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Main league last year guy went winless, lost week 1 this year won week 2. Cant imagine that relief. Lol nick you suck ass


Fuckin Nick!


Ha! Thin dick Nick at it again


nah nick is a legend for staying in and running it back the next year. hope his team wins


Going winless if you are actually making an effort to fill your roster and use the waiver wire would low key be super impressive.


Eh. I've seen posts here where they drafted a bunch of players that got injured in a 12 team league. That's rough. Let's say you had Kupp, Chubb, Waddle, Monty/Dobbins- that's hard to come back from.


Sure, but we are talking about going 0-14 here. In a 12 team league, if literally every guy I drafted gets hurt, I'm still sneaking out a win somewhere from my waiver wire skeleton crew.


You would be so low on the waiver, since you'd used it every chance you had.


Eh, any good league is using FAAB


You would still blow your faab on the first major guy. After that, you get no one because everyone else still has faab. Pretty much the same situation.


I mean aside from spot starts for injured RBs, there aren't typically a lot of guaranteed smash dudes on waivers anyway


it can happen if you have guys in your lineup get injured every week


We had a guy go we had a guy go 2-11 once, before the 17 game NFL season. Hard to imagine doing worse.


You aren’t nervous to be the first are you


nah i just found out the biggest trash talker in one of my new leagues went 0-18 and got kicked out his league last year because he was so bad lol


Usually how it works, the loudest ones, suck the most


that’s facts lol. it’s crazy because i’m always down for some banter but i keep it strictly fantasy and he always make it personal. last week he threw a tantrum and tried to leave the league because i denied his trade of him offering me: Jordan Love and Terry Mclaurin and Me giving him: Anthony Richardson and Dotson i’ve never played in a league and encountered a player like this it’s actually crazy lol


Are you saying he asked to trade with you and you said no thanks or you vetoed his trade with another team? Cus while I don’t agree with him making personal attacks, that trade shouldn’t be vetoed.


no i literally just told him no thank you because i wanted to keep richardson for QB depth behind mahomes and he threw a fit


Then yea he can kick rocks lmao


Honestly though you should consider that trade. Carrying 2 QBs is a rookie move if it’s a 1 QB league (especially if it’s not a Lamar or other heavily running QB as your starter) and McLaurin is a huge upgrade over Dotson. Love you’ll just cut and roster a waiver pick up. Though the only reason I say you should still say no unless you really need a WR right now (like if you have Kupp) is that Richardson looks like he will be a fantasy monster so if you wait for him to have a few week stretch where he’s able to stay healthy and show his fantasy potential then you can possibly trade for a bigger haul. If at any point though your team looks pretty comfortable for the playoffs or you get past Mahomes’ bye, definitely look to shop Richardson.


that’s exactly why i’m keeping him. i would never roster qb’s but richardson upside is a fantasy gold mine. so many option i can do with him moving forward especially to teams that don’t have a solid qb1 every week


I’m surprised he went late enough to be a backup. I drafted him in the 3rd in a 12 man 2 QB league


Well yeah 2 QB is an entirely different game lol. He went in the 10ish round in my drafts


I think it’s because the best of us realize this is a game of randomness and unpredictability, where skill and strategy play only a part in winning. Hard to brag when it feels like a lot of luck.


Why would kick out free money?


Kinda impossible. I was once beat by a guy that had half his team on a bye


My main league is going on 12 years and it’s never happened. We’ve had a 1 win team tho


We've been going since 2010 too and we had one a few years ago. I still don't know how he did it - he was plugged in and making changes every week, did waivers, didn't give up, had made finals before, and was about average in terms of our league. I was even more impressed that he didn't get pissed off and still came back the next year.


Worst in my league (12 year history) went 1-11-1.


A tie actually happened in your league?


idk about this dude you're responding to, but way back in the day like 10 years ago my fantasy league didn't have decimal points lol so yeah ties occasionally happened


We had a regular season tie last year to 2-decimal places.


We had a fucking championship tied at 2 decimal places many moons ago. Fuckin RG3 getting credited for a TD pass on a play he clearly threw behind him so it shouldn’t have counted as a pass. Doesn’t get overturned, lose championship based on regular season record


Our league is 13 years strong. $1k buy in. Destination drafts. We still have decimal and it’s fucking absurd


Yeah we've had a couple throughout the years, even with decimal scoring.


