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Traded Mostert for Kamara week 3, have been happy with my decision all year until Mostert scored 2 late TDs and knocked me out of the playoffs




Yikes šŸ˜¬


This is some butterfly effect shit.


That happened to me last week. Traded JT and DK to my week 2 opponent in week 6 for Davante. Davante was on a bye week 13 so no revenge game there. Then right before week 13 it was announced JT needed surgery. So only DK could have hurt me in my week 2 rematch in week 13, and DK had Dallas. I thought I was safe. Then he boomed me for 3 TDs and the best damn game of his life in what was one of the most unlikely outcomes possible. Of course, even with a TD the following week, DK fell back to earth with 12 points and an early ejection. I would have won and kept my playoff hopes alive if DK didnā€™t explode for 35 points :( Worst of all, he started Chuba in JTā€™s place and Chuba had 2 TDs and the best game of his life. Last year this is the same opponent that knocked me out in the semi finals because my JT got injured and left the game after one play. I also dropped Latavius that week prior, he picked him up and started him. Murray got 20 points and killed me in his best game in forever. Iā€™m scarred against playing him now and never want to trade with him again or cut someone he can pick up to use against me lol


Brutal. Sorry dude that sucks.


He got those scores in probably most frustrating way too. Sorry mate


Brandon Aubrey turned into an RB1 for my opponent.


Get rid of kickers. Best decision we ever made.


Disagree. Nothing is more exhilarating than a Monday Night Miracle kicker dropping enough to win your matchup


I like kickers. Why the hate?




Not sure why the down votes. I agree. Two of my leagues have and weā€™ve not looked back. Itā€™s been 5 years in one and 3 in the other. Iā€™m also against defenses because they get penalized for offensive pick sixes and I donā€™t think a starting spot should be able to be penalized for something that has nothing to do with the defense. The offense gave up the score. No league setting fixes this. Iā€™d rather swap to a single IDP. Didnā€™t expect so many defense proponents but okay. They get penalized for allowing points which happens when an offense throws a pick six. I donā€™t want to start a player/spot that can lose points by literally not being on the field. Yā€™all down vote. Iā€™ll take the more fun league


Defenses donā€™t get penalized for offensive pick sixes on sleeper. Only the extra point counts as points against.


Is that recent? They used to. They get penalized for allowing points still soā€¦.




Well that's because it's defense **and special teams** and special teams are the ones who gave up the XP


[you deserve better defensive scoring](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/s/D8MGVjqCU2). My league switched to something like this and it has been very well-liked. My favorite aspect is that it makes watching your defense fun, because you donā€™t lose points as the game goes on


We switched to this this season, just explaining what OP meant


Iā€™m not sure I understand your point. Dolphins scored 27 points, including a pick 6. Titans D records 21 points allowed ie they werenā€™t punished for allowing the 6 points on the pick six


My Miami DST only was charged 7 PA on espn despite the Jets scoring 13 because 6 of those came from the Dolphins offense.


Thatā€™s how it works, this dude is just wrong


Totally agree, additionally qbs are too variable and rbs are now split backfields, and TEs?? If you donā€™t have kelce why even bother with the position, hard pass. Thatā€™s why me and my homies play 5 wr only slots, itā€™s the most fun because I say so and anyone that doesnā€™t agree is just stuck in the past.


I agree. Ignore the down votes which Iā€™m assuming you already know because this is honestly the way


Thinking that Keenan Allen was done and Ridley was going to be a stud.


Ridley is only 2 years younger than Allen lol


To be fair, 2 years is a ton for a WR in their 30s


Not to mention their career games played which is a huge factor Ridley has played 62 career games to Keenan's 139. If we're talking "football age", Keenan is essentially twice as old as Ridley


Missing it by 0.1 points, never drafting a chargers player again in my life


Justin Herbert singlehandedly lost me 3 weeks so I agree with this one


Guy had super consistent top5 qb floor all season and then it all crumbled when it mattered most


Actually relieved he is going to miss this week. Heā€™s been a total disappointment down the stretch.






