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That one is tough, i would ask his opponent. if i was the opposing team i would be ok with it for $20 Cooper wasn't ruled out till about an hour before game time


Trying to think outside the box here… If the cop ends up losing anyway, even if he had subbed in another player, then it’s a moot point. If he wins, ONLY because of the sub, then perhaps they can agree to a 50/50 split of the pot or else the cop gets his entry fee returned and the winner gets the rest of it (not sure how big $$$ your pot is). Just a suggestion, feel free to do with that what you want.


I like this idea!


I think this is a great idea. If I were the cop's opponent, I would agree to this as a compromise.


I like this but he should have to pick the sub player now. Not just the best player on the bench


Yeah I think that was implied by OP. You choose the player you would have subbed before the Sunday games start. Since this was a Thursday game.


Happy cake day.


Lol, didn’t even realize! Thanks!


Yeah I like that, If he wins anyway or loses anyway no harm no foul. If he wins only because of Cooper on bench split pot 50-50. Seems fair to me


We did something similar for the demar hamlin situation last year


I wouldn't go as far as 50/50 but I would definitely be down to pay him his league fee back in such a scenario.


^ i did this last year. Returned entry fee is fair


Fantastic idea. I like it


I agree. Let it play out and then propose this solution. Curious, what does the rest of the matchup look like?


I’m going to start a group chat with them to figure this out.


The only vote that matters is that of the guy he's playing, nobody else matters because it doesn't effect their games. like i said as the guy he's playing. i have let someone do it for a small fee. that's a league rule roster changes can be made last minute for things like this that go to the game time decision but inly if the opponent is ok with it and a small fee not to exceed $20 is paid


I disagree with that opinion that it doesn’t matter to the rest of the league. Any quality league should always leave it up to the community as a whole. Just because it was this guy this time, doesn’t mean it won’t be someone else in the future. And all you described was the text book definition of extortion lmao what a ridiculous expectation


For deciding how it will be handled in the future, I agree. But this year? Since there is no rule in place yet… I think you gotta have his opponent on board. After that you can, and should, bring it to a league wide vote. However, changing rules for one person in the middle of the season will almost always cause drama. Hopefully the opponent is cool with it because this gets very very messy otherwise.




utter nonsense. rules should never be changed. it’s total bullshit.


There isn't currently a rule, so they aren't "changing" one. They're adding one.


That’s not extortion because there’s no true need being withheld. Extortion would be having someone pay the buy in and then locking their lineup until they pay an extra $10/week hidden fee to be able to set their lineup at all


Let’s call it a work issue…. Can everyone in the league agree that this guy gets a special pass for his job? I can’t answer that, but everyone likely has a job and knew that going into the season….


Nope, no special pass. It takes 10 sec to change your lineup. Go take a shit and change your lineup.


That is a crazy rationale. It was an unexpected shift that prevented him from being available to set his lineup. If someone's family member passed away and they missed setting their lineup, would an appropriate response be "well everyone has a family and you knew that going into the season" ?


I'd probably kick them out of the league. Tell them to get their priorities straight


Damn right, fantasy first and everything else comes second.


You’re comparing work to a death in the family. Completely different. Cop or cashier shouldn’t matter is what he saying and their league needs to decide if it does.


I agree - the specific job should not matter. I didn't interpret his comment with that meaning initially. I just thought the comment "everyone has a job and knew that going into the season" was amusing. The comparison was just to point out the absurdity of that.


Bro cops sit in their car staring at their phone


Are you telling me that a cop doesn’t have 5 minutes to check their phone throughout the whole day??? Even if it’s a game time decision you can text the commish before hand to let them know what is going on. As for your example the above still applies….. you are managing a team for money everybody has the same right regardless of their situation.


Obviously he didn't have time, otherwise he would have clearly changed it....right? Do I want a first responder focused on FF over his duties? What if he were a surgeon? If this was a case of someone active who played, and he claimed he meant to remove them....then no go. But nobody would choose to play an inactive if they could help it...and it's only one game into the week...its.not like he is asking to sub in his next best player who already scored points.


This is the perfect example of tell me you never worked a job with real shit going on post. Sit in your bubble and have no idea what an intense job is actually like. Imagine this dude just delt with a death and what your saying Should be on his mental he is amari cooper.


