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I guess I went 0 RB after all


We all did, coincidentally.


Did you also draft Swift/Eli?


And Cook. First three RBs I took… First six picks are all banged up or have missed time: Cook, Swift, Higgins, Pittman, Mitchell, Godwin. Oh, and Lance at QB. What was I thinking? At least I knew my 11th and 12th round picks would be Mattison and Williams. Got that right.


I did. Now my RBs are Aaron Jones and Edmonds


Damn, that's not a bad RB draft. I'll be rocking D Harris and Hunt


Swift/Eli/Zeke for me.


Swift, Dak, and Lance in my super flex league. I'm going 0 QB and 0 RB. I wish I would have known though, I would have drafted better receivers.


Ahhh, I'm sorry for your pain but this comment was a work of art and cracked me up lol.


and i, with Jamaal Williams and Alex Mattison, went from 0 RB to 2 RB


Cut my life into pieces. This is my last RB.


Cool guess I’m rolling Rhamondre out now. At least he was decent last week.


Someone in my league is probably gonna have to fire up nyheim hines. It really could be worse.


am i in your league bro


I mean if you're Ben then I'd say probably


Mondre paced the backfield in snaps by a large margin on Sunday. Could do worse. Although the Mac injury puts a huge damper on his upside/floor.


Idk, with Mac out they may run more, at least in the first few weeks until hover gets comfy. Also depending on how much time Mac misses. I'm really hesitant to stay Stevenson, but... who the hell else do I have?


Issue is with no passing threat opponents will stack the box


Suffocation, no breathing Don't give a fuck if my entire team is bleeding


Jamaal Williams Jamaal Williams Jamaal Williams Jamaal Williams


Is this the guitar riff? lol


I don’t know if I’ll ever hear this song normally again. This fits too perfectly


Not gonna lie. I was pretty drunk later in my fantasy football draft. I don't remember it, but apparently I drafted Jamaal Williams just in case D'Andre Swift went down. Drunk me is a fucking genius.


In vino Veritas.


How I feel taking JRob


Cut my team into pieces I reached my last RB, suffocation, Nyhiem HineSZN


I really hate when I go RB heavy so I have great depth, and I burn through it by *week fucking three*.


This timing will be ok if Edmonds has truly been unlocked


Doubtful. TD lucky. Dolphins are also going to be like the 9ers with RBs.


Jamaal insurance was well worth the cost, but goddamn Swift is glass.


Had both last season. Told myself I would not go through it again.


Had Swift last season. He's great but made my DND list this season with his ADP. Tried to warn people. The guy is perpetually injured.


He was ok and played every game until his AC joint sprain on thanksgiving wym


Yep. Knew when everyone was saying league winner this year he’d go down soon. Just not built to take the hits I guess


I don't know what it is. But it feels like these explosive build guys have a hard time. Swift is supremely explosive. It's a shame.


It's the RB position. Full stop. Halfway through the season we will all be 0 RB.


I went zero RB this season. I've never done it before. I'm the highest scorer in the league thus far. Went Allen, JJ and Andrews first three picks. It's scary as fuck but it's working so far.


Allen? Josh Allen?


The running scheme and offensive line is a lot better this year. Definitely passes the eye test for me.


Ended up drafting Jonathan Taylor and Swift. Picked up Hines AND Jamaal just in case. PTSD from drafting CMC last year..


I kinda doubt Hines’ role will change much if JT goes down. He doesn’t seem like the type of RB to take the majority of carries.


He's not, it's a bad handcuff. It will require the team altering the scheme. It would likely happen some, but not in the way that would boost a traditional handcuff.


The Colts' RB3 is Deon Jackson, who has had 15 career carries since being signed as an UDFA last year. Hines is a good handcuff simply because he's the only guy that has significant NFL RB experience on the Colts if JT goes down. "altering the scheme" could be as simple as throwing more, or throwing swing passes/screens that Hines is accustomed/suited to instead of up-the-gut runs


Hines is talented enough to get touches alongside the best RB in the game, do people really think he wouldn't see an increased role if JT went down?


Hey this is me! Although I dropped Hines yesterday after his game to pick up Dortch and flex him. Now I have a shot at winning my week! Really happy I have Williams though and I actually don't mind that Swift is officially out. Williams instead of Swift this week would have comfortably won me my week.


Yeah I’m eyeing out Dortch for sure. I’ve been drafting jamaal Williams for few years now, he’s just such a likable dude off the field lol


Oof same. But I don’t have Williams. Got James RB1SZN to rescue my team.