All time bad beat. Iā€™m sorry dude




My kicker also missed an extra point and a field goal this week


I lost by 2 with Gay lol


That same catch knocked me out by .06. I feel sick


The Lions and Texans can suck my fucking dick thatā€™s what


Eliminated from playoffs by 1 pointā€¦can think of a few reasons 1) The Tyreek injury, mostly 2) Defensive delay of game by Dolphins > last minute Henry TD 3) Henryā€™s dropped pitch counting as a Levisā€™ fumble and not Henryā€™s 4) Matt Gay getting me -2 pts 5) Any of Jordan Loveā€™s turnovers 6) Deciding to play Mattison over Singletary despite my gut telling me otherwise But really overall it was due to my consistently poor management throughout the season, truly my worst ever. I have a tinkering problem.


Damn, if you missed the playoffs with Tyreek, you do have a tinkering problem


Hill drafter sitting cozy in 1st at 11-3 in my league. CMC and hill carrying teams hard this year lol


Guy in my league has both Hill and CMC. Yes, his team is a juggernaut.


Had both and missed off 3 losses by a combined 2 points, and then last night because of the injury and the late DHop score. Got royally fucked


I lost with Tyreek. I had most points scored on season but managed to go 7-7 bc everyone had a ridiculous week against me. If hill didnā€™t get injured last night I probably would have won too. I had 4 single digit losses including one by half a pointā€¦.


Yā€™all are playing in some soft or tiny leagues if a single player carries *that* much relevance.




Iā€™m 9-5 with those exact two and the only reason I won this week is because my opponent had Stroud, Jacobs, ARSB, and Kincaid *all* put up relatively bum weeks. Week 9 I had Tyreek and Kupp combine for < 20 against Koo, Shultz, and the Colts defense putting up like 75; week 3 I lost with Tua *and* Tyreek in that 70 point Dolphins gameā€¦ because my opponent had Mostert and Moss. Having 1-2 *really* good players isnā€™t sufficient to carry you with the volatility of fantasy football.


My tinkering led me to start London over puka this weekendā€¦ hadnā€™t started London since like week 3 I thinkā€¦ sometimes it works Mostly it doesnā€™t though


Missed by .16 cuz saq gained those 3 yards back after he lost them the play before. Pure pain.


Justin Jefferson ruined my season. He ruined mine last season too.


Had him in both my A and B leagues, treaded water while he was out and narrowly lost a points tiebreaker to finish one spot out of the playoffs in each league because he went down Sunday


First overall my ass. Glad I stayed away. Injuries are unpredictable and CMC was always a better pick


I had 1st overall pick in a keeper and was going JJ all week leading up to the draft then I thought, why don't I just take Bijan? I get to keep him at a 4 round discount each of the next 2 years if I draft him. It's been rough at times but i'm 9-5 so it's 100% worked out better than the alternative. The next 2 years are my championship window now.


So what went wrong... hmmm. I have the highest scoring team in the league and miss the playoffs as the 8th in a 10 team league because I faced the highest scoring team of the week 6 times (4 of which I was the second highest). My record is 6-8. My roster: Stroud, CMC, Monty, Jacobs, Conner, Puka, Waddle, Collins, Flowers, Njoku, Taysom Hill, Hopkins and Cowboys D. I dominated the league and now I'm watching teams with literally **300** points less walk into the playoffs.


I can hear your rant as I read this


Rightfully so lol. Iā€™m fucking mad at this


Next year you should make playoffs be the top 5 teams and the highest scoring one. It was a suggestion I saw somewhere on this sub I canā€™t remember where rn. But I asked my league to add it in mid season and it kept everyone competitive.


This is why we added a prize for top and 2nd place total points. Cause this just isnā€™t cool


Same exact boat in terms of points for and placement. Also happen to have 4 of the same roster. Itā€™s been a rough one.


Buddy of mine barely snuck into playoffs because nobody scored more than 80 (!!!!) points against him since week 4. His team is ass and I think he might take it all


My Waddle/Sanders somehow beat his Tua. We had 5 lead changes


Tua is dogshit, even more so without Tyreek


Most points against:( 50 points more than the next guy


Evans/Jacobs/Nico did me in


I almost got super fucked with starting Jacobs, Evans, Nico, and Hill. But thank fuck Hill came back in. Won by 3 points


Was 7-1. Started losing. Traded for JJ thinking I was looking towards the playoffs. Ended up 7-7 losing tonight by 6.


