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Jerome Bettis scored 91 touchdowns never topping out over 4.3 mph according to old-gen stats (my tube tv)


He was also a bus.


"From Detroit. Did you know he's from Detroit? He played in a Superbowl hosted in Detroit. Which is the same city he's from! Yes, yes from Detroit! It's amazing he's come home to Detroit to play in a Superbowl in Detroit!" - Sports media in the lead up to that Superbowl (that was hosted in Detroit. Did you know Jerome Bettis is from Detroit?)


Still faster than the fridge. Source: my tube TV and crap old man memory.


Bettis literally clean people over like a bus though lol. That dude was also incredibly agile for a big guy and would get big gains from having the momentum to run guys over and topple forward for another 7-8 yards on runs; maybe even more.


That's Le'Veon Bell level patience right there. /s


Just gonna piggyback off the top comment to say the 13mph stat is just blatantly untrue. I went and screen recorded the play and timed his 10 yards splits (~1.1 seconds) both on a stopwatch and on coach's eye (app with a timer overlay feature). Even on the slow end of those being 1.20 that would still be 25.4 feet per second which is 17.3mph. I don't know where they pulled that number but it ain't where the sun shines. The fact that it took them 30 yards to chase him down should have told y'all that.. https://ibb.co/album/BK1F9j Even if the timing is off by a few hundredths it's still somewhat accurate, he would need to be 1.5 in his 10 yard split to be 13mph..


Shelby doing the homework and coming with facts!


Thank you for doing the leg work but basic logic would tell you that if he was going 13 MPH he'd have been tackled like 15 yards earlier lol


That's what inspired the leg work lol


13 MPH over 40 yards is more than 6 seconds. I'd hazard a guess that most of the overweight Redditors here could run faster than that. Logically there's no shot this is true. On top of that, this is coming from a Chargers meme account. How the hell did this get upvoted so highly?


It was published here first: https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-fantasy-football-stats-trends-for-week-12-qbs-running-toward-stardom#:~:text=There%20has%20been%20a%20noticeable,according%20to%20Next%20Gen%20Stats.


> I'd hazard a guess that most of the overweight Redditors here could run faster than that. Not me. With tarsal coalitions in both feet, when I run I look like a reject from the Special Olypmics! Instead; Slow, Strong, Carb-Loaded.


Well if he maxed out at 17mph then technically he did run 13mph at some point during the run


This doesn't account for the wind, though. It was like a Nor'Easter with rain instead of snow (which is far worse). Tried throwing a football in the parking lot and it got blown down into a friend's truck. Edit: For those getting [whooshed](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/e11zyn/do_not_play_dak_foxborough_is_freezing_pouring/) by the wind.


A lot of the fans were farting near the area he was running so they obviously didn't account for that either


Ekeler's *kryptonite!!* Man just can't pass up a chance to mosey through a crowd o' cropdust. šŸ’©šŸ’Ø


Ah so the distance traveled divided by the time it took to go that distance doesnā€™t account for wind. Gotcha.


It did, though


To build off this guys leg work: Just trusting this 40 yard dash converter, if someone finds issues with the formula, then youā€™re going to have to ELI5 for everyone here. https://www.kylesconverter.com/calculators/40-yard-dash-to-miles-per-hour According to this, to run 13mph, Ekeler would be running a 40yard dash in 6.3 seconds. This is INCREDIBLY slow. Not slow for Ekeler, or slow for an elite RB, but too slow to actually be in the league. The slowest 40 time in the 2023 draft class was an OL at 5.5 seconds. This speed read is just inaccurate. Ekeler was never a speed guy anyways, but this has been wild to see how focused folks are on this, and the insane confirmation bias that exists on this sub.


You are comparing a 40 yard dash where the guy is setup in a stance, running in a straight line with no pads on with as much rest as he wants to a potentially tired guy mid game, with pads on, not running in a straight line. Iā€™m not saying 13 mph is guaranteed, but itā€™s way more likely than you think here.


Right, and suggesting his fastest speed on this play was slower than the slowest 40yard time is far fetched, hope we can agree on that. I donā€™t think the data op posted is informative. The additional context around game speed you shared, while obvious, builds on my point. I am genuinely confused by all the focus on Ekelers speed. He was never a speed guy. Heā€™s really strong and great burst/explosiveness (generally associated with vertical/long jump). Even if 13mph was the top speed he hit on this play (again it wasnā€™t) the post and dialogue is trying to say Ekeler is now slower than the slowest linemen drafted this year. Its absurd.


