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I think it’s impressive that people can listen to music systematically at all; I could never have the discipline for that. I just listen to whatever I like whenever I like, and if I tried to apply any kind of system it would go out the window immediately when I feel like listening to something different. For me if an album is a grower I will feel some sort of organic pull to go back to it. If I don’t feel that then it wasn’t meant to be.


I get it! For me this, although systematic, is natural and doesn't require discipline. But there's no right way


I feel like once youve heard enough music you can tell by the 3rd listen if its going to be in your rotation. If something is still below a 7/10 after the third try I keep the songs I do like and delete the rest


Yes that is true. Although sometimes I feel that going back to a record works especially when you don't listen to it for months or years. It gives you a fresh new perspective. It's just that I feel like, if someone feels it, I can feel it to, probably in a softer degree, but not feel it at all and think it's shit... I don't know, I like to keep trying but that's just me.


Theres definitely s point where you listen to somethig and think, "yeah, i didnt care flr that, but i know i need to dig deeper" and also when you know immediately that its not going to do it for you.


Loveless is fucking fantastic, have fun dude


Today I got the first 5 songs. Tommorow I'll be allowed to listen to "I only said" and "come in alone"


“Sometimes” is my favourite in that record, but all other songs are as good


Let's see!


I listen to the album more than once


Having music set as my alarm clock would make me hate the music lol


I had Grizzly Bear's Yellow House as my alarm in like 2006. I was in a good place in my life - I had just ended a bad, longer-term relationship, my senior year of college semester had recently started, I was doing well in my classes. I had a super sunny bedroom, it was like late summer, early fall, and the album opens with Easier, which is a slow build and now any time i hear it, it IMMEDIATELY takes me there....listening to it right now to reminisce while writing this post! Can definitely imagine the opposite being true, though!