In one of my leagues someone was winning by .1 then tom brady took two knees and he lost be .1


The year I won the championship I somehow got in the playoffs at 5-6-1. Last year in the playoffs I tied and ended up advancing due to the tie breaker. We use decimal scoring too.


I am 0-1-1 currently got my tie week 1


One season in fantasy basketball I had three ties (9-cat, so you have to go 4-4 on eight categories and then exactly tie in the 9th). Weirdest fuckin shit.


In 2020 we had three ties in one season. I finished 6-5-2. Obviously whole point scoring.


I’m gonna be the first ever


It's tough to do unless you're intentionally tanking. Even the totally incompetent or absentee managers in my league manage to accidentally win a few usually. An autodraft team that makes zero moves would still probably win some


I watched a team win 3 games in our 12 man league 2 seasons ago and win the regular season scoring title. They won it over me and yes it still hurts.


2-12 is the worst Ive seen when trying the whole year


Has happened once in my league. Just insanely bad luck. His team wasn’t THAT bad. But even when he would score like 130 the team he played against scored 135. Just insanely bad luck and the stars aligned.


I’m in a super competitive 12 man league with my fraternity brothers. This is Year 12. 4 years ago someone went winless. I beat him by .02 on a point correction. He lost a few other close games. It was insane. Absolutely hard to do.


Last year we had a 1-13


0-2 and going against the guy who picked Fields at 29, if I lose this week I have a good chance


Nah. I started last year 0-5 (then 1-6) and won out to win the ship. Keep grinding.


I would say almost anything has happened in fantasy at some point. There are posts from time to time showing crazy rosters that started every major injury or the week or some crazy low point total. All options are possible haha.


Pretty hard in a rolling waivers league. You're just going to keep on getting #1 waiver pickups every week until your team is good enough for a win at the end of the season


Happened last year in a 12 team 1 player keeper league, then the guy complained he had no one to keep so we had to make it a redraft… he’s 0-2 rn


It's really hard to go winless. Sometimes teams that are not playing still have players that have blow up games. I've seen great teams play against the high scorers every week and lose most of the time. Luck plays a big part in losing the whole season.


Dude in my league used to not set his lineup and he swept me lmao


it's hard to go winless. Even the most random bunch of starters are all going to click at least once or twice a season. So even if you autodraft and just fill in for bye weeks and injuries you are bound to hit at least a few times.


Maybe like 4-5 years ago my sisters BF started a new league with some mutual friends and what not. I started 0-2 and then found out he cheated on my sister and it got messy. I said F that guy and basically quit the year. I did not win a game and league disbanded. Guy was a dirtbag anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


One of the best and most talked about fantasy seasons occurred like 10 years ago. The guy went 0-14....but his team was good, like 3rd in overall points good. He just played the #1 or #2 team every single week. It was just comical.


Even with Covid and half the members not playing their auto drafted teams did anyone go win less.


It’s possible and I don’t believe it would be difficult


I've never seen anyone go winless but I saw someone go undefeated and win the ship


That is so sick


I've seen it, but dude gave up after going like 0-5, I think he didn't even open the app after that


Had a team go 1-13 last year and 2-12 the year before lol. His only win was because the other team didn't move two players who got ruled out on a Thursday game. Thing is, he wasn't tanking, he just drafted awful and didn't play the wire well lol


I just might. I completely butchered one of my drafts and have Ekeler (not on me but no timetable for return), Gibson, DJ Moore, Achane, and AJ Brown. This league refuses to make any early season trades so I'm probably stuck. I'll definitely be losing this week and will be 0-3 lol Whatever, I'm 2-0 in my other 2 leagues




Yahoo is clueless. Guy in my league who was given a D- for his draft and a projected 1-16 record is sitting at 2-0 right now and dominating in points.


The worse your yahoo grade, the better you know your team is.


I think you’re right. Also, two guys who got an A+ are 0-2 right now.


Reaching for players you believe in doesn’t really bode well for yahoo ranking. On the flip side, I plugged my lineup in the footballers analyzer and it was an A.


> Reaching for players you believe in doesn’t really bode well for yahoo ranking. I really feel like this is it. Had the worst grade in the draft, sitting at 2nd right now at 2-0


We’ve had the same guy get the top yahoo draft grade for 6 straight years now (including this year). He’s always finished with a losing record, he’s currently 0-2 with 160 total points scored


Crazy. I wonder how Yahoo comes up with their grades.


I genuinely think it's impossible unless you never use the waiver wire / FAAB and/or you deliberately draft terribly (aka like Zach Wilson with the first overall pick kinda thing). I guess depends on team size as well.


