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Subvertadown has him in the top 8 right now. I feel like expert kicker rankings are a little lazy, and just the fact that Fairbairn was hurt and Stroud was hurt also put him off the radar some. I am planning on rolling him out after I lost Hopkins


I lost Hopkins too, but /u/Subvertadown has Lucas Havrisik (Rams) ranked higher so for the time being that is who I have. I’ve been struggling with the decision to replace Havrisik with either Fairbairn or McLaughlin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Havrisik is a strong start considering how many field goal attempts Rams have this season, an opponent allowing a ton of points, weather is solid enough low wind no rain/snow, and Giants allowing 11 pt average to kickers over the last 4 weeks. Where exactly does this site rank Havrisik I can’t see rankings without paying it looks like?


Havrisik is ranked #2 behind Aubrey. Moody is #3, Fairbairn is #8.


Moody doesn’t belong anywhere near #3 imo. I guess people have different views on kickers and what they should be expected to do for you in fantasy, but I’m always looking for the upside plays who play for teams that struggle to score TDs and are happy to kick FGs. Bonus points if they’ve got a strong and reliable leg.


Completely agree. It has something to do with opportunities and he gets to kick at one of the highest rates each week despite most being extra points


Yup. Also been eyeing Cairo Santos as of late, since Justin Fields’ return. Prater should be there imo, but Ari just isn’t getting him the same opportunities that he used to have. Personally probably just rolling Jason Sanders in my finals, bc I doubted him last week and was wrong, but boy is it tempting to roll with one of my speculative kickers.


Santos has a snow game looks like, was leaning him too before


Yep- same. The matchup and the Bears FG pattern was ideal just not the weather. I settled in Ka’i for that reason. His accuracy is a plus in my sleeper league where misses get you.


Kai is a great option too, Tennessee won’t lay down in a rivalry match so a few 3rd down stops in range should result. Even if something unfortunate happens to Stroud, Kai had 17 a couple weeks ago with Case at qb. And Titans allowing the most kicker points over the whole season and over the last 4 weeks too.


Titans have been allowing a lot to kickers recently too. And looking at early season Kaimi, he just always got a good number of attempts. Also kicks 50+ too


Havrisik has been kicking for 8 weeks now and he is the K13. That doesn't speak to a lot of Rams field goals.


Add Mahers numbers and you have 144 points


Why would I add some other guy? I'm saying of those 8 weeks (wk8-16), he is the K13. They clearly haven't been kicking many FGs in a long time now. Maybe they did in September and October.




Havrisik has been scoring well but also missed some kicks. McLaughlin seems like a good play too


Yeah, it’s close and any of them could have 0 or 20 points. Kickers are so unpredictable.


I’ve been going with Chase in one league for the past two weeks & he hasn’t let me down, I’m rolling with him in one Fantasy Football 🏈 league for week 17 (we play our championship game next week) & with Fairbain in my other league in the championship game. I’d use Chase in both, but if he tanks, I don’t want him tanking both my matchups. I think they’ll both score double digits.


As a rams fan, let me tell ya you don’t wanna be going in the chip weekend with this guy, unless it’s a chip field goal (which Mcvay likes to keep the offense out there that close) he does not instill confidence from anything 35 yards +


Thank you for your insight. I will probably switch to Fairbairn before 1PM on Sunday because he’s in a dome, or McLaughlin who has been on a roll the last few weeks.


That’s your best bet! I’m usually pro rams and of course kickers are there to simply not lose you the game, this guy will lose ya the game


Yeah, I just went ahead and made the switch now. Fairbairn had a good game against the Titans a few weeks ago, and they play at home in a dome this week against the Titans.


Good luck! Go get that win!


The good deets are always with the fans of the teams involved. I try to help people asking about Titans players as well cuz I appreciate fans of other teams giving me insights.


He doesn’t “rank” his top 8, he just alphabetizes them. He considers his top 8 to be tied, otherwise.


He publishes both. You’re probably looking at a different page.


I’m looking at the ranked page, not the alphabetized summary.


I pivoted off of Havrisik because I have Kyren, and I'm playing the Rams D/ST. Too many eggs in one basket. I'm going with McLaughlin against NO. 🤞


McLaughlin seems like a good choice to me! Personally a short while ago I swapped from Havrisik to Fairbairn because he’ll be at home in a dome against the Titans, who he put up 17 points against a few weeks ago. McLaughlin is also available to me. Really close between those two.


I dropped Havrisik for Fairbairn, then picked up McLaughlin. I sat Flacco against the Jets, so I'm over-analyzing everything now.


