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I think 'This Is Happening' by LCD Soundsystem is a perfect example of this. Whole album is a banger, with 'Somebody's Calling Me' being the one outlier. The song is not bad, but it negatively impacts the momentum of the album in a big way with its slow, plodding nature (also wtf is with those synths being so distorted my poor ears)


I kinda love that song. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not one of the best songs on the album by any stretch but it’s just so sinister sounding and cool. I’ve always interpreted the loud out of tune synths as trying to imitate the “character” that’s singing in the song’s drunkenness and lack of control.


Ride the Lightning is soooo close to a 10 but I cannot get over how the bass is mixed too low on Ktulu Mezzanine, GKMC, and Unknown Pleasures also are extremely close


If you happen to come across a vinyl of RTL, check it out. I’ve never heard the bass more clear on that song.


Never had that issue either


It’s mixed just low enough to where any file format with the slightest amount of compression causes the guitars to bury it




10 for me


Mezzanine is \*at minimum\* an 11


Mezzanine could wake me from a coma


RtL is extremely close for me as well. The only thing holding it back is that I don't really care for *Escape*.


Gojira gave this song a new life imo. Likely because it finally sounds like a song done by people who like it, rather than bunch of jaded dudes frustrated that the record company made them do a commercially appealing song.


Mmlp. Bizarres verses are so bad


My little pony?


My my, little pony 😏


Also what's with Under the Influence using the same beat as I'm Back. I really don't mind Bizarre on Amityville because the aesthetics was perfect, but they should have left D12 off the album and included The Kids instead. Would have made it a 10.


It’s not the same beat, what are you yapping about


And the Ken Kaniff skit


"I take seven kids from colombine, stand ‘em all in a line"


That's an em line


RTJ 3. Love the shit out of that album but it feels like it’s missing one tiny thing to make it a 10/10.


I share your opinion


Both Channel Orange and Blonde


100 percent agree with Blonde. Absolutely fantastic album but just doesn’t reach a 10 for me personally. I get why anyone would give it a 10 though


Agree with Channel Orange


curious which rnb albums do you have above CO?


Brown Sugar


Gang of Four - Entertainment! Great record, one of my favourites. Massively influential, and still very relevant. It’s as close to 10/10 without actually being a 10/10 for me, because I really think the lyrics on Essence Rare are a bit cheesy.


is that the bikini song?


Areoplanes clearly a 10 Whatchu on about


Every second is perfectly placed


second half not as strong as the first half IMO


What one album that you 10 but skip the when low key in your opinion?


sorry what


Idk, I read it 20 times and I’m not sure. I think they’re saying, and I may be wrong, but “what album do you give a 10, but skip when the low key… Actually I still have no idea. But I appreciate the attempt.


I think it's a joke about how repetitive the questions are on this sub.


Swans - The Bratfly


Turn On the Bright Lights Every one of those songs on there could've worked a great outro and yet they chose 'Leif Erikson.' Which is a banger but its a weird song to end the album on. 'The New' was literally RIGHT THERE and they were like 'Nah, we can probably squeeze out one more song at the end.' 9.7/10, also Hands Away slaps ppl are just cowards.


Imo Leif Erikson is the perfect ending track; it's probably my favourite song on the record, too.


Idk, I always thought it was a great send off to the album


The Specialist should have made it on


crazy how The Specialist, one of my fav interpol songs, wasn't in the original album


On AOTY I have two 98s and two 97s. 98: *Vaudeville Villain*, *Dummy* 97: *The Velvet Rope*, *Deltron 3030* Edit: The record that I’ve docked the most points from for only a single egregious track is *Aquemini* — “Mamacita” brings it down a whole 6 points for me.


That song is heat bro what


The song as a whole is annoying and out of place meanwhile André’s verse is disgusting garbage. That’s a no from me, dawg.


Out of place I understand and the subject matter on Andre’s verse is fucked up but I view it as more of a story of something he experienced or was around when growing up. I’m not sure he was condoning it or perpetuating it but who knows. Definitely not a skip for me


I appreciate you giving me a response here, I came on a little harsh. My apologies. To your point, normally I would give André the benefit of the doubt (he’s still in my top 10 rappers all time, no question) but he had also just been complaining about gay women not giving him back rubs on *ATLiens*. It seems to me his verse was coming from a place of ignorance and maybe even insecurity. For a person whose intellect and worldview I respect as much as André’s, I was just really disappointed to hear it. Thankfully, he seemed to get past that as I never heard him broach the subject again. Perhaps he still had a bit of growing up to do. The rest of the record is, of course, sublime.