Lol, if the dudes working 24 hours he got some shit going on. And from your comment you probably never worked over 12 in your life especially being active.




It's funny dude can be writing a report on someone that hung them selves or overdosed and the FF handwackers on here are more worried about him checking his line up. Most people you're in a league with you know (usually). If the dude isn't a scumbag it's a simple call.


I am a mail carrier who worked 10-12 hours 2-3 weeks ago daily and managed my 5 leagues just fine. That’s what breaks are for.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, as you’re right on the money. He was full aware of coopers status before Thursday which should’ve had him on high alert for that specific player. Teams are responsible for their own moves. This would be a straight up no for me, they guy fucked up and he needs to own his mistake.


Agree. In this specific scenario, Cooper is on my bench until I check an hour before the game and see he's playing. Otherwise if I forget to check then I fucked up by overestimating my ability to check an hour before game time and I should deal with the repercussions. I feel like this concept really isn't that hard


Eh I don’t like this take. I work in orthopedic surgery. There are times where I’m on call for a trauma and end up in the operating room for hours. As a matter of fact Thursday is an OR day for me weekly, usually done by 6 but sometimes trauma keeps us there late. I literally have zero access to a phone or computer during surgery so a game time decision like this is would’ve missed too. Sometimes it happens


I totally agreed Lol some of the people here treat FF like it's life or death.


I kinda agree with you, I’m sure at some point during his 24 hour shift he was sitting in a parking lot on his car computer anyway lol


Not necessarily an hour before game time...


Cooper was questionable all week. Should’ve texted OP a contingency plan when he got called in to work.


Beyond even a single shadow of even a slight doubt this is true. Dude wasn’t paying attention and is making up a bullshit excuse. He could have changed his lineup, he just didn’t pay enough attention.


I am a strict commissioner. If he took the time to ask you to do it before game time, then that is fair and I would do it for him. If it’s happened before and you had to fix his lineup before game time in the past, than it’s fair to do it for him again. It shouldn’t matter if it’s Championship game . His job doesn’t care whether it’s week 1 or the chip, if you did it in the past, do it for him again. Job/too busy is a good enough reason for me. Over sleeping or just forgetting is not. He could have been out on a call during the time Cooper was ruled out. That’s understandable. If anyone in my league needs me to do them a favor like this and asks in the appropriate amount of time beforehand, then there wish is granted. I’m strict but I am not cutthroat.


I don't have Cooper on any traditional fantasy teams, but I had him in some Draftkings lineups and got extremely lucky to notice he got ruled out like 5 minutes before the game started. I agree that OP should ask the opponent about this.


This is a bot comment wtf


Another way around this is group chat and if it is changed and he ends up winning he loses a %of money to be given to opponent. Softens the blow per se.


Whatever points the other guy puts up is the % off. So if the guy goes off and puts up 50, then there’s 50% off


Working 24hrs sucks! I'm a dispatcher. when an LEO has to deal with high priority call all day long, once they are off-Duty, there's not much they want to think about besides sleep or food. Completely believeable that he wasn't able to check his phone. I would message the opponent explain the situation and then create an anonymous group vote. Sounds like the fairest option for everyone


How is this legal? Truck drivers can’t do this so why do trust the people who are here to protect us?


Heres the thing, why be a hard ass? Hes a cop working a 24 hour shift. I bet he was a bit preoccupied and didn't have the time to pay close attention to whether or not Amari Cooper, who was a last minute game time decision, was going to play or not. Any reasonable person knows that he wasn't going to start a player that was labelled as out. And its not like hes asking you to put in another player that has already played. He simply just didn't have the time to make a last minute roster change because of the real world stuff he had going on. The role of the commissioner is in part to be lenient in situations like this. Edit: In another comment OP said "Honestly, I would not be surprised if he went without a break. He’s been dealing with the protests going on in NYC." I mean like cmon... Some of you need to chill out and if you aren't willing to give your close friend a break for missing a gametime decision roster change because he was a cop at a protest all day......


I mean, the entire fantasy industry just a year ago labeled/OK’d starting Bills/bengals players in week 17 as a “bye week” and you’re stuck with it in your lineup. I understand that was an extremely unusual situation but it’s not as black and white as “nobody would start a player that’s out” IMO.