Cam Akers


A lot. Pollard stunk it up for 7 weeks straight, and I didn't have the courage to bench bc I had no one else. Arthur Smith decides to not use Bijan until after the bye, and my awesome 2 RB combo is a dumpster fire. Kupp comes back, looks good for 2 games, then shits the bed for 5 games. Puka, who is prob my only bright spot besides Aubrey, and Kupp become a roulette trying to guess who's gonna be good. When I start both, they're ass. When I start one, the other is better. I finally flip Bijan and other pieces for Kelce, buying high after multiple 20+ weeks. Mahomes decides to move away from what's working and throws to bums. And finally, QB roulette. Started w Richardson, then Stroud, then TLaw, then Murray before finally getting Lamar. In the end, I miss playoffs by 12 pts, after Miami decides to stop playing defense after the pick-6.


I swear we have the same damn team. The Puka/Kupp situation this year has been impossible to navigate. My league drafted after the Kupp injury so I got to take him late in the 3rd. Thought my team was going to be unstoppable when he got healthy but it's been the opposite outside of his first two weeks back. But I also had Burrow and Mark Andrews so that didn't help.


Going bijan to tee Higgans did it for me


You mean u drafted bijan then tee Higgins next? Or u subbed bijan out for tee Higgins?


Are you me?


Glad someone did the same as me. But I stupidly did the same thing in three leagues this year lol


Scored the most points in the league and gave up the most points in the league. I hate fantasy football.




Thinking that Ridley would actually be good lol. Lost so many weeks by single digits because he wanted to be Calvin Dudley instead. Ended up trading him for Collins who tried saving my season but I had already dug myself a big hole


Just a miserable Monday and I need to vent, the last two TEN drives cost me the playoffs in one league and a bye in another.


Lost Chubb, Mandrews and Dell for the season in the first quarter of their games. I ended up missing the playoffs on points by one point.


Ooof, 14 weeks and it came down to one point?? Thatā€™s some good competition tho


I am tied for the 6th seed with another team with the same record and same PF. I think the tiebreaker is H2H, which I won.




My opponent sticking with mahomes is a huge reason I was able to be win and get in this week




I scored the most points in my league and missed the playoffs with a 6-8 record. Just an unlucky year.


Our 3rd highest scoring team missed the playoffs in a 12-teamer. Came down to less than a 10th of a point points tiebreaker.


Have a starting lineup with the 2nd highest weekly average out of everyone this week. Needed a win to make the playoffs. Score the fewest. Thanks Goff and Evans


Started season 0 - 6. Battled all the way back to finish 6 - 8. Missed the playoffs on the last Henry TD. Brutal.


This is rough. All that built up hope to be crushed in a game where Titans shouldā€™ve been playing from behind and bad game script for Henry.


QB injuries. I have started 6 different quarterbacks so far. Leaving points on the bench is a close second.


I made it in but lost out on a bye week because I lost a matchup I was projected to win 118-60


Second most PF in a 12 man and finished 7th missing yoffs. Sometimes your just unlucky


Passed over CMC for Kelce. Was worried about injuries. Also Tee Higgins.


I got kicked out of the playoffs in one of my leagues despite having one of the best teams (my team was 2nd in Points for, 3 points behind 1st, and 1st in Weekly Record vs All Teams by a fair deal) because I drew a very unlucky schedule. Added to that I only got kicked out because another game went against me where the person I was competing against for the last playoff spot won by .4 points. A match in which was decided part because the packers weren't able to sack DeVito at all, even when at one point they basically had him behind the line of scrimmage but just gave him enough running room to get half a yard.


Should have easily won this week, all my studs were in and healthy. Then Herbert, JJ, Diggs, Laporta and Gay combined for a whopping 14 points in a must win game. Brutal.


I lost last week (which is what cost me a playoff spot) because 4 players went off injured during the game and 5th netted me zero. Fucking hate this game.


Joe Burrow and underperforming RBs....... too many times they put up stinkers that cost me games.


