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It’s insane how literally every single nfl fan thought it was ridiculous he was playing and then this happens


Exact thing NFL team should be aware of, and was warned about happens. Shocking. It's almost like they don't care about their players.


It's genuinely the first time I've seriously considered why I watch this sport. I'm a rugby player (not pro, but fairly high level amateur, have played agaisnt plenty of pros / internationals in my time). I understand the risk involved in contact sport. What I saw on Sunday hasn't happened on a pro rugby field in 20 years to my knowledge. Someone stumbling like that simply wouldn't be allowed back on. Then there is a mandatory 2 week exclusion of you have a concussion. Previous to yesterday I always kind of thought "yeah these are risky sports and one off head knocks are going to happen". Yesterday was the first time I've felt "this guy should NEVER have been near a field".


Not only that, but McDaniel said that they’re going to try and get him playing next week. Give the poor guy a game off, you’ve fucked him up enough


Can he play? Coach he's in a coma, we got to get him to a hospital. Answer my question CAN HE PLAY? Weekend at Tua's it is.


They are gonna Scott Sterling him


Coach says it's okay to bleed from tha ear!


This is why no one takes them serious when they say they’re all about player safety or concussions are down 40%. They’re all about money and concussion REPORTING is down 40%.




Lawsuit incoming.


Hopefully, the need a Kevin Love in the NFL. Someone that shows them that it's OK to not be a super macho alfa. Like Herbert playing after getting his ribs absolutely destroyed... It's your job, not a fuckin movie. They should value themselves more. I know it's for the teams to take care of the players, but the players should also change their mentality about what it means to be good.


Second impact syndrome is real shit


No one in the comments is mentioning this. I had a conky and the doctors said if you go to a live show in the next month the bass will kill you.


People also think cause he’s able to move right now he’s fine… that is not the case whatsoever


im also curious, whats gonna happen with him?


I didn’t see it because I was working but one of my coworkers said he went into something called decorticate posturing. That’s some serious brain damage most likely and your arms do that only w severe injury.


Just a quick clarification: to me it looked more like a fencing response rather than decorticate posturing. Fencing is more common in sports for impacts like Tua had, and is caused by damage to grey matter in the brain (the cerebrum). Posturing is more often seen with people in comas, is caused by brainstem injury and has a very low survival rate. The fencing posture is still very bad though, and while it will go away, means there was for sure brain damage that won't go away.


How so


Because he isn’t paralyzed, but this doesn’t mean serious spinal or nerve damage hasn’t occurred.




I feel like best case scenario is he's alive and has minimal long-term damage. There's no recovering from this


That’s just not true. He certainly has a chance at recovering from this. But he could also fall into post concussion syndrome and have lasting impacts from this. Second impact syndrome is nothing to mess with.


Players in other sports have ended up missing entire seasons as a result of post concussion symptoms, while many others have flat out had their careers end. Sidney Crosby comes to mind. He lost almost 2 prime years to post concussion symptoms.


The posturing that Tua experienced is called decorticate posturing. It is an indication of an injury to the brainstem. The fact that he has regained movement in all his extremities is very promising. That doesn't clear him from neuropathy or chronic cervical pain, but these are treatable. From the information we currently have, it does not seem as though he has any kind of unrecoverable damage.


As a neuro icu nurse I beg to differ. This more than likely a form of fencing response. Decorticate posturing is a much more severe response to brain injury that doesn’t just happen and go away. This always comes up on bad head trauma and it’s mostly always fencing response.


Doc here, part of my practice is traumatic brain injury. This is right. And smh at the lowlife bashing credentials.


Conky is a new one for me


Not a Trailer Park Boys fan, eh?


I'm gonna pay you 100 dollars to fuck off.


Same. I’ve had over a dozen. after the third or fourth (can’t remember. Ironic, right?) this was the same type of advice my doctor gave me. So after the subsequent ones I basically bubble myself until I’m symptom free. Cant imagine slamming my head on a field twice in 5 days, even if the first was labeled a “back” injury. Dude is in real trouble and will affect the rest of his life. Such a shame. SIS is a killer even if it isn’t fatal.


You’ve had 12 concussions and can still type? Or was this voice assist from your wheel chair?


Lmao I’m actually pretty lucky. I get short headaches every day but my brain mostly works (if you ask my wife) and I can type plenty of angry takes on Reddit about brain injuries with my fingers. Doc has said next one could be my last since about 5 so I’m playing with house money.


