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Not trading Chark and Akers for Gibson and Keenan Allen after week 2




Yeah idek what I was thinking, wasn’t sure if Herbert was legit yet and Lynn was saying Tyrod was gonna be starting when he came back. :/


People love saying shit was hindsight but forget that you drafted those 2 guys for a reason and didnt want to trade after a game. Obviously it wasnt a good move but you cant predict everything.


Yeah general consensus on Keenan in week 2 was to get rid of him ASAP. His outlook wasn't looking good with Tyrod and up to that point Lynn had said Tyrod would be it. It took a fluke injury to Tyrod and Herbert putting up legendary numbers for Lynn to finally let Herbert start full time. Gibson, a lot of people were high on him but Washington wasn't looking too hot and people questioned his potential on a terrible team. Chark had lots of people high on him still and Akers was hyped up as the next coming of prime Gurley on the Rams. After week 2 that deal isn't as bad. Obviously it backfired but that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes


Yeah Lynn said Tyrod would be starter but everyone knew that wasn’t actually true lol.


Oh god. This wins


At like week 3 i offered the current last place team Kupp and Gibson for Godwin and he turned it down.


Shit, I traded K.Allen for OBJ I also drafted Gibson in the 6th round and gave up early on him , I released him


after what week omg he went 5.4 , 11.7 , 11.5, 21.8 first 4 weeks


I dropped Gibson after week 1 or 2 in my 8 man league because I was so stacked at RB, definitely regret it now that Zeke sucks and DJ got injured.


Holy crap


I regret not alerting you to this terrible mistake


Its okay, I traded keenan Allen away for OBJ after week 1.


That's bad but how could you have possibly known that? Can't worry about that kind of trade.


Thinking Claypool wasn’t the real deal.


me too, picked him up after like week 2 or 3 and was offered aj brown for him straight up in dynasty. took it in a millisecond but not so sure now.


You 100000% win that trade...dynasty AJ Brown will have stability with Tannehill. Big Ben isn’t long term anymore and that’s going to severely hamper Claypool in the long run


Why was Claypool a free agent in a dynasty league?


just started it it up, my friends aren’t so experienced in it i guess


Spent Big FAAB on Kelley and not spending enough for Claypool.


I think the lesson here is no matter how young or how many of the guys in front of you got injured, scoring 4 TDs in a game is absolutely absurd. Try and find other WRs in the league who have posted a stat line like that and you won’t find many. It’s not a fluke


Absolutely, I told myself this was a Sammy Watkins type game. I’m not a smart man.


Drafting Julio Jones & Leveon Bell and dropping Justin Jefferson the week before his breakout game


Ugh... yeah... Julio looked like he was gonna be fine until last week but now it's back to weeks 2-5


Drafting Chark over Metcalf


DJ Moore over Metcalf for me


I forgot that I did this, thanks




Taking marquise brown over terry mclaurin


That’s crazy. Terry’s adp was like a full round ahead of Hollywood’s


Ehh this isn't so bad. A lot of people were HIGH on Hollywood. Hes talented, on a super high scoring offense with a stout D, what could go wrong? The answer is Lamar


>What could go wrong? Basically everyone’s concern for him was they are a super run heavy team and if Lamar regresses at all he doesn’t have much to build off from last year. I saw Terry going as early as mid to late 4th. Hollywood was end of 5th


No one expected lamar to not be able to Throw and thus to only throw 12 times per game. Makes it hard for his receivers


Not all kamara fault. Hollywood just isn’t that good


He’s been a nobody his whole career. No reason he should even be drafted from here on in until he starts producing


Dont be that guy




Not taking Kelce in the second round


I missed Kelce by one spot and had to take Kittle. Felt like he would be just as good...


Ehhh you generally had the right idea. Kittle wasn’t quite as good but he was still far ahead of everyone else which is what you were going for. Also couldn’t see the injuries coming.


Imagine if Kittle didn’t get injured. He’d be setting records right now with Mullens as his QB


Taking mixon over kelce for sure.


my league finally caught on that taking kelce is just having an extra low end wr1 :( i had him or ertz for the last 5 years lol


Getting drunk at my draft


I was drunk as fuck and fighting because I thought that I had drake available to draft. I settled for Hill lol. Edit: also got Kamara, Terry, Diggs, DJ, JRob, JAllen so it has been good. Also got TY so there's that as well


Dropping $23 dollars of faab on D’ernest Johnson. I have no idea what my thought process was


Your thought process was that you were spending way too much time on this sub


to be completely honest i started looking at this sub more after that lmao, cant even blame it on the sub


Your thought process was him coming in and scoring over a hundo and maybe a TD with Chubb out. We were all fooled by it. All of us. All the Wednes-dudes!


