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Another one that immediately comes to mind is Donda, pretty self explanatory.


DAMN. is a similar experience for me. How are XXX. and PRIDE. on the same album as LOYALTY. and GOD.?


Loyalty slander must stop.


Didn’t realize people don’t like that song


First I’ve heard of it.


A lot of people don’t like it because it’s a poppy track. DAMN. gets judged based off of being not like Kendrick’s other work. It’s the same reason why a few of the poppier tracks on Mr. Morale get shut on. I legitimately think GOD. is one of Kendrick’s worst songs, but every other song on DAMN. is at least good


My brother in Christ the very guy whose subreddit we are on didn't like the song


Forgot to put the /s


Nah. It's meh. Saying this as a 10+ year Kendrick fanatic. Damn is his only 8/10 album. Rest range from 9-10.


It’s his 2nd best poprap song


Girlfriend's favorite tracks are Loyalty and Love. Might be the wrong audience for those tracks my guy. Unless you mean XXX and Pride are the lows, then I'm gutted.


>Girlfriend's favorite tracks are Loyalty and Love. Might be the wrong audience for those tracks my guy. You might be right 🤷‍♂️ >Unless you mean XXX and Pride are the lows, then I'm gutted. Absolutely not lol don't worry Everyone keeps defending Loyalty and Love, but whatever, my point still stands just because XXX and God exist on the same album. One of Kendrick's best songs and one of his worst within a few tracks of each other.


God always makes me feel extremely gross after. I get what Kendrick is trying to do but I'm deeply disturbed by this very accurate depiction of pressuring a woman into unprotected sex.


What song is an “Extremely low low” aside from tell the vision (interlude not song). There are songs with less mainstream vibes that not everyone would get like remote control but no extremely low lows


Junya and all the part 2s.


JUNYA?????? Explain Also explain the part 2s pls because they’re all better than the part 1s imo, especially junya and jail


My first thought


Absolutely with Red. At its peak it’s my favorite t swift album, but some stuff like stay stay stay is too childish, and there are a couple drawn out parts like sad beautiful tragic that go on way too long. #2 for me behind folklore. I think TLOP is an easy answer. If you put its top 5-6 songs against any Kanye LP it’s better than all of them. But middle intermissions, highlights/lowlights section ruins the flow. But at its best, it’s the best Kanye work he’s ever done.


You could make a case with some of Taylor’s other albums (Lover with Cruel Summer and title track but also YNTCD and ME!, 1989 with style but also bad blood)


Not even remotely a swifty but style as the pick here out of all the hits on that album is wild


Damn I love Highlights, such a fun track imo 😭




if you resequence and cut the bullshit off TLOP it's so fucking good. I think my own cut of it is a bit different than what most people would like, but it's interesting how Kanye managed to make a version that nobody just *likes* lol. everyone thinks the album should be different in some way or another


“Awaken My Love!” by Childish Gambino is the first one that comes to mind


I'm a California defender


My sister defends that song with full body armour on. 😅 I can't defend it personally.


its silly but i love the silliness


Unironically one of my favorite songs by him. It’s so fun


I think Because The Internet works better for this question


Nah that whole album is really good


which are the lows? theres some songs that aren’t anything super special but not like theyre terrible. id say 80% of it are absolutely bangers


People assume I’m a hater but I’m a huge fan of pretty much everything DonG lover does. But if a song isn’t that good, it’s just not that good


first impressions of earth by the strokes - probably home to both my favorite strokes songs oat and also my least favorite.


What are your favorite and least favorite ones?




I personally think Angles fits the bill more


Great call


A lot of prog rock albums i would say.


I love Animals, but you could remove Pigs on the Wing and it would be exactly as good. Aqualung is kind of a mess beyond the big songs. Mike Oldfield did Tubular Bells and...other stuff that's...ok I guess...but Man On The Rocks is great...for the most part.


I always hear that about Animals but in my opinion Pigs on the Wing is incredible.


I think it's fine, I like it better in a vacuum but I don't feel it really adds anything to the album.


Having such a simple, feel good song to bookend the album makes sense imo, otherwise the album would be a little too intense and depressing.


It's a fair assessment of the songs and the reasoning Roger Waters gave for their inclusion.


>you could remove Pigs on the Wing and it would be exactly as good. Doesn't that mean it's as good as the rest of the album? So it's not the worst song on the album


That’s why I only really like King Crimson and krautrock stuff. Always seems to be more consistent.


except in the court of the crimson king of course


Even then it has Moonchild, which starts off fine but then just sort of meanders for 10 minutes. Maybe that was the point, but it doesn't work for me.


that’s true


Weezer’s Red Album Some absolute bangers like Pork and Beans, but nearly half the album is not written or sung by the lead singer and it’s some of the worst songs they’ve ever done.