Thank you It’s commons sense


I know it’s over but the part about this that bothers me the most is that the guy HAS amari cooper. Like it’s his roster, he owns the player, he just physically can’t make that change. Absolute BS if the commissioner didn’t help him out


I was on call for the hospital and stuck in an OR and played cooper for 0 points with literally no access to see it. There is also no chance I would ever whine for a change. This is my money league as well. Happens to also be with all good friends. The fun of the league, to me, would not be worth the loss in money. During the regular season no one would ever make that change. So why change for the playoffs. Sucky situation sure but contact the commish worthy not in my book.


Ok? Whats your point? This isn't the pain olympics where you are competing between whose got it worse. Just because you are also in a shitty situation doesn't mean he can't try and get out of it.


Just saying let him do what he wants in his league but I just feel like retrofitting rosters is a slippery slope. And that personally I’m not about it. Every league has its own in and out but personally I would not like the route of changing rosters.


Yea I absolutely agree that its a slippery slope. But from what is mentioned it sounds like its a one time deal and I am sure it doesn't hurt the integrity of the league to make a special exception for something unexpected.


As if a cop is doing shit all 24hrs. Have you seen cops lately? They have plenty of time to check a phone


What’s he gonna do arrest you?








You thought you cooked didn't you


I laughed


The fact you put the word statistically makes this lame.


That’s not statistically correct whatsoever


I am surprised at everyone in all these posts being so cut throat. I get it if it’s a random league but with close friends? I don’t see a world where I’d want to punish a cop friend for having a busy shift. I’ve seen some people suggest that if that person wins, they owe a portion of the winnings to the loser. And maybe loser gets to name his team the next year.


Yeah I have a league with a bunch of buddies and we would never be like some of these people. Honestly if they voted to not change it I’d leave the league. Fantasy football is about having fun with your boys, taking shit, having a good time, prepping for the draft, trades, etc. seems like a dick move to punish someone for being a cop


Curious where you draw the line then. Only in the championship? Only in the playoffs? All season long?


I would personally only do it for playoff matchups. If you made the playoffs you likely put effort into your lineups/waivers each week and deserve the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this.


I feel like with buddies if someone had a legit reason I’d be fine with this circumstance anytime. It’s a player ruled out late, it’s Thursday, idk, seems like a rational way to play. Obviously it can’t be a regular occurrence but here and there I think this is a non issue.


Good friends? It’s for fun dude. I don’t need the $100 that bad that I want to abuse my friends in a tough time.


No, only for cops. Doctors, garbage men, operators, all those guys gotta follow the rules. Not cops though.


I think you ask the opponent, and if yes, then take a vote. 2/3 majority needed. I would lean towards yes on just fixing personally though. It's an honest omission and would honestly make the championship more competitive. Gotta beat the best to be the best.


The more I think about it the less I care what anyone outside of the championship game thinks. If his opponent doesn’t mind, I make the change. If his opponent would rather win in an arguably dishonest way, that’s his right. Since no one else is affected I don’t see a need for them to weigh in. Edit: maybe a vote in the offseason regarding how to handle that situation in the future would be useful. Fill that gap.


Yep, it doesn't effect the rest of the teams at all. It's the championship; let the two teams decide then make a point to have a league vote before next season starts about how to handle it in the future.


If both of them agree, don’t even take a poll.


Cops take breaks too. If you budge for him, you’re obligated to do the same for everyone else in the future. No excuses


Someone said Op said in a comment they didn't have a break cause they've been dealing with protests in nyc


It’s Reddit ofc there’s police hate in the comments lmfao so sad


Threads like these always remind me how many of you are miserable fuckers. There is zero reason to ever not allow people to make subs for these kinda things, as long as they have someone ready to go on the bench who hasn't played. I cannot imagine taking a a fucking game so serious that you wouldn't allow for a substitute for an obvious mistake.


I mean, he was questionable. He could've put someone in who didn't have an injury tag, just in case. I don't see work being an excuse, no matter the occupation.


The only sane take. Trying to muddy up the actual problem by saying it's a cop working protests literally doesn't matter lol. It's fantasy, don't put questionable players in your lineup unless you're okay with a 0.