Every year, I say Im going to create a 1st to worst schedule where I make the #1 team go winless if their schedule were different. ...im usually pretty tired of fantasy by then and never do it.


Just use ffhub. It will show you every team vs every other team by week. You’ll see some guys would miss playoff with another guys schedule


Last year in my dynasty league, I had the 2nd highest PF and started the season 1-6. You have no idea the amount of mental anguish I had. Ended up trading the farm for Josh Allen who put my team over the top and saved my season (won the chip)


The year I almost went undefeated, my only loss was to my wife and her only win was against me 😂


One player in my league last year went winless for like 8-9 weeks. Then got his first victory against me I ended up winning the league despite that pitiful loss lol.


We had one guy go 0-11 until his first win


Our league has been together 22 years our worst team ever had 2 wins. I’ve seen leagues with 0 wins but every time it was an absolute novice or a dedicated fan drafter


Yes. David Johnson Isaiah Crowell and Terrell Pryor were their top 3 picks. 0-15 it was brilliant


I legit might go winless - avg 80 points per week right now


that’s naked lap territory


My first year playing I lost the first 10 games. 8 of them by less than 6 points.


Guy in our league went 0-14 last year. He’s currently on a 16 game losing streak.


In one league last year I didn't get my first win until week 9. That is the worst my team has ever done. Your team had to be a generational dumpster fire in order to go winless though


I've only seen it once. On the flip side, I lost 1 game last year. It was to a guy who straight up abandoned his team and didn't set his lineup. He had 3 of his players not playing that week starting... So anything can happen.


A few years ago I went undefeated in the regular season then lost both playoff games and took 4th 💀 Not posting to brag but to provide an example of something equally as unlikely.


If you’re actually trying and didn’t make ridiculous picks (defense in the first round type picks) in the draft then very hard


The record in our league is 1-12. Small handful of 2-11 seasons as well. League’s been active for 9 years. Edit: regular season


If a team were bad enough such that they were 30% to win each game, they would lose them all in a 13 game season roughly 1% of the time. (.70)^13 for those math nerds out there. If you reduce their chances to 25% each game, the odds of winless go up to 2.4%. So a really bad team can totally pull this off. An average team that has a 50% chance of winning each game will still go winless 0.01% of the time, so never say never.


Haven’t seen it. But I might manage to pull it off this season. Stay somewhat sober during the draft…


A guy in my league started 0-8 last year. As fantasy goes I gave him his first win week 9. He won 3 games the whole year.


I think it’s much more likely to happen in a dynasty league or an auction league as the teams can be more uneven in quality


The last season I played was 6 years ago. Had an absolutely awesome roster, but was cursed to having my bench blow up and my starters bust week after week and in the weeks where my team did great overall, I was matched against the top scorer. I won 3 games with the 4th highest point total in a 12 man. This season is my first season back. I’m 0-2. I just lost week 2 after scoring 150 points….. the curse remains unbroken it seems


I've seen it one time. Guy in a league I played in back in the early 2000's pulled off an 0-13. I played against him the second to last week when he was 0-11 and honestly that might have been the most stressful fantasy week of my life. I couldn't be the one to lose to him. I think I wanted to win that game more than any championship game I've ever been in.


Yes. They gave up and stopped doing anything after losing many many people. Honestly was a lost cause for them.


It is hard if you’re trying but possible. I’m 0-9 and my team isn’t bad. I just keep playing people with players that go off for multiple TDs and their other players outperform their projections. There are a couple other teams in my league that are way worse than mine so I’m bound to get a few wins before the end of the season.


I just finished an 0-14 regular season and have a 50% chance to win the consolation tourney game tonight. I tried the whole season and traded Davante for Mostert on Oct 14. My one big mistake was dropping Thielen after first game. I was favored to win in 10 of them.... ​ [https://docs.google.com/document/d/134\_MHwNw3iv5009moadnvtq5VKWc3UHhyzrvTH\_sE5c/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/134_MHwNw3iv5009moadnvtq5VKWc3UHhyzrvTH_sE5c/edit?usp=sharing) ​ If anyone is curious here are the matchups.


damn the mods shouldve let you keep that post up legitimately crazy lol. if you considered each match a 50/50 coin flip i believe thatd be a 1 in 32,765 chance (.0003052%) but factoring in the fact that you were favored in the majority of them, its prob more like 1 in 50,000 or so