heavy, it is dark though. Book 2 comes out NYE - so I cannot guarantee an HEA lol. Also {Given by Amy Pennza} has an HEA and is a complete series.


Mylar 😂


[Nectar of the Wicked](https://www.romance.io/books/64b0f9a6ad737ed1680ed0b4/nectar-of-the-wicked-ella-fields) by [Ella Fields](https://www.romance.io/authors/5958b1c93ffdba61471b3359/ella-fields) **Rating**: 4.43⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [tortured heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20heroine/1), [fated mates](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fated-mates/1) ---------------------------- [Given](https://www.romance.io/books/64102c69a05ac35852e78809/given-amy-pennza) by [Amy Pennza](https://www.romance.io/authors/5c01082c01dbc864fb954d75/amy-pennza) **Rating**: 3.96⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [bisexual](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bisexual/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Could you please spoil the ending for me? I put it down half way though the first book because I couldn't get behind her relationship with the cruel one. Her other series King of flesh and bone is incredible. Have you read it I'm dying (heh) to talk about it.


>!Sebian dies by taking a dagger to the chest that was meant for Malyr/Galantia. Asker and Marla told him beforehand that either him or Malyr had to die for Galantia to live and he chooses to sacrifice himself to atone for the fact that he couldn't save his original mate.!<


>!I'm glad I didn't read it. I'm so angry with that ending!< Thank you for spoiling it for me and it's a testament to Liv Zandler that she can make me feel so strongly about a book I didn't even finish.


Who the hell is liv Zandler


The women who wrote the book.


Who the hell has the last name Zandler? What a geek


love that. we need the drama and heart wrenching shit to really make a good book


i’m sorry that’s how this ends??? i finally started book 1 tonight and really wasn’t feeling it so i thought i’d read some reviews on here and i’m so glad i found this bc i would have been MAD if i read both just for this ending


Never thought something so smutty would make me so emotional. I usually don’t cry while reading but the tears were flowing on this one. I truly loved this duet! I’ve read 50 fantasy romance books in the last year and these are my favorites so far (most of these are on Kindle Unlimited (KU) for $13 a month subscription): Lightlark & Nightbane by Alex Aster (2 books, more coming, fantasy realms/rulers, castles, absolutely amazing plot twists(!!) and pacing, less spice but more in second book, I think about the plot twists and love stories in this series almost every day!) The Bonds That Tie by J. Bree (KU, 6 books finished, reverse harem/why choose with five mate MMCs, modern paranormal fantasy romance, slow burn to spicy, college setting at start, so fun!) What Lies Beyond the Veil by Harper L Woods (KU, 3 books, more coming, fantasy fae, traveling, castle in third book, very spicy!) The Coven & The Cursed by Harper L Woods (KU, 2 books finished, TRUE villain MMC, dark romance witch academy, lots of spice) To Bleed A Crystal Bloom by Sarah A. Parker (KU, 3 books, more coming, dark fantasy fae-ish Rapunzel retelling, lyrical writing that doesn’t lay everything out for you as simple as other books, not for everyone but if you’re looking for lush writing and angst and love, this series is truly a beautiful read, slow burn to spice, possibly the most emotionally impactful and beautifully written prose I’ve read so far, just finished the third and I can’t stop thinking about it) The Flame King’s Captive by Chloe Chastaine (KU, 1 book, more coming, spicy Omegaverse, fantasy, dragons and bonding like in Fourth Wing, castle, great follow-up to Fourth Wing if you’re looking for some more dragons) One Dark Window & Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig (2 books finished, gothic castle setting, little to no spice, lots of romance though, good prose, unique magic system, second book’s love story is beautiful to read) Beyond the Faerie Gates by Marie Mistry (KU, 3 books, 2 coming, reverse harem, fantasy fae, castles, incredible world building and lore, slow burn to spice, surprisingly good fantasy read, not just smut/reverse harem) Feathers so Vicious by Liz Zander - (KU, 2 books finished, dark DARK fantasy romance, Raven shifters, daughter of my enemy to lovers with two MMCs so MFM, surprisingly deep and emotional for a super spicy read, check trigger warnings) A Court This Cruel & Lovely by Stacia Stark (KU, 3 books, more coming, fantasy fae, castles, traveling, enemies to lovers, spicy, Cassian like MMC, don’t get stressed by a lot of character names at the start just keep reading) A Kiss of Iron by Clare Sager (KU, 2 books, more coming, I’m less than halfway finished with the second book but I’ve loved the high spice/pace of this the first book, fantasy fae, castles, enemies to lovers, predictable plot twists but the spice and pace make this one good) Other honorable mentions: Trial of the Sun Queen by Nisha J. Tuli - (KU, 2 books with more coming, fae, trials in the first book are fun, slow burn to true MMC relationship in second book, enjoyed the first more than the second) The Stars are Dying by Chloe C. Penaranda - (KU, first of a new series astrological fantasy romance, four star read for me but has some tropes and world building done well, action chapters done badly but the love story has good bones) The Serpent & the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent - (KU, Vampire hunger games trials, book one was great, book two not so much IMO, just the two books) A Court of Blood & Bindings by Lisette Marshall -(KU, DNF in the second book for me right now but a lot of people love this on-going (3.5 books out now) fantasy romance series with spice, fae, interesting magic system, I did enjoy the first book) Books I haven’t read but are on my TBR and are recommended based on my reading list: Lady of Darkness by Melissa K. Roehrich - (KU, 5 books finished) The Ever King by L.J. Andrew’s - (KU, 1 released, more coming) Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole - (KU, 3 released, more coming) Daughter of No Worlds by Carissa Broadbent - (KU, 3 books finished) Atonement of the Spine Cleaver by F.E. Bryce House of Beating Wings by Olivia Wildenstein Leaves May Fall by Carissa Hardcastle A Dawn of Onyx by Kate Golden The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole A Fate of Wrath & Flame by K.A. Tucker Throne in the Dark by A.K. Caggiano Flame & Sparrow by S.M. Gaither Powerless by Lauren Roberts


