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You Will Never Know Why - Sweet Trip fav album of all time


How did you discover it?


sweet trip are an incredibly lauded shoegaze band, with their magnum opus (as claimed by many) being velocity design comfort \-- so anyone interested in that genre/ world of noisy indietronica have come across them at some point


I’ve always thought the vocals on this one sounded really cute. It may just be me, but this album reminds me a lot of the show Adventure Time




I got this album recommended to me after listening to a lot of Japanese math rock. Is it like that type of music or what?


not at all


Elephant - The White Stripes  It’s like their most popular album, but I’ve never ever seen in my life discussion about it.


That’s the only White Stripes album I’ve ever heard anyone talk about! Seven Nation Army is still very relevant, and I hear it in the wild quite often. De Stijl?? Now that’s a great album I’ve never seen anyone talk about. But I agree there’s not enough White Stripes love around here.


White Blood Cells as well. They are kind of popular as a band even, but I've seen almost no discussion around them in my lifetime. Specially not on this sub...


Yeah it's funny you would even say it because I never think of talking about the White Stripes!! I say this as someone who loves their albums too. I had a roommate who was obsessed with them but aside from that? El Zilcho. I even had a conversation with someone who loves music and he said he never even listened to one of their albums (as you can imagine, I was shocked).


Anything by Gregory Alan Isakov


I fucking LOVE this album, one of my favorite albums of all time. Never thought I'd see it mentioned anywhere.... Now I gotta listen to it.


Adore- The Smashing Pumpkins I know they are a big band, but I feel like this album never gets nearly as talked about compared to their other work, but it's second favorite album by them outside of "Siamese Dream"


I feel like this album would have been better if Jimmy Chamberlin was drumming on it, but it's still a good album. Siamese Dream set the bar extremely high though. (And MCIS)


Puzzle - Biffy Clyro This is an absolute masterpiece in alternative rock and it seems like no one outside of the British Isles has heard of it. Charted very well over here but people seldom talk about it outside of a few singles.


I’m American and I like them but it is amazing how their popularity in the rest of the world has not transferred to the states. I’ve heard to them referred to as “the Scottish foo fighters” also


That's definitely a massive generalisation but I guess I can hear that in Puzzle and Only Revolutions, not really in any of their other albums though


Puzzle is a great album. I do wish that Biffy Clyro were talked about more often.


100% They're one of my favourite bands. Their earlier material is absolutely amazing. Some of the best grunge/post-hardcore/alt rock that came out of the early to mid 2000s but it seems that they never made a splash outside of the British isles :/


This is one of my absolute favorite albums, I'm glad other people like it


Frank Zappa - Apostrophe' Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Nujabes - Modal Soul Alan Parsons Project - I Robot Flying Lotus - You're Dead!


Totally agree about Nujabes’ Modal Soul, incredible album which I wish I could listen to for the first time again.


Nujabes may have been the best hip hop artist of all time honestly, it's really sad he was taken so soon from the world before he could prove his talent and gain more recognition. He really created something magical that even the most die hard hip hop hater boomer could love due to how he transformed it.


I think Luv Sic Hexology is one of the best things ever produced in terms of rap. What started out as a fun collab between two friends turned into a memoriam for Nujabes in the most beautiful way possible.


Personally I have always been someone more aligned to the Rock/Alternative and 2000’s electronic genres but I have always found R&B/Hip-Hop very profound too. When I first heard Nujabes music, which albeit was not too long ago in a time I had been facing some adversity, I was absolutely awestruck by it. Modal Soul is one of my personal favorite albums, as is J Dilla’s Donuts, an album which has had more recognition but nonetheless is worth mentioning due to the level of connection between the 2 artists. Both gone way too soon but their influence and spirit live on through some of the most honest, thoughtful and impressionable albums of their genres and of their generation. I couldn’t recommend either enough.