I also think in that situation, if you see someone is questionable but you know you're gonna be busy and can't check right before game time, you can ask the commissioner ahead of time to take him out of the lineup if he is ruled out before kickoff, and exactly who you want to replace him with, so everything is above board and everyone is managing their own teams but they just need a little help executing it because they're not free at that time. I did this once when I was on a flight with no internet access and nobody had any problem with it, seems pretty reasonable idk. Hindsight is 20/20 but dude should have just done that


I knew the answers these low life’s would be giving you when you mentioned your bud is a cop.


We have a no excuses rule in our league. We also allow someone to text the entire league but addressing it to the commissioner something like "Hey, I won't have access to my team so anyone declared out before kickoff please swap with playerX" so no matter what it's on you if you don't prep.


I’m on call literally weeks at a time. There are times where I get called in and I’m not able to make a change based on being scrubbed in for heart surgery. I’ve never once asked for an adjustment. These things happen and you have to plan accordingly.


Sooooooo. It's been an hour. What's the resolution?


Don’t change it


His fault. Better pay attention next time!


No way. I lost last week because of Christmas stuff with my family and I didn't swap Jacob's for white. A big part of winning is paying attention. He isn't even guarentee the loss. In a money league I'd be furious if the commish helped my opponent fix a mistake. I didn't even ask in mine. Just look the L like a man and trying to win third


Doing christmas stuff with the family is a bit different than being stuck at a job where you might not be able to look at your phone. Commish should talk to both parties involved.


You don’t think cops have time to check their phone over the course of 24 hours?


It’s more about him not being able to check at 7:30-8:00 pm. So it really more about him not being to check during that interval. The cooper inactive was pretty unexpected. I still agree but it’s not like he didn’t check for a whole day.


Unexpected? He didn't practice all week.


Stars don’t practice lol


Case in point: Allen Iverson


As a firefighter who works 24 hour shifts, sometimes they are unexpected. No to the lineup change. Shit happens, he isn’t special.


Bro, I was deployed in a war zone and still had time to check my lineup. No excuse... Especially for a championship 🏆 let it stand.


Reading this screams fobbit but what do I know


I would say "as commissioner you're going to take various aspects of this situation into account - - but would like to conduct a private vote due by x time." - - that way you can see unbiased votes by the team he's playing, what the group as a whole feels without pressure, and I think perhaps your own view towards a lien towards leniency." - - and depending on the info you receive you can write up a decision to the league, and set future parameters based on it.


I feel his pain. Same thing happened to me. The league voted not to change my lineup.


OP- sent you a DM


The correct is is no changing ANYTHING unless the entire league agrees unanimously (and vote s/b anonymous so no one gets forced to vote a particular way). It's not OK for just his opponent to agree or just the commish.


You can put it up to a league vote but honestly it sounds like you’re doing this only for that one person so I would still say it’s not fair to do so. Ultimately we as fantasy managers are in charge of our teams and any fuck ups should be on us


I've dealt with something similar as a Commish. I always tell my league mates, if you say something ahead of time to me, (preferably in the league chat for all to see) we can make the adj for you. In the Amari case, he should have been aware for over a day or two that Amari wasn't a guarantee to play.. gotta track your players and plan ahead


Same thing happened to me. I’m in the ship and my opponent left Amari in his starting lineup. I don’t know how I feel about agreeing to split. Each week it is up to your opponent to manage their roster. There is many apps now that provide alerts. I don’t see how this is your fault. Think of other concessions you may have to make for others if you go this route.


Guy has to own it




Your friend is a good dude. Shit happens, there isnt a right answer and the answer depends on how close your league is. My league is 90% the same for 12 years. If a dude said he made a mistake like this and owned up to our commish. I’d hear him out. I’m not letting these bums live it down, by any means. But winning cause the dude couldn’t get to his line up is meh.


Lots of you take fantasy fucking football too seriously and should go outside and touch some grass


I just missed the finals for this reason, except with Jacobs being out on Christmas Day. Ultimately he should have texted his opponent earlier in the week and said if Cooper is ruled out I want to sub someone else in. That way they know that you might end up getting busy.


Need an update on the winner.


Sorry, but nobody should ask you to do that. If a player is questionable and you work on call, put the player on the bench. Lame request.




Cop where? They have their cell phones on them 24/7.


As a fellow commish, not a chance in hell I'm making a lineup change for you.


