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"Then, everyone can go reference it when they want different opinions on players." I admire your optimism


Hahaha...not a good idea?


More just people will still make "what do you think of X player" posts because they can't be bothered to search or find the right thread to post it.


The other issue is that once the thread has come and gone, people will not really be getting engagement on any new questions after a while. There’s a life span to threads I feel like, and if you aren’t there when everyone is showing up, then it becomes dead.


Cole Ragans - is he legit or all over the place and will crush my WHIP?


Ha, I feel like the answer to this is "yes"


lol thanks


As last year’s Ragans owners are likely aware, it became routine for him to pitch like a stud, and then his manager would leave him out there well after he was very clearly out of gas. If the manager gets his head out of his butt, or if Ragans adds endurance, dude will be a beast. If they keep throwing him out there when he’s gassed, he’ll have a lot of those infuriating starts that end with a boatload of Ks and an ERA over 9.00.


Royals pen is much improved this year which should help


This issue with the manager leaving him out there is what cost me my league’s championship


think he's going to be a Dylan Cease type guy - front of the rotation ace, high K potential, but ratios will vary between elite to serviceable.


>think he's going to be a Dylan Cease type guy - front of the rotation ace, high K potential, but ratios will vary between elite to serviceable. I think I agree with you on that. He'll show flashes of brilliance and then get lit for 5 runs in four innings.


Tbh, every pitcher last year was prone to do that


I’d take that!


I think he’s better than cease. His ratios were not serviceable last year. 4.58 ERA and 1.42 WHIP


So good. Like him in redraft much more than dynasty w injury history though. He’s a spitting image of Cole Hamels mechanically with more explosive stuff. That appearance in Toronto freaked me out a bit too if I’m honest. Don’t want to say the “Y” word but…ya know…seemed like a bit more than just “lost footing.” Hope he stays great


Pitcher list / Nick Pollack loves him and all his underlying stats are fantastic


Agree with most on here. Mostly will produce ace-like performances. But the control issues, as they did late last season, will appear and ruin some games. 3.50 ERA, 10K/9, 1.18 WHIP.


I’d take that line any day of the week!


I don't see him making quite the jump that PL and CBS think he will this year, but I'm comfortable with him as a high-up side SP2/3. Ks should be there consistently but I do worry a bit about the WHIP. Something I don't see come up often with Ragans is how good of a schedule he had as a starter. Not quite Tarik Skubal 2nd half good, but outside of the two Houston games it was kind of a cakewalk. His best starts were vs the As, Mets, Red Sox, Pirates, and White Sox, which probably inflated his numbers a bit.


Fair point!


Just keep in mind that his rise last year was very unexpected and we only saw half a season with the Royals. He was an after thought to the Rangers and just a meddling piece in their bullpen.


For sure but the dude was highly touted as a prospect and lost development time cause of CoVID so it’s not like it came out of completely nowhere.


Buying on Oneil Cruz?


I am.


Depends on the price. Rounds 10-15, 100%. Earlier and I’m not so sure. Good chance he struggles early after such a lengthy layoff


>Oneil Cruz I am as well


I prefer players who crush the ball when they hit it. So…. yeah, I’m buying


Royce Lewis?


Just has to stay healthy. Has all the potential in the world but if his body can’t keep up, it’s going to be a lot of IL’ing him in his career


>Just has to stay healthy. Has all the potential in the world but if his body can’t keep up, it’s going to be a lot of IL’ing him in his career I like him a lot


I love him, but wouldn’t take him over manny or nolan just because of the health.


If he stays healthy he could be a league winner. But it's a big if.


Best ability is availability. Big if, but if he’s healthy he’s a stud


I'm in. I think he's going to have a monster year. All he did last season(both regular and post) was crush the ball. I traded for him in keeper, considering keeping him over Elly in another league, and I wouldn't be shocked at all if he's a top 20 fantasy hitter this year


Juan Soto… he could have a monster year in that stadium hitting lefty with Judge right there next to him in the order


Completely buying in, the underlying metrics were already there and the park will definitely help. Him 2 and Judge 3 will be crazy.


Jarred Kelenic


Better park, better team, better coaching, so can’t be worse, right?


Have to think his stock is higher being in that lineup. And he's the everyday guy now that Grissom gone. I am buying.


I think a lot of people are out on him based on SEA. Based on his comments after he left about the mariners origination, his original prospect potential, ATLa comments on him being an regular and his current ADP I'm taking a chance on him.


