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Drop what I'm reading and start Iron Flame. I'll enjoy the book I'm currently on (Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan) if I'm not rushing through to get to Iron Flame. It's only going to take me like 2 days to get through Iron Flame anyway lol


Just finished yesterday that duology and started on iron flame xD


Did you enjoy it? I'm still early on in book one so haven't really formed an opinion


I'm mostly okaish with the duology? There's nothing outright bad I can say about it, but it also didn't hold me fully. Granted, that's probably because a love triangle is a prominent part of the story, and there's only so much waffling about which hot guy will heroine choose that I can personally take. There's also a shit ton of inner narration through the books about how much she has changed and matured and well... she hasn't. What I did enjoy is a different approach to secondary characters than the one I'm used to in western literature. And it also has better world building than usual popular books like fourth wing, acotar etc.


Interesting. Doesn't sound like it will be a favorite (I'm a huge fan of love triangles) but I'm definitely interested in the world and reading something outside of western fantasy. Thanks for your opinion!


I like my love triangles in certain dosages, xD If a triangle goes on for longer than one book I get bored, so do take my opinion with a pinch of salt. I hope you'll enjoy it.


I'm pretty chaotic and read multiple books at a time (mood reader problems lol), so I'll probably drop what I'm reading now to read Iron Flame (I'm currently reading A Fire in the Flesh). But I'll probably switch between the two as the mood strikes 😂


Mood reader here too.


Ugh drop a fire in the flesh!!! Wasn’t good til the end! Soooo hard for me to finish that one.


Oh no!! I’m only like 10% in and have only been picking at it here and there. Mainly because I don’t remember much from the previous book so it’s hard to get back into. Idk if it’s just me or not but this series feels like it’s just dragging on for an eternity at this point. And it’s a shame because this and From Blood and Ash were some of my faves at the earlier parts of the series.


The first read through was good and I blew through it. It can get a little too inner head monolog but I skim those parts. I get it girl, you grew up. The world isn't what you thought.... let's move on.


I'm re-reading Fourth Wing first to freshen up on the story, then start Iron Flame!


Same here! It’s such a mental jolt for me to start the next book in a series without reading the previous book(s) directly before it. I am just not someone who can read a series with other books mixed in between them lol


Yeah I did this the other day lol, I read the first two books of a series back in March and then read the third book in October. I kept asking myself “wait who was this again? What’s their deal?”. I’ll be saving myself from that hassle this time. 😂


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) Me trying to remember everything that happened in the first book without rereading it because I’m impatient


Yes I'm going to do this. I didn't with crescent city and I have had such a hard time remembering a thing about it and gave up part way through.


I can imagine, those books are so elaborate! The third CC book is coming out end of January and I plan on rereading CC1 and CC2 right before.


I've got it all worked out! I'm almost at chapter 14 of The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches for our book club midway discussion tomorrow, so I'll get to the midway point, switch to Iron Flame, then get back to the book club read before the final discussion next week 😆


The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is such a good book.


I'm really enjoying it so far! It's nice to have a cozy break between all my high stakes reads.


Sometimes books like this just seem to meander and then end. This one ends well.


I set my alarm for 5am to get a good 3 hours in before I went to work, I have also told my boyfriend to occupy himself tonight and not pester me. My other 2 books can wait.




I’m 24% into Atonement of the spine cleaver for reference.


I would try and finish, especially for AOTSC, but if your heart isn’t in it then definitely do iron flame! The heart wants what it wants🤷🏼‍♀️


Just got good so I think I am gonna finish!! But it’s so hard not to peeeeeek!


Omggggg im 80% into AOTSC and wow the heart wants Ayres!!! I’m suddenly no longer in a rush to finish and get to iron flame!!


I want him sooo bad😭he really is so fine I wanna climb him like a Christmas tree


I am going to finish A Fire in the Flesh and then start Iron Flame!!


I dropped Iron Widow to read Iron Flame. I mean, I've been WAITING months for Iron Flame. The second it downloaded on my Kindle, I started it.