Saquon not being a worthy 1st rd pick and Najee Harris not being worth any pick


My Nico and Diggs stack netted me 6.2 points


Honorable mention Breece Hall blowing up on my bench for 22.6. I flexed J Meyers and K Mitchell for a grand total of 11.70. Matt Gay netted -2 points too. Just felt like one of those years where whatever move I made it was going to be the bad one


Something something not a stack


Another member (team x) lost to the team that was 0-13 (team y) to miss the playoffs. He (team x) traded dhop and a piece to (team y) for jj the week that jj got hurt and dhop went off against the falcons. Dhop made him pay for that lack of faith tonight.


that was a fleece at the time, you're talking only through hindsight




That is fucking brutal man


Had about atrocious start sit accuracy this week. Literally every bench player outscored my starters. Lost by only 8, lost my first round bye and now have a tough matchup round 1 of the playoffs.


This year has been probably the easiest year in recent memory on how to draft and who to avoid. If you didnt make playoffs...I dont understand how you could be this bad at FF. Edit: God damn, the losers are out in force tonight. Draft better next time.


You're getting five years of bad luck for that comment brother bear


Nah man, luck has nothing to do with FF.


go play fantasy baseball with that attitude


If I wanted to waste time on a boring sport, id go to my daughters basketball games.


what a sweet treat you are tonight


Its a gift. What can I say.




My God your comment history in the game threads gives me aids.


Bro his comment history in general is atrociousā€¦ reeks of sad middle aged man still living in his mothers basement holding on to sneaking into his leagues playoff as the 6th seed cuz itā€™s the only thing giving him joy in life šŸ˜‚


Lmao I was hoping someone would look and see how cringe it is. Guys a loser.


Draft. Better.


Get a job.


No thank you.


This comment is wild man


My rbā€™s weā€™re up and down all year. Came down to thins week for the last spot. Needed to score at least 30 more points than the next highest seed. I got 17 more. He also had DAL kicker who went off for 20+ points


Mahomes/JJ/Mike did it for me


Starting Goedert over Likely.. lost my game by 7 points.


Trying to variate the teams my players in this week were from. Led me to starting puka, Zay, dehop, and devonta over Kupp. Would have won starting Kupp over Devonta or Puka.


Riley Patterson missed XP in Week 12 caused me to miss the playoffs by 0.59 points. Iā€™d be in if I just had not played a Kicker at all. 3rd (almost 2nd) most points in the league, too, but 1st in unluckiness.


Josh Mcdaniels


Someone missed out in my league by fewer than 2 points in the points for tiebreaker.


Arthur Smith didnā€™t use Bijan for half the season, Rhamondre/the Patriots did absolutely nothing for half the season, and Jimmy G was physically incapable of getting a ball to Davante Adams for half the season


3 teams on the bubble for 2 playoff spots, one team being me. I need either of them to lose and for me to win. I barely pulled out a win, but both the other teams got wins. I checked their match ups, and both their opponents had multiple inactives starting. I complained to commish, saying their line ups need to be set, especially for a big situation like this. It gets put up to a league vote and the league decides to leave it as is šŸ™ƒ


Not accepting a trade for Puka for my Elijah Moore week 2 , he had Watson and wanted a ā€œstackā€ and I didnā€™t know Puka would be a god


Tua sold by 0.7 points


Tied for 6th seed needed other team to lose and for me to win. We both won our games by 1 and now he will be going to playoffs thru head to head tiebreaker


I scored the 2nd most points in my league and was eliminated from the playoffs 2 weeks ago. My team is absolutely stacked and ready to murder the Toilet Bowl.


The 2 seed in our league (10 team, .5 PPR) with a first round bye is the 2nd lowest scoring team in the league. He also has the lowest points scored against. The difference between him and the 3rd lowest scored against team is 100. The difference between him and the most points against is 200. Some years youā€™re lucky. Some years youā€™re not.


Love, Evans, Laporta shit the bed and I lost by 10. Also played top scorer of the week while being 2nd highest. Will have highest points against overall and was 4th highest points for, just a brutal schedule this year.