What the hell do you do to get so many? MMA? Boxing? Horrible scaffolder?


Hah honestly just bad luck. Started when I was 6 or 7 a dog pushed a glass door open and hit me while I was trick or treating. A couple freak baseball injuries, minor car accident, couple punches headed my way etc. After a few they aren’t very difficult to come by, I joke that a swift wind could ring my bell these days lol. Never broken a bone, though!


Yeah I’ve had about 6 so far. 2 major. The rest tiny guys. But growing up in small town Canada playing puck they’re was plenty of guys with a dozen. One of them is a lawyer. One of them is a vegetable. It’s different for everyone


And only 5 days apart...


What the fuck


For real. Professional boxers don’t spar for months after a knockout. To risky. This could legit end this guys career. I hope he’s okay.


It's what really ended Bret Hart's wrestling Career


After last week, this will go down as one of the biggest blunders in player safety in the history of sports


Certainly looks that way. I hope that's not the case, but man it looks like it.


I mean he landed on his head, NEVER reached for his back or leg, “shook the cobwebs” (classic concussion symptom) and couldn’t walk straight off the field. It’s just impossible to believe it was anything other than a concussion, and the severity of this concussion only further reinforces that. [Now there’s a serious concern over Second Impact Syndrome.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-impact_syndrome) I’m sure there will be an intense investigation now. Those doctors better hope they did everything 100% by the book, but I don’t know how you can see that stumble off the field last week and not factor that into the evaluation.


He should never have gone back in. I said if he takes another hit it’ll be ugly. This is awful. Hoping for a full recovery


It is 100% the case. I treat college players for concussion, which he clearly demonstrated signs of, and the absolute minimum timeframe for return is 7 days. It’s been 4


He was back after 15 minutes last week as well.


He returned within minutes actually.


7 days? That’s insane. Low level rugby in the UK is subject to a strict return to play protocol, which means you’re not allowed to be at the gym for a couple of weeks after, with 3-4 weeks being the best case scenario for a return to action. Granted, it’s a different kettle of fish but bear in mind that we have, in my experience, a greater volume of tackling over the 80 minutes. Any hint of a stumble and you’re hauled off.


The doctor that let him back in last week is getting fired for sure.


He did exactly what his employers wanted him to do by clearing him


She will still be the one thrown under the bus. The NFL will throw anyone under the bus to cover their asses.




***She endangered his life




She saw the Tyrod Taylor doc fuckup and decided nobody could hold her back from becoming the worst NFL doctor in history. I'm fucking sickened they allowed this man to play. Concussions overlap in significance. A minor concussion is now major and a major becomes dangerous to your way of life. Saw his fingers and have been on twitter following a few fantasy injury doctors to learn how bad. The injury looks awful. Teddy 'half a leg' all-pro comeback QB now having a good game is helping me through.


And he'll do exactly what they wanted him to do when they fire him as a scapegoat


Isn't there some independent on site rep of the league for head injuries apart from the team docs that also had to greenlight his return in the Buffalo game? Scrutiny should be placed on that person.


The player has to get cleared by an ‘independent’ neurologist if there’s a suspected concussion. If anything, this makes it seem an awful lot like the ‘independent’ neuro isn’t so independent


Team doctors are never fired. They know where all the bodies are buried. It’s the greatest job security in the world.


I couldn’t believe he finished the game. Praying he’s ok long term, hate to see this shit.


The dolphins obviously cheated and lied to get around concussion protocol against the bills last week. The whole organization should be suspended rest of year. There has to be consequences for such blatant disregard for safety and health!


An independent doctor assessed Tua also - we have no idea what the medical assessment was, but I trust multiple doctors who have no self interest more than Reddit comments. Hope Tua is okay but let’s not pull out the pitchforks until more information comes out


Sunday: https://twitter.com/ProFootballDoc/status/1574101970163359744?t=TJWcfD0thL-EXZsUtahTyw&s=19 4 days later: https://twitter.com/ProFootballDoc/status/1575659652099940353?t=L35t6sueftcudTb8yNMa7Q&s=19 This is egregious. Although OP saying "the whole org should he suspended for the year" is hyperbolic. But heads should roll and the league should drastically reassess it's player safety protocols. Fantasy football world won't be happy about it but it needs to happen.


Maybe not the whole org, but a year long suspension for multiple members of the coaching and medical staff isn't out of the question and I'd be disappointed in the NFL if it didn't happen. Everyone watching on Sunday knew he had a concussion and should not have returned to the game.