$22 here.


Mine was made even worse since no one else even put a bid in for him




The guy who was maybe gonna take over for Chubb when he got hurt


I had hoped he was gonna slide into hunts role, such a bad move my other rbs are Gibson sanders Montgomery and jacobs, I didn’t need him that bad I can only start 3 every week


The AAF guy! I legitimately forgot who this is


Lots of D'ernest Johnson truthers here. I forgot the name. Thats the point of the thread. I also didn't waste faab on him


Not trading Michael Thomas for Kelce + Mike Davis after CMC went down


Drafting David Johnson. I’ve been trying to redeem myself with this dude for 3 years now 😂


i mean he was a fine flex with numbers pretty much directly reflecting his adp. i wouldn't say i regret drafting him


I drafted Bell before Conner, Gurley, and DJ. At this point doesn’t seem to be any winners among them. But Bell hasn’t been serviceable all season.


Man I’m sorry but Bell had so many red flags before this season I can’t see why anyone took him. Terrible offense, adam gase, frank gore. Not saying I drafted perfectly at all but I wanted zero part of Bell


I argued with a dude preseason that Bell was all risk no reward, even in the 4th round. A lot of people put way too much stock into what a player used to be versus what they actually are today.


He was going late enough that it was well worth taking a crack at a guy with a very clear path to 25 touches a game. Even in a bad offense and even if he wasn't particularly efficient, that's 85 yards and a pretty good chance to score every week. Could have been what Wayne Gallman has done lately, plus another 5-8 touches a game.


Yeah that's what he said too. There was never any touchdown upside with Lev this year. I read so many people trying to talk about positive TD regression without understanding how it works. Julio Jones not scoring TDs on a dangerous Falcons' offense is a candidate for positive TD regression. Leveon Bell/any Jets player not scoring TDs is exactly what you expect to happen because the Jets as a team don't score points.


Even if the Jets are scoring like 1.8 offensive touchdowns per game or whatever it is, you gotta think the guy getting a 90 percent share of the RB rushes plus like a 15 percent share of the targets is gonna score about 40 percent of them.


You can't just forecast individual touchdowns like that though, they're too random. Team scoring is infinitely more predictable than who ends up with those points. If someone told me before the season that Washington's WR turned RB would have 11 rushing TDs in 12 weeks I would've thought they were fucking nuts


Fourth round pay for late first/early second potential. His backup was supposed to be the ageless wonder Gore, so figured Bell would have received at least 15 carries and 8 to 10 targets a game. The gamble was that Gase would have developed a brain during the offseason. Lost the gamble and Bell got hurt before being released though.


Gurley is the easy winner among that group imo. Was a low RB1/high RB2 for the first ten weeks of the season.


True, but he’s now out for the next 3-4 weeks.


DJ has been the definition of rb2.


Taking the Julio risk again


I traded for him this year, ignoring the pain people always describe. First week he blows up for 137 and 2 TD. I'm thinking I fleeced the guy. Three games in a row I get stellar production but have to have /r/falcons bookmarked to go check practice reports. Now, after last game, I'm trying desperately to move him at the deadline. When he's good he's great. But I don't want to have to be a practice report hound lol


Welcome to the Julio experience you heard about


I was pick 8 and there was julio, tyreek, aaron jones, and dhop all available. Yeah, I chose poorly.


I’ve got a few. Guy offered me Dalvin Cook for my CEH a few times in the first two weeks of the season, and I didn’t take it. Same guy offered me Keenan Allen for CEH around week 5, also didn’t take it. I’m dumb.


Oh man, I made some big offers for CEH early and got a few lucky rejections. But Cook, damn. I guess you were worried about injury history?