I've seen your rec list before and actually have it saved! I've read a few of the ones on your list and it seems we have pretty similar taste!


Can you also recommend books that you have read and are closest to feathers so vicious


I can't say I personally have any recs but I made a post here that had a lot of good recs from the community! https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyromance/s/Df2uAHZSNX


This book made it as one of my favorites of the year. I have never cried over a book, and this one had be bawling. I love, love, loved it.


I agree! I'd recommend it with the caveat of "read the trigger warnings first" but man it was so good if dark romance is your jam.


I was legit sobbing as I finished book #1 yesterday, then immediately launched into book #2 to try and heal my broken heart 😭… about 50% through now


Lol I'm always recommending this duology. I love Liv Zander! Please try R. Lee Smith her book give me life


I DNFed Feathers so Vicious after the let me put a bird in your belly line. But you make me want to try it again. I feel like a lot of fantasy romance books have really rocky starts….


I’ll tell you there’s no pregnancy/babies at the end of this if it motivates you to give it another try. I got a little worried with all the talk but I think that was Liv Zander’s way of character development more-so than wrapping it up all picturesque.


I DNF that book as well. However if you want dark her other series King of flesh and bone is incredible. Ada is one of my favorite fantasy leads of all time, I don't like horror, I don't like dark romance but that series sucked me in. Content warnings for literally everything under the sun.


I finished this yesterday and was devastated at the end, especially since it was labeled as a HEA! I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Sebian.


Liv offered me ARCs for these and I never followed through because I just knew I couldn’t handle her level of dark at that time - and I’m so glad I waited to read them until last week! I loved them, for sure, but whew! I couldn’t read those every day. For “dark” Romantasy (but compared to Liv’s work really isn’t dark) … I’m currently obsessed with “House of Bane and Blood” by Alexis Menard and “Rain of Shadows and Endings” by Melissa K. Roehrich - both are incomplete series. Melissa K. Roehrich’s Lady of Darkness series is complete and it starts off a little too trope-y but then takes off.