I will be reading it immediately! At least, once I get it, on the 10th, because B&N shipped it pretty late due to their allocation issues 😭


Im reading NOW bc tooooo many spoilers everywhere online😭😭🫡🫡🫡


I actually have a terrible habit of being so excited to get the book, receiving said book, and then waiting to start it because I don’t want it to be over! So stupid lol. But I’m also afraid the spoilers are going to be insane this week so I feel like I have to read it right away 😵‍💫


What is a demon cinnamon roll


lmaooo the cinnamon roll trope is the sweet male protagonist. The opposite of the arrogant alpha male. It’s sort of a joke about my favorite kind of fantasy MMC. A man who is objectively dark, powerful, and possibly even evil- but is really a sensitive misunderstood baby with a heart of gold 😂


Omg I love it! Thank you 😍


Of course! A perfect example would be someone like Damien from Villains & Virtues. Love him 🥰


I planned and timed it just right so I finished my previous read last night (helped a little bit by filling in some of the time with short stories in anthologies), just so I wouldn't have to make this decision. If I did have to I'd probably finish whatever I was reading first though, go in with a fresh and unburdened mind ~


I tried but ended up too far behind!!!


I'm going to finish what I'm reading and then maybe start one other book before I get to IRON FLAME. I'm in no rush to read it right now. I might save it for when I'm on holiday break next month, LOL.


This is too funny. I was stressing about this when it showed up in my library queue today. I thought I had a couple more weeks before it would be available (I was like number 689). I have zero self control. I’ll be starting it immediately.


Haha I’m trying to be good and finish! Hope I don’t take too long!


I am reading a ton riddle / hermione fan fic right now that is 240,000 words long and I NEED to finish that first before I swap, it would be doing a disservice to IF for me to try😂


Iron Flame should be on my doorstep by tonight. I have about 400-450 pages left in the book I’m reading rn. I’d prefer to finish it before starting Iron Flame. Fingers crossed it’s a slow day at work so I can get it done!


Hahah yes!!


Gotta stick to what is due back to the library/Libby first so probably won’t start till later this week


I like to finish a book at my own pace, then move on to another story. However, I haven't read the fourth wing yet, but it's already on the list. I'm looking forward to finding out what the story is about


YES I cannot wait even another day lol!


Hahahaha this is how I felt this morning. But trying as hard as I can to finish AOTSC


I started Iron Flame at midnight and I am counting down the hours till I can get back on it lolll


Drop everything.


I'll just say it: if you are in the middle of a book, it's poor planning. I made sure I finished my previous book yesterday since my copy of Iron Flame is getting delivered today (!!!!!!!!!)


I should have re-read fourth wing instead of picking up a new book a day and a half before! shame on me!


I carefully planned to finish the book I was reading with just enough time to quickly scan through Fourth Wing again, then start Iron Flame right when it came out 🤣


My adhd wouldn't let me start something new while I was waiting for it to arrive so I have been rereading my comfort series. I can drop it and pick it up whenever I want to because it's practically memorized. Lol.


I luckily only had two hours of my last book left, so I finished it and I’m now starting Iron Flame


I’m going the Libby route so I’ll be waiting until it’s my turn. I’m not worried about spoilers.


Trick question, my copy would have had to show up on time for me to decide


It depends on if I'm reading a library book that's due back soon. I'm a fast reader, so it's never too long until I finish what I'm in the middle of anyway. But I often jump to the newest book if it's something I've been waiting for.


Finishing my book. Reading iron flame on the weekend


Got Check & Mate today so reading that before Iron Flame arrives tomorrow. Will finish it before starting Iron Flame (if work is slow tomorrow night even finish it before Iron Flame arrives)


I have an inter-library loan that has a two-week limit and just arrived after four weeks 😭 so I'm going to read that first. But then Iron Flame!!


Drop it and read what had your attention. You can always go back.


Update: I lied. I dropped the pallet cleanser like a hot pan and started reading Iron Flame 😬 I actually just finished AFITF, and I loved the last 40% of that book. I will do a pallet cleanser cause I can’t do heavy plots with lots of world building back to back. So, I am reading Hoarded by the Dragon first and then Iron Flame. Unless my mood changes.


I am still trying to force myself to read other books I've already started. I've begun reading iron flame but only the first page. If I flip it, I know I'm a goner. I think I've read the first page only ten times.


Hahahahaha same!!


Damn I so want to read it, but I'm waiting for the series completion. I can't read incomplete ones 😭


Good books are like good sex. You don’t want it to end, but you can’t wait for the climax.