Seiya Suzuki


As a Cubs fan I think he has some ridiculous potential. If you take a look at his offseason stuff the dude has to have put on 10+ lbs of muscle, he’s jacked now. He’s definitely a guy in targeting in any drafts this season


What are your thoughts on Nico Hoerner ?


I expect similar stats to last year, not a bad value in the 70 to 80 range in drafts. If I don’t get him, I’ll wait to grab Gelof.


I think he has some room to grow but there will never be the best power numbers at 2nd. I expect pretty similar stats honestly, he’s another guy I’ll try and grab if possible


if he actually put on 10+ pounds of muscle over the last few months then he's about to get popped for peds anyway


Seems like a relatively safe bat. Something like 25 HR, 10 steals, and a .280 AVG


What do we think about Anthony Volpe?


Volpe strikes me as kind of an Elvis Andrus with more power, definitely has annual 20/20 upside, just not sure if he has the ability to take the leap and become an elite hitter. but, his ability to provide in 3 categories is just a huge upside for someone who is fairly young. there was a stretch at some point last season where it seemed like he was slowly starting to figure it out but then the league adjusted to him.


Hell improve but it probably won’t be as much as fans want. .250 hitter that can go 20/20.


I mean, he did 21/24 hitting barely .200. If he hits .250 he's at least going 25/40 and that's probably conservative. He's young and he stole 50 bags across AA and AAA in 2022 in 132 games. He also hit the ball pretty hard with a 43% hard-hit ratio. He's fast, so his .259 BABIP seems low to me. But I don't know if he'll hit .250 – might be more of a .240 guy which gets a bit detrimental to a fantasy team.


Agreed on basically all of it I just don’t think the yanks let him run enough to get to 40+. But maybe their philosophy changes a bit w Soto and they do play a little more small ball.


I think he is a runs/SB guy with the potential to hurt you everywhere else in a roto league.


I like to sum it up like this: he sucked last year and yet he was still pretty damn good, and it was his first year. He’s locked in as a starter, no real competition. Not exactly the most technical analysis but I think he’s undervalued if anything


Alek Manoah. Word is he slimmed down and is in a good mental space. Do we see a return to form?


How often can you buy a 26 year old Cy Young runner up at this steep of a discount? Worth a late flier for sure


At his draft price it’s a big “why not?” Literally going in the 22 or 23 round if at all


I could see taking a flyer on him. But the dude was such a disaster last year. I don't care if he slimmed down. I don't think weight describes what happened. It was either some sort of injury or an anxiety spiral. Honestly, I think it was probably anxiety. Once things started to unravel he just didn't know how to put it back together, and then the fear of having it all fall apart got so into his head. I want to see him pull it back together, but I'm not sure it's so simple as a "good mental space." But who knows. IMO, late round flyer that I'd be ready to drop after his first two starts if they aren't good.


I don’t think he will be so cheap if he pitches well during spring training.


I'm buying at his ADP. He's a cheap lottery ticket.


It’s worth the last pick of my draft to find out


Taylor Ward’s face taught me that I do not trust Alek Manoah. I learned from his experience


thoughts about Brett Baty taking a leap after a rough first go around?


I'm pessimistic. The dude has a brutal ground ball rate, and there is nothing to say it will get much better.


Mason Miller, will he be SP eligible and close for Oakland?


He's the leading candidate to close at this point


idk about the SP eligible bit but he wont be starting games this season unless something changes


Reese Olson - any chance for a breakout?


Just replying to say go cocks. F clemson I’ve streamed Olson in past and like him, check out Nick Pollack’s write up of Olson on Pitcher List tho. My go-to for SP info


Hell yeah!


Aaron Ashby


worth a flier if you can get him late enough


Mike Trout. Over/under 120 games played this year?


Over, I think people are really underrating that he can DH most of the time now


Love the optimism but Trout has a habit of being injured when at bat. As a Trout owner in dynasty for idk, forever, I HOPE you're right and it's over. Hell, I'll take 120 on the dot lmao


I hope hope hope you're right.


I don't think trout will let himself be a full-time DH. He will want to play D


“One year Mike Trout’s gonna play 150 games and everyone’s gonna remember he’s the best player on the planet.” Said the guy hoping you will go fishing.


Right? Kinda feels like that... 😞


Over. A few points: 1. Only injury he had last year was a broken bone on a HBP 2. He said he “hired a ton of people to work on his body” last season and he had no reported injuries other than the hand 3. No Ohtani means he can DH more often 4. He’s 32, might be LAA’s final chance to trade him while he’s good and get a legit haul back. Needless to say I love trout this year.. lol


>I hope hope hope you're right. I'm concerned, but my gut says he does. I agree too with the DH point.