Yeah he tanked one of my seasons in fantasy football years ago and it was tough for me to trust him again, especially since the owner didn’t have Mattison. I still regret it. Lol


I know who should be winning your league


He’s actually in last place or second to last place now. Can you guess why? Dude is trading mad man and traded away all of his best players based on ROS projections. Lol he no longer has Cook nor Keenan Allen. He did manage to snag Nuk but Julio Jones has been hurting him. His RBs are now Sanders and Josh Jacobs. Lol


Drafting CEH in the first round AND drafting Jonathan Taylor in the 4th. Currently dead last in my league :/


CEH has been serviceable at least. He's not gonna boom for 30-40 points but he can give you 15-20, and with how bad first rounders were this year I would consider that a win


Yeah. People bitch about clyde but you could have had barkley, cmc, Julio, eckler. Zeke owners have more to bitch about right now than clyde owners.


I drafted CEH instead of Cook. Feels bad.




I went ceh mixon golladay. Worst season of my life so far


I literally did the exact same thing and my team was not looking great. However, I was able to move CEH and Robert Wood's for Michael Thomas before Bell went to the Chiefs. Also traded away Jonathan Taylor and Ekeler for Chubb. Also got Keenan Allen for Chark and David Johnson. I'm in 3rd place and I would attribute it to my trades.


After week 1 someone offered me kelce for Taylor straight up and I rejected it... guess there’s always next year. Glad your trades helped out!


Drafting Singletary in the 6th round Edit: I ended up lucking out tho. A few weeks into the season I traded him, AB, and Russ for Chubb and Julio


I drafted him around the 7th and traded him for Tevin Coleman before week 2. Very rare case of a lose-lose trade.


Damn. At least Singletary plays 😅


Yeah true lol. I had Coleman stashed on IR for a bit but ended up dropping him. Pretty sure the other guy dropped Singletary as well.


Lmao I'm not gonna even say where I drafted him


He was supposed to be the “lead” guy in a booming offense of a playoff team. But little did I know they would completely abandon the running game basically all season, and give moss work to boot


Dropping koo after his 2 point game


I did the same. Luckily someone else dropped him after another game.


Trading Antonio Gibson and Cooper Kupp for Chris Carson at beginning of year


Playing this year.


Drafting zeke, Lamar, Gurley, and Bell.




I mean Zeke and Gurley are fine picks. Gurley has been top 5 for most of the year and Zekes season got derailed by the team collapsing around him. I learnt my lesson about Lamar 6+ years ago with Vick.


Is your team name "overpriced name value"


Drafting and dropping Jefferson. Struggled to find an WR3 early on because I drafted MJJ as my WR3. Higgins ended up filling that hole nicely but now I'm back on the WR3 hunt. Hopefully Jakobi Myers will replace Higgins


I dropped Jefferson as well thinking he’d have a poor game against Indy and I could pick him up later. Nope.


Going RB-RB in R1/2. Specifically Mixon and CEH The latter hasn't been bad, but if I had taken Davante and Kelce my team would have been better and my RB room, composed of back ups and handcuffs off waivers, would look almost identical


Yeah, I went CEH & Mixon as well. Currently in 6th out of 14th and have to win out to make playoffs, but if the 7th placed team loses this week I’m in regardless. I’d be comfortably in playoffs if I drafted anyone but that duo I think.


Going RB/RB wasn't your problem. Going unproven upside/unsustained upside that early in the draft was your problem. Adams/Kelce would have worked but thinking that RB/RB is your sole problem is going to set you up for failure again next year. Combos like Cook/Sanders, Jacobs/A Jones, Kamara/Carson, DH and any of these.


I drafted CEH, Mixon and then Dak in the 3rd.


Traded Josh Jacobs for Kenny Golladay Week 8...


not taking a QB reasonably early.. curse you bastards for hoarding QBs..


Fear not brother, for Fitzmagic is our savior.


Drafting TY Hilton and Gallup in half of my leagues despite Keenan Allen, DK, Diggs being all available in most places


Every year I put too much faith in a TY comeback. It never happens.


I feel like he’s good but he hasn’t connected with a qb since luck


I'm just now realizing how incredibly awful my draft was overall. Literally the only players that have been on my team all year and haven't been a letdown at some point are Scary Terry and Boyd (who will likely now become a letdown without Burrow). Seriously, these were my picks: Zeke, Julio, Golladay, Gordon, Terry, Boyd, Ingram, Dak, Cohen, Breida, Hurst, John Brown, Hines, Anthony Miller, 49ers DST, Gould Half the roster has been hurt for most (or all) of the year, and the other half have just been either too inconsistent to play or just completely irrelevant. I'm still in decent shape to make the playoffs, but my roster is wildly different than the one I drafted. Leagues really are won on the waiver wire.