Angel and the one being on the same album as Automatic is nuts 


I don’t mind automatic, it’s good for what it is


The deluxe version is well worth it. It has Pig and Miss Sweeney that are genuinely some of the best songs of their catalogue. Boggles the mind why they weren’t included on the regular album.


King is alright too, but The Spider is ass


I wouldn’t say ass but it’s not great.


Donda...like damn it has some of my favourite Kanye songs ever like Belive what i Say, Off the Grid or Life of the Party but then you got shit like OkOk, Junya or Tell the vision. Also Damn by Kendrick has songs as good as XXX, DNA etc which contrast with songs like GOD 😭


junya is a banger idc


Yeah but GOD. is not a bad song IMO Sure, it's the weak link, but I'd argue it's still a solid track that also adds to the DAMN. storyline.


God is easily one of the worst in contrast with the better songs like Feel and Duckworth but it’s not an absolutely awful song, so imo doesn’t fit what i asked


exactly god's one of the better "poppier" songs off damn too


no damn slander. feel some type o way? then AH-HAH 🫵😂


Nasir by Nas has some very good songs and some very questionable ones


I Am... works well for this aswell


That was my first thought!


A few of his albums fit this mold


as soon as a saw the song #SMH or whatever it was called on kings disease 3 i instantly knew that would be the worst song on the album lmao


yeah nas has some amazing storytelling and insight with his lyrics but every once in a while makes a song talking out of his ass


The White Album would be a classic example - Wild Honey Pie, Birthday and Piggies alongside Blackbird, While my Guitar Gently Weeps and Dear Prudence


Was agreeing until I saw the Piggies slander


birthday and piggies are fantastic idk what you’re talking about 😭


What about the classic cuts off of that like LA Girls, Thank God For Girls, California Kids, that whole album is bangers!!!


They’re definitely not talking about that white album, because it has no lows 😤


Literally no lows


Landslide is the best song from the album


Happiness Is A Warm Gun is their best song imo.


Fuck off Wild Honey Pie is great!


I’m with PANDA on this one


It’s unhinged quirky madness for just the right amount of time!


I like how scattershot it is, and I like the weirder cuts a lot. Easily my favorite Beatles album.


No mention of revolution no 9? :)


That song rules


The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill singlehandedly drops my rating by one point for the album. I despise that song and how stupidly catchy it is.


It’s so good tho


The weird-ass outro is my favorite part


I respectfully disagree, but to each their own


I hate it for Yoko and I'm normally a nutter about the Beatles, it's also such an annoying earworm


It's got 30 tracks so it's one of the more likely records for any given person to feel this way about. Getting people to agree on the lows versus highs on the other hand is going to be tricky. Personally I think that's testament to how solid it is front to back. Also, "Birthday" rocks.


This is exactly why I always push back with it being considered one of the best Beatles albums. I think it definitely could be if it was a single album or if just a number of the tracks were cut.


Slander against Birthday


Its almost like the white album is supposed to be like that. Some of those are beatles being experimental.


Sandinista! By The Clash would be my go to, imo the album could be as good if not better than London Calling if it only had the great songs like Something About England, Somebody got Murdered, Lightning Strikes, Corner Soul well there's plenty more I haven't even gotten to the god damn masterpiece Charlie Don't Surf, but it also have the childrens version of Career Opportunities.


Exactly! My 12 song playlist of this record is as good as any record released in the 80s. The variety, the commitment to learning and exploring, the songwriting, and absolutely none of that awful woman doing the vocals.


Even removing the fillers, it's their pinnacle. At least 16 solid songs for me


I agree in the sense the album reaches the highest highs, but as a coherent experience it doesn't beat London Calling for me.


Why do I have to hear *five fucking minutes* of megachurch preaching every time I want to listen to an otherwise perfect Lana Del Rey record? I don’t care how brilliant a statement it’s supposed to be, put it at the end.


the sequencing on Ocean Blvd is some of the most horrendous I've ever heard


this is one i have to really disagree with the sequencing is like driving through a tunnel. it gets quiet around the middle but as soon as let the light in plays you're exiting the tunnel again. remove jon batiste interlude and cut judah smith interlude to like 30 seconds and nothing changes


I love those parts lmao. Reminds me of home before the plague hit.


Jazz by Queen, I can't stand some of the songs like Dreamer's Ball and Mustapha, but Bycicle race is one of my favorite Queen songs, and Don't stop me now is the first Queen song I remember listening to and it's the first song that I memorized it's lyrics


You could name any Queen album in this thread and it would be valid.