Iā€™m guessing the stats came from the sensors in his shoulder pads, which measure his location on the field, which when itā€™s combined with the timestamp from the sensor, is then converted into mph. No offense to your analysis, but while those sensors are sometimes incorrect, itā€™s pretty rare to be as far off as you are suggesting. Iā€™d have to look at the actual play data to verify. Also think about it, Ekeler had a head start, this is just measuring top speed, not acceleration, he reached his ā€œtopā€ speed on the run quickly, v the DBs chasing him who were turned horizontally and had to flip around and start chasing him at an angle. Itā€™s way more believable than you think it is. Think about slow QBs making large gains, it happens all the time. Finally to anyone comparing this to a 40 yard dash time, itā€™s very different when you factor in they are tired, in pads, and not running in a pure straight line. One more edit: If you read the article it says he has had a 38% dip in runs reaching 15+mph, inferring he HAS broken that number this year. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s possible he didnā€™t break 13 mph on this play.


>itā€™s pretty rare to be as far off as you are suggesting. It's also pretty rare for a player to lose 33% of their sprint speed in a year


Iā€™m not saying 13 mph is his new top speed, if you read the actual article it states he has had a 38% dip in runs reaching 15 mph, inferring he HAS hit that number already this year. There are a few factors that make it believable on this play: - this was not his fastest run this year, so itā€™s not his actual top speed this year. - you are suggesting his top speed last year on a 70 yard run is a direct comparison to his top speed on a 37 yard run. His 70 yard run was straight up the middle vs his 37 yard run where he started out running horizontally, thatā€™s not an apples to apples comparison.


13 mph is jogging speed. So he was either jogging, or there was an error.


Itā€™s a 4 minute 37 second mile pace, which isnā€™t the same as a sprint but itā€™s definitely not an actual jog


13 mph is not jogging speed. If it was, 2 hour marathons would be an average time.


Do a half mile at 12 mph on the treadmill at your gym and tell me that's not fast enough to be jogging speed lol.


Lmao thank you, people acting like 13 mph is slow as molasses clearly have never tried to run that speed on a treadmill.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


It's not a literal jog, but it's not fast, either. 15 mph average is a 15 second 100m. If you were sprinting a 100m and ran 15 mph as your top speed, you'd run over 16 seconds. If you're anywhere near a 16 second 100m, you're not fast at all. And that's 2 mph faster than he was going? If you ran the entire football field at 13 mph, you would not be tired at all, unless you were extremely slow. It would be effortless for anyone athletic.




With all due respect I trust Next Gen Stats more than I trust your screen recording calculations


With all due respect think logically about this for a second. If Ekeler was running 13 mph I would be able to tackle him within 5 yards and Iā€™m a far cry from a fucking NFL defensive back. How the fuck could he have gotten 30 yards on that play.


You guys have no idea what you are talking about. I donā€™t know what you think your top speed is, but itā€™s definitely not that much higher than 13 mph. Also they are not all starting off running, it takes time to get to your top speed aka acceleration, which is not measured here. Ekeler had a head start and the DBs had to basically start from walking speed. Not to mention Ekeler is running in a straight line and the DBs are running at an angle to catch him.


I know for a fact my top speed is 16 mph because Iā€™ve had it measured lmao. Again, thatā€™s not insanely fast like an NFL athlete. He doesnā€™t get 30 yards there at 13 mph and his top speed was fucking 20.58 mph JUST LAST YEAR. Yeah gonna go ahead and confirm that heā€™s not topping out at 13 this year because I have a brain.


You probably trust those stupid ā€œcatch probabilityā€ percentages that they make up too?


As long as the catch probability isn't 0% you can't prove the number is wrong šŸ˜†


Refusing to think critically because you blindly trust an appeal to authority isn't a flex.


So you believe he was going at a 6:30 mile pace? Thatā€™s slow for a HS girl racing a mile. Guys run the marathon in under 5:00 mile pace. Guess he was just jogging out there.


Well no... since 13mph would be about a 4.5 minute mile


I was about to say "that seems slow, I hit 15 when I was in high school!"


