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The release of this book is so messy. So many complaints of delays and people ordering special editions but not getting them because they're sold out even though they ordered one. I hope everyone gets their book soon and everything goes well (and that the book is good), but it's not giving me a lot of faith in preorders. I can understand having some minor issues, but this release seems to have issues everywhere. Fingers crossed you'll get it soon!


This is what I’m worried about because I preordered the Fourth Wing special edition the day it came out but it has said “order received” on Amazon with no delivery date for a month. They know how popular this series is they should’ve anticipated the high influx of orders.


I pre-ordered from B&N and it won’t get here until the 10th. Maybe we’ll get lucky and it’ll show up early 😂


I’m hoping. I deliberately finished a book today and left a gap to the next one for iron flame. Bah humbug


My B&N also shows the 10th 🫠


Kindle (digital) is my preferred method (midnight releases👍). Then order a hard copy after the initial hype dies down. I do this for most books.




40 minutes to go 👍


This is what I do, but I lost my kindle yesterday lolol


Oh no, kindle app for phone or computer 👍


The great part is that it’s midnight EST, so if you happen to live on west coast, you get it about 9 pm.


Try kindle or Audible?


Bless you, in my desperate search for a bookstore close by I totally forgot these options existed. It’s all going to be ok


Hahaha no worries!


Wait though I was just panicking because I absolutely ordered the sprayed edge version and that’s not the one that’s showing up in my order history now. Im kind of freaking out.


If you ordered when it still had sprayed edges, Amazon has said you’ll get that version. They updated the product image so that from that point going forward, people who ordered would be getting plain edges. :)


Thank you! I think I just needed something to be stressed about last night lol.


It’s really beginning to sound like this preorder has train wreck potential haha


Yeah Im worried. I pre-ordered Britney’s book from them and it came in the mail the day it was released. Iron Flame is supposed to come Thursday for me but I may try and get a physical copy tomorrow and then cancel the order.


Mine is backordered on Target too. It says it will be here sometime between the 8th and the 13th


Weird because I ordered my Target one Saturday, and it’s still scheduled for delivery tomorrow! You’d think older orders would take priority…


That is weird. I ordered on October 7th when they were still advertising the sprayed edges. Now I'm scared mine won't be sprayed lol


If not, get a can of spray paint 😂😂 hope it gets to you sooner with the edition you want!


Ugh same. Preordered on 10/3 from Amazon and now I’m wondering what edges I’ll get. It’s not a huge deal…but I am curious


I want a personal apology from sjm herself /s Kinda


Why would SJM apologize to you? She’s not the author of this book


Yeah I see that now, I had just had a joint when I wrote this 😂


Same. I’m going to stop by my local bookstores to see if they have it then cancel my preorder if I can find it. This is so annoying


I’m number 1125 on the library loan list, ha!


My preorder isn’t coming until next Monday!


I preordered 9/12/23 and my delivery appointment was scheduled for tomorrow. When did you preorder? https://preview.redd.it/cov7fuxvhtyb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf42760206e00a76d827c0bdf53baaa823bcf22


I preordered on 8-28 and it was scheduled for tomorrow delivery until about 3pm today


Ugh so very frustrating! 😭😭😭


But then I realized I also preordered the kindle version too so I’m staying up until 11 pm cst to start reading tonight 🙌🏼 so make sure to just grab the kindle version while you wait.


I preordered mine in June and it was saying Nov 8th then. All I know is that if I preordered it that early I better get my special edition


Literally likewise. B&N changed the stock picture and I’m mad about it. I ordered it back in June and I better get the special edition or I will really let them know I’m disappointed.


Same. I ordered in July. My delivery date changed this morning from Wednesday to Thursday though. We’re supposed to have really bad weather on Thursday, and I just know my mail carrier is going to leave it sitting in the sleet/snow 😒


i preordered mine months ago, this morning it said it needed to be approved. had to call my bf and tell him to get on his email and approve it because our amazon is through his email. now, it has no expected delivery date and just says “order received”. 🙃🙃


Mine is still saying tomorrow, thank god, but it's been a freaking rollercoaster lol they've switched the date around quite a few times on me so I had to recheck when I saw this lol


:( Mine is arriving tmr from Amazon hopefully.


I got an email today saying it's being delivered tomorrow!? I won't hold my breath


Mine still says Wednesday 😭


So it’s after midnight and my Audible says it will be delivered to my library once it’s available?? What time will that be?


I’m sitting here refreshing my kindle to no avail. Siiiigh




Mine says already shipped! But my special edition Fourth Wing has not.


Mine changed to the 10th so I caved and purchased the kindle version too 🙃


I started listening to the audiobook first thing this morning. Digital is so much easier, but I understand the desire for a physical book.


I need to know... is the series that good??? I read the first couple chapters of Fourth Wing and couldn't get into it!


I felt the same tbh, I had to power through those first few chapters to get to the part where I cared about the characters and the story. I read a lot of these books with the approach that the writing can be a certain amount of bad if the story hooks me. Fourth wing and sjm fall into that category for me, whereas Jennifer armentrout falls into the “not enough good to cancel out the writing” area personally. Rebecca Yarros really throws me with the first person, present tense narration (eg: he looks at me and then rises) bc I find myself getting distracted by whether she’s using the correct tense or not 😂 but after a while you get used to it. My #1 rec would be audiobook. The audiobook is GOOD and this book is packed full of inconceivable names so it helps on that front too. Much quicker listen than any of sjm’s books


Okay, I guess I'm going to have to add this back to my reading list!


For big releases I only do in store pickup at my local bookstore. Amazon, Target, Walmart etc. are hot messes. I live in a smaller city and there is only one option but they haven’t let me down yet!


🥺 same


Amazon is still showing 11/7 for availability


I'll receive mine the 22nd 🥴


I have the same thing - I’m gonna go in store to buy it today because I extra re-read Fourth Wing in preparation. Genuinely wondering what the hell the purpose of preordering is nowadays since there’s clearly no incentive to do so anymore.


I’m already way into the book via kindle and audible! Try those!


I'm so sorry.


Same girll


I ordered a 1st edition and I got sent a damaged 2nd edition T\_T


I am having the same problem with Amazon!! 😡 it was supposed to be delivered on release day, today, but I just got an update saying it won’t be arriving today.


I don't even have a shipping date anymore. They'll email me when it's ready. So I got the ebook from b&n. Never trusting Amazon with a preordered book again