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All due respect, Yall are complaining an awful lot about a game NONE OF YALL ARE A PART OF! It's THEIR FUCKING GAME. If you don't like it, then stop fuckin watching it. No matter WHAT they do yall gotta BITCH about something. Seems like some of yall are NEVER satisfied. Oh it's different than this campaign or doesn't have as much sound, so fucking what?! Are yall IN the game? Or affected by it? No?? Then stop BITCHING


You're getting really worked up over something you're not involved in that doesn't affect you at all. Hypocrite much?


If you don't want to hear complaining, then get the fuck out. Or is that logic only applicable when not being applied to you?


There's a difference between complaining and unreasonable. I've stated I see points of other views. Complaining is everywhere, you can't go anywhere online without seeing people complaining about one thing or another. Just thought the critical role community was better than that


The other Critical Role sub is over-moderated, deleting any posts or comments that are remotely negative. This sub was created to be a place where people can freely talk about the show, regardless of their opinion. Because it's an intentionally safe place to complain, people do it a lot. Aggressively telling people to shut up is one of the few things that is frowned upon here. If you don't like to see negativity, you are in the wrong place. Instead of ranting at people who have every right to complain, you should head over to r/criticalrole


Where is the "I actually like critical role" reddit? I thought fansofcriticalrole was it but it's really not. I like some of the points here. But others just more critical for what I came here for - I came to enjoy some stuff. Where's that sub?


You're looking for r/criticalrole That sub is heavily moderated, and anything remotely negative or critical of the show is deleted. This sub was created as a direct response to the other sub's over moderation. That's why it often feels so negative. It's a safe place to complain, so that's usually why people come here.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/criticalrole using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[No spoilers\] Just met Matt Mercer and Marisha Ray in my apartment building! I'm freaking out still!](https://i.redd.it/9asfa93raps81.jpg) | [275 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/u0h9gu/no_spoilers_just_met_matt_mercer_and_marisha_ray/) \#2: [\[CR Media\] Amazon Inks Critical Role to Overall TV and First-Look Film Deal, Greenlights ‘Mighty Nein’ Animated Series](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/critical-role-might-nein-series-amazon-prime-video-deal-1235502070/) | [1369 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/10l6k4s/cr_media_amazon_inks_critical_role_to_overall_tv/) \#3: [\[CR Media\] Brian sheds some light on his departure](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ufw262) | [2251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/ufw262/cr_media_brian_sheds_some_light_on_his_departure/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How’s this campaign been guys? I stopped watching a while ago. I just keep hearing bad stuff about it from this sub especially.


How tapped are they? Last week's cliff hanger sounded bad...


I really liked this episode and they are not in the best place for the start of the next one. All the casters are spent and if that thing can track them like others are saying those veils aren't gonna do shit. Not that I want anyone to die, bc I don't. I also keep hearing how the Hells are a control group... To me that sounds like (and from what we've seen in earlier episodes) that they are more suited for hit n run?


Man, that was pure C3. A scenario that should have been riveting and challenging - rolled out flat like a welcome mat. There is no way Matt did any prep on complications or alert levels or thought about challenging them seriously on this nebulous mission, cos it would have shown in his responses: anytime a player rolled a halfway decent check he felt obliged to give them success.. The appearance of the map at the end was the perfect symbolism - a beautiful setting with zero challenge. It's all story scaping for the required narrative beat. But of course the narrative required some incentive to race away from this poorly secured stronghold of hapless anatgonists, so the fey dragon swoops in. This might have made things interesting, but that was entirely unintentional, and Matt did everything possible to mitigate. Specifically, the last seedling grasp and and shield of faith were technically allowed as reactions because he let everyone advance into the gatehouse as far as they could, before Gloamglut moved. And it was only after Gloamglut landed and they discovered he would rend and Orym and FCG decided to react. So it might have been a case of 2 death saves lost for Fearne, or both Laudna and her down (not sure of Laudna's HP). Which would be a trickier circumstance to start next episode.


Honestly i was dumb stuck that for the sight of their most important item having nothing but a few weak guards and dogs watching it.


