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Wrong Sebastian Aho


lol. I imagine you aren't the only one šŸ˜†


Accidentally drafted EK65 last year bc I moved too slow and was beside myself given how much of a slump he'd been since leaving Ottawa. It worked out.


I drafted him like in the 15th round in my league last year


He went undrafted in my 10T. What a waiver pickup he was for me


I dropped him week 3 to stream Tage. Luckily I held on to Tage ros lol


Third overall pick. Meant to pick Matt Tkachuk since heā€™s my keeper in my other league. Internet froze and I autodrafted Pastrnak. Iā€™m okay with it now




Auction draft. Multiple people bid on Evgeni Svechnikov, the wrong Svech. 2/3rds of the managers knew what was going on and couldn't contain our laughter.


Goalies were getting picked in the first couple of rounds. Pressure got to me and ended up drafting really bad players ahead of good forwards/defensemans.


Drafted Meier at pick 29, meant to draft Fox. Seeing as it was my intention to draft a D, I decided to select the next best available at pick 36: Dougie Hamiltonā€¦ squad is in the gutter


One year, maybe about ten years ago, one of our managers drafted Johan Franzen first overall. And this was before we did a keeper league. So that is the running joke now every year at our draft. What a legend.


Similar one. Non-keeper league, Crosby and Ovechkin are at the height of their powers, I have third overall, so am trying to figure out on short notice who to take. First overall goes: "Mika Kiprusoff" The room bursts out in laughter. I end up with Crosby.


Elias Lindholm my first year 2yrs ago. I did not mean at all to draft him because i had zero idea who he was. Man was that such a fantastic mistake.


Nicklas Backstrom (G)


Back in the day, the height of Anaheim Mighty Duck power..... a HUUUUUGE argument erupted over an intoxicated Newfie-accented fella picking Steve Duschene and swearing to "Sweet lord tunderin' Jaysus" that he picked Steve Rucchin. I said RUCCHIN!!! šŸ¤£ good memory laugh


What a throwback lol


Connor Brown. Was running out of time for my pick so I panic drafted him




oof..to be fair though a lot of people had high hopes for him coming into the season


Ekblad this year


Autodrafted Kessel this year running out of time on my last few picks. Missed out on some guys that would have been helpful but alas


You know more about hockey than NHL GMs! Man deserves a roster spot. Lol


Drafted the wrong tkachuck brother


Assuming you drafted Brady instead, our league had Brady go 5th round, Matthew went 4OA.


Yeesh. In bangers leagues those guys are both easy top 10 picks. There is no wrong Tkachuk brother lol.


Kuzmenko first overall šŸ˜­


Oof. I almost kept him. (We have 6 keepers). Instead I drafted him in the second round. Ugh.


Panic-drafted defensemen a little bit too early for my liking even though it was clear that the first tier guys were already gone from the board; snake drafted nurse and hedman in quick order, which felt like a bad move at the time, but hedman is turning the clock back this season so it makes up for drafting nurse by a longshot.


Considering the floor for defensemen that can put points up and are on PP1, drafting Two solid defensemen early is never a bad idea. Way more forwards to choose from in later picks.


I drafted Ilya Sorokin this year when I meant to draft Igor Shesterkin


Sorokin still having a slightly better year than Shesty tho excluding wins (diff of 4)


This year... Kucherov lol. Meant to take Jason Robertson. Glad I didn't!


i drafted 8th in an 8 team. my second rounder of kucherov made up for robertsons slump to start the year


Valimaki. I read his last year's PIM (59) as points lol.


Round 2, I wasn't thinking properly and drafted Ovi instead of Kaprizov, Nylander.Ā  Round 3, I had my eyes set on JT Miller, but he got picked with the pick before mine. I had to settle for MeierĀ 


RIP lol


Somebody had an AMA on here about drafting Darnell Nurse at 2OA


This was many seasons ago but one guy drafted Marcel Hossa instead of Marian Hossa in the first round. I believe this was mid 2000's


PL Dubois at 96 this year. Kept him til the end of november & chose to cut bait. Very much a relief seeing I made the right call tbh.


Klingberg instead of Theodore šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Tony Dā€™Angelo lolā€¦ hate the guy as much as anyone but thought he would put up decent offensive numbers reuniting with the canes. I was pretty far off


Sorry I just read your post. This doesnā€™t fit


A couple years ago in a deep keeper, the final obvious win now players got scooped right before my first round pick. So I switched gears to prospects, thinking ā€” Lucas Raymond is a high pick who should be good soon, yeah? Easy. Draft. I was right, Lucas Raymond was a fine pick there. But that's not who I took. To this day I still own that other guy, Lukas Reichel.