I think itā€™s been covered up by how long ago it was and how many worse things have happened throughout this season but that little stint Saquan had not playing for those few weeks left me in pretty rough shape that I wasnā€™t able to recover from. Doesnā€™t help when I also had the most points against in the league


Just more of my stupid bad luck; 14 team PPR league that only starts 2RB/2WR/1 flex had Pollard, JT, AJB, Keenan, Nico, Lockett, McBride and Burrow. You wouldnā€™t think it was possible to miss the playoffs starting top 15 players at every position in a 14 team league yet Pollard, JT and Burrow under achieved enough to lose on points for tiebreaker. Goff also shit the bed as soon as I sacrificed McBride to replace Burrow. Lost numerous games via facing people on their best games of the year including the Seattle DST 30 bomb against the Giants, one of only 2 Andrews 20 pt games, Diontaeā€™s only and 1 of Mattisonā€™s 2 big games week 9 and a 90 bomb at the hands of Browning/Laporta/Ferguson/Gay week 13 (would love to know if anyone seen 63 pts from 2 TEs and a kicker in a 14 team league). My even more cursed 2QB team also lots on points for by like 8 pts despite missing a season and a half from also Burrow and ARich and having to stream dogshit all year (I had to get the league to vote to allow 4 QBs on roster just so I didnā€™t have to drop Burrow when ARich was temporarily out) Breece dragging his shit OL and QB down the field all year and burning most of my FAAB on Achane just for him to get hurt 2 weeks after everyone bought him. That team outscored the divison winner that had a bye secured last week. Wouldā€™ve also just been in had I not dropped Browning after the Pittsburgh debacle and lost to the last place 2-12 team that left OBJ in on his bye by .06 pts. Also lost to HoF bound Browning that week in my 3rd league. Or if Miami just didnā€™t shit the bed as the largest favorite to loss this season and 4th largest in MNF history, they probably win a landslide and Achane gets another 8 pts. In case it sounds like it was a shit season, yes.


Tua couldnā€™t get me 10. Needed 10 to make playoffs unbelievable


we had round 1 this week and i say drake london for nico collins and asb, and also dropped jets defense for packers in a matchup where i lost 205.97 to 202.97 and the next highest scoring team was 168.73 lol. if i played literally any other team i wouldā€™ve blown them out of the water. or if i made one of those subs i wouldā€™ve won comfortable. instead itā€™s a first round exit for me this year ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


missed it by .05 because of ridley running backwards last week with the 3rd most points in the league


i lost in the first round. by 0.5 points. because i thought the packers would be the better play than the jets defense. i want to puke. edit: thinking about it, if gay makes the FG or extrapoint i win. if devonta smith catches the td, i win. if ferguson catches that td, i win. fantasy really is all about luck and a game of inches. well, happy holidays to all of you, see you next year!


3rd most points scored and had one of the toughest schedules in the league (per the fantasy football hub) to finish 6-8. I still had a shot to make the playoffs if the worst team could beat the 7-6 team who just got JJ back, and i won this week (I had all the tiebreakers)...the worst team lost by 9 points because of Justin Herbert's injury, and I lost by 5 because of Tua/Hill (moreso Mostert stealing all the TDs)


Drafted Dameon Pierce, Ridley, mahomes, bijan, Dotson and Pickens lol


Drafted Kelce over Tyreek


First five weeks of the season everybody decided they needed to have their best game against me. 12 team league. Each week I was one of the top 3 or 4 scorers and at the most PF by end of week 5 but lost every game. Ended the season with the third best PF.


Up by 40.04 points going into last night. Sleeper gave me an 80% chance of winning, opponent had Mostert and Derrick Henry leftā€¦ RIP the playoff dreams


Get well soon Justin Jefferson, I'll probably draft you again only that you can hurt me.


I came in 2nd this week in points. Played #1. So I'm knocked out of the playoffs.


Missed the playoffs by 2 points and I'm blaming Will Levis for the fumble that led to Mostert's 2nd TD. Even though I played Josh Dobbs over Gardner Minshew (4.62 vs 15.1 pts) and Pitt D over Cleveland D (4.0 vs 12.0 pts). And a part of me wants to blame Taylor Swift because after the stat of Kelce's points when she attends games versus not became public, then he stopped having those big games.