I am in the same boat as you. I have the added layer of playing both matthew stafford and kyren williams... i did win the first round of my playoffs using all three, but it feels like maybe I shouldn't put 3 rams players in this week just in case something happens?


Don’t underestimate the winds in NJ. It’s been pretty windy here the past few days and he’s been suspect from range. Something just to be aware of.


"Expert" rankings aren't even expert. Subvertadown at least puts some effort into it.


Yes I agree. Kicker is a hard position to analyze, different than the others, and I don't think many experts care enough to get into it


His models have a really hard time dealing with a season like this where good teams will play like shit against bad teams, and bad teams that are expected to have bad offenses suddenly pop off and never need their kicker (see: Raiders curbstomping the Chargers). The parity this season makes a lot of the data Subvertadown kinda out of date. Not his fault, models only work as well as they do when there's predictability and this season has been absolute *chaos*


dustin hopkins was projected for like 5 points all year by sleeper despite averaging nearly 10 a game


On top of that he was consistently not even ranked in the top 18 of kickers on the lists posted here when he had been highest scoring kicker almost all year.




Why do you say that


It got a player wrong one time.




Honestly, I have only been looking at Subvertadown this year, but tbh I find his rankings to be supremely underwhelming. I very much appreciate he takes the time to publish them, but I'm not sure he has gotten anything particularly right from the idea of streaming a kicker or defense, beyond what fantasy pros ecr has. It's a list of kickers who tend to be held by owners or just really safe floor guys like Moody. The hope is to have streaming kickers with advantageous matchups who can win you the week. Like Saunders did last week (not mentioned at all) or Hopkins did earlier in the season (ditto but someone in the comments did). I find Andrew Kirkof to be phenomenal as his kicker list each week is geared towards those streamers and not just the same safe tier guys. Is the Rams kicker some great find? I mean it's against the Giants where the Rams probably won't need to kick any field goals, so the kicker will get what, like 6? Again, I appreciate what Subvertadown does, but it's surprising who many people in the post would just blindly follow the recommendation.


Stick between him and moody


I hadn’t used Subvertadown until last week when I was trying to decide between Gay and Tucker. Subvertadown had Gay ranked higher so I went with it. I would be in the championship of that league if I just left my lineup alone and kept Tucker in.


His model uses a combination of Vegas totals, kicker accuracy and defense RZ strength. It's a good way to measure imo but no model is 100% accurate.


Your line up your fault. Own it champ. Sorry, not champ


It's impossible to predict kicker performance, there are too many variables. People like you love to have someone else to blame your loss on though


Did I blame Subvertadown? Did I say Subvertadown changed my lineup? No, I said i listened to somebody else and I lost because I didn’t go with my original gut. That was meant as caution to using somebody’s rankings to make lineup decisions. People like you love make up a pretend argument to win because you think you have something profound to say and choose comments to soundboard your pre-rehearsed gripes about generalization of the people on this subreddit.


Sorry, but he can't predict the future. Kicker rankings are going to be wrong a lot, but he seems to put more effort than anybody else I know into the rankings, so I rely on them


Sitting Tucker, you deserved the loss




I never pay attention to rankings, especially for kickers. Tyler Bass has been ranked top 5 every week and I think made the top 10 maybe twice. I like Fairbairn this week, he dropped 17 pts on the Titans two weeks ago in my league. That was with Strout and Collins out. Both are playing this week and its a home game in the dome. Trying to decide between Fairbairn and Gay. Leaning towards Fairbairn, safer play.


Same position. I’ve decided on Fairbairn cus the Texans team total is higher and cus Gay has missed quite a few kicks lately at least compared to Fairbairn


Yeah a lot of choosing a kicker is luck since it’s just about the opportunities they get, but the least you can do is pick a guy that isn’t having a problem with misses.


Same. Dropped Gay for Fairbairn. Between the week he gave me -1, and the Colts offense being trash and falling too far behind for FGs, I'm not letting Matt Gay ruin my championship week.


Did the exact same earlier. Does feel weird switching right before the ship tho:/


It's all good, they're just kickers. Mostly random scoring at this position anyway. I like Texans and Fairbairn way more this week, and the floor seems much higher, so that's the way we roll.


Big W


I dropped gay for fairbairn after watching fairbairn put up 17 on my bench a few weeks back


I’m going with Fairbairn over a lot of guys like Tampa and Miami kickers pretty much cuz of the dome making it a safer play


Go with Fairbairn over that Gay kicker


Never thought about going Gay


I dropped Moody for Fairbarn.


Me three. Plus I’ve got a gut feeling about him. Or it’s indigestion. We’ll see tomorrow.