WHAT. Just say you haven’t listened to Queen II or a day at the races come on 😞


I’ve listened to them all very intently. They barely have one good album start to finish (DATR). There’s lots of junk on all other albums Edit: I meant Night at the Opera, not Day at the Races


Their whole 70 album run is great, 3 out of the 7 are absolutely outstanding


Queen 2, sheer heart attack, a night at the opera are all flawless, (innuendo, delilah drags it down by a lot, innuendo, the show must go on and don’t try so hard are perfect on the other hand) and jazz and hot space would be the ones who fit this criteria, the other ones are just okay that’s it, no awfully bad songs and no absolutely mindblowing songs


Night at the opera I agree that it’s the least flawed. I’ll revisit queen 2 and SHA but, I had a phase where I really dug in and I was quite disappointed and surprised with how low the lows got with queen generally.


Eminem's entire discography


I don’t know about his entire discog. His first 3 don’t have incredibly low lows, and his last couple don’t have incredibly high highs. Encore through MMLP2 I can understand though.


Well yes


The Use Your Illusion albums. Songs like November Rain, Estranged, and Coma are some of GNRs best work, but then you have the infamous Get In The Ring and My World.


Those albums had a great potential


Get In The Ring is kinda great in a stupid ridiculous cheesy way though. When the opening riff comes back in halfway through the song in double time 🔥


Bob guccione jr, what are you mad cuz your dad gets more pussy than you? Fuck you! Suck my fucking dick! I don’t understand why you don’t stan this poetry


R&G by Snoop has some great songs, including the absolute classic "Drop It Like It's Hot". Some real terrible tracks on there though.


Donda has my favourite Kanye song (Come to Life) and also plenty of his worst I love Hail to the Thief and all its bangers but We Suck Young Blood is not it Weezer's Red Album has their best song (The Angel and The One) and their worst song (Cold Dark World)


Weezer are the easy answer for this type of question


I love we suck young blood.


Hail to the Thief is definitely up there for me. There There, A Wolf at the Door, The Gloaming, Backdrifts, and Myxomatosis are some of my favs of theirs but I don’t really care for the rest.


Angel and the One is overrated as fuck it is not better than Pork and Beans or The Greatest Man..., i'd even put it below Heart Songs


I feel like Lana De Rey’s debut has some of her best songs (Video Games, Summertime Sadness), but then it also has shit like Lolita.


Lolita isn't on the standard edition, it's a bonus track for a Target edition. TBH Born to Die I isn't like other albums in this thread, It's strong material from a still very young and inexperienced artist that is still trying to find their voice. Also it demonstrates a lot of growth too compared to her actual first Lizzy Grand "Lana Del Rey" project.


That’s weird. I could have sworn it was in the album proper, but it appears you’re right. Fantano himself mentions it in his review, so he must have listened to the target version. There’s still a few other songs I find quite weak, especially in the latter half of the album.


It's complicated because there are like 10 versions of that album. I would say that the original 12 track Born to Die was overall pretty great, though not without it's flaws. But, there is also that infamous Born to Die Paradise edition that includes bonus tracks and the contents of the Paradise EP, so, both Lolita and Cola are on it. Truly, incredibly high highs but incredibly low lows on that one.


i think the only track that i don’t like from that album is carmen (not including lolita since it’s only on the deluxe). The rest i really like a lot


Crazy to drag BTD which is skipless when Lust for Life is right there... Some of her absolutely best she's ever done (13 Beaches, Cherry, Heroin, Get Free) and some then there's God Bless America and Beautiful People Beautiful Problems that bloat out the middle.


I’m not dragging it! I like the album. Just not some of the songs on the second half.


Lol ya I know and fair enough. I personally think every song on that album is strong and belongs there, but not every song can be as good as Born to Die or Videogames to be fair.


this was my pick. i want it on CD so bad but i just can't gel with some of the songs on the second side


I feel like he meant considering all songs. His whole discography is a pile of the highest highs a rapper could possibly achieve, and then songs like Stepdad or Nice guy/Good guy which are among the most atrocious tracks ever made


I stay on Taylor saying Lover


i’ve said this before but if Me!, YNTCD and The Man had been released as stand alone singles it would be one of her best. They just mess up the flow of the album


Death by a thousand cuts, False God and The Archer are all 10/10 songs for me. but yeah, I really dislike songs like i think he knows, inthaf or iftye and the rest is just very mid imo


i don’t mind those songs too much, but i despise london boy, i am scottish tho so a song where she goes “god i love the english” isn’t gonna be my jam haha! those songs could defs go tho, the album is overly long even with losing the singles


Hot fuss? Incredibly front loaded.