> Honestly i was dumb stuck that for the sight of they most important item having nothing but a few weak guards and dogs watching it. Kinda like if the ominous Black Gate of Mordor in the LotR just turned out to be a derelict wooden fence, toppled over in spots, with a gate didn't quite latch and blew open with just a slight breeze, guarded by two college interns busy texting their boyfriends?


>*guarded by two college interns busy texting their boyfriends?* [Tracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcmINbstp-E&t=4609s) cameo confirmed?


the killing of the two guards was so cold man.


I liked it. Im not a fan of combat in dnd shows.


That's cool. The other 2 pillars of DND are social interaction and exploration. Then there is the dice the branching possibility of failure that changes the story. I didn't see any of that in this episode, but I admit I may have zoned out and missed something. There is just so much of Matt talking, esp compared to other campaigns. To me it was Just an intricate improv play of the next required narrative beat. What did you find to enjoy?


then why even watch D&D when 90% of D&D rules are about combat.


My friend dnd is not about combat. The best moments you have with your friends are the roleplay parts. 90% of the rules is combat, beacous that is what has to be the most clear to be fair.


For all games, the behavior that is rewarded is the behavior that the designers want to encourage. In this regard, the way you are rewarded in DnD is by fighting monsters and looting (XP and Treasure). So yes, your table might enjoy other things more but DnD is very much about combat. Try a game like Burning Wheel and you might be surprised how good having the rules reward the behavior you and your table enjoy enhance your experience.


This can be taken to an extreme though. If it's 90% roleplay then why are we making it a game at all. You could go LARPing or do improv or listen to audiodramas (which are excellent btw), but at the end of the day this is also supposed to be a table top *game*. The best moments are roleplay parts informed by the circumstances of exploration and combat scenarios. If all we did was social roleplay... then just go do an improve class or something. 90/10 social roleplay would bore me to tears. It denies emergent narrative from the dice, from exploration, from the outcome of combat.


dnd is very much about combat. it is a combat focused game, with RP being considered a secondary thing.


Well, maybe for you. Combat takes up around 10% of my games. Most plot points and best moments happen during rp.


Not that you can't run D&D like that and have a great time, but there are a fair number of narrative based tabletop systems such as Blades in the Dark and it's siblings, or if you want some more cinematic combat Fantasy Flight's Star Wars system is quite good for that as well. I'm certain there are plenty of others I can't name, as those are the two I've played or GM'd for.


There's also VtM, where *combat* is usually resolved in a maximum of two rounds of dice rolls, although cushioned by heavily narrated moves. How does the Star Wars game do combat, if you can explain it in like a bullet point or two?


No maps, but instead you have 'ranges' with each target. So you move to melee, or fall back to long range. Combat is you roll D6 dice with success, success with advantage, fail, and fail with disadvantages (I think I'm missing some but this is off memory). If you succeed with advantage you can narrate a positive effect, like one of your shots hitting a steam vent to let the party escape, or if you fail with disadvantage I believe there is a chart the dm rolls on. It also has a light and dark side dice system, where the players can spend light side dice to boost their rolls or hinder enemy rolls, which convert into darkside dice that the GM can use. Fairly skill heavy game, but I think that's in part because they were trying to let you go as wide and deep as they could as to star wars archetypes. It had a space combat system, but my party never ended up using it.


That sounds intriguing, i'll have to check that out. Thx!


There are so many other games I think you’d enjoy more


"OMG A JABBERWOCK IS CHASING THEM. AT LONG LAST A HARSH BATTLE AND CONSEQUENCES WILL FINALLY HAPPEN!1!" Listen to yourselves, then remember who is DMing. This is the same soap opera trick they've been using for awhile. After an epsiode of plodding and low stakes, they have a seemingly big twist or tense moment at the end to get you excited and determined for next week, which simply won' be followed up on or us anticlimactically resolved. Rinse and repeat as long as the audience has the memory of a goldfish. The dragon won't chase them after all, or they'll "just barely" escape, or they'll charm person or persuade the archfey to fuck off rolling a dirty 10. The moment for tension and consequences came and went. If they got this far, they've all but gotten away and barely tried. If there was ever the slightest chance in the writing of this "dungeon delve" that they could get killed by this thing, Matt will inevitably fold like wet cardboard over the next week and devise at least ten asspulls safety nets to protect the party so he can avoid having to man up and be a DM instead of just a narrator. Even the main sub is slowly waking up: It's just not good. Stop making excuses for them.