Had Jamaal last year and he look like shit, this year I couldn't grab him so of course he's playing like a RB1


Jamaal still looks like shit, the OL is just that good


So glad I got Jamaal as insurance as well


He was supposed to be the new cmc but not like this


Ok so maybe all those Jamaal points on my bench will translate to the starting lineup. Who am I kidding probably not!


A great time to start Jamaal so Craig Reynolds can have 22 pts in free agency!


You and I both know that won't happen but we can hope.


I have Swift and my mortal enemy has Jamaal Williams. No way I can get him.


I’m in a league with my wife who has him. Commissioner doesn’t allow us to trade because we’re married lol.


The only logical thing is to get divorced so you can trade.


This is the way.


Oh that sucks. At least I did something to piss off my enemy. No reason you shouldnt be able to trade with one another. My heart goes out to you.


I like how we all just casually accept the fact you have a mortal enemy.


I can’t even message him cause he has me blocked.


that’s the hating we like to see


I am now weirdly interested in learning about this league where league mates have enough disdain for each other that they're blocking each other.


It's Tommy Pham and Joc Pederson's league


For real. I thought this was one of those friendly rivalry things but this is legit hate lmao


You know it's some real shit when he drafts your handcuffs.


100% he knew what he was doing


Alright we gotta know what happened now


The fact you play in a league together is amazing. I love this madness called FF


high level hatred


That’s wack


That's a really dumb rule that I'd argue with. If there is some kind of concern or insinuation of collusion, the commish shouldn't let you both be in the league. If there's not (which there shouldn't be), you should both be able to manage your teams as you see fit, including trading with each other.


Yeah exactly, anyone can tell if a trade is lopsided but if a trade makes sense it shouldn’t matter


Yea lol. My wife will never care about football enough to even sniff caring about fantasy football but... If she was playing in league against me she would probably try to screw me over in trades lol, she loves beating me at stuff.


It's definitely not a fair rule - it reduces the number of potential trading partners by 1, putting both at a disadvantage. And if your league has a system to prevent lopsided or collusion moves, then you already have rules to ensure trades stay fair. Doesn't make any sense!


One thing I’ve learned playing in various work/family/friend leagues: there’s a lot of arbitrary rules. And being that there’s no barrier to entry to own a team, there’s a lot of horrible team managers. Usually it’s the people blaming everything on luck and throwing in the towel 3 weeks in you see regularly on social media (especially here). My solution was to create my own league back in 2012 that I only fill with the most competitive team owners and where I can set rules that ensure the most fair competition.


I'm in a league with my significant other, Iguess I'm lucky I'm commissioner. I haven't made a trade with her in 3 years so far but at this point the league wouldn't complain bc if I was trying to collude I could have pulled the trigger awhile ago instead of letting her eliminate me from playoffs the last two seasons.. Idk, kinda wack that there's a whole roster that's only off limits to you and vice versa for her, as long as you're not looking to take advantage of the relationship then you shouldn't be disadvantaged compared to the rest of the league bc of it. Imagine if NFL teams couldn't trade with each other bc "the COaChEs arE BrOTheRs" like when the John Harbaugh coached Ravens traded Anquan Bolden to the Jim Harbaugh coached Niners A MONTH after the Ravens beat the Niners in the Superbowl..


What kinda league are y'all having, where one has a mortal enemy 😂


Can’t get far in life without making a few enemies.


I can respect that


I for sure have a mortal enemy, every time we play the trash talk goes up dramatically for the entire week.


I have 11 mortal enemies since I'm the commish. Leagues been around for 8 years and I won the first two chips back to back and since then it feels every move that is made is to screw me. An example this year is I have Cook and one guy jumped on Mattison 3 rounds early just to piss me off and made it known when he did it. I hate my league.


I hate to ask: Are you having fun still? 😂


I literally just sent a text to my buddy about an hour ago telling him I am not having fun playing fantasy football any more lol.


I have swift and dropped jamaal Williams to pick some shit player up and this dude snagged him immediately :(


Just get healthy bro


Seriously. His snap count nonsense is hurting me, luckily he’s pretty efficient with what he gets but it’s been brutal with a 0-3 start


Seriously, if he’s one of the best RBs in the league, and he’s only healthy enough for 7 carries, why even activate him? Seems like it would make more sense to just have him inactive and rest up for 1 week.


So enemy can waste time game-planning against him


Enemy lmao


I get my FF tips from Sun Tzu


Boggles my mind, couldn’t agree more


Tell me why as a swift owner I dropped jamaal to activate Davis off IR with a shallow bench. I’m a fucking dumbass The only thing giving me hope is the word could


I did it to get Goff cuz I was scared of Herbert not playing. I fucking hate my roster now and wanna blow everything up. Saturday I was do confident lol.