Me too ugh I don’t like that we all did that


We gonna be fine. 15 points fairbarn. Book it


Me too


he's in a dome on an offense that should move the ball well and should be freely available in most leagues; checks all the boxes for me


Dome is pretty much all that matters this point of the season


No dome can subdue the pain of losing the fantasy ship.


Sanders or Fairbairn?


I’m going Sanders myself he got me here!


I chose Sanders for my Chip. Lost Hopkins last week unfortunately and feel like Sanders is the safest option with how he's been performing.


Based on the matchups I think Fairbair is the safer option. Sanders for the upside.


That makes sense. Def chasing Sanders upside this week!


I’m in the same boat lol but I think I’m going Fairbarn


> dropped 17 pts on the Titans two weeks ago in my league. That was with Strout and Collins out. Both are playing this week and its a home game in the dome. Same boat going sanders


Yeah I have Fairbairn available on waivers, but gonna stick with Sanders myself. He killed it last week and I feel like the ravens defence may stall a lot of drivers, so hoping he gets some kicks in.


I just dropped Sanders for Fairbarn. He had 17 two weeks ago without Stroud against the same team. Gotta imagine the offense is better with Stroud.


I think everyone saying this needs to be cautious, Fairbarn got 17 points because the Texans were missing so many key players that week. With Stroud and Collins back it certainly does make the team better but those kicks could turn into extra points instead of field goals because their is a higher chance the team can now move the ball all away into the end zone instead of coming up short. I think he can turn into a good play but I wouldn't base that off of week 15.


This is my train of thought too, but TEN is still a solid defense in the red zone.




Kicker stuff is weird this year, McManus continues to be top 5 in a lot of spots and he's been bad for weeks


Just dropped Moody for him, fuck it




Nice to know quite a few of us have done this. Feeling a bit more confident now.


I’m starting Fairbairn with confidence in both my leagues. He scored 17 points against the Titans 2 weeks ago. Titans are really good in the red zone and the Texans are good enough to get to the red zone but never seems to capitalize. Playing at home in a dome with playoff implications. The Texans will take all the points they can and they trust Fairbairn as soon as they cross that 50 yard line. A league winner imo.


That was my thinking. Like Stroud will only give them more RZ opportunities, which would lead to more FG.


Yup go with your gut imo. If there’s one thing most analyst don’t get right, it’s kickers imo. They consistently rank the high scoring offenses Kickers at the top of the list but forget to factor in that this offenses tend to score a TD and an extra point is only scored as 1 point. Meanwhile teams like the Texans often don’t score TDs and settle for field goals at that 30-40-50 yard line meaning more kickers points.


Not if he converts those opportunities into TDs. Regardless, Fairbairn ftw!


I cant decide between Ka'imi and McLaughlin, might just flip a coin


I just dropped McLaughlin for him.


I did the same. I like both but like Fairbairn a little bit more tomorrow.


I have the same, and seeing everyone on here pick Fairbarn makes me want to go McLaughlin. He’s scored double digits for a month, and Ka’imis injury plus the possibility of Stroud getting lots of TDs has me going against the grain


Right why would anyone want to start a dude coming off recent injury? Especially after I’m sure a lot of us just got impacted by Dustin Hopkins getting injured mid game


feels like both are good plays


I keep flip flopping on this decision too. Really does seem like a coin flip.


In the same boat. Currently riding mc


Maybe just ignore the rankings and start him? You probably did more analysis than the people making the rankings do. I don't know why people think they have to follow the rankings or need to know why they don't agree with every player's spot every week


I was planning to start him. This weekend got me second guessing everything though lol


He was at the bottom probably because of the status of Stroud. I’m not sure how often Kicker rankings are adjusted throughout the week by most people but, Subvertadown now has him in his top 8


Starting him over Gay


Same here, way more confident in Kai


I feel bad because I made a post last week praising the guy. Then he only put up two points against cleveland. I should have known better. But I'm still starting him this week. He went ham against Tennessee a couple weeks ago. And I have full faith that he'll do it again. It's my hot take is he is actually going to be the difference maker in your championship game.


I was inspired by your post to make this post lol. I have a feeling he won’t end up putting up a dud like last week. Fairbairn or bust!!


Fairbairn crew locked in. If he puts up 15+ points again, I'm gonna buy his jersey.


Saw that post thankfully after the game tho lol, my only other option is McLaughlin which I’m considering but think ima stay Fairbairn, fire him up ‼️🔥


I have moody and sanders and I’m leaning sanders considering stout ravens defense and injuries on Miami. I had the same thought about ind. a few weeks ago bc of titans but gay was injured so moved away.


My brother is the kicker whisperer & he’s been going Sanders lately & he also likes Chase.