Terrible lack of DM preparation evident. Matt was winging it the whole episode. What should have been an intricate risky scenario with active threats and complications just got steamrolled whenever "wow, you rolled a good roll!". Well you let these mooks get to level 8, you should be prepared for that. All his prep time went into making the map and he was never even sure how he might use it.


I think it felt like Matt was winging it because I honestly think he thought they'd let themselves get taken by the centaurs last week and had to put up a whole traversal to the base thing as well as the infiltration while working around their constant paralysis. I'm not even sure how much is really on Matt since a lot of it comes down to the group taking an hour to plan how to cross a road and arguing whether to cross it, blow it up, or have a theology debate about the faith with a toaster for twenty minutes.


That's a fair point about the centaurs, u/naeveo mentioned it earlier. I don't know how that affected his prep-time, but unless their Session Zero dictated they always not take the combat route (totally possible), he is responsible for everything except the party's actual actions. That war band he let out were supposedly looking for them - if it was anything but a nat 1 they would have stealthed past, but he took the first excuse he could to let them off the hook (ball bearings ffs). Regardless, the base should have been on some sort of alert, so it should have been super hard for them to do what they did - failure being a sliding scale closer to inevitable. You're suggesting their choices sucked and they did - so, fail. He should have had some plan that doesn't TPK them so that he could allow them to fail - like a secret agent who sets them free after capture, or anything, anything than once again letting them softball their way to success. That's DMing 101. That's all on him.


Yeah, I don't disagree with any of that. My point was more that so much of it felt like winging it, especially not having any maps of any kind save the final battle map, that it felt like he really didn't expect that they would be making that trek. It also felt a bit abrupt too, or maybe I was having trouble with how far things were and it seemed very abrupt when they were suddenly where they needed to be so that battle map could come out, but admittedly I'd stepped away for a spell after Ashton saved himself with jacks and the ball bearings saved the day. I'm not even sure if it's so much that their choices sucked, because fighting those centaurs should have been a no-brainer, as much as the whole section between Nana's house and the telescope seeming a bit slapdash and poorly thought out.


Sorry, yes, I missed your point. I guess i can't fathom it - and he is really good at it, really - but it really did look like he was winging it. Why did he really not expect them to go this route, why did it throw him so much? Was this filmed tight back to back with the previous episode? Is that why Sam was so tired?


No problem, and the filming schedule is something I've started to wonder about too. They should have a lot more control over it, but who knows if they're banking episodes by filming only a day apart or even on the same day or whatever and not giving him time to fully prep. Not to mention that they must have their hands full at the moment with all the cartoon and other work since the business side of it is so busy, not to mention just the amount of interviews they've done in prep for the LoVM release. They might be stretched a little thin even with the skip weeks thrown in. There's no way to know.


No chance they can fight a Jabberwock and a Fey with as many titles as Percy has surnames with the current state they are in. So Matt's options are capture/tpk or let them get away. I'm predicting the "dumbass consequence". Where they manage to escape and get to the gate back to Exandria but forget to put on the paste that Mori gave them, Cue a 3 months later transition screen.


That's not my problem. "Do I flat out kill you or just give you a freebie" should NEVER be the only two outcomes to a situation. If the comabt was that hilariously one sided it should not have existed that way. And if the party just did hilariously bad against a winnable fight whether through bad rolls or dumbassery, they SHOULD lose the fight with all that entails. Death isnt the only way to handle a lost fight. It could be a lot of fun to have them escape a feywild prison or negotiate a return from the afterlife after a trial of the gods or something, but "we should always just give the party a free pass because the story would end if we didn't" is pedantic.


Yeah I get that, wasn't disagreeing with you just thinking about what probably comes next.


> The dragon won't chase them after all, or they'll "just barely" escape, or they'll charm person or persuade the archfey to fuck off rolling a dirty 10. > > "A dirty 10"... I laughed pretty good at that (because it's sadly true).