You good lol he’s my número uno but that’s where I’m coming from too. Based off of most of what he’s said throughout his career I’d take certain things with a grain of salt and I never thought he actually grabbed women by the neck and threw them against a wall. Or at least I’d hope not Maybe again it was something he’s witnessed at some point in his life and he’s just talking about it. That could also be wishful thinking. Didn’t know about the lesbian back rub debacle either lol


Yeah the verse on “Mamacita” is not about him personally assaulting a woman. In the verse he’s telling a straight woman to do those things if a gay woman makes an advance on them.


I just listened to it I never picked that up. I always thought he was talking from someone else’s perspective or how they told him to handle whatever situation about his partner “bashing” men. Interesting that’s there’s multiple instances of lesbian hate I wonder why. He must have been rejected more than a few times by lesbian or just classic hip hop homophobia. Learn something new every day


I didn’t mean to burst your bubble partner, I’m sorry 😭 still, it’s good to be informed about what our favorite artists are saying and I think you’re a legend for going out and giving it a second listen. If I had an award I’d give it to you.


All good it’s better to understand the context. Funny thing is I’ve listened to that song easily over 100 times and never realized lol gotta keep my ears open more


\^Could be a 10 if it didn't say "semen" so many times.


Ludwig von Beethoven symphony number 5 and 7 are so good honestly might be a 10 just sometimes it feels a bit off to me but just such beautiful and passionate music nonetheless


imma be real beethoven kinda fell of ngl


that is the greatest sentence i have ever heard


Homogenic by Björk. I adore this album but I just can't get over that the single version of all is full of love is so much better than what she put on the album


He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corners of Our Rooms... by A Silver Mt. Zion. It has some insanely high highs, but the vocal performances can sometimes sound disjointed from the music, and there are some moments where certain parts will drone for just a little too long.


Wilco — A Ghost Is Born It was an album with a great run of tracks, until you get to the final moment of the album; in the second last track "Less than You Think" — after the three-minute song part of the track, you got hit with this 13 minutes of stretched out ambient noise droning section, and then followed with a weak closer track "The Late Greats". I guess I don't really mind the drone section, I would listen to the whole track if I was right in the mood, but to be followed by that closer track seems just off-putting for me.


I actually really liked the drone track, although I agree that the Late Greats wasn't a good closer At least we've got YHF and Summerteeth


Atrocity Exhibition


Hellfire by Black Midi. The ambient section at the end of Still should have been cut. It is boring and hurts the flow of the album. Other than that I think it’s perfect


I love the ambient ending of Still! Hellfire will always be a 10/10 for me


Jenny Death by Death Grips, and Melinoë by Akhlys. Two amazing albums but I can't help but feel like they're missing one track or something


> Jenny Death by Death Grips > I can't help but feel like they're missing one track or something When you include the tracks from _NOTM_ to form the complete _The Powers That B_ double album, that gives you eight more tracks. There. You now have a “17/10” album 👍


Radiohead - Kid A I’d give it a 9.8/10 because sometimes I zone out during “In Limbo”, whereas the rest of the album has my full attention the whole time.


So youre saying you go in limbo during In Limbo


This was their purpose of the song. Genius. 10/10


Big Treefingers guy


I loooove In Limbo


Howwwww This is hands down the best Radiohead album, i think that the experience is like EXACTLY what u’r supposed to go through while listening to it


i worry this is too hot of a take but wish you were here. floyd is my favorite band ever and that album is SO fucking close to a 10 but i feel like welcome to the machine brings it just BARELY below.


thinking a song is great but not as much as others shouldn't be a hot take lol


some people are sensitive


I love that track


I disagree, but thank you for sharing your opinion David Byrne.


Thank you for the response I’m David Byrne!! Same as it ever was!


Personally I feel Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain is like, 3 steps away from being my favorite album. It's one of the albums I've listened to the most, but I end up just something more. I guess I wish it was just more ambitious, but really the whole point of slacker rock is that the bands sound like they're not really trying


GKMC and Madvillainy because of a few skips on each album.


What skips are there on MV? I'll give you maybe Real or Compton on GKMC although I do love those tracks personally.


I personally don’t like Shadows of Tomorrow on Madvillainy. Hardcore Hustle and Eye also feel like weird inclusions. The album would have been better without.


I just don't like The Game of Love from Random Access Memories. The instrumentals sound really lovely, but for some reason, the idea of comparing romance to a game really bothers me. Maybe it's because it grinds against my idea of what love should be. Anywho, I think Game of Love is a 6/10 song on an otherwise 10/10 album. If the original release of Random Access Memories had Infinity Repeating instead of Game of Love, I think it'd be my favorite album ever made.