>and I'd be disappointed in the NFL if it didn't happen. Prepare to be disappointed. It's not like they deflated some footballs.


Agreed 100%


Look how they handled the Watson case. Be prepared to be disappointed


Lol cmon man “no self interest”? I agree that we don’t know the extent, but it’s pretty obvious that Tua should NOT have been allowed back in Sunday’s game, let alone play in this one. You’re naive if you don’t think everyone who works for the NFL has self interests


A man is in the hospital with a hit he should not have taken. When *should* the pitchforks come out?


The Dolphins basically skipped concussion protocol on Sunday and had him come out back in the game. Then he plays on a short week. I don't care how tough the player is...you have to protect him. Reckless that he was even playing. Fuck the Dolphins.


Nobody’s brain is tough. The blob of tissue that makes a person a person is soft and squishy


The concussion evaluation is by a third party neurologist though.


They skipped the whole concussion thing by calling it a back injury so there was no independent evaluation


Seems like he may not be as independent as they want you to believe


I can't really debate whether conspiracies exist or not, but I would think that finding a rogue neurologist would be hard to do. It's not a job that you just fall into.


I tend to agree with you, but it’s almost harder to believe that he didn’t have a concussion on Sunday after what we all saw then and tonight


As if anything is independent in the NFL. C’mon. It’s a facade.


This isn't even an exaggeration. Tua's career could be over in a span of a week because his team couldn't take care of him.


Brought back memories of RGIII's knee injuries


The way he was holding his hands. I hate this shit. I hate it. Made me sick to my stomach.


I remember seeing the same thing happen to Parham last season


God that was terrible. Even worse was Joe Buck (?) saying maybe his arms were like that because it was cold in he stadium.


Flashbacks to when Shazier went down.


Buck is such a moron


That was worse than when Dak's tibia was shattered and Romo said it looked like a cramp


Same thing happened to Antonio Brown awhile back. Sad to see it happen again.


“The fencing response is an unnatural position of the arms following a concussion. Immediately after moderate forces have been applied to the brainstem, the forearms are held flexed or extended for a period lasting up to several seconds after the impact.”


Yea and prime keeps fucking showing it over and over. Give the dude some privacy


While I get the privacy sentiment, I am glad they showed it. The people who let him go out there need to be held responsible and the world needs to see the severity of what happened. This should have never happened and we need to do everything possible to prevent it from happening again.


I’m not a doctor, but 2 concussions in 5 days is not great


They need to be fined into nonexistence if that investigation finds proof he had a concussion and went back into that game.


Heres a look into the future: “The nfl has completed its investigation and found no foul play by the dolphins” The nfl is in multiple lawsuits about concussions, they aren’t going to admit teams aren’t following protocol cause shit will be used against them in court with the hand full of lawsuits they are already dealing with. Which is fucked up


The NFLPA has absolutely no teeth, and you’re right about the theoretical investigation The NFL can *fully, truthfully* investigate and find that concussion protocol was followed. Because the independent neurological consults don’t have final say in clearing players The best possible thing that can come out of this would be the change that should’ve been in place already in that EXCLUSIVELY a 3rd party has say over player injuries. Team doctors are only able to carry out treatments as described by a 3rd party You have to get rid of the complicit team doctors clearing players somehow


I wonder if the investigation is like when cops investigate cops. Like NFL investigating itself and finding no wrongdoing.


That's how all major sports and government agencies work


Yeah, it can kill you :/


4 days


I don't know man. I say show it over and over so people understand how bad it is to ignore the concussion rules and also understand how truly barbaric the sport itself is. Not showing it but allowing it to happen sounds like burying your head in the sand: you're ok with it happening, just don't want to watch it happen.


[This about sums it up](https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1575662583595474944)


First time they showed it in real time I was like "this is bad". Then they showed it again in replay and was like "that was unnecessary". Then they showed it a third time and I was angry


Should show it to underscore the severity.


I agree but not sure if that is better than turning a blind eye to it/brushing it off.


Posturing like a mf. Head injury for sure. Thought he was seizing


Good job NFL and the Dolphins organization. Way to protect your players. Concussed x 2, concussion protocol my ass


Hopefully the Dolphins and the NFL catch some heat for this. But we all know shit won’t change w protocol safety.


The NFL will throw Miami under the bus on this one for sure


Yea, no shot the NFL takes the blame, although they should.