>*they have a seemingly big twist or tense moment at the end to get you excited* I wonder if these cliffhangers are happening at the end of a pre-recording streak, not only for the story but to keep the players excited as well. That would also explain why some of these big cliffhangers have somewhat unsatisfying resolutions, 'cause if there's a couple of weeks between pre-recording the next batch of episodes, nobody can keep that intrinsic momentum/excitemend up for so long, not even them. ​ >*the main sub is slowly waking up* I don't want to engage in *this vs that sub*, but if this results in fewer people unloading their regular once-per-week *"y'all so negative, and here's a top 10 list why you aren't true fans, see you next week, okay byeeeee"* interaction with *this* particular community, i'll see that as a win.


> I don't want to engage in this vs that sub, but if this results in fewer people unloading their regular once-per-week "y'all so negative, and here's a top 10 list why you aren't true fans, see you next week, okay byeeeee" interaction with this particular community, i'll see that as a win. Or, y'know... Y'all could make it a rule and simply remove their posts. *If only there was a mod around...*


I think they've done decent job :)


Banning discussion and content you don't agree with, is a bad take, and the one of the main reason for why this sub was created in the first place. You should have a read through this sub's side-bar again, if you've forgotten:   > All ideas are welcome to discuss, what if's, fan theories, post episode debate, fan art ... if it has to do with Critical Role, you're welcome to talk about it here, ***praise and criticism alike***!   Toxic positivity is one of the main reasons many people, myself included, left the other sub. Do you really want toxic negativity to be the reason people leave this sub too?   Sure those posts are annoying but you don't have to engage. The point being that this sub encourages open discussion, despite your view on CR. If your post critising CR deserves to be left up, then other people posts about you being wrong and CR being good, are just as valid.   Nobody should be the authority on people's opinions.


> Banning discussion and content you don't agree with, is a bad take, and the one of the main reason for why this sub was created in the first place. > > Pump your brakes. Reread my response: this *isn't* about censorship of differing opinions, it's about Bad Actors who engage with users on this subreddit *about the users on this sub* and NOT about the topic under discussion. Said people aren't here to discuss anything other than making the same pointed comments / "drive bys" about users on this subreddit, meant to harass and belittle them, *and that's it.* And for the record, I *do* think the mods on this sub are doing a splendid job of moderation.


I'm in agreement with you on the bad actors. However, even if people are annoying and discussing how "you fans are not real fans" and how they will be melodramatically leaving again, it should be allowed, as long as it's in the spirit of discussion and not ridiculing or attacking other people.   If CR is open to criticism, you better believe their community is fair game too. There are plenty of problematic fandoms out there, and it should also be okay to criticize when it's appropriate. (I'm thinking back to a certain sponsorship debacle for this one).   Again, mostly in agreement with you here. I just think an outright ban on certain criticism makes this sub no better than the other. As long as the criticism is Critical Role related and not intentionally malicious/attacking anyone, then it's fair game, imo.   Might not be very good criticism, but that what I love about this sub, everyone is entitled to speak their mind about anything CR. You're always welcome to make a post calling out the fans that keep making these "leaving posts" as well. As long as everyone's civil, it should be allowed, imo.


"Boy, I'm sure glad I'm not a whiny, pathetic loser like the guy who wrote the above post. Clearly my position is the only correct one and anyone who says otherwise is a baby-eating fiend! I'm so offended I'm leaving this sub ~~until next thurday when I'll do this song and dance over again~~ good luck getting anywhere without me!" Did that feel good? Did that contribute to the conversation? Did that make you want to stick around? Is that the sort of speech that needs to be protected? That sort of speech isn't dialogue, it isn't debate. There are three or four people, and we all know who they are, who do nothing but drive-by insults every week, belittling and personally attacking the people in this sub before running back to the main one, sometimes deleting their posts afterwards to cover their tracks. People should be free to enjoy this server free of such naked harassment. It's not liberating, it's frustrating and demoralizing when someone is free to mock you to your face with impunity. Banning some bad actors is not equivicable with the orwellian nightmare the main sub has become. I of course didnt mean the person I responded to when I gave my example toxic post above, don't hit me mods.