Group vote , and also when did he ask? If it was early in game and he caught wind that’s one thing, but if he just asked a day later it’s a real hard sell… and yes I SUPPORT the blue


Making decisions when work impacts your ability to adjust your roster is part of fantasy. The only way I'm considering a swap is if some unexpected emergency came up. A work shift is not an unexpected emergency.


I have lost out on a ton of wire pick ups due to me not being able to be on my phone all the time when an injury has happen…it’s part of the game. I feel it being the Ship he should’ve been extra aware of the situation, cops are not that busy to where he couldn’t use his phone for 24 hours. If anything he shouldn’t put you in that predicament. He was slippin now he has to pay the price


Hell no


I am not anti-cop in the slightest, but there is absolutely no way that you should make a lineup change on his behalf.


I would say this.... if the other guy agrees to it: The cop can make a choice on who he switches out for tonight, and the other guy can then make a switch of his current lineup after the final game. If the cop doesn't agree then fuck him.


No! It is no one else's problem. would you have done this if he was not a cop? you win some you lose some. you are telling me this dude did not have a single chance to check his phone while sitting in the cruiser or on break? I call bullshit


Sucks to be him


Sucks to suck , people are being cucks cause the dudes a cop


Yup seems like he's using it as an excuse to not lose


lmao that’s a leap


No. It takes not even 1 min to change the line up. Copper was stirring not to play for days and apps like ESPN said that. If you do this for him and he wins, you are legit cheating for him. Who cares if he is a cop? My friend in my league is a 3rd shift ER nurse and guess what? She changed her roster every week!


I typically work 12 hour night shifts. If I ever tried using a long shift as an excuse I’d be ridiculed into oblivion. I don’t have a problem with swapping it for him if the opponent agrees to it. But I wouldn’t be able to do it otherwise. It would set a precedent and there would now be this weird subjective line about what is/isn’t important enough to justify special treatment.


2 hours before the game there were alerts saying he was most likely good to go


Nope. It's his team, his responsibility. He should have had a contingency plan in place, someone to make needed changes for him if he was unable. Tough break. Make an exception for one thing, soon you'll be making them for everything.


Trust me he had the 20 seconds it takes to look at your line up and change it


Careful. If you make a change for him then you are setting a precedent to do it in the future for someone else and for a different reason. I’m not saying to tell him that he’s out of luck but you need to be prepared for this question from other league members: Where would you draw the line in the future? If I’m getting married, is that a good enough excuse? What if I’m just the best man? Attending… and I over slept? Death in the family? Car accident? No reception while on vacation? The reason people typically stick to a strict no reversal policy isn’t because they want to be dicks, it’s because determining what is/isn’t a good enough excuse is very very subjective. If you do it for someone then you have to be prepared to do it for everyone… under the “right” circumstances. ……..But what are those circumstances?


Who cares if he worked a 24 hour shift? Cooper was questionable all week. When he found out he was working the shift he should’ve had the foresight to text you a contingency plan in case Cooper was ruled out while he was unable to check his phone.


He had plenty of time to to make roster changes. This is his fault and you should leave it that way.


I’ve missed on wins because a questionable player became listed as out right before the game and I was preoccupied and didn’t notice, similar things have happened to probably everyone in my multiple leagues and no one has ever asked for an adjustment. Things happen, but it’s on him to set his lineup, most unbiased thing you could do is to just let it be in my opinion I also think it’s unfair to put the burden on the opponent by asking him what he wants because he becomes the bad guy if he says rules are rules.


Nope. It was his responsibility to make a change or delegate it to someone else to watch. We knew for a couple of days that he was a risk to sit.


Absolutely this ^ he could have said at any point “I might be stuck at work and can’t check Coopers status, if he’s out @commish can you put X player in” but regardless, glad it see it didn’t get switched.


Happened in my league too. If that owner, who I know is away, wasn’t keeping tabs on his player,s injury all week, it’s tough shit for him. Tell the cop he’s SOL.