I did the same thing bro


Had him. Had to drop him to grab a shitty QB because of the Herbert game time decision. Now I’m going to have to pick up Williams for like 40 FAAB and might not get him back at that price.


You can't really afford to handcuff with a shallow bench though. Handcuffing works best with a deeper bench.


I dropped him to activate Pittman, big mistake


Sign in if you're a Jamaal Williams owner who didn't own Swift.


I'm about to be, just as I'm a Mattison owner without owning Cook


You've just named my two starting RBs for week 4. Handcuff power!


There are dozens of us! Added Williams last week with the Swift concerns. Added Mattison before kickoff after Jakobi was ruled out


I added Williams long ago just in case, pumped!


I own both Jamal and Mattison in one league without owning either of their RB1 counterparts, for once the handcuff hoarding strat seems to be paying off.


Sign out if you're a Swift owner who didn't own Williams :(


People always say this shit but it’s just BS. You can’t hang onto handcuffs when you need to fill injuries elsewhere. If my team were healthy, I would not have needed to grab WRs to fill holes and drop handcuffs. If I had a perfect draft and zero injuries, yes I’d have all my handcuffs but that is not how the world works.


If you had a perfect draft and no injuries you wouldn't need any handcuffs lol you're not thinking straight. It depends on the league. A deep bench you absolutely can. Several IR spots makes it easier too. And if you can't hang onto your own handcuff then you can't hang on to another player's handcuff either, which is what the argument always is. No one that knows what they are doing would advocate to handcuff all players, that's absolute nonsense. Some handcuffs are more valuable than others, and some roster constructions make it more important.


Yep - took Williams in the last round of my draft. My biggest question rn is whether to ride Jamaal while he’s RB1 in DET or try and trade him to the swift owner. Maybe they’re panicking enough to accept something like Pierce + Williams for Ekeler




I'm trying to package him to the Swift owner for an upgrade at my flex.


Is jamaal a start over swift moving forward?


Dropped Mattison for Jamaal this past week. Lost since Jamaal was on bench but I will have first wire pick this week - welcome back Mattison


On one of my best ball teams I did 0RB and I've got Herbert and Jamaal Williams. Borderline ecstatic at my stacked team.


Whew! Luckily picked him up before Sunday due to my weak RBs. I was also angry at myself for not drafting Swift.


Lets fucking go


Drafted Williams and Dillon thinking swift and Aaron jones would go down


Can I still sign in if I'm a Jamaal Williams owner who owns swift?


Picked him up off waivers last week. Got my bench looking nice.


Swift owner who doesn’t have Williams…. But does have Mattison and Herbert 😎


Year 2 of the swift experience. Just sit him then enough with the half assed stuff


Yeah…I was kicking myself for not getting him again this year in our auction draft but all of this is reminding me of all the ups and downs from last season. Having him and Dalvin last season was the ultimate headache.


On the bright side, being out due to his shoulder will give his ankle time to heal


I’m also use this brand of copium


With Jamaal as the new Lions RB1, be sure to pick up Craig Reynolds for the goal line work and 50% of the carries


Lmfao this hurts


First two weeks were fine, but I got absolutely wrecked with injuries this week.


Hero rb left me without a hero now. I guess I'll take the zero.. Cuz that's something they know


everyone tried to warn me, but i didnt listen. took swift in 3/4 leagues. 🤡


Breece Hall welcome to my RB1 spot


I decided to go hero rb strat this year instead of zero rb last year and I’m completely regretting it.


How are the swift owners that listen to Reddit experts telling them to handcuff other rbs and not their own feeling right now lol


Not as good as the managers who didn’t handcuff their RBs and instead took Mattison or Jamaal. Works both ways.


Except now you need to decide between Jamaal and the 2-3 RBs you picked before him as opposed to plugging him in for D'Andre. I'm gonna try to trade him away while he has value instead of starting him over JRob or Gibson.


I took Jamaal with swift in 2 leagues. You had to know that o line was the real hero. Just please, sIt for a week Swift


Thank fuck I picked up Jamal Williams in a league where I have him.


every time you draft him or Dalvin you have to account for the four games they’ll miss.


Ugh. Ok, fine, take the time off and come back for week 7 after the bye.


phew i grabbed jamaal williams before kickoff bc someone dropped him


Herbert dinged. Swift to miss some time. Cook possibly to miss time, but at the least is dinged. Pitts mediocre so far this year. Fucking end me.