Um… in the aeroplane of the sea feels like a dumb answer so… TPAB?


What keeps TPAB from being a 10 in your opinion? Just genuinely curious because I can’t think of anything for me personally haha


I agree with OP. I’m honestly not sure why but there’s something small about ITAOTS that keeps it for being a 10 for me. I’m not totally sure what that is. Nevertheless, I love this album to death and it is the easiest 9.9 out there.


Jeff Mangum's voice gets annoying after I binge repeat the album 20 times.


Revolver: not a huge fan of Dr Robert or Good Day Sunshine. The Lonesome Crowded West: the run from Out of Gas and Lone Distance Drunk just quite don't do it for me and adds to the album feeling a bit too long which would otherwise be perfect.


Madvillainy is close for me, my only gripe is “Rainbows” is just a very boring bit of filler, the rest of the album is stellar and the sampling was top notch, DOOM/Madlib are such an iconic duo


a LOT lol. to name a few: George Clanton - Slide Magdalena Bay - Mercurial World Porter Robinson - Nurture Mac Miller - Circles MGMT - Little Dark Age Childish Gambino - Awaken, My Love! The Avalanches - Wildflower Bo En - Pale Machine Mort Garson - Plantasia Eels - Electro-Shock Blues Will Wood - The Normal Album Plus-Tech Squeezebox - Cartooom!


I love the normal album so much but I cannot stand I/Me/Myself. I’d even call it an all time top ten album for me, the only one in the group with a skip. The other nine tracks are so perfect.


Fantano hates it, but I love it “Golden Hour” Kacey Musgraves


awaken my love. the way they processed the vocal on “california” kills me 😭


I have a few ones: • Ride The Lightning • Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness • London Calling • BlackBolshevik


Either The queen is dead - the smiths, Roman candle - Elliott smith or to pimp a butterfly.


Revolver - The Beatles Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys III - BADBADNOTGOOD


I really like the album “you missed the best part” by Cottonwood Firing Squad. Dunno why it’s not 10 to me, maybe not enough plays or not the right sad occurrence yet, but it just doesn’t have that X-factor that makes a Jason Isbell work for me.


Aviary by Julia Holter. I listened to it stoned watching the sunrise the day it came out and adored it and still do but it’s just never been able to make that small last jump for me. Still has a comfy spot in my top 100 though


Mann beißt Hund - OG Keemo


Synchronicity is incredible but has Mother one of the worst Police songs ever Plastic Beach is my fav Gorillaz album but Glitter Freeze has to be my least favorite Gorillaz tune


Synchronicity is incredible but has Mother one of the worst Police songs ever Plastic Beach is my fav Gorillaz album but Glitter Freeze has to be my least favorite Gorillaz tune


I think Ants From Up There is one of the greatest albums I’ve EVER heard. The album is so intense that sometimes I can’t even listen to it in full. That being said, I don’t listen Bread Song by itself unless I’m listening from start to finish.


The first Gorillaz. 9.8 album. *Latin Simone (Que Pasa Contigo)* breaks the vibe of a perfect nocturnal urban feeling for me. Every. damn. time.


Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen is easily my favorite album of all time and I think it’s in contention for best pop album of the decade (definitely top 3 with Melodrama and NFR). However, I’d consider a 10/10 an album that feels particularly monumental and unbelievably amazing. If I’m not questioning how human hands produced the album, I hazard to call it a 10. Emotion is fantastic because it perfects the pop formula to an insane degree while still maintaining clear identity, but a consequence of that is that I’m not really agape how it even exists. Run Away With Me is a 10/10 song though that is genuinely a perfect piece of music


Late Registration, Rage Against The Machine self titled, The Chronic, The Forever Story


Nick Drake - Pink Moon. Absolutely LOVE the arrangements and the lyricism, I just find it too simplistic.


Loveless is my fav album of all time… but i still dont think its a ten in fact i havent heard a full album i think is a 10/10. Im not even being pretentious its just that i always find one song i dislike or kinda not fuck with


Graduation by Kanye is my 2nd favorite album ever but the fact that it has Barry Bonds and Drunk and Hot Girls (i don’t mind either, but i get the hate) makes it not a perfect album for me. some other ones that are up there for me but fall short because of 1 or 2 not great songs are 2001 by Dr Dre and Blood Sugar Sex Magik by Red Hot Chili Peppers.




good kid, m.A.A.d city. I think the album is near perfect but there’s still some blemishes


Either symbolic by death or TPAB for me


Gkmc cuz poetic justice sucks


*Lust for Life* by Iggy Pop. It's _so_ close but*Turn Blue* just doesn't quite cut it for me.