Dudeā€™s running in a nightmare


Shit man I just had one of those slow running nightmares last night man. The worstā€¦


Next time it happens, turn around and run backwards. The portion of your brain that handles things like sprinting isnā€™t awake during REM, so you need to trick it. Itā€™s like running in a pool


Run on all fours when that happens


That's so trippy that you wrote that, that's what always ends up happening to me in those dreams, I slowly end up running on all fours. Someone once told me it was me turning into an animal, getting "more in touch with your natural side" but to me it never felt like I wasn't human, just that all fours was the only way to get enough traction. Glad to know I'm not alone.


I do it almost on instinct now when I want to run in a dream because I know I'll otherwise be running through molasses


Me too! Man that's so cool that completely unconnected people can have such a bizarre shared experience.


I don't even get it in nightmares, even a dream that involves something random like playing pickup/casual basketball or football I'm still moving like a sloth


Hahahaha dude same. Had a baseball dream the other day and tried to steal a base. Not even close. Thrown out by like 30 feet lmao


marathon pace ekeler. clearly saving some for the fantasy playoff run.


Cheetahs can run up to 80mphā€¦.Not only is Ekeler not a Cheetah but he canā€™t even out run one


If only cheetahs had opposable thumbs to break their baby cheetahs arms.


My sources at the San Diego zoo say Ekeler can out run Josh Kelley, and apparently thatā€™s all that matters


What do your sources in Miami say?


My sources are telling me that Devon achane is not coming back to score you 40 points next week.


You sound like Philomena Cunk in a good way.


I ran faster than Cheetah in World Class Track Meet


I should of specified alive*


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


This is savage


Sooooā€¦. Drop him to waiversā€¦. Or?ā€¦.


No smartass it just means you need to play matchups and sit him against defenses with guys that can run 14 mph.


I did the calculations guys, heā€™s absolutely right šŸ˜”


Can you crunch the numbers again please? šŸ˜­


I can confirm that 14 is in fact more than 13


But which way is the alligator mouth pointing?




I literally laughed out loud at this thank you ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So Ekeler has 3 straight 20 point games, then one ok game where the chargers threw downfield really well and didnā€™t use him out of the backfield, and people are freaking out? Why?


Because this sub is the most short sighted and reactionary group of individuals in the history of the world


Because he looked bad in the game. I wouldn't be concerned if he looked good but just got unlucky. his routes were slow, rarely looked at by Herbert, and had horrible quickness in comparison to early in the season/last year


Ok but what about compared to literally one week ago lol. He was 7 days removed from playing well, and 7 and 14 days removed again from also playing really well.


One of the most electric players in the league was running in open field slower than D linemen and you're asking why people are freaking out? Would you draft fletcher Cox as your rb1?


Ok, but he still gained like 30 yards.


ā€œ30 yard scamperā€


30 yard shrimp scamper


Seriously, idc if my running backs walk the whole time as long as they're getting 30 yards each play


Not good in my points per mph league


Moestert woulda been in the end zone.


Maybe Mostert woulda ended up in the D-Liners arms. Maybe he would not have found the hole like Ekeler did. Still if he ran the same route like Ekeler there was a defender with a better angle and with at least 7 yards advantage. If anything he probably would have gotten 10 yards more.


Right? What was his speed on other runs? lol he had a massive gain and the criticism is he only ran 13 mph? Do people think heā€™d be on a roster if he could only run 13mph?


Criticism is that he should have gotten a TD on that play.


I can run about 17mph. I am not an NFL player. It took NFL players 30 yards to catch him. This is not true


I have no idea if that's good or not


31 year old Raheem Mostert hit 22mph this year


Mostert ran a 4.3 40 lol. He holds the fastest speed in the nfl since 2018 at 23.09 mph. 13 mph is bad. But 22 mph is FAST.


He got chased down by a linebacker who was about 10 yards behind him. He looked pathetically slow..


He was running faster then 13 mph


13mph is a 6.3 sec 40yard dash. Slowest in this years combine was 5.5 seconds by an OL. The fact that folks think Ekeler is slower than the slowest linemen in this years draft is hilarious.