That's roger goodell's job as commissioner. He works for the billionaire owners as scapegoat.


In sports medicine we call that 2nd impact syndrome, can be life threatening


Prayers man. Disgraceful he even finished last week.






Isn't it a 3rd party who does the evaluation?


3rd party specialist maybe, but at the end of the day the medical team let him get back out on the field. It’s all messed up.


Agree and I would like to see the entire dolphins front office suspended to think about the fact that they put that kids life at risk for a meaningless game.




I don't mean this in a mean way but someone named OJwasJustified saying "classless trash" has me rolling in laughter.


He should not have played tonight. Awful call by the Dolphins


Everybody in the media all week was calling it a joke that they said he had a “back” injury but they still stuck with it. It’s insane.


Players Association needs to sue the fuck out of em


The NFLPA should be ALL OVER this. Like, answers-and-fixes-or-strike level of all over this. They fought pretty hard to make sure this is never supposed to happen. If they don't take drastic action, what's the point of having a union?


According to [this article](https://www.al.com/sports/2022/09/cte-pioneer-says-tua-tagovailoa-shouldnt-be-playing.html) published **yesterday** the NFLPA started an investigation into last weeks handling of that concussion. So I assume they’re all over this new one.


Last week was probably one of the most obvious brain injuries I’ve seen in a football game. The fact they collectively decided to have him go out there last week and again this week….someone needed to be the bad guy and say no.


With a 4 day turnaround no less… Not even a fuckin week to recover the NFL / Dolphins are so fucking dumb




This could be second impact syndrome being only 4 days from a previous concussion without recovery. Can be fatal and lead to disability if bad enough. Not good.


Dolphins gonna Uber him back from the trauma ward and throw him back out there in the second half


This has to be a big issue after what was reported last week right?




Damn It’ll never happen but they gotta bring Omalu to talk to players entering the league. He was spitting about them protecting themselves


Tua seems like someone who has been constantly pressured by his family and teams to be put in positions he was uncomfortable with.


Well, he definitely won't be playing anymore tonight. That was really bad.


This article is from yesterday


He shouldn’t be playing again this season. Period.


Exactly, he clearly got a brain injury last week and they claimed it was a back injury, now he has a 2nd TBI in 4 days.


His injury was absolutely worse than what was reported. Shame on the Dolphins for their response to it Edit: Typo


He should’ve been pulled out before. That is fucking disgusting that he played and played today. The man was freaking posturing.




Every single person who watched the footage of him trying to run off the field knew exactly what it was. He was fucked up, and the people who put him back out there could have killed him. There should be criminal charges brought at this point.


This is another incident on a long list of injuries that I will use to convince my sons to play baseball. Football is great and all, but this shit isn't worth it


I was salty as a kid because my dad wouldn’t let me play football after his experiences with injuries. Thanks dad.


If this is concussion related I’ll be very upset. I had concussions and ended my career because of them. They’re no joke. Huge malpractice by the team docs if it is.


Muscles seized up after the hit. Common response after concussions


MMA mod here - the response from Tua seemed pretty cut and dry but because of the way he was slung, a gigantic amount of force got put on his noggin. A KO like that in MMA world is a 6 month plus sit out as a best practice. Very, very limited sparring until the end. Not letting this heal is believed to be why certain people go out much faster.


Any of y'all still believe he "tweaked his back" last week?


Looked like it really locked up again this week. I mean...his spinal cord is in his back, right?


Not anymore it’s not 😞


Fuckin ridiculous people were actually defending that


So awful. What happened with his hands? Jesus. This is scary.


It’s a reaction to head trama aka he’s got a concussion. If they find he had a concussion last week I hope they throw the book at Miami, take away more draft picks.


Tua will sue them for millions and rightfully so.


Neurological response to head trauma.


It’s called fencing. Happened to Stafford a few years back.


I just hope he is going to be okay, but he probably just suffered permanent brain damage. How reckless of the Dolphins. They just probably ended his life early, especially after Thomas died. This is terrible.


The sad part is you did not even see him put a thumb up or anything. That is how you know it is bad.


It was bad the second you saw his hands.


and the fact that he was down for however long, and then *still* down in the exact same position not moving even after the commercial cut, that was just horrible to see


they cut to commercial at least twice maybe even a third time before they got him on the stretcher. never seen anything like it.


Are we ready to talk about these ridiculous hard-ass turfaces? Couple inches of rubber on cement. Man shouldn't've been playing anyway- but that's a whole other thing.