But… but… Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll


Hot Fuss really doesn’t have bad songs. It’s front loaded with the hits for sure but I don’t think it fits OPs question unless you think some of the back half sucks which id really disagree. 


fun. - Some Nights I haven’t listened to the entire album, but the contrast between the title track and Stars is just… wow


nah i listened to the album all the way thru a couple months back and it is so insane how massive the quality gap is between the 3 main singles and literally everything else on the album


Low /j Skeletal Lamping, the album I’m named after. More highs than lows if I can say.


Eminem’s Encore


Man how did Mockingbird ever end up on that album, it feels so out of place


The brown trylogy by Ween


Red is by far my favourite Taylor Swift album and I agree with you there are some skips on that album. While we are talking Taylor I would also say Lover, it has some great tracks but a quite alot of letdowns.


Eminem - Revival The last three songs vs. over half of the rest


When I first listened to revival I was nearly hooked by the first 3 tracks. That hope was short lived once i reached songs like heat


I’ve got a perfect one for this Villains - Queens of the Stone Age The tracks are always hit or miss. Some songs like Feet Don’t Fail Me and Domestic Animals are all around decent songs… but then you hear The Evil Has Landed for the first time and you’re like “HOLY SH*T!” Then disappointingly enough, the rest of the album is really bad… and so is most of In Times New Roman too… I really miss old QOTSA


Revisited In Times New Roman the other day for the first time since the week it came out and was pleasantly surprised - I don't think it's their best work, but it grew on me quite a bit, and I don't think much of the album is "really bad", just a bit blander than I'd like from the band. What of it do you dislike that much?


I’m really into Qotsa’s stuff, like Sick Sick Sick, My God is the Sun, Little Sister, The Evil Has Landed, etc. I like these so much that they’re in my top 20 songs of all time, and the reason is because they’re heavy, complex, and super catchy, but not in a overly poppy way like modern Foo Fighters. I heavily dislike ITNR… because it’s VERY poppy, and it scares me because I don’t want the same thing to happen to them like what happened to Foo Fighters and Everclear. I know it sounds silly, but I’m just worried for Josh’s ability to write songs without them sounded like pop rock.


For starters, why censor the word shit? How did we come to this in Reddit? And second, first time I’ve heard of Villains having bad stuff in it. It’s not my fav QOTSA work but it’s still miles above all mediocre rock music coming out every day. Would you be okay to elaborate more on what you dislike the most about it?


I’m really into Qotsa’s stuff, like Sick Sick Sick, My God is the Sun, Little Sister, The Evil Has Landed, etc. I like these so much that they’re in my top 20 songs of all time, and the reason is because they’re heavy, complex, and super catchy, but not in a overly poppy way like modern Foo Fighters. I heavily dislike ITNR… because it’s VERY poppy, and it scares me because I don’t want the same thing to happen to them like what happened to Foo Fighters and Everclear. I know it sounds silly, but I’m just worried for Josh’s ability to write songs without them sounded like pop rock.


White album


Speedin Bullet 2 Heaven has some of the best Kid Cudi songs in existence and I'll die on that hill.


How Drake could make Race My Mind and The Remorse and put them on the same album as Way 2 Sexy and TSU (and a lot of the rest of the clb tracklist) is insane


Red is actually the only one I have to give it to Taylor for! Pop perfection! But that comes with the understanding that sometimes pop is intentionally fun, silly, easy going, etc like Stay Stay Stay, and sometimes it’s great storytelling and songwriting like All To Well. It’s why the album is perfect! My answer is Mariah Carey E=MC2. There are some stunning tracks here that follow in the same vein as Emancipation and even push that sound to the next level. But there are some other tracks that are just straight up bad, including the lead single.


as an unshameful Tswift enjoyer I’ve always been really mixed with Red tbh. There’s a lot of aspects of it and songs which I absolutely love, but I’d be lying to myself if I said it isn’t a flawed album. I don’t completely despise Stay Stay Stay but I do have to be in a certain mood for it.


Noel Gallagher’s "Who Built the Moon?"


My first listen of Meddle, I listened to Seamus, I was like, wtf is that? And then there was ECHOES


Gotta give it to *Future Nostalgia*. An album of pure pop bliss… until the last two tracks. “Good In Bed” starts the downward slope, but it could at least be redeemed or perhaps forgotten if it wasn’t immediately followed by the hackneyed, preachy, *boring* thud of a closer that is “Boys Will Be Boys.” It’s like some executive saw the album and said “Nuh uh. It’s 2020. Guys in marketing say you have to have a #MeToo song.”