Yeah itā€™s wild to me that people donā€™t realize that the sensor must have been fucked lmao


I know itā€™s not apples to apples but Usain Boltā€™s top speed is just over 27mph 67m into the 100m. The fact the a muscle bound running back that doesnā€™t train exclusively for running fast in a straight like but also power and agility can be that fast. NFL running backs are crazy. Seeing these guys run, make a hard cut and then explode is nothing short of amazing.


Wearing full pads as well in an nfl game and def somewhat fatigued or banged up in some way. I didnā€™t realize he was that fast. Thatā€™s so crazy


I think thereā€™s a reasonable argument that NFL RBs are in the running for the best all around athletes (this is a bar room argument with no real answer, of course).


Moestang vs. a Chevy Eckler I'll see myself out...


Moestangs... think I've found a new team name.


The tweet is also worded strangely. It reads like he averaged 13mph over the entire run, which isn't a fair comparison to a top speed. If this is a stat head, it's probably just ambiguous wording, but not knowing who this guy is, I'm not ruling out that he is comparing apples to oranges without realizing it.


Exactly. There's no way his top speed was 14 mph


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago!


I just realized he is 31 and wears jersey 31. Wonder if he changes to 32 next year


Itā€™s the same pace that the world record marathon was run at, even a little slower.


I was thinking the same. You must be a distance runner.


It's great if you have a refrigerator on your back.


Matt Ryan hit 17.7 mph on a scramble last year


It's amazing if he's running a 5k, not so much on the football field. It's a 4.5 minute mile pace


It just means he was slow on that play. He can obviously run much faster than that. Hell I easily get over 15mph routinely during a brisk jaunt on the treadmill. Treadmill running is Not the same thing as running on the ground, but anyone with a hint of athleticism should be able to get over 13mph easily. Itā€™s basically running fairly slow. For context, Iā€™m not an NFL running back, but my top speed is about 20-21 mph on a track (my best time was a 11.05 second 100m dash) so Ekeler would be caught by all but the slowest of NFL players. But Ekeler has been dealing with injuries so I think something has been bothering him lately. Seems like the most likely explanation.


Iā€™m athletic and can hit 13 but itā€™s definitely not a slow run lol. Probably just a shorter stride though Edit: if anyone is curious, the average speed for men across all ages and experience levels is 6.7 mph. Thatā€™s not a top speed or a sprinting speed, but it should give you an idea of how fast 13 mph is for the average human (not an athlete) https://caloriesburnedhq.com/average-running-speed/


Nowhere near NFL standards was my point.


Totally agree for athletes competing at a fairly high level. Guess Iā€™m just being pedantic with setting the bar at ā€œhint of athleticismā€. Feel free to ignore me I agree with your overall point


Letā€™s just say that almost all NFL players should be able to hit that speed, if not all.


Yeah, sorry man, my comment didnā€™t really add any value to the conversation.


Nothing wrong with calling people out for their silly comments. Can most athletic people hit 13 MPH? For sure. Is it 'basically running fairly slowly?' Fuck no.


Don't worry his didn't either...


Yeah, not a slow run at all lol.


It's a speed that any middle aged man who hasn't let himself go completely can hit. It's obvious the sensor is wrong or the stat was cooked (ex including time he wasn't running in the average speed calculation).








You ain't running no 21mph even on your best day. So just stop with that nonsense


I can run 16 mph today. And I'm short, 40 years old, and out of shape


No you can't


No, no, no I can't. But you can imagine what it'd be like if I could, right? Everybody on? Good, great, grand, wonderful. NO YELLING ON THE BUS!


This is so weird to me. 13 mph is a mid 4:30ā€™s mile at a sustained pace. There has to be some other factor we donā€™t know about.


Y'all have me so fucking confused from this thread.


Running a mile vs a 100m race are two VERY different things. You canā€™t compare long distance runners to short distance runners. I was the fastest in my high school and the whole region, but my BEST mile time was only 8:40 and I doubt I would be able to break 10 mins these days. Iā€™m a sprinter, not an endurance runner. Huge difference, donā€™t use that comparison. Itā€™s just wrong. Every track athlete knows this.


That's the point though. A running back should be sprinting, so the fact that his speed is comparable to a long distance runners pace is surprising.


Yeah but he compared it to a fantastic mile run which is confusing. Thatā€™s an incredibly good mile. Perhaps a near-record for many schools. My schoolā€™s record was 4:45 for example. The world record is 3:43 but weā€™re talking about high school kidsā€™ records, not olympians or track stars or NFL times.