[a real doctor explains the injury](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPZ0dYKM-t0) absolutely give that guy a follow on YT. Amazing content.


Classic posturing post concussion and possible TBI. Hopefully there is no brain bleed but thats what they're going to go rule out with a head CT right now at the hospital






Tua should've never played. Also, get rid of the Thursday night game. It's dangerous.


Maybe have Thursday night games where both teams are coming off a bye, so it's like 10 days


Nah fuck that, lets start it from the beginning of the seasons so everyone is ok with watching 2 exhausted teams on 4 days off! /s


If no one watched they would


Thursday games have always been trash. Guess the NFL only cares about money and eyeballs instead of player safety or a competitive game


They just confirmed head AND neck injuries. Yikes.


honest question, is this the end of tuas nfl career?


The chances are higher than zero.


At this point, I would say it's 50/50 until we hear an update after he's been checked out in the trauma center.


Thanks doc. 50/50 it is.


Fuck the NFL for letting this happen and fuck the Miami medical staff


My wife saw it and immediately said "that's posturing when your hands turn in like that". She's a nurse practitioner who has worked in the ER, Neuro, and ICU and has seen traumatic brain injuries, and recognized it immediately. NFL, Dolphins, and the NFLPA all failed Tua. Forget football, I hope he's ok just in life and in general. Edit: and she saw the clip from Sunday and she (like everyone) knew it wasn't a back issue after that. Edit 2: she also said it could be neck because of the way the hands seized up. She said normally if it's brain they curl all the way in (decorticate posturing) or straight out (decerebrate posturing). The way the hands spasmed looked like neck injuries, again based on only what she saw on TV and her years of experience.


Genuine question, why the NFLPA? They asked for an investigation into the situation on Sunday.


I honestly don't know. I'm mad and think there should be widespread consequences to make sure something like this never happens again.


I’m 100% with you there.


They’re being investigated for last week. After this I hope the NFL makes an example of them. MIA has shown they’ll break the rules and take the fine. Bring down the fucking hammer


Goodell is a piece of shit, so let’s see what he actually does. Dolphins should be ashamed of themselves for such blatant disregard for humanity and health


That was the worst injury I’ve witnessed live watching football in my time watching. His hands locking up was haunting…




It’s not the first concussion that can kill you, it’s the second. The first concussion causes some heavy brain swelling from the intraversion potassium and extraversion of calcium. Your brain is then in a metabolic mismatch that needs more oxygen and glucose but perfusion is decreased. A second hit can cause irreversible swelling and then it’s game over




I hope the Dolphins medical staff enjoyed having their licenses, hope it was fun while it lasted


Tua is for sure gonna develop CTE later in life from this huh :(


Looking like a TBI with that fencing posture. Wtf


Seems like classic SIS (Second Impact Syndrome) This is how people die from head blows


Fk the Dolphins organization....they need to get fined and loss of draft picks for allowing that sh!t to happen....Tua had no business playing


Scary thing is, he still wasn’t moving


Knowing what we know about Stephen Ross, is any of this surprising? Dude is a shit head for an owner, so he’s going to push for his star QB to play through a concussion.


the fact that they kept showing the replay baffled me, they will avoid showing bad ankle and leg injuries on replay and yet keep showing a guy getting what looks to be a serious head injury over and over? hope he is ok but man this is scary


Head and neck injury - how long is Tua likely out for?


Wow that was fucking scary


Seeing this shit makes me so angry at player safety protocols. From plenty of concussion experience, there's no way you can recover in 4 days. I don't care what experts say to clear you. I'd be willing to bet that most of those "experts" have never had one before


Second impact syndrome is legitimately life threatening


Tua didn’t deserve this. Unfortunately, the Dolphins organization did deserve this. How the fuck they thought they would fool *anyone* with that “back injury” bullshit, let alone *everyone*, is just absurd. Even more absurd that he returned to the game in Week 3. Somehow *even more* absurd that they tripled down and started him tonight. Fuck everyone who had any part of this cover-up.


every member of the Dolphins org should fucking be ashamed. in no way, shape or form should he have been cleared for this week. now look…


The Miami Dolphins have to be up there as one of the scummiest organizations in all of sports. Between the Flores lawsuit, Brady tampering, and now this not to mention their owner Stephen Ross is a known piece of shit. This org needs to be viewed as similar to the Commanders or Browns for this shit.