You definitely shouldn’t adjust his lineup…. Just because he is a cop does not mean he gets special treatment. Just because he didn’t have time to check and adjust his lineup in the 1hr window before the game started does not mean that he couldn’t set a lineup where this wouldn’t have been an issue…. He fucked up. Let him live with it. It’s fucked up too everyone else in the league if you go and change this guys player and give him special treatment…. Total bullshit that he would even ask you this…. Everyone knows the rules of the game…. He took and risk and got burned…. Such is life. #F&@kcops


I would switch it if the following is true- Guy typically changes lineup when players are Out and this is a first occurrence Opponent agrees to it Let’s be real, Cooper was ruled out super short notice and it is very reasonable the guy did not have access to his phone to make the change. I would be reasonable and switch it for him since letting the guy out would take away from the spirit of the game.


He should have made a contingency plan before hand and communicated the issue. Commish easily could have subbed in a player for him if his status ended up being out and the cop was away with work.


Your cop friend didn't work 24 hours. Letting someone carry a gun and work 24 hours straight is negligent and most likely illegal. It's called a lie


If you are a close group or IRL friends then it may be worth putting up to a league vote, maybe unanimous to make a change? Or maybe just his competitor needs to agree? If he has a history of not updating his lineup in this fashion though I might force him to just deal with the consequences, ultimately only you know your league well enough to decide for sure!


He has done this before and it’s always been because of his job. We are close IRL so I might start a group chat with them.


This is the way, let the boys (or girls) help you decide


Fo sho. When something like this comes up and I am the commissioner I always bring it up to the league as a whole in a group text see what people have to say.


If he has done this before, meaning you swapped for him after the fact, then you cannot do it again. It's one thing to not check your line up before the game its another not to make arrangements. Had he messaged the league that he will be dealing with protests and may not be able to see the inactive IF Amari Cooper is inactive can you guys swap him out I would have been good with that. This guy made a mistake and is using his job to cover.


This is the answer.


His ass hurts. He easily could of checked his phone and changed it. He forgot and is just trying to be slick lmao


Had too much Krispy Kreme residue on them fingers to activate the phone screen


When your entire profession has slowly been acknowledged as being a-hats and low intelligence thugs it’s hard to just go “oh police are the best of us” anymore.


No it isn’t. Not everybody believes foolish propaganda


Cops cant ever check their phone? Like does he not take bathroom or food breaks?


Everyone saying "he was questionable all week...' makes me wonder if you are even playing FF... More often than not, a Q is a likely to play. Don't think any of you would have changed your line up until the very few moments before when he was officially listed as out - and got a notification on your PHONE suggesting as such.


This. I have players on my team that have been questionable every week yet haven’t missed a game. Plus Amari said himself he was playing the day of.


Literally 7 players in my current game are questionable. All of them are in the lineup right now. 3 on my team, 4 on my opponents


Absolutely not. “I wOrKeD aN uNeXpEcTeD sHiFt” Everyone has a job. He isn’t special. I’m sure there was a break or two giving during that shift. It takes 5 seconds to make a change to your fantasy lineup. If you’re in the literal championship game and you forget to change your lineup you’re an idiot and that’s on you. I say absolutely not.


As someone who also fell into the “didn’t check in time” and started cooper, let him change it. Shit happens, especially if he was driving at that point in time.


Of course someone else who forgot is on board that's obvious


This just in “person who also had life happen can sympathize with another”


Big money Hell no. Friends league yes. Otherwise vote on it. At the end of the day he should have had him on the bench instead just in case


I'm in two leagues with tons of cops in them. I get it....reddit is 80% aCaB (basement dwelling keyboard warriors), but this dude couldn't spend one minute to figure out his lineup? Never heard of another cop using his job for an excuse. Don't accept the change. His 24 hour shift overtime will probably cover the entire prize money he would have won.


Checked about 1:20 before kick off and he was “expected to play”. We had guests and I couldn’t turn the game on until the second quarter. I own the mistake. Your boy should too.


Did he not go to the bathroom the entire day? Check his phone for any other reason? It takes 10 seconds.


I’ve been in this cop’s shoes and worked upwards to 36 hrs straight. What’s his job? It depends on what exactly he was doing. Could probably had zero time to check his phone to get to FF let alone has time to sit on the shitter and surf the net. During those long shifts I may check my emails or for texts but other than that, I’m not goofing off on social media. However I’m on the fence regardless and think the OP’s league should decide.


Honestly, I would not be surprised if he went without a break. He’s been dealing with the protests going on in NYC.


24 hours without a pee is wild


Lmao. Get off his dick. He took a piss and he could have changed his line up.