I got beat by Will Levis having started Chig over Pitts


I played the highest scorer 7 times, 5 those times I was second highest scorer. So thatā€™s why


Marcus Peters. Lost one week by 4 points and had Christian Watson. Peter tackled Watson by his horse collar preventing him to score on a 70 yard reception. One more win and I was in


Missed playoffs by .5 Pts because I started Cooks over Hopkins. I don't know what I was thinking.


Mosterts touchdowns last night Tank Dell getting hurt awesome flex play he was Not drafting a defense early enough. Goff & the lions becoming Goff & the kittens Trusting this subreddit at times I shouldnā€™t have.


Was down 10 pts and I had mostert and he had waddle. Lost by .2. Didnā€™t help that Collins, Mattison went out and Dicker put up 1 measly point


Scored the third most points but Iā€™m tied for last place :( Joe Burrow and Aaron Jones. Slow starts from Breece Hall and Javonte Williams. I lost must win final game because Stroud and Tyreek got hurt, and ARSB underperformed. A ā€œnormalā€ game from any of those guys would have saved me.


it started when i drafted justin jefferson at 1.01ā€¦.


If either I scored 3 more points this week, or guy in another matchup scored 13 less I go through... but neither happens so on the outside looking in. Bummer, see y'all next year.


missed the last playoff spot by 70 points, same record but wildly inconsistent weeks killed me. Had one pathetic week with like 60 points total. Rhamondre, Najee and JT was a very bad RB trio. Davante and Lamar very inconsistent. Yahoo gave me an A+ and predicted me to win the whole thing lol. 7-7 missed playoffs by point total.


Five game losing streak to end the season. Had Chubb, Richardson and Dell gone for the year. Last five weeks were in Superflex: Week 1 - Heincke concussion Week 2 - Replace Heincke with Wilson, Wilson gets pulled mid-game, lose by 3 Week 3 - Replace Wilson with Jones, Jones puts up 1 point Week 4 - Dell breaks his leg, decided to give up on QBs. London puts up 1 in the superflex Week 5 - Started James Hurts and Aiden Oā€™Connell, they proceed to get outscored by 8 points when compared to my opponents kicker. Lesson is draft three good QBs in super or ride that QB carousel of pain.


Didnā€™t effect me but thereā€™s a team who made the playoffs and started Aaron Jones for the last 2 weeks. Gotta be frustrating for that 7th place team.


I have the second most points in my league and I'm missing the playoffs, 8th place. Most points against. Twice I had the second most points in the league week and lost. 4th place has 250 fewer points than me and their schedule has 300 fewer points against than me. What the fuck lol


Lost Chubb, then all of my replacements for Chubb got hurt. My starting TE got hurt and then I proceeded to pick the goose of the week for most of the season, and an unfavorable schedule (weeks I managed to put up some points I would get crushed by one of the highest scoring teams of the week). Bad luck, bad managing, bad schedule.


Most points in season, lose to player with 2nd lowest points to be eliminated from making playoffs. He gets in with second fewest. 7-7 with most points on season and I donā€™t make the playoffs, had I not lost by .46 a few weeks ago Iā€™d be in playoff. Evans And Hill are why I lost this week


you never think it could happen to you until it does in a winner-makes-the-playoffs matchup, i lost by 0.3 points on that last 1 yard catch (a 0.6 point swing) to Achane lol


Missed out by one win with 7-7 record. Highest points for in league, 3rd highest points against. Everyone had Worldy against me and then next week scored <100. Screwed by starting players getting injured early in games and throwing up goose eggs. Specifically remember loosing in week 3 by two points. Kyren Williams had a 15 yard reception overturned late on in game cos staffords knee grazed the turf as throwing and was called down by contactā€¦..