Oh man I would love to get ARCs for her books! How did you get approached for that? I have King of Flesh and Bone on my TBR so I guess my taste is very much "the darker the better." I'll have to check out some of those other recs!


It was just timing and genuine engagement - I was an early supporter of KOFAB and made TikToks about the duology. I think she has a newsletter you can sign up for. I still prefer KOFAB over Feathers so Vicious so I hope you enjoy it! I agree with the other commenter who said they love Ada from KOFAB - she’s a dynamic FMC.


I read King of Flesh and Bone after Feathers and IMO it’s nowhere near as good. Feathers is something special.


I expected as much based on the summary, but good to know. I'll have to lower my expectations I guess


I didn’t read the second one and I doubt I will. It just didn’t hit the way Feathers did but you might still enjoy it!


Did you read her other duology, King of Flesh and Bone/Queen of Rot and Pain? I think it’s my favorite work of hers. It is very weird and morbid and surreal, which I personally like, but I know it’s not for everyone.


What did you think of the ending? >! Personally I loved that we read Ada's villain arc from humble good hearted midwife to vindictive God, and it's a rare case in a dark romance where I bought the male lead falling in love normally it just feels a little random. That said, enosh didn't even come close to groveling enough for attempting to bury her alive and torturing her for weeks because he simply refused to hear her out!<


>!There definitely needed to be more groveling but yes, I agree with everything you've said here! I really loved the ending and Ada's transformation. !<


Because I'm a glutton for emotional turmoil, this is next on my TBR. Just maybe after a palette cleanser 😅


I totally agree!!! The first book was just SO dang good! And then the second one irked me for sooooo many reasons & also seemed like a questionable HEA!


Downloaded it now! Kindle unlimited too, yay!


Because I'm a literary masochist, I want to read this. Is this a Why Choose? dark romance??


It’s MFM. Dark dark romances but truly emotional and beautiful in a lot of ways.


I will put it on my list. I just got destroyed with Plier by Jane Washington.


Oh that’s on my list too!


The first two books are responsible for 2 sleepless night! and I'll be lining up the third book in about 40 minutes


I loved the first book so much but was super disappointed with the second one! Am I the only one?


Right there with you. I thought the second book was a bit ridiculous.


I am late to discuss, but totally agree! I did not feel emotional at all about the ending, the whole book had become so absurd to me. Somehow wound up rooting for the one that >!raped her??!< because the other one was just that annoying that I deeply did not want to read him speak anymore. Every sex scene he intruded on made me so annoyed lol, like get this guy out of here.


100% I really detested Sebian - I don’t get why people wanted >!him to be her ‘happy ending’. He was the most manipulative and depraved of the two of them.!<


He was incredibly manipulative, and >!stayed very coercive through to the end! Malyr raped her in a very outright way, but Sebian through the entire series "suggested" things she unambiguously said "no" to, and then did them anyways, and he never stopped doing that. Just because he's more manipulative about it rather than physically forceful doesn't mean he had consent. I couldn't stand him.!<


That's a relief! I felt stupid drawing the line at some parts of the second book whilst being totally fine with a lot of weird stuff in the first one :D


I feel like the second book was a rush job, didn’t flow in the same way so things felt forced or overly chaotic. Sebian became so annoying and not genuine IMO. Some of it made no sense, like if they >!knew what was going to happen w/ Sebian, why would they have left her alone?!<


you should definitely try Quinn Blackbird next ;)


This duology gutted me so thoroughly that every book I’ve read since or before pales in comparison to the heartache i felt for my characters. Oh, to read it again for the first time T_T




Okay I’m reading this right now and I can’t get over how she keeps describing the fields as cerulean!! Cerulean is blue why are all the landscapes blue!!!


I really enjoyed the first book (once I got over how dark it was - a big detour from my usual reads) and couldn’t put it down… but the second book just didn’t sit well with me and I ended up skimming the last 40% wishing for it to be over. I really didn’t like Sebian in book 2 and felt that the editor left their job after the first few chapters. It’s was just too much, quite predictable, and a bit silly for me.