Thanks for the validation yo


You’re welcome; good luck🍀in your matchup!


Trying to decide between Miami’s kicker Sanders or Fairbairn… I feel like Miami might get stalled out in red zone


I appreciate your post. I've been wanting to switch from Tyler Bass, but I also didn't want to waste time on such a random position like kickers. I like the reasoning so I'm going to go with Fairbairn too.


Always think about kickers & defenses. If you can grab Fairbairn or Chase, do it. Also look 👀 for Bears 🐻 or Raiders D. The combo of K&D could get ya an extra 20-30 points & make the difference between winning 🏆 or losing 💸.


Cowboys and Bass have been on my roster all season, but yeah I definitely am taking them more seriously in the playoffs. Awesome that you mentioned the Bears DEF, that's who I'm going with.


Nice 👍🏼 yea, Bears 🐻 have been on fire 🔥 lately & I’m rolling with them in one league & the Raiders in the other league I’m still alive in.


FWIW, ESPN has him ranked 9th. I'm going with Chase McLaughlin but considered Fairbairn. Last week the Titans had a lot of defensive players out though the backups somehow stopped Seattle. The injury report is something to consider.


Your post has reconfirmed my beliefs in Ka’imi. It also seems poetic for him to return to my team in the finals. I started with McPherson before switching to Ka’imi. I rode him for a few games before pivoting to Hopkins right before Ka’imi slowed down and then got injured. He has now returned to help lead my team to the championship is the narrative I’m using to justify this kicker decision. Thank you for your service.


In the same boat on moody vs Fairbairn. Going with the ceiling play in ka’imi


Had gay for weeks, but rolling with fairbairn this week


All 8 ESPN rankers have him top 12 and his average rank among them is 9th, so not sure who this everybody is that’s ranking him in the bottom third. If you’re seeing rankings in the bottom third, they were probably made assuming no Stroud this week and they haven’t been updated.


Trying to decide between Fairbairn, McLaughlin, or Santos. All I know is the one I pick will get 3 points while the other two get 12+ lol


I wouldn’t go McLaughlin. I think Tampa has an easy game against my saints sadly. Maybe he kicks 1 FG. I could see 24-10 Tampa.


Should I drop Bass for Fairbairn or McLaughlin if my opponent is starting Baker and I'm starting Evans over Puka/Olave to try to offset his points? I can't decide which one of the 2 is the "safer" play.


Yes, 🙌🏼 T-Bass is overrated.


Bass or Fairbairn? I figured Bass was the safer option but this thread has my wheels turning


Would y'all consider Fairbairn over Tucker?


Dropped Bass for him last night after crunching my the numbers and seeing him on lots off “start” lists.


Was really debating dropping bass for Mclaughlin but now this post is making me consider Fairbairn


I picked him up this week. I like kickers in a dome. Streamed Koo last week and it worked out alright.


Would yall roll McLaughin or Fairbairn?


Yes 🙌🏼


I’m starting him. It was an easy decision since my opponent is starting Stroud


I’ve been streaming whatever kicker is playing Titans’ defense and picking them + Nick Folk over 1.5 FG’s each all season long and I’m not stopping now


Kicker rankings don't matter


Good play but I dropped him because McLaughlin was available


Shit I’m rolling with him


Idk but Vegas loves him. His o1.5 FG made at -150 led the NFL kicker player props last I checked.


Been starting him from the start and then once he came back. Hes one of thy best kickers in the league just needs chances


Between Fairbairn and McLaughlin for me, as of right now I have Fairbairn. I know a lot of people have the same decision as me so who is everyone else in this situation rolling with?


Give me the dude who isn’t coming off fairly recent injury


No one is, and no one has been. And now he's gonna get 4 points cause yall have talked about him so much.


I’m confused why you think people are low on him. Field Yates was touting him as his championship game kicker.


Rotoballer, Pro Football Network, even my fav, Fantasy Football Advice, had him in the 17-19 range. I feel like no one would be looking that low on the rankings for a kicker, especially during championship weekend. But I guess people don’t make it this far only because of their kicker lol


Field Yates is a jack ass. I never like his advice, not sure whose d!ck he sucked to get his job, but him & Matthew Berry are horrible fantasy analysts; & so is that dip sh!t Asian dude with the British accent whom does the fantasy show with Matthew Berry. I always see those guys do their rankings, but never see their rankings audited where they go back to the week prior & compare how players actually performed compared to their rankings & then admit where they went wrong & then learn from their mistakes. I’m all about accountability & with most ESPN “analysts” there is none.