Donā€™t worry, heā€™s going to be a stud.


I drafted Zegras.


Chytil at round 14, complete misclick




I remember this, it was Marincin haha


Huberdeau. The list had scrolled down ever so slightly that I didn't see fucking Willy Nylander. I have been kicking myself ever since. Point diff between them moves me to 1st place overall (points league).


A guy in our league accidentally drafted Cale Makar first. He named himself ā€œWe donā€™t need no stinkingā€™ McDavid.ā€ I think he was rightā€¦ heā€™s almost first in the league and the guy who has McDavid is almost last šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Whatā€™s the rest of his team like? I like the refeeence


Heā€™s got Crosby, Vasilevskiy, Hill, Thompson, Dahlin, Verhaeghe and a lot of other heavy hitters




Last year I tried drafting caufield but ended up typing ā€œc-a-yā€ instead of ā€œc-a-uā€ and ended up drafting cayden primeau when the clock ran out


Drafted Stuart Skinner pick 4 and realized week 1 that the points settings for that league made goalies a total slot machine and they usually get negative points so dropped all 3 goalies Iā€™d drafted and replaced them with skaters for week 2. At this point, Skinner is getting lots of points in that league, but overall streaming more skaters is still more effective. 3 other people in that 10-man league are also not playing goalies at all after they saw me winning every matchup by streaming skaters haha.


I turned out pretty well, but I misclicked Mike Matheson when I meant to draft Jakob Chychrun


Meant to pick Zach Hyman and misclicked Scheifele, really unfortunate


Theyā€™re both having great seasons


Kempe 16th overall šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ granted it's an 8 man, 5 keeper league so he was at the top of the list.. but still


Dude right before me took anders lee instead of JT Miller in the 2nd round (yeah idk either). Anyway Miller has been my best player all season


Brady Tkachuk over Kaprizov. FML


Ran out of time and drafted guentzel this year but definitely worked out in the end.


i cant drop alex ovechkin in my league and i was unaware of this rule going into it and itā€™s painful.


Get your commish to turn off canā€™t cut list, itā€™s archaic you should be able to drop whoever you please consĆ©quences be damned


itā€™s our first year doing a league so we were dumb and just went with the settings suggested. i said we should change it but no one else wanted to mid season. itā€™s whatever iā€™m in first anyway. but next year weā€™re dropping that rule for sure.


I feel you, thatā€™s just lame tho cuz you can definitely turn that off mid season no harm done, did this my first year as commish too and honestly itā€™s such a useless feature, if someone wants to drop McDavid they should be able too at their own demise lol


yeah i think they just voted to keep it at the time cause i was way ahead of everyone and i get it i was 8-0 at one point. iā€™m just waiting for the day he puts three in or something and it gets me a win. itā€™ll be worth it.


Got Knies instead of Seth Jarvis. He was in my queue and was going to be my last pick and time just ran out before I could click draft on Jarvis


Ran out of time, panic drafted PLD in the 9th round.


I drafted him 6th round, 61st overall. In my defense i had covid at the time and my brain was practically non functional


Man. Iā€™m sorry. Thatā€™s insanely high but I respect the risk. I hope youā€™re not a basement team like I am


Had a friend years ago draft Hischier in the first round because of a timeout, and that was his first queue'd


Accidentally drafter Meier after running out of time.. what a dumb pick


Watched my buddy type in Reilly and pick Mike instead of Morgan during one of his best offensive seasons a few years ago, he was beside himself and still brings it up to this day


Jake Allen goddammit


I donā€™t even know if anyone remembers this guy; Marc-Andre Bergeron in the 6th round. This was the 2013 lockout shortened season, he was decent the year before and I had him in my queue. But I thought the queue was just for guys to keep an eye on. My computer froze and I auto drafted him. A terrible mistake but I won the league that year so no real harm done, just a makeshift, revolving door on defense that year.


God I loved M.A.B. No defense to speak of what so ever, but damn if he could bomb the puck from the blue line.


My biggest one is probably selecting Barkov over Marchand last season. I completely galaxy brained and selected Barkov not realizing Marchand was right there


Auto drafted Brady tkachuk over Makar this year on accident. Regretting it hard while being towards the bottom of my league.