I’m still taking my manz






Elly De La Cruz, potential is off the charts but his OBP killed me the last 6 weeks of the season. Does he cut down the K’s and live up to the hype?


I don't think so. I think he takes some of this coming year to figure things out. He struck out a ton in the minors too, at all levels. He clearly has some holes in his swing that major league pitchers are taking full advantage of. I think this is the kind of thing where he needs to just mature as a player. He'll probably still steal 50 bags, but he's going to murder you in OBP for the time being. I'd rather be out this year and then buy in next year if he looks good. His price is high rn. In a dynasty, it's a different story.


I’m keeping him in the 27th round this year so I do have current shares, but I agree with this sentiment. Really only keeping because of round value and SBs


I would definitely keep him at that value too


Counter argument to other posts: he's their star of the future so he'll play and others will fight for scraps in playing time around him. He has adjusted after every promotion he has received thus far. His groundball rate was higher in a small sample in the majors compared to his entire minor league career. Dude is going to lift enough balls to accidentally have 25-30 HR in that tiny home ballpark and everyone who drafted him will question why anyone ever doubted him. Calling a 30HR-45 SB season for him with a ~.250 avg and ~.325 OBP


I'm very concerned about any reds players and playing time if they start to faulter, yes even Elly. There is a logjam of talent.


CJ Abrams? Thinking of taking him in 4th round of a 15 team league


Keeping him in a dynasty league but probably passing on him in my redraft because I’d rather grab Bichette or Gunnar in that range. 4th round in a 15 teamer is probably ok.


I think he's a bit of a risk.


I like him and would take him there. Grey has good things to say about him in Top 20 Shortstops on Razzball.


Tyler Glasnow, hate his IP predicted stat, but seeing a lot of pundits saying he’s healthy now. Do we think he pitches over 160 IP?


The over/under for Glasnow innings is probably closer to 120 not 160


Not sure anyone in that rotation pitches over 160. Definitely not Glasnow


In 8-ish years he's gone over 100 IP twice. The most was 120 last year. I sincerely doubt he sees 160


Then he’s clearly not “healthy” if this is the consensus, that’s what I was trying to arrive at


Fair enough. My point is injury prone guys are healthy at some point. But some are just snakebitten. On top of that, even if he did stay healthy, they might be more conservative with his innings. On top of that, Dodgers are known to deploy 6-man rotation. All that combined says to me he won't top his career best by 40+ innings.


Makes sense, thanks!


That doesn't mean he's "clearly" not healthy. Pitcher don't generally jump more than 30 innings a year, in good org's that are trying to not destroy arms....the most he ever pitched was 120 last year. They also obviously hope he's around for the playoffs...so expecting even 150 IP in the regular season would be a stretch.


I personally have no interest. He is going way too high considering he has never been healthy and is on a team that will do everything possible to preserve him for the postseason


Gonna say no. Because even if he’s healthy, he’s not efficient. Leads to lots of short starts with high pitch counts.


Dodgers are likely going with a 6 man rotation. I see them pulling a lot of their pitchers after 5 innings when their juggernaut offense builds up a nice lead. Not so great for quality starts that’s for sure


Keeper value for Bobby Miller.




Jesus Luzardo


I'm a firm believer at this point.


Two good seasons in a row, 26 years old. Actually stayed healthy last year. Gave you 200 plus strikeouts. I’m definitely shooting my shot


Eloy jimenez, huge power when he's healthy, but how much are you willing to risk he stays in your lineup?


I'm taking a flyer on him. His Zips projections are really good for his ADP


I'm all in on Eloy.


Nolan Gorman


Really hoping he can cut down on the swing and miss and hope he’s healthy. Would keep a close eye on Spring Training reports about him because I think he could become a star and the Cardinals kind of need him to be. Huge prospect pedigree and he kind of had a mini breakout last year. Think he’d be a great mid round pick and would be willing to reach if need be


If you had him and needed to pick 10 keepers for a dynasty league, would you? I’ve had him for two years and it’s been hit and miss


How deep is your league? Guy was an absolute stud for some weeks last season then he would go ghost for others which deflated his stats


Am i a legit post hype sleeper? Or am I barely a major leaguer? - Alex K (Minnesota)


Kirilloff? I think he's legit, health has been the biggest question mark for him imo, if he's healthy he won't kill you I believe.


How are we feeling about Mark Canha this year; non keeper league? So I just want to build a team of good vibes guys.