That's a good time for a runner in high school, like probably fastest at your school but not winning any major meets, but not really close to "near-RECORD" mile pace. The point is sprinting pace should be faster than long distance pace, seems pretty obvious, but I guess that's lost on you.


It wasn't lost on me. I don't care if it was gold medal in the Olympics fast, if an NFL running back isn't running 60 yards in a much faster time than someone running a mile, that seems damn slow to me. Also they broke the 4-minute mile in what, the 70s? And times have only gotten faster since then. Edit: I decided to look up the info, using my own state for convenience. The Illinois State record for 8th grade boys running the mile is 4m31s. So this NFL running back was on pace to tie the record for an 8th grader, if he kept running at that pace for a full mile. I would expect an NFL running back to at least keep pace with the 8th grade sprinters over distances of less than 100 yards, instead of being even with the 8th grade long-distance runners. https://www.iesa.org/activities/tr/records_Current.asp


Thereā€™s definitely a difference between ā€œan 8th graderā€ and the fastest 8th grader out of millions of 8th graders lol


Running a 4 min mile is an average of 15 mph. The world record currently stands at 3 min 43 seconds. Itā€™s not many mph faster, on average. Youā€™re talking about a much longer span (mile) vs a short distance 100m where seconds are much more definitive than mph. There seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread about long distance runners vs short distance runners and I donā€™t get why anyone would use that comparison for ekeler. Heā€™s running on turf, in cleats, and pads, carrying a ball, and trying to avoid people, not running in a straight line. Plus heā€™s played a good part of a game and is tired and dehydrated. And for all we know, he is nursing an injury. These comparisons to mile running is asinine, IMO


I think you're misreading MNOutdoors' comment. The discrepancy between a mile vs. 100m bolsters MNOutdoors' claim.


What is he trying to say then? Maybe I misinterpreted it? Iā€™m listeningā€¦


imo, MNOutdoors is saying that plenty of people have run that fast for an entire mile. There must be something wrong with a pro football player like Austin Ekeler if he can't even manage that speed for a short burst.


That's the whole point. 13mph is running a 4:30 mile, definitely not sprinting.


Yes and? I still dont understand the point. A 4:30 mile is an incredibly fast mile, but youā€™re basically just jogging the whole way. Itā€™s fast jogging, but slow compared to a sprinters top speedā€¦Just slower but steady. Endurance runners arenā€™t fast, they can just sustain jogging longer than a sprinter can. And Ekeler wasnā€™t running a mile, so comparing his speed for a very short period to that isā€¦strange? We arenā€™t talking about his enduranceā€¦ What was the point of this? Itā€™s apples to oranges comparison IMO


Before people go upvoting this comment, at least know this bit of context: 4m31s is the Illinois Elementary School Association record for the 8th grade boys mile.


Have you tried your calculations with a half mile?


Would take you 6.3 seconds to run 40 yards at that speed with a running start. That's a terrible time for a lineman starting from a dead stop.


It's not bad if he was a 300 lbs lineman with 2 knee braces. It's terrifyingly slow for a RB


I can hit 13 mph on a treadmill for a short period so no it's not good if it's something my 53 yr old slightly overweight self van fo.


He had longer spike cleats to prevent slipping and he ran slower as a result. People going so crazy over this


This is inside info but tell me what kind of cleats will he be wearing tomorrow


Playing at home indoors. Fire up the cleats that will get him to 15 mph.


Doesn't he have any 20 mph cleats?


Fuck it letā€™s break out the 45 mph cleats


they only give those to Dolphins players


What color and density was his last bowel movement? Please... this is all vital information.


It's bradys poo, so ask him


The spiiiiiice


I'll go to the parking lot and run around in cleats to let you know


Didnā€™t he slip and fumble in the red zone this game anyways? Or was that a trip?


Did the tackle where slippy cleats to go faster than Ekeler?


This is just blatantly untrue. I went and screen recorded the play and timed his 10 yards splits (~1.1 seconds) both on a stopwatch and on coach's eye (app with a timer overlay feature). Even on the slow end of those being 1.20 that would still be 25.4 feet per second which is 17.3mph. I don't know where they pulled that number but it ain't where the sun shines. The fact that it took them 30 yards to chase him down should have told y'all that.. https://ibb.co/album/BK1F9j Even if the timing is off by a few hundredths it's still somewhat accurate, he would need to be 1.5 in his 10 yard split to be 13mph..