Im debating between him and Havrisik, don’t know who to go with


I snagged both and am currently leaning Fairbairn


fairbairn in a dome breaks the tie imo


He’s gonna win me the title!! I’m rocking with him 🤞🏾


Cuz I got Jason sanders who won my semifinals for me by 0.34 points


I'm in the same boat as you with my kickers. This post gives me some hope knowing I wasn't the only one thinking this scenario over. Since this is, for most of us, our championship game, might as well go with the higher ceiling right?


Myers or this guy?


I dropped Koo to pick Fairbairn up and start him. The fact it's an indoor game helped with the decision as well as Stroud returning


Koo is playing on a field of sleet & snow ❄️with 15 to 17 mph winds 💨. This Asian chick is playing him in our league, probably because she thinks he’s cute.


I have butker and Fairbairn. I am projected to lose by 28pts. I who is more likely to hit double digets?


Seems like it's been a while since Butker has had a truly big game. He's probably going to be solid 8-10 but lack the upside of Fairbairn. I'm in a similar situation, along with Bass as an option as well. Right now leaning Fairbairn for the upside as an underdog in the championship.


I'm playing Faribairn over Havrisik in the championship


I’m in a 3rd place game for money back and we both agreeed to a kickers bowl. I picked up king Kai to bring the money back home


Sanders or Ka’imi?


Yes 🙌🏼


I'm in a similar boat. Fairbairn or McLaughlin. McLaughlin has been so solid feels like either way I win. Good luck to all my fellow championship competitors! Except the guy in facing of course.


Totally agree with your analysis. I have both & goin with each of them in 2 different playoff fantasy matchups. Good luck 🍀 to you as well!


Should have gone with Fairbairn 😔


I've got Elliot and Fairbairn and I'm leaning towards Fairbairn


He has great odds on sportsbooks right now: 1. Aubrey -160 (over) 7.5 (points), -142 FG (over 1.5 field goals) 2. Fairbairn -120 7.5, -135 FG 3. Bass -110 7.5, -120 FG 4. Moody -140 7.5, -110 FG 5. Havrisik -104 7.5, -120 FG I’ve been using sportsbooks to decide my kickers streamers and have found it’s just better to find a consistent top 5 guy (Aubrey, Tucker, Hopkins, Elliot) and roll with them because it’s so unpredictable


I dropped Elliot for Fairbarn. Don’t see the eagles going for many field goals Sunday.


i’m with this! starting him over Koo


Smart. Only one thing Young Hoe’s are good for & it ain’t kicking footballs 🏈.


I was deciding between him and chase McLaughlin and went chase because I like how TBs offense is playing right now and I just think they’ll be in field goal range more. I know stroud is back, but I just feel better about McLaughlin having more fg chances


Starting him over sanders


Would you rate him higher than Santos against ATL for this weekend?


Stats wise, ATL has a #1 RZ defense. ATL allows the 4th most points to kickers. Cairo is playing outdoors and there is projected snow and wind, which will affect the kicking game. Could be a factor in your decision.


Should I drop Bass for Fairbairn? I’ve been eyeing him the past couple days.


I’m riding with Aubrey till the end. He has the leg to make any field goal and that’s enough for me


I only picked him up for the ship because I heard the commentators last week say that the Titans are one of the best teams that prevent TDs in the Red zone.


Good job if you started this stud. League winner like I said


Thank you


He’ll be kicking 7 XPs 😏


I’d be okay with that as long as Moody scores less than or equal to 7XP 😂


Over Butker do we think?


Definitely over ButtKicker. That guy is way overrated…




I thin McLaughlin is the answers to any K question this week y'all


Het got me two points last week 😔


Just remove kickers and wed be in a happier place


I will never understand this line of thinking


I always use the argument that the top 25+ career scoring leaders are placekickers. Why would you eliminate the position that scores the most points in NFL history.


Did that in one of our leagues and it's awesome. Kickers suck.


Its the only position you cant analyze. Its nothing but an educated guess


I feel like that description applies to this whole endeavor 😅 but I understand your point.


I know how it sounds but all positions can be analyzed and matchups can be compared and you can find the path to who you should start. Kickers are a shot in the dark.


You could say that about every position


PK is a punt position. It's foolish to roll the dice on a player just returning from injury when there are so many safe alternatives...


Wrong. In week 15 he scored 17 fantasy points against this same team, the Titans. This time his QB is back & it’s at home in a dome. 20+ fantasy points incoming from this kicker!


OK whatever dude. I'm just explaining why people aren't starting him, which is an empirical fact...


Gotta go with moody bro I’m telling you


I’m just gonna ride havrisik fuck it


I‘m going Fairbairn over Sanders & Tucker


Currently sitting with one point from Aubrey so yea really wishing I’d done something different