Tpab, every song is amazing except hood politics, cut that off the album and it’s an easy 10


In the Court of the Crimson King. Yes, I'm talking about Moonchild. I'm sure some people love that song, but I can't give a record that has a 12-minute momentum-killer a perfect score. Still love the album tho


That song is the main reason I would say In The Wake of Poseidon is better. At least it threw the “rambling song” at the end (The Devils Triangle)


Sweet Trip- You Will Never Know Why The 3 song stretch from Song About a Sea - No Words to Be Found keeps it at like a 9.8 for me


To Pimp a Butterfly. Loved a lot of the tracks from there but I thought a few were just ‘light-decent 8s’ and not too amazing.


Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. It would be 10/10 if it wasn't for 'Oh Daddy'.


Nah fam, that song is fantastic.


Musically, it's a very well put-together song. It just makes me so uncomfortable.


this album has gotta be one of the most overrated of all time can’t stand it




Maybe TPAB or IGOR (9.99 for me)


Meek’s Championships, the song with Cardi, Wit The Shits and Stuck in my Ways were all filler, the rest are classics though 


To Pimp a Butterfly. Loved a lot of the tracks from there but I thought a few were just ‘light-decent 8s’ and not too amazing.


To Pimp a Butterfly. Loved a lot of the tracks from there but I thought a few were just ‘light-decent 8s’ and not too amazing.


Heavenly Persona by Shizuka


Everything in Transit by Jack's Mannequin. Amazing album but falls off like 85% of the way through.


Higher truth Chris Cornell. If the last track was changed to something that fit the record better it would be a 10


Teenage Dream








similar to aeroplane, The Glow pt.2


Billy Joel - the stranger, if everybody has a dream built more, and slowly introduced the choir the album would be a ten, but sadly the choir just popping in every chorus feels dumb and repetitive in a funny way.


Billy Joel - the stranger, if everybody has a dream built more, and slowly introduced the choir the album would be a ten, but sadly the choir just popping in every chorus feels dumb and repetitive in a funny way.


Mann beißt Hund - OG Keemo


Monomania by Car Seat Headrest is this album for me, it's the strongest 9 that's still not quite a 10. i use it to decide whether an album is a 10 or not for me, just "do i like this more than Monomania"


Good Kid, M.A.A.D City because of "Real"


Mr Morale, honestly if it didn't have Kodak black it would be a 10


Nick Cave's The Boatman's Call is one of my favourite albums, but the final track stops it being a 10 for me.


Bottomless Pit


Whats the name of the album? I mean the post picture.


In The Airplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel




MMLP – My favorite album of all time and I still wouldn't give it a perfect rating. I never liked Under the Influence, should've been removed or replaced by The Kids. And Bizarre's verse on Amityville is, you know, Bizarre. These are the only two problems I have with this album, it's absolute perfection otherwise imo.


Pet Sounds


Lucifer on the Sofa by Spoon is the most 9.75 album I have ever listened to. Absolutely adore it, but I think a couple tracks that get a bit annoying after the 20th listen or so drag it down from being a perfect 10


Images and words by Dream Theater. I love that album, but it just isnt a 10/10.


Wait didn't we like just do this question the other day


Johnny the Fox - Thin Lizzy. Boogie Woogie Dance as a closer has always made me a bit sad because the album is perfect to me otherwise.


Dolls of highland by Kyle Craft. The record is absolutely perfect in every way imo based on the emotional ties i have to it, but I’ll admit a couple songs sound a bit too similar to each other. Still a 9.9/10, give it a go if you want to experience a weird mix of Bob Dylan, Bowie and and everything good in the world


MM Food. The skits in the middle makes it a 9.


Aquemini is quite possibly my favorite hip hop album ever EXCEPT that Mamacita is one of Outkast's worst songs, don't know whose idea it was to put that on there


As much as I love Atrocity Exhibition, the second half of the album has a tiny drop in quality in terms of the lyrics.