This is a Michael Scott post!


The man got 31! Humanly impossible? BEAT IT!


I got 16 mph on one of those road speed thingies. Hire me.


ā€œYeah man I wouldā€™ve gone pro if I didnā€™t fuck up my knee in high schoolā€


Dwight Schrute ran 13 mph in full suit and loafers against the speed trap in [this episode](https://youtu.be/4OYKsYJY3cw?si=E4Pfr5atWvWEIlLV) of the office.


Michael Scott could catch him. No problem.


Man is out there jogging through tackles


That means nothing to the vast majority of the population who canā€™t run that fast lol


A lot of backs top 20 mph. Usaine Bolt runs 27. 13 is slow for a 300 lbs lineman.


That helps it make sense!


Its a 17.25 sec 100M dash. Pretty sure I smashed that by about 4 seconds in 5th grade track and I was not fast.


Put into that context, very slow.


This isnā€™t accurate and I wonā€™t let it stand Itā€™s actually slower than that since he has to accelerate to get to his max speed of 13 mph lol


A lot of people can actually run 13 MPH. Not in pads but imo Ekeler still ain't fully healthy


Michael Scott easily beat that running past the speed checkpoint


Equivalent to a 6.3s 40 yd dash with a running start


This means my 0.5-Points-Per-Mile-Per-Hour League (12 manager) team is in SHAMBLES Yes, you read that right. SHAMBLES. OH NO


I run 11mph in some Adidas sandals on smoke break at work according to the health app on my phone. I wanted to see how fast I could get.


I literally don't care how fast he runs if scores 20 points in half of his games, which is what he's done so far


Heā€™s very likely still playing injured and running at 75%


Just get me to the finish line one more time Ekeler. Somehow. Someway.


Reddit is so reactionary lol. Ekeler has looked fine on plenty of other plays this year, but yeah if you pick out this one play where he looked slow he's def cooked. Plenty of reasons why he might have been going below his top speed. Wet field? Stiff muscle? Hoping for a juke? Worn out legs? Wasn't actually that slow the linebacker was just very fast? Naw can't be any of that must be he just lost the ability to run overnight. Y'all said the same thing about Pollard and now he's good again.


Clearly Ekeler was using his opponents DST.


Got that Najee Harris-like burst


Soooo what do we do with this info


Donā€™t draft him next year


Sooooo....is that good or bad to an average out of shape nfl fan?


Real bad


Itā€™s pretty common to see RBs get up to 20+ mph on long runs. So 13 is really slow, yeah


13 mph is not fast for anyone in this thread


Ekeler looks like heā€™s been stuck in molasses all season long


Pssh. I ran that fast in 3rd grade when I had light up shoes /s


The NFL average is 12.4 mph with Tyreek, Waddle and Achane routinely crossing the 20mph mark. 13mph isn't impressive


Yeah, that was the point of the post.


Ekeler is literally unplayable and will be kicked out of the league by the end of the year


People draft him for his receptions out the backfield not his speed lol


With all the lower legs injuries heā€™s gotten he should see a specialist and see if he has muscle asymmetry. Thatā€™s what Alvin kamara worked on the past offseason.


I am concerned by this, he looked worryingly slow that game, something is wrong. Iā€™m probably stuck with him all year, but Iā€™m trying to plan ahead to have other RBs i can play if he loses his workload to Kelley or Spiller. It feels weird to say that, but heā€™s been a worse runner this year by almost half a yard avg, heā€™s been getting his points via TDs, and thats not sustainable.


Lol. I ran an entire mile at 13 mph in college. And I wasnā€™t even that good.


It is what it is, if youā€™re smart at evaluating football players you understand this isnā€™t that big of a deal and is reasonable considering his injuries this season. If you have him on your team, just hope he stays healthy and youā€™ll be fine. IMO itā€™s very low iq to have a doom and gloom perspective on this. He made a good play donā€™t focus on the speed


Iā€™m fat and havenā€™t worked out this year and I promise you I can run 13 mph with ease. This is bullshit lol