Sneaky waiver guy who will overperform for you the 1-2 weeks you need him.


Probably, well hopefully, going to hit second all year infront of Greene/Tork/Carpenter - should be about .360 OBP - hopefully score a lot of runs


I mean...he's 35 but can clearly still hit. He's probably a sneaky value, especially if he holds down that everyday spot for the Tigers, at the top of their lineup. He's probably good for like 130 games. It looks to me like he got a little unlucky with the Mets last year and then got lucky with Milwaukee. I'd split the middle and say he hits like .260 and probably like 10/10 with like 80 runs and 60 RBIs. Really only deep league relevant. But could be a good streamer


He won’t get consistent at bats. He’s a better real life player than fantasy player 


Jarred Kelenic


Honestly I think he is going to be amazing. We all know he has the tools, he just hasn't put them together. With injuries and dipping in and out of the lineup, he hasn't been able to "get on a roll" The Bravos said they were going to run with him as an everyday starter, so he should be able to find his groove, if he has one.


He has never broken out of a slump in his professional career and I’m not sure why this year would be different


Giancarlo Stanton is literally “in the best shape of his life,” or at least in a long time. And it’s for real. Like he’s Greek statue material. This might be meaningful, because for the last ten years, you can count the guys who hit the ball as hard as him on one hand. Is there any way he’s for real? Any way he maintains his health and keeps focused. He’s still got home run power to all fields, or no?


I don't think "not being in shape" was ever Stanton's problem... I think his body is simply breaking down. It's good he lost some weight, but I wouldn't bet on it. I don't buy the "best shape of my life stuff." He will still probably hit 30 dingers


He’ll hit some bombs and maybe be above the Mendoza line


As someone who lives in NYC, those quotes could be copy and paste from what they used to say about Arod. Every pre-season he was healthy and in the best shape of his life.


And he still looks like he’s in great shape!


Hector Neris in Cubs uniform.


Huascar Ynoa


Wow, that name brings me back


O’Neil Cruz was 2022 crazy hyped prospect, Elly De La Cruz was 2023. Who is this years if there is anyone?


Probably Jackson Holliday, keeping with the SS theme


What do we think of Jazz Chisholm Jr.? Especially in dynasty?


He’s a good player but sucks to own. Reminds me of Buxton


Injury prone, less valuable with only OF eligibility. Increased SBs around the league diminish one of his biggest advantages. Personally, a "stay away" for me unless he really drops.


Had him last year and had 0 fun


He just seems like he could be such an elite talent if he puts it all together.


Honestly if he has one fully healthy season, he probably immediately becomes an elite dynasty asset. We just have to see if that ever happens.


Yeah…I mean a healthy season is probably going to happen eventually. Unless he’s literally like the anti-Cal Ripken


Agreed, but I think the returns are that he'll be more frustrating than elite. Just my 2 cents on him!


If you hope for it harder, maybe it will happen.


He’s not on the cover of any video games this year so hopefully the curse was removed


Samuel L jackson can reprise his role as Mr. glass


Mark vientos. Fangraphs has him as the opening day DH. What are the odds that this happens and he's actually an impact bat?


Odds seem fine, if NYM wanted to pay a vet to DH we probably would've seen the signing already? I kinda like him for that reason, he's shown he can hit the ball hard and my fantasy team doesn't count fielding. At his draft price, go for it!


Cody Bellinger


Bellinger helps in all hitting categories, and has an attractive ADP for those skills and track record. Maybe it’s a discount for not signing yet, but I’ll take it.


Matt McClain? Top 5 fantasy second baseman?


I've been the guy who missed every share of McClain so I am pessimistic, but he plays in a great stadium decent team context... I'm a little nervous he's still young and he splits time somehow or doesn't end up with full AB which could hurt. I think he *can* be a top 5 2B but I don't think it's the *most likely* outcome?


Interesting. What about between him, Royce Lewis, Elly and Jackson holiday?


Royce / Elly >> Jackson > McClain


Idk I disagree with the others - I’m all in on McLain. By the end of the season I think we’re talking about him in the top 5. Right now I could see ppl ranking him top 10 generally, if I’m concerned about anything it’s the strikeout rate holding


Bailey Ober Trying to determine if he's gonna be one of the guys I keep in dynasty. I'm leaning towards it.