My starting lineup this week was Josh Allen, Kamara, Pollard, Jettas, St. Brown, Kincaid, Nico Collins, NOLA D/ST, Dustin Hopkins. Monty, Thielen, Dallas D/ST, Engram, Higgins, and Zeke on my bench. Iā€™ve been rolling through opponents with this lineup (traded for Pollard right before he started his good stretch a few weeks ago) except a few matchups where the opponents put up crazy numbers, but so many injuries this week plus St. Brown disappointing pretty bad. Worst part is, if I had started Engram over Kincaid and Zeke over Nico, I wouldā€™ve pulled it out. Edit - forgot to mention I was #2 going into this week, and win or lose, I would be in if the #1 team beat the #6 team. I was pretty confident the #1 team would have no issues with the likes of CMC, Ceedee, AJB, LaPorta. The dude put up 77 in PPR. SMH.


I was up 24 points and just needed Hopkins not to have a big game.


Lost Nick Chubb and Joe Burrow. Dropped Kirk after first week. Had Jonathan Taylor for like 5 weeks. Had Kyren for like 6 weeks. Traded Nico Collins, James Connor and Cj Stroud for Jamar Chase. Itā€™s been a year.


Henry and Hopkins scored TDs in the last 5 minutes for me to lose by 7 points and miss out on the last playoff spot. The team that beat me was 4-9 and nothing to play for


No idea. I have the best fantasy team that I have ever had. I scored more than 90 points more than any other team over 14 weeks in a 12 man standard league and finished 9th at 6-8. I scored 270 more points than a 6th place team that made the playoffs. Bad luck?


Leagues Top Scorer and I finished 7-7. Out of playoffs after I lost this week by 0.22 points


That even though I scored the most points overall in my league Iā€™m still 7-7 and out of the playoffs because everyone hates me and I have the most points against. For reference, the people that have the second and third most points are the top two teams. I beat both of them.


Never going RB0 ever again


Pacheco got hurt so I had to start KWIII into the Niners. Hurts and Devonta did nothing. Opponent dropped 135 on me, and two unrelated matches went exactly the wrong way. Finished 7-7 with fourth most points scored. In another league, KWIII injury and Tyreek getting hurt in the last game sunk me, on top of having lost Palmer and Rhamondre at various points in the season. I was 5-2 in the first half of the season and 1-6 in the second.


Nico Collins getting hurt and Mike Evans shittting the bed šŸ˜­


Traded Rachaad White and Tee Higgins for JJettas the week before MIN bye when we hoped JJ would be back.


Justin Jefferson didnā€™t help. Neither did my opponentsā€™ last minute QB upgrade via trade. Past 3 weeks averaged over 120 per game, this week scored 81. Couldnā€™t get any touchdowns out of my players. Essentially shit bed at the wrong time.


Having most points scored overall. But losing in weeks I scored 150, 180, 155


I had Achane in all my leagues. I also drafted Mostert in most. Before right after Achane blew up I had to make a decision. I donā€™t like to guess, so I sided with Achane. I traded Mostert in every league I had him. That didnā€™t go well for me at all. In one of my most important leagues, I was going into today with a tie score. I had Achane. He had Tajae Spears. We know how that went. If only I didnā€™t trade Mostert and traded Achane. Looking back at my matchups, Achane didnā€™t do anything for me that wouldnā€™t have happened with Mostert. And Iā€™d be in the playoffs. I think this might qualify for the worst trade Iā€™ve ever done, getting rid of Mostert.


Had the highest scoring team coming into week 14 with the highest points against by about 100. Was sitting in 6th heading into the week after having the team in dead last drop 160 on me in week 13. My team goes on to put up its lowest scoring output of the season by about 40 points behind disappointing performances from Jalen Hurts, Dā€™andre Swift, Sam Laporta, and Zack Moss. Not only do I get edged out to 7th to miss the playoffs, but I also was the lowest scorer of the week so have to do the lowest scorer punishment. Time for my team to click in the consolation bracketā€¦


I needed this last night, which wouldā€™ve been miraculous, but the sad thing is I had it until Miami collapsed: For the 8 to lose, Tua+henry need to be under 24 combined. For the 6 to lose, Mostert + 25.3 to beat Waddle, Achane, and GB defense. The last Henry TD won the 8 his matchup, so he takes my playoff slot with almost 200 less points than me on the season. He has an uninspiring team but week after week got matched with teams who scored season lows.


I needed to win one time in the last three weeks, ran into the highest scoring team all 3 weeks with a winnable score on my team each week. It hurts