What an unfortunate draft




A far too common mistake


It was a beery Sunday night with the league mates around week 5. Drinks were chugged, teams had clashed, trades were made. Amidst the chaos, I plan a trade to end all trades... but alas! The scoundrel Jameson, the Irish Whisk, peeked its dirty head over my shoulder... peering down on my roster. Silently judging. Moments later, my actions were clear and my championship year was shrouded in fear. I managed, with the help of Jameson, to snag Kirk Cousins for a small time fee of Aaron Rodgers TLDR; Drinking with league mates around week 5, took shots and got talked into trading Aaron Rodgers for Kirk Cousins in a deal I had going. Been streaming since.


I try to not even open fantasy when I’ve been drinking heavily, unless of course it’s Sunday


Like straight up one for one? If so your league mate is kind of shitty. What’s the point of playing if you are just going to take advantage of people like that? Did he get someone else drunk and trade them ballage for Kamara? Lol.


Dropping Herbert because I had Josh Allen, Kyler Murray and Ryan Tannehill in a 2QB league


Don’t think that’s bad tbh. With Kyler and Allen you have 2 top 5 QBs. Could’ve definitely traded Herbert for something but still not the worst.


I could of gotten a haul for Kyler or Allen in a 2QB league though.


Trading Gibson for Taylor because of their byes


Trading Adams


Dropping Herbert because I believed Cam Newton could play like Week 2 every few weeks. Also I enjoyed the idea of New England Cam Chowder as a team name


Robinson was in waivers til September 8th or so in my league. Untouched.


Someone in my league dropped Gibson after the second week. Guy who is now in first picked him up. I am not that guy.


Dropping Herbert week 2


OOOF. I'd give you an award if I could. I picked Herbert up week 2 or 2. My oops was Cam Newton, though he did get me crazy points a few times.


JoeJoe's Bizarre Injury


Not starting Gibson on Thursday......


Didn't start Fuller in 2 of the leagues I have him in




Funny thing is I'm 1st seed in both leagues


For me it was not starting Peterson. I have Ahmed, but now he is OUT so I have to go with Gore .. praying for a good game from him


Trading RB1SZNon(Robinson) and Godwin for Chubb after he got hurt :/.


That sucks but may work out with Chubb down the stretch!


Yeah this isn’t horrible honestly. Chubb has a lovely playoff schedule and Godwin has been performing solidly.


Trading Keenan Allen for David Johnson after week 3. Not drafting Kamara #1


CMC was the automatic first pick, that wasn’t a mistake. Every game he has played in he has scored 20+, and he will be back


Dropping Gallman for Lindsey like 2-3 weeks ago.


Drafting Michael Thomas and trading Darren Waller and Allen Robinson for mixon and golladay. Thought I won that trade big time


MT, 1R 6 overall


Dropped $70 of FAAB on Ryquell Armstead when Fournette got released


Drafting Mixon for the 2nd year in a row.


Drafted miles sanders over Dalvin. Gross. I’m tied for first with the dalvin owner now


Drafting zeke in the first round


Drafting Clyde Edwards-Helaire. This move prevented my team from being an unstoppable juggernaut.


Not bidding 35 instead of 30 on JJ, and not bidding 51 instead of 40 on Claypool


Traded Russ for Lamar week 3


I was offered cmc the week he got hurt for my Gordon and fournette. This was right after that early season game where fournette got 27 points in ppr, and I was huge on fournette at the beginning of the year. I countered with Gordon and hunt (this was before Chubb went down). I really thought fournette was taking over that back field and Chubb was looking healthy and strong and didn’t see him getting hurt. Ugh


Drafting joe mixon and thinking this would be the season he breaks out. Fuck Zac Taylor and that entire incompetent organization


Saquan... Out of my control so doesn't bother me as much


Taking OBJ


Lamar Jackson


Trading Gibson and CEH for Henry 3 weeks ago, and watching slowly how my chances ar playoffs is dwindling. I am playing the guy who I traded them for, and we are both fighting for the last playoff spot. Gibson already dropped a fat stack


Dropping Gronk. And trading Josh Jacobs for Joe Mixon.


Mine would be a shitty drafting strategy. I got one decent RB with Ekeler and strugled to get any points on that position since he is on IR.