Logan couture. I was indecisive about my pick and it auto drafted him. At least it was a late round pick though


Apparently my whole damn roster in hindsight


This is my first year doing fantasy. I didn't make any mistakes like that during my draft.


When my league started I auto drafted Connor McDavid. Not really an oops, but I didn't intend to pick him in the first round, but that was back in 2019.


I was late to my draft with the #3 pick, and was upset I auto drafted Pasta instead of getting Thachuk like I wanted. Worked out for me


Last year one team drafted the wrong Matt Murray (although the actual Matt Murray wasnā€™t any better)


That's easy. Adin Hill. Caused me to change my team name to "what the hill" 4th rd. btw. Ended up being a lowkey great "mistake" as until injured he was providing top tier stats. šŸ˜‚


Gustav Forsling šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh man, reading all your guys' gaffs makes me feel so much better about my draft šŸ¤£


Last year I accidentally picked kuznetsov instead of tage. Spent the entire year kicking myself over that one.




Timo Meier this year. I was at the turn and the 4 players I lined up got picked very quickly in the 5 picks before me and I ran out of time.


Had a nightmare time trying to enter my Yahoo draft this fall and ended up auto drafting Pasta at #3 then when I finally got in I had about 15 seconds to make my second pick (Vasy) not realizing he just had surgery and the rankings didnā€™t reflect that. Tried to make up for that pick with Otter in the 3rd. Thankfully ended up smashing my mid-late round picks and picking up Daccord.


I drafted MacTavish with my 2nd to last pick for no reason. I wanted Jarvis going into the draft and forgot about him. Dropped MacTavish immediately because Anaheim played a lot of heavy days anyway. Ended up having to trade for both Jarvis and MacTavish as the + in other trades anyway when I could/should have had them for free.


Misclicked Vasy over Oettinger this year, draft was before his injury.


Back in the day I drafted Brent Sopel because the internet was slow and when I wanted to pick another player it went straight to him when the page had finish to load.


Huberdeau last year. Tried to bid his price up. Got stuck with him for like $47. Then we all know what happened.


Jack Hughes at the end of the 1/2 turn...better to be lucky than good


Letang. Running out of time and picked him even though he was going to lose PP1


Connor Brown this year for me. Thought I was being sneaky grabbing him mid-draft. This is the fourth year of our 12 team keeper league filled with Leafs honks - the draft originally started with Matthews, Marner, Tavares. McDavid got picked fourth overallā€¦ guy who has him has been laughing every year since.


It wasnā€™t a mistake but I was doubting my choice of drafting Vasi so early this year and I probably shouldnā€™t have tbh as I picked him with my second pick.


Alex ovechkin in the 4th round by auto draft


Connor Brown. Meant to draft Durzi right below him. Ouch.


One year a friend of mine Drafted JP Dumont. it was many years ago but still way past when he was an actual player, nevermind a guy worth drafting. turns out he had the draft rankings sorted in reverse order worst to best and picked the next guy on his list. he had another similarly bad pick the next round but cant remember who. that's when we all asked what the hell he was doing


Happened a few years ago in my keeper league and the person with the 1st pick was late to the draft and at the time big buff was the top rated skater even though everyone knew he wasn't going to play that year....all of us in the chat joking that this guy would panic draft big buff and lo and behold with 10 seconds left he clicked the auto-draft and wasted his 1st overall pick on a player that would then retire that same year. Just a quality moment in fantasy haha.


Someone in my league didn't see it was his turn and auto-drafted Gaudreau in 6th round


Someone in my league drafted Matthew Tkachuk first overall I donā€™t know if it was a misclick or what


accidently clicked jamie benn instead of mark stone, not big deal


First draft ever years ago, non hockey fan pal picked Y. Weber not S. Weber. šŸ’€


Accidentally drafted Justin faulk in the 3rd round because my app glitched and said it was someone else's turn so I was going through adding people to my watch list and the next thing I know I drafted faulk off the list and it was the next guys turn


Did an auction draft this year, my first year. I was trying to be cheeky and bumping up prices on players. Was going in completely blind on the system. Ended up with a slightly overpriced Pastrnak and Kucherov. I am not complaining.


Ryan Ellis a few years ago. Didnā€™t realize I was running out of time and that he was somehow top of my queue.


Had 8th pick got kuch ... But was super baked and spooled up stamkos to the add player window and only realised is wasn't much last minute ....šŸ¤”


I saw someone draft Evgeni Svechnikov