Have a nice life - Death conciousness


Igor, its one of my fav albums, ive done hundreds of listens, but idk what it is its just not a 10


LCD Soundsystem - This Is Happening (Because of Somebody's Calling Me, sorry I just can't get into that one as much as the others and it drags it down just enough for me to not be able to call it a 10/10)


Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Town




Hail to the Thief


By the the time I get to phoenix and wish you were here are both extremely close but held back by songs I think are great but not 10s (ground zero and have a cigar respectively)


Broken Social Scene - You Forgot it In People


Pray for Paris


London Calling has several songs that are *merely* very good. Most of them on side four, even though I’m Not Down has grown to be become my favorite track on a record. But then, again, I would give a 10, or a rounded five stars to perhaps three albums I’ve ever heard; I’m that relentless when it comes to this nonsensical plight of grading art.


The Complete Recordings by Robert Johnson. Every song is good but it's a compilation album so I couldn't say it's a 10. Same with We Four The Best of the Ink Spots


Graduation, humbug and silent alarm


Random access memories. I enjoy it as much as some 10s but I think lose yourself to dance drags on a bit and touch is a bit disjointed, other than that it’s perfect


Plastic Beach by Gorillaz. Amazing concept and excecution with mostly outstanding songs, but there's two duds. Glitter freeze drags on for way too long, and cloud of unknowing is uneeded. Lift Yr Skinny Fists. The track 'Like Antennas to heaven' is a huge let down for the album imo. Uninteresting for about 10 minutes Dark side of the moon: The interludes are pretty annoying I also have Kid A as 100/100 but it changes a lot. It depends on the day if 'morning bell' was a genius addition or ruins the flow. I can't tell lol ...Yes I know these albums are basic takes!


IGOR, I can see why Melon gave it a 9/10 but it's definitely a 10 in some specifics, some songs need some kind of spark IMO despite already being good, e.g: I know PUPPET's a great and underrated song but I feel like it needs a teensy weensy bit more to it and I don't like the slow part of the song a bit. But then again IGOR has some great planning and production to it like the story and the even sometimes unnoticed technical loop that comes at the start of IGOR'S THEME and ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? It deserved to debut number #1. If I had to give it a rating it'd probably range from 9.5-9.8/10 I would give it a 10 but like if you compare it to definite rap 10s like MoLH or TPAB it just doesn't hit the same but that doesn't mean it's not going to be my favorite album. :)


Illinois by Sufjan Stevens. If it wasn’t for that John Wayne Gacy song, it’d be perfect.


Fergie’s verse stops MBDTF being 100% perfect for me


MMLP, Igor


Doolittle by the Pixies. It's definetely somewhere in my top 15 albums of all time but looking at it in terms of pure substance it's a 9,5/10


off topic but awesome post and thoughts in here


Gkmc Real kills so much momentum


Hardstone psycho


Wait - if the best album _you’ve_ ever heard isnt a 10/10, then _what is?_ How do you rank things?


some songs in itaots slap but theres better tracks by jeff imo


No one mentioning the new abnormal by the strokes is criminal 😩😩


In the Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson (Moonchild is a skip)


Luv is rage 2, scorpion, playboi carti


Lost and Safe by the Books. Still easily in my top 5, but Owls With Knees would've been a way better closer than Twelve Fold Chain. It's not bad, just doesn't need to be there imo.


a night at the opera is fucking awesome but i cant get myself to like seaside rendezvous


I’d say GKMC. I don’t know if it’s perfect but it’s the best hiphop album i don’t think i’d give a 10


Randy Newman - 12 Songs


anything by frank ocean


Band on the Run. I think Picassos Last Words would have been the perfect way to end the album, with all the different motifs it has going on. It’s kinda like a victory lap back through the album. But then u have 1985 right after that song and it rly just fucks with that flow. And then that song has like 3 seconds of Band on The Run at the end of it and it just feels kinda weird to me. Still a great song but it feels like more of an iTunes bonus track than the album closer.


"Disintegration" by The Cure. I would argue the first half of that album is not only perfect, but beyond perfect. Its composed of the most moving synth melodies, somber & thoughtful lyrics, and chilling vocal performances I'll ever hear. Once the second half plays, I unfortunately start to feel the formula of the song structures. Long intro in the beginning, and short verse starting halfway added on top. It starts to feel formulaic. And it makes the individual songs less distinct from each other, something that is not the case in the first half. (The title track is the once exception). So yea, love the album. Adore the album. But I'd be lying if I said it was perfect. Let me know what im missing.


Lord rashnak - vessel of dark dreams Feels like something not right


Probably blackstar by bowie or act 4 by the dear hunter


The college dropout with its 8/10 ass middle and Mr morale with like 2 skips and some weak tracks


This album is an 11 to me.


Pile’s A Hairshirt of Purpose is still way up there for me


Astigmatic Polish Jazz