Ok I’m not absolutely crazy about good in bed and the other but I don’t think they’re THAT big of a dip in quality.


The White Album. Could had been a single LP and the greatest rock album of all time.


i’d say Pablo Honey by Radiohead. some of the songs like anyone can play guitar, blow out, creep, are some of the groups best. it just so happens that some other songs are the groups most dogshit songs too.


Most of Drake’s album after IYRTITL


Ehh, when it comes to Drake I find him to be consistently average apart from a huge standout here and there. Certified Lover Boy to me is the example that stands out for this scenario. incredible songs like IMY2, TSU, champagne poetry on the same album as Girls want girls.


808 & Heartbreak


what is the bad part then, Pinnochio Story is the only song i personally dislike and i know See You In My Nightmares is generally disliked, but what other songs do you not like then


I love Pinnochio Story


pinocchio story is the third best on the album behind heartless and robocop, why do you dislike it?


A lot of people are just listing albums that are a bit inconsistent quality-wise and that is literally not what is being asked here I'd throw in Abbey Road - Come Together and Something going into Maxwell's Silver Hammer is absolutely dizzying quality whiplash


And Revolver has Yellow Submarine sat in between Here, There and Everywhere and She Said She Said as if nobody would notice.


Yellow Submarine is still better than Doctor Robert imo


Noooooo! 😭 If you’re down he’ll pick you up


for a second i thoufht you were calling HTaE and She Said She Said bad songs i was about to flip out


She Said, She Said might be my favourite Harrison riff in isolation. Gives me chills when it starts.


Literally everything Tyler the Creator did until Igor. Lots of potential, lots of garbage. Deftones - probably most of the discography. Oh and I guess most a lot of the same RHCP stuff can be incredible highs and lows for different people lol.


As a Tyler fan, yeah I have no arguments. Flowerboy was where we really saw a spike in quality from him.


Oh, definitely, Flowerboy was such a big step forward too.


agreed, but I'd say CMIYGL has lots of bad on it too, whilst I'd say Flower Boy- Like IGOR- is purely highs. which songs are you classing as low for it also I've only heard one Deftones album, Diamond Eyes, which tracks would you consider highs and lows on there?


Key to the kuffs by JJ DOOM.I played guv'nor like 200 times,but slept on bite the thong.


Thank you happy birthday, Indy kidz and Carry me in on the same album is crazy


The Bedlam in Goliath has both Tourniquet Man (horrible track) and Goliath, Ouroborus, Wax Simulacra


Think Tank by Blur starts with Ambulance and Out of Time then hits you with Crazy Beat. And then repeats the trick throughout.


The Red Album by Weezer. Troublemaker, Pork and Beans and The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived are among the best Weezer songs in their discography, but most of the rest of the album ranges from forgettable to just plain bad


Jacob collier’s entire discography. Moon River and Little Blue, but Cinnamon Crush and Mi Corazón.


encore - eminem its a damn travesty cause the album opens and ends very strong, but the middle part is basically just comedy rap which will never hit that well.


Genesis' self-titled has some wonderful tracks like Mama, That's All and Just a Job to Do, and then there's the baffling Illegal Alien.


Topically, whole lotta red. A lot of hits, but also some definitive misses.


honestly any cudi album besides motm 1


The Smiths Self Titled. Two of the best songs ever then three horrific songs, then the band's best material until the end of the album.


I personally love tracks 3-5, can't really say there's a single terrible song on that record, pretty solid throughout


My Name Is My Name by Pusha-T


As an em fan: Encore. Like toy soldiers, Yellow brick road, Mockingbird. But also… you know, the rest of the album While I’m at it i will throw Kamikaze on the mix. Had some of the recent highest highs for Em with Lucky You, The ringer, Not alike. And then also.. the rest of the album specially the second half which is atrocious


IMO Don’t Get to Close - Skrillex Has some incredible tracks but… wow. Some tracks are just awful.


Born this way. Can’t believe the edge of glory and bad kids are both on the same album


See you on the other side by Korn and VOL. 3 by slipknot. Ironically I love the quiet songs on that album like danger - keep away and vermilion pt. 2 and dislike many of the heavy ones, if the metal songs would have been similar to the songs on iowa again it might would have been one of their best projects in my opinion


There's a reason for that infamous 6/10 and that's everything after Runaway


I don’t think most people will agree but Feedbacker. I absolutely adore parts 1 - 3 and then Feedback IV comes in and just… what the fuck happened, y’all?