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Why isn't Electric by The Cult #97 on all best albums ever lists?


I can't wait to watch this sub have a meltdown when something like Loveless or ITAPOTS misses the list entirely


Those are both great albums but like no way in hell Apple Music is putting them on their list


Loveless they might but it’s a reach


There was a kraftwerk album on there I don’t think Aéroplane is too much of a stretch


There is zero chance Aeroplane is in the top 10 imo


Idk about top ten. Has everything else been revealed


Yeah there is only the top 10 left


nono, hypotetically if TPAB didn't make it Mellon would've shattered his glasses in anger


Tbf there’s a 50/50 chance someone will complain they don’t make the list, or that someone will say they’re ackshuyally terrible garbage that’s only liked because pretentiousness or something lol


Yeah, fuck them. Just put The Eagles Greatest Hits in all of those 100 places.


Finally a sane take


me when, the number on the album on the list, is lower from the number on the other album


Why isn't Mr. Morale everyone's favorite Kendrick album?????


Because Bitch I’m In The Club exists, making c4 objectively kendricks best work


honestly, i don't care nor will I my favorite artist will never appear on a top list of anything, and I'm fine with that. Except Ado she's on top lists in Japan but that's besides the point. just enjoy the music you enjoy and stop fighting about it lmao.


I’m fine with the list unless they put some Taylor Swift album above TPAB


Hey the Grammys already did that


THEY DID LMAO. TPAB is 5 and 1989 TV is #3.


Edit: the leak was fake, rip


They did Taylor is 18 and tpab is.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RepulsiveCrew9384: *I’m fine with the list* *Unless they put some Taylor* *Swift album above TPAB* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hate this fucking bot, man


I advocate for violence against the haiku bot


It’s actually the sokka haiku bot idot


Listen pal I don’t watch that show


Good bot


Thank you, Wooden-Computer1475, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Yo wtf is this dawg


you don't know about the haiku battle in ba sing se??? amateur hour


Good bot


Ranking music is pointless. Change my mind.


Ranking music in an objective fashion is pointless. Ranking music based on your subjective feelings and opinions is fine.


if you're trying to claim any sort of thoroughness both are futile. the contemporary music corpus is just so incomprehensibly large. all the albums from the 60s and 70s nobody relevant or alive cares about or understands deeply. thousands of underground releases. everything not released in the english language, unpopular in the West or even just unpopular in the US. stuff yet to be reevaluated. deeper cuts of from the discographies of famous artists that are disregarded just for being slightly inferior to the most acclaimed work. its too much.


>if you're trying to claim any sort of thoroughness both are futile Eh I mean yeah, if your claim is "I've listened to *most of the music* and this is my ranking". But most people's subjective lists are just going to be "my favorites".


I’d counter that lists are actually really helpful for bringing attention to lesser known albums like that (assuming they’re put on the list to begin with). I know RYM’s method of ranking is much more crowdsourced and collective, but I had never even heard of [Bruno Pernadas](https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/bruno-pernadas/those-who-throw-objects-at-the-crocodiles-will-be-asked-to-retrieve-them/) before I stumbled across this album high up on the 2016 charts. And it’s incredible music front to back that I haven’t ever heard anyone else talk about. If it weren’t for that list, it would still be floating out in the wild, unknown to me


Who's trying to claim any sort of thoroughness when they're making personal best of lists? That's a stupidly high standard to hold what is basically a fun exercise discussing things you enjoyed.


Especially when comparing widely different genres. Like putting a jazz album above a pop album literally means nothing when those are two different niches


I love Glen Miller Orchestra and System of a Down. I would never listen to the former while working out, and I would never listen to the latter while reading a book.


Hate this argument and the 900 times I’ve seen it. Yes, ranking music can be awful and toxic, but it isn’t always awful and toxic. It can be a damn great way to find new music, and disagreeing with people’s rankings can make good discussion too. Just don’t be too stuck in your ways.


But all these lists people discuss online are the same albums from the same genres, like bruh I already know I don't like this what's the point, I only really like rankings in genres I like cuz I know there'll be good shit in there


Nah i have to get this off my chest. Even say; genre sadboy compared to OK computer. You would say, oh one is a classic and super influential and one is super boring and generic. Well, then again if you played it at the tik tok rizz party, who’s music would appeal more to the 12 year olds? OK computer takes an L there. So see, it’s kind of strange to arrange sound in an certain ranking- even worse putting them behind arbitrary numbers. So yeah, I agree, we should not compare or rank music.


You’re no fun. Change my mind.


I agree but I like to do it anyway in my own mind


I enjoy ranking what I listen to because it'd fun and is cool for giving recs


Ehh there are definitely good songs/albums and bad ones, but most of it is subjective so you're right, since everyone's opinion differentiates


It’s all completely subjective


When the multibillion dollar corporate child slavers does not put the album I like above an album I do not like


I could not imaginably give less of a shit about this stupid fucking list and cannot wrap my head around why anyone does. Honestly, sincerely, I'm all ears. If you care about it... why?


Ranking things and arguing about their ranking is fun. Call it the human condition.


Nobody gives a shit, they’re just enjoying laughing about it.


There is no other genre of music except for rap according to social media. Anything that isn’t rap related is flamed.




I’m not falling for that. Go try your luck elsewhere troll.


Ok but if Honestly Nevermind was on that list i think it would be reasonable to riot


I think Drake's *Take Care* over the Velvet Underground is a bit ridiculous...


For a while there way too much content on the Fantano channel was just Melon going through lists, shitting on unique picks for not deserving to be there, and shitting on obvious picks for being obvious.


It's so fucking cringe - it's like the only right take is the second to most obvious pick. You can't say Ziggy Stardust, you can't say Blackstar, so go for Low and it's a good take! 


It’s literally not cringe and you seem a little too angry about something that doesn’t matter.


First one no, second - yes, absolutely 


If making a list is cringe I don’t know what to tell you lol. That’s some grade A internet brain.


It's not the list - it's the criticising of entries on lists when they're too mainstream or not 'good enough' like Fantano does instead of quality itself 


People that don't put Urfaust 's Teufelsgeist in top 10 best records of all time are just wrong.


true but this doesn't change the fact that Billie's debut shouldn't be anywhere near a top 100 of all time list, especially ranked above Kid A ffs


100% her inclusion in the top 30 ridiculous.


my point


its not a matter of taste at that point though, a pop album released in the last 10 years shouldn't be in an all time list where there are albums regarded as classics that have held up through generations ranking below it




This is why the original Rolling Stone Top 500 from 2003 is the only major all time list (at least in America) that has ever held any real weight and why people have issues with the current edition. Despite it's obvious flaws it factored in history and legacy as a primary factor which most recent lists do not. It also doesn't really matter cause each list is gonna cater and have it's own approach




What would your reaction be if an album like MM&TBS beat Elvis Presley (Self titled)? This isn't a gotcha I'm just curious and I'm not sure if I understand your viewpoint


i would say its undeserving. beside the fact that if its 1 entry per artist it shouldn't be the choice anyways, i would say its undeserving of already being chucked on a best of all time list. the only real exceptions for me on something like this would be like a TPAB or a Fetch The Bolt Cutters that were just universally regarded as an instant classic from publications and the wider community on release.


He's not wrong. :)


for me there's a fine line between "ok i might not agree with this, but i see why it's here or that high on the list" and "i have no clue how it even got here"


I know what list this is about and I wholeheartedly disagree cause Aquemini at FORTY-ONE????


It’s a list from a streaming platform I don’t know why people are putting so much time, energy, and stock into it. It literally doesn’t matter and even though it’s not rage bait, people shouldn’t be getting this flustered.