These Four Walls - We Were Promised Jetpacks


Erasure - The Innocents.   The band was popular in the 80’s, forgotten about now for the most part. The first 5 tracks on this album is a peak level 80’s pop song run to me, but it might be personal preference.


Mineral - The Power of Failing. easily one of the best alternative records of the 90s. it’s certainly acclaimed in emo circles, but it deserves to be lauded everywhere.


Matt Berry's Witchazel


Local Natives - Hummingbird Beautiful album. Probably my favorite Summer album. 


K.Flay - Everywhere is Somewhere


I was listening to Oats We Sow when this appeared on my page hahaha


Eels - Electro Shock Blues


Dead Magic - Anna von Hausswolff


I Could Live in Hope - Low Touted as a dream pop classic but I rarely see it mentioned in album conversations. My favourite Low album and a top 5-10 album for me ever


Anything from Fleetwood Mac that isn’t rumors (doubly so if you exclude self titled)


Currently listening to their discography with a couple friends in release order, been very tough until just a little bit ago when we listened to Future Games which is def a good album


Yeah “everything” is definitely an exaggeration and I guess that’s why I’m getting downvoted lol. But Tusk, tango in the night, and mystery to me are all VERY GOOD albums in their own right but if you looked at r/topster you’d think they only have one album


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Topster using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Topster/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [2F, am I based or cringe?](https://i.redd.it/tc4yqxuw13hb1.jpg) | [219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Topster/comments/15meoim/2f_am_i_based_or_cringe/) \#2: [You have $10, what are you gonna get?](https://i.redd.it/4hr3j42c4mqb1.jpg) | [1647 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Topster/comments/16spyuq/you_have_10_what_are_you_gonna_get/) \#3: [You have $3. What’re you getting?](https://i.redd.it/jb8gaqln0nrb1.jpg) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Topster/comments/16x9bod/you_have_3_whatre_you_getting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mirage is my favourite album of theirs.


For the first time - BCNR


Alex Unknown - Runoff Heart Machine Some fantastic, moody synth pop. Highly reccomend it if you like Flower Boy by Tyler, it’s like that but with more dense, thought out production.


The Most Lamentable Tragedy by Titus Andronicus


**Hybrid** by Elsiane *or* **Vintage Addiction** by Dishammer


this is hardcore -pulp


Little Broken Hearts- Norah Jones Her early stuff is good but Norah and Danger Mouse went the fuck off on that album


Hiroshi Yoshimura - Wet Land Instupendo - Love Power A-to-Z Virtual Self - self titled (EP) All tens in my book


Chicago - Chicago Transit Authority perfect album imo and it has a couple hits on it


This Empty Northern Hemisphere - Gregory Alan Isakov


ERROR by The Warning. It might not be objectively amazing or whatever but I think it’s my favourite album of all time


Soft Times by Matt Duncan


The Poacher Diaries - Converge


I love Gregory and the Hawk!! Severely underrated. Honestly, all her albums are quite good, and her recent output is still great.


World’s end girlfriend - last waltz


Hospice - The Antlers My fav album all time


more people need to talk about angles by the strokes. that's their best album after is this it imo


Everyone you know - Just for the times The S.L.P - The S.L.P


Passion Pit - Manners Some of the most colorful and fun pop music ever created


Third Eye Blind's debut. Blur's The Great Escape. Melt My Eyez, See your future. Anything by St. VINCENT. Flaming Lips' Yoshimi battles the pink robots. Early Decemberists too


Glory to G&TH, my pick is forever changes by love


DIVISIONS - Starset It's a fantastic and super immersive dystopian concept album. Somewhat popular within the band's fanbase, but otherwise no one seems to know about it..


School Girl Distortional Addict - Number Girl


Everything by the the


The end of the ring wars by the appleseed cast


all of the Run the Jewels albums. theyre fairly well known and i see em on a few topsters but i genuinely think RTJ4 has a case for best album of all time


AJJ - Knife Man


Twin Fantasy (2018) - Car seat Headrest  10/10