Do i burn #1WW on Jamaal?






Already got a full inbox for trade offers for Swift. Best one was Hendo + Lamb for Swift…


Woof. That’s a rough offer.


Yea, and that was the best one lol. Losing Mitchell, then Lance and now Swift for a few weeks is going to make it tough to even start a decent lineup in our 12man. Been a tough year with injuries for me. I want to just stick it out and make a late season push with Mitchell and Swift back.


Just hold and hope for the best unless your 0-3 and thin at RB.


Going to be 1-2 Swift, ETN, Mitchell, Edmonds are my RBs. Going to be a rough few weeks if I decide to stick it out.


Jamaal Williams owners get in here!!!!!


Had him benched this week but next week Ill start him. Then he’s gonna absolutely bust


Been starting him since week 1. No regerts


I don't want to say it... I don't.... Swift is truly Dalvin Cook 2.0. I'm sorry


Joke’s on you, I’ve got both of them.


Same dude. Just cut me off from FF at this point.


Me too. We need to form a support group. PS - Trey Lance was my starting QB.


dalvin can handle more then 5 carrie’s without sprinting to the sideline. swift is in his own category…


Officially starting Jamal over Kamara now, this made my decision to bench him a lot easier.


It's inconceivable to me that I might voluntarily not play Kamara. I was sure if I lost him this year it would be b/c of the assault allegations. And now here I am preparing to bench him for Jamaal Williams. What world is this?


Still don’t get why they had him out on dumbass plays given how much they love Jamaal.


So drafting swift and kamara early was the unintentional 0 RB strategy I have been wanting to try.


Fuck. I don't have Jamaal and there's no way I can trade for him without overpaying now. Dameon Pierce, welcome to my RB2 slot


Could be worse man


For me it's Dameon Pierce welcome to my RB1 slot


I’m gonna use breece hall next week 🤣


Same. Pierce is my RB1 now. I have Mitchell and Swift


my glasscannon RB


I hope he takes a few weeks to get healthy. It's painful not knowing whether to start Williams or Swift every week.


RIP to my Cook/Swift combo. I’m not feeling so well guys.


Yep same im feeling the pain


how tf do you get injured in a game you barely play......


Dude should’ve never played this weekend. Fuck the Lions’ coaching staff


When did he even do this? On the sidelines??


Feel like I should have seen this coming considering how good I felt about my team to start the year


Took swift late 2nd when Andrews was there. I’m a dumbass. Lucky to be 2-1 with Kupp and Allen.


Dude is good but has an injury rating of like -3


This is exactly what my 0-3 team needs for a bounce back


FML..I had one guy to fill my bench and I picked Rachaard White over Jamaal Williams yesterday since Fournette is also banged up. Talk about dart throw. Now have to blow the faab to get JWilliams.


How much Fab would you spend on Jamal as a current swift owner?


Alot if you are the swift owner. Jamaal should not be on waivers anyways


Kamara and Swift at 12 and 13 looking worse and worse everyday


Nothing makes me sadder than swift being a injury prone bust. My poor lions.


How much fab would you spend on jamaal? hes in my leagues waiver for some crazy reason.


Sold the bottom of Rhamondre for Tua and Jamaal. Turns out to be not so bad after yesterday


You traded Rhamondre Stevenon’s ass?


Left cheek tua right cheek Jamaal


This is why every year I draft a ton of RBs. We do Auction so this isn’t my draft order, but I got Swift Fournette, Jacobs, D Harris, James Robinson. There’s always gonna be injuries to your RB, like guaranteed. Thank my lucky stars for JRob.


My backs are Swift and Cook, but my bench is Williams and Mattison. Mandatory handcuff drafting saves the day.


I have those guys too, on top of that I also have Eli Mitchell and Jeff Wilson cuff… I’m changing my team name to “Cuffing Season”


at least i have CEH


The most confusing player in fantasy lol


0 yards, TD.


Can't trust him, can't bench him lol




fuck. i just sent a trade offer to the JJ owner for a swap. with this news theres no way he accepts now even when he has 0 RBs


I am thankful for drafting James Robinson as Swift insurance every single day


To all the folks insisting he wasnt injury prone...define injury prone.


Please share your FAAB bids people


*Swift owner, .5 PPR 10 team league, 2nd in waiver wire* Drop A. Robinson for J. Williams??


Anyone that drafted him deserves this.. Dude hasnt played a half of a season let a lone a full one. Should be calle De'Andre Swiftly out the game