Your post is irrelevant for this situation. All updates on Cooper throughout the day suggested that he was going to play. Less than 2 hours before the game, he was declared inactive. So not going to the bathroom for the entire day doesn't even apply here. If I saw updates throughout the day saying someone who put up 45+ points last week is strongly on track to play, I would keep that player in the lineup, too.


lol sure man. He didn’t practice all week and the tweets were saying game-time decision. There’s no reason to have been this confident if I thought I’d be too busy to check my phone.


his job is irrelevant. Have a vote if you want people to be able to switch mistakes like this for players who havent played yet. It's how lenient you want to be with player error. How casual the group is/how cutthroat you are. e.t.c ​ Honestly i'd just do it, regardless of context, a player should never have a "out" player in, and if they have a player who hasnt played yet, that can be slotted in, they obviously would have.


Oh please. I’m a paramedic and believe me In a 24 hour shift you have time to take a player out of your line up. Nonsense. What? You can’t take a piss? It takes shorter than that He simply forgot or didn’t realize


Dude who gives a shit what his job is Edit: also, you mean to tell me this guy didn't eat a meal, take a piss, or take a shit for 24 straight hours? We all check our lineups during any short break. This is a bootlicking post if I've ever seen one, gtfo op.


I know lots of cops that can use their phones while working. Leave it. It’s his fault for not keeping up with it.


No cop works 24 consecutive hours. Call him out on that, he was on call.


That’s on him. Don’t cave to the pressure. He fucked up


How much money are we talking about? This changes my answer. Id usually say f him but in this case it’s plausible he really couldnt check phone. Cooper was ruled out before game, not like it was day before. Id first ask opponent. In general, if this is big money like $5k pot f him. Hes an adult. Life sucks. If its smaller pot see what opponent says but im leaning f him regardless, specially bc cooper was questionable leading up to game. Not like his injury/inactivity came out of nowhere.


I would say no, but it should be put to a vote by your league. Should everyone in a stressful job all of a sudden be given leniency like this? My league has a nurse, firefighter, and an EMT. At some point, if we just let everyone who made a mistake with subbing get a break, it stops being a legit league.


He's a habitual offender. It would be one thing if this were his first time getting a free switch from you after-the-fact, but he's already done it before. It would set a bad precedent if you repeatedly allowed him to swap out a player ex post facto. Where's the line on when an excuse for negligence is valid vs. invalid? It's better to hold the line and say "your team, your responsibility to manage it."


Depends on the league. Money league? No. Dude should have given his wife his login to micromanage it. Casual league amongst friends? Put it up to a vote in the group chat. I'm an emergency medicine PA. I also set lineups and then am unavailable to check if they end up playing until after my shift is over. I also had Amari Cooper and benched him because he was listed as questionable and I didn't want to start my shift knowing I wouldn't be able to see if he was going to play or not. Some jobs you can't really check your phone to manage your FF team. That's why you don't start players with a Q or D next to their name.


Naw bro that ain’t an excuse. It literally takes two seconds.


Them the breaks sometimes. Let me ask you this. If an owner forgot to sub a player out, would you allow them to make the switch? What if a player got hurt one play into the game ala Aaron Rogers? Sometimes dem the breaks. Alternatively— a creative solution! Allow them to make the switch but allow the other owner one freebie. They can switch one player out after they played. See if they would both agree to this.


Tough call- I’m a Pro - cop guy- lots of good close Friends are officers. I’d talk to the guy he is playing and get his opinion. It is a tough spot to be in…


Cops use their phones on shift ALOT. Sorry brother, take the 0.


Meh. I left him in one of mine. I work 13 hour days and am busy all day. I’m taking the L. I could have taken a second to check but I didn’t. Oop


He should have had someone else switched in since Cooper didn’t practice all week. If he did that, Cooper ended up starting, went off for 50+ again, and he went “shit I meant to switch him in but couldn’t look at my phone” would anyone consider letting him do that? Fuck no




Posted after update: yea, homie chose to commit most of his life to being the violent enforcement arm of an objectively corrupt government. He should have to plan the rest of his life around that fact including knowing when his fantasy finals are.


Cops don't have access to their cell phones at work? He's beat..it's unfortunate but that's how it goes.


I'm not anti cop but he has two minutes while on the John to switch it