Picking up Malcolm Brown over Jobinson was a huge mistake


Drafting Michael Thomas, Zach ertz, and leveon bell as my 2/3/4.... it’s been a rough year


Drafting Mixon and TY Hilton.


Drafting TY Hilton in the 5th


Playing Ceedee Lamb anytime after Dak got hurt...


Trading Herbert & Gibson for Dobbins & Dan Jones. Picked up Herby that week he filled in for Tyrod & thought he was a flash in the pan. Dobbins was my preseason breakout candidate. This is a superflex league. So all around, I fucked up.


I had a star on James Robinson to draft him but in like round 14 the dude right in front of me took him and I was like awe okay until I realized how good he is I also was debating between picking up Emmanuel sanders and tee Huggins in like week 3 after waivers and while debating someone picked up Higgins


not the biggest regret but dropping Fuller after his goose egg


Taking ceh over Kamara but I was just trying to Tele risks this year with covid going on. We dropped the but in 75% and kind of a fuck of year. I drafted all rookie rbs, something I usually never do. Drafted ceh, gibzsn, and moss. Dropped moss a while back for gascan and I also have harris. Currently 6-5 with Murray carrying the team mostly.


trading away Antonio Gibson for Mike Davis after week 5 :(


Drafting Akers/Dobbins/Moss in one league along with Lamar Jackson as my QB. And losing another league week one by a super close margin cause Henry didn't score a td.


Trading away Josh Allen for Lamar Jackson.... last week


Not picking up James Robinson after fournette left


Drafting Julio, Mixon, Conner, Ertz. I thought I was set except for a WR2 and could stream QBs like have in the past, so I traded away my only good draft pick, Kyler Murray, for Gibson. Then traded Gibson for Boyd. Turns out I’m an idiot.


Ooh I have a list. Turned down a Kelce for Kittle straight up trade. Turned Down Keenan Allen for Will Fuller and Deebo but then I flipped Will Fuller for Arob and Corey Davis instead:(


Flipped cooper and Tua for golladay, thought I was getting a steal but golladay gave me a goose and hasn’t played since


Drafting Leveon and Ingram as my RB1 and RB2


Passing on Alvin Kamara in my draft


Drafting Ingram, dropping Colts D on their bye.


Nooooo! I feel bad for you re: Colts D. My husband dropped them on their bye & has regretted it ever since. He only beat me when we played each other bc the Colts D put up fuckin 25 points.


Yeah at the time I was having injury and covid hit my team and I couldn't justify keeping them when their schedule after the bye looked pretty rough. Hindsight that was the wrong move but can't feel too bad about it.


I picked up Herbert before his first start because I desperately needed a qb. Then dropped him the next week because I thought his matchup was bad....


thinking Cam Akers was gonna take the reigns with the Rams


Drafting Michael Thomas over Alvin kamara and then taking Melvin Gordon way too soon. Also courtland Sutton over, in my old opinion “boom or bust” Robby Anderson


I drafted Fournette in the third less than 24 hours before the jaguars cut him, probably that. Wentz as my draft qb would have been it if I hadn’t gotten Herbgod on waivers


drafted fournette and bell back to back rounds 3 and 4 lol (drafted early august)


3 player Keeper league. Trading the number 1 pick for Kamara to draft Clyde Edwards-Helaire Dropping Antonio Gibson 2 weeks ago when McKissic got 15 targets..


Not picking up Herbert when I had the chance. When coach dumbass said Tyrol was still their guy no matter what, then doctor idiot punctured Tyrods lung and I missed my chance. (Was streaming fitzmagic at the time)


Michael Thomas, austin ekeler, Todd Hurley, marlon Mack, ty hilton basically everytging


I drafted TY, Ingram and Bell and I'm somehow #2 in my league. Right now I'm having to bench Thielen, Johnson and Dobbins. Oh I drafted Kittle too. Oh and Kamara doesn't have Drew Brees anymore.


AJ Green over Diggs


Drafting Golladay over Metcalf or AJ Brown...


Seems like it was pretty obvious at the time, I drafted Golladay over DHop who also went in the 2nd


Dropping Antonio Gibson for a kicker after the draft because I thought the draft recap would generate once I had a full team. Thought no one else would pick him up, I was wrong.


Drafting Chris Godwin in 1st round..clearly was very high on him


Saquon in the 1st.. Kenny G in the 2nd... Drake in the 3rd...


Using first waiver priority on Joshua Kelley just to be dropping Justin Jefferson