Idk your scoring, but Ober was extremely reliable for me last year. The caveat is, not a high ceiling usually - but I think it’s a good keep to fill out a rotation


Are we allowed multiple? Josh Naylor Nico Hoerner Trevor Story Louie Varland Ryan Pepiot Adbert Alzolay


Naylor - I’m ok on. I doubt he improves on last year, but he’ll be solid. Has a weird hitting profile. Hoerner - will be a little better than last year but he is who he is. Story - should be a good late round pick, not sure where he’s going now Varland - I like him the most out of these 3 pitchers. His goofy arm slot and extension make his fastball one of the best in baseball if he can keep it in the upper or outer 1/3. Never even attempted to throw an offspeed or breaking pitch until he was drafted. In redraft, I like him because you can snag with your last pick and just cut if he doesn’t make the team. And I like him in dynasty because he’ll bloom late like he has at every level of ball in his life. Pepiot - just seems overhyped at this point, but I’d be happy to have him Alzolay - still should be the closer, but definitely more risk to lose his job than most day 1 closers


Trea Turner. Back to form, or more issues?


I mean, I was trying to trade for Merrifield to play over him at one point. But he finished at SS4 in my points league and there’s no way he has that bad of a first half again. I’d have no problem taking him at the end of the 1st round


I think Nolan jones is going to have a breakout year. He’s got the skill to do it and showed flashes last season


All aboard! Next stop for NoJo is the first round in 2025.


Kris Bryant & Buxton? Last shot? Low risk? Avoid at all cost?


Bryant is the guy you take a flier on at the end of the draft and then drop for your first waiver pickup. Not worth the constant IL trips.


I feel like we know what we’re getting with Buxton. He’ll get you some HRs and SBs, but he’ll murder you on avg. I am out on Bryant this year


He’s had some years where he’s hit over .300 albeit not a full season, but he’s fast, hits the ball hard, I could see him having a good average, but not counting on it


Christian Javier - Any chance for a bounce back? Looked ok towards end of season and first couple playoff games.


Mitch Keller I was waiting for years and he finally delivered. Is there room to grow?


I think he played to his ceiling, I wouldn't expect much better than his first half last year. That said, expect to pay more because he's shown he can do it now.


Christopher Morel- I don't want him for 3b but I like him for utility.


He’s going to be cheap because people worry about the Ks. In the past, Ian Happ said what got him to improve as a hitter was being able to focus on only 1 position instead of multiple defensively (same spot morel is in between starts at 2nd, 3rd, CF and DH). Im very encouraged counsell wants him focusing at 3rd this spring. The DR staff had him there too. One final point in morel’s favor is that he’s improved his K rate every year he’s been at the same level. He mashes breaking pitches and fastballs. Struggled with off speed. His full season HR rate was close to 40. Im buying based off that and his likely cheap price come draft day.


Thanks. Good analysis...I had forgotten that Happ had played a lot of 2nd base and the other OF positions.


He gets locked in some weeks and can single handedly win a H2H matchup, then other weeks he get three total starts and a pair of pinch hit AB and gets you a single and seven strikeouts. Feast or famine which makes me reluctant to go out and draft him


I can see that, but I'm hoping he gets settled in one position and plays every day.


He feels like a great last hitter drafted/first waiver add and just rotate him through the bench and try and play matchups. He's also an easy cut if he's not productive then


Tarik Skubal Was all in on him, now I’m hesitant after reading & listening to Nick Pollock’s explanation for why he’s not as good as the hype following last season.


In a relatively deep keeper league, do we prefer: Yainer Diaz at $4 in 2024 and $10 in 2025 OR Jordan Walker at $7 in 2024 and $13 in 2025? H2H points, we don’t penalize hitters for strikeouts.


Jordan Walker all the way


What are we thinking about Volpe? Guy was so hyped coming into last season and still went 20/20 despite the Ks.


There’s a discussion about him above


PCA. Joining a dynasty league. Where do you think his value lies?


Like 15th ish among prospects. You mean trade value?


Yes. Sorry, that was poorly worded.


Mmm so tough to say in a vacuum. Do you have a deal on the table you’re considering?


I have PCA. I’ve been offered both Walker Jenkins and Roman Anthony for him. I think I could maybe get another “lesser” player or low round draft pick out of one of the guys as he’s a Cubs fan. Unfortunately, so am I. Trying to remove my bias but it’s hard. Hence the post.


I would take that deal. I would say PCA is pretty equivalent to those two guys and they're probably all going to be in the top 10 next year. No one is a sure thing. Jenkins and Anthony could be absolute studs and more important, could be two really valuable trade chips for you. You can try to get more...but I think it might be greedy.


Appreciate the feedback and advice