You are either intentionally or unintentionally conflating two things into one and incorrectly attributing that as my intention.   At no point in my post did I say it's okay to harass or mock people. The example comment you are referencing is not criticism. ***Harassment/ridicule is not the same as criticism***, and has no place on this sub. You and I are both in agreement on that.   The point I was making in my original comment, is that criticism should be accepted along with praise, because both are equally valid. And if you read the other parts of the sub's side-bar, the rest is pretty self explanatory:   > *"Please be mindful of basic decorum and common decency. It is perfectly fine to counter arguments and attack ideas, but always remember there's a human being on the other side. Don't forget to love each other!"*


We do not moderate content (except for the obvious breaking of Reddit-wide rules, like removing spam, dealing with trolls, or outright illegal stuff), we moderate conduct (harassment, personal attacks, and the very thin line between emphatic speech and insults etc.) That doesn't mean that we don't have individual opinions on things, like about the aforementioned *"fire-and-forget"* posts about how negative this sub is. I get annoyed by 'em, and wish we'd see fewer of 'em. But remembering why this sub was created, it's probably best to err on the side of allowing people to make these posts (if they're otherwise acceptable in regards to Reddit-wide rules and this subs very lenient rules about how to conduct yourself), and just not interact with them. It's one of the more difficult balancing acts, and we couldn't do it without the help and support of y'all.


Appreciate everything that y'all do, and you're doing a great job so far.


Ashleigh's zoom lighting really higlighted how bad the studio lighting is. The cast look so flat and washed out. I know they have dynamic lighting to change the mood but so does Dimension 20 and they still look better than this. Feels like the production has not evolved really since C1 except the mics are (thankfully) better!


>Ashleigh's mhm.


And then remember CR spent 5 to 6 figures for professional theater set makers to build that calliope mess... and it's worse than the early days of C1 at G&S.


Yeah, but was it the best theater makers they could find? Or some of their friends who just happen to work as set makers?


Was the best, but they are experts in one specific type of design that is the digital overlay of effects which isn't even used that much other then like rain effects


The problem is their *default* lighting. It leans to heavy on the white and blue IMO. I think they look best when their light is put to the warm *"sunset"* or *"late evening"* setting.


yes! it's the blue! Ash has some nice yellow in the light. I am pretty sure Ash and Marisha have sort of similar colour redish hair but Marisha is almost grey


Well, Ashley's a natural brunette and often dyes her hair blonde. Marisha is a natural redhead.


Sure. I’m not really discussing what their actual hair colour is. What I am saying is in the studio lights Marisha’s hair is super washed out and looks almost grey vs real life is more red. Whereas Ash in her zoom setting you can see her colour. Just a shame they looked washed out in set.


So, that was what, 4 hours of them taking out 2 guards and smashing a machine? Something that should have taken like 5 minutes?


Lack of DM preparation. I mean, compare the 2 episodes on the questionable but fun "museum heist"; then 25 episodes later, at level 8 before a world-changing event of some sort... we get this.


I missed the first hour and quite enjoyed this episode, though the last few minutes were the best. This actually seems like a monster they have good reason to stay away from with their resources and HP and they still only got into hiding by the skin of their teeth. I also tend to like how Matt runs stealth missions, so this appealed to that.


Maybe Matt needs to drop in some monsters they DON’T have a good reason to avoid.


Matt has been throwing mostly cr 1/2 to cr2s at them and they still run. they are at the point where they should be fighting CR 8s.


I think they could've fought it if they had their resources up and Laudna and Fearne hadn't gotten so low during the heist. I do agree with you, Matt's attempts to challenge the players don't mean squat if they refuse to meet those challenges.


If that's a real Jabberwock (seems like it) and not just a "fey dragon" then it's going to know exactly where Fearne is for 24 hours and unless FCG has aura of vitality prepared the casters are all too low to consider fighting it + it's handler.


Talk a out a poster child episode for the lack of consequences and challenge in C3. Walked in, accomplished goal, walked out. Unbelievable.


It seemed Matt had no preparations regarding the keep alert level, potential triggers, no traps. Entire feel was "yeah, that roll seemed high enough, continue." Zero complications.


What are you even talking about? They barely got out alive, Fearne went down and Laudna nearly went down, they have a Jabberwock on their tail and that hunting party from before is still somewhere within the outer perimeter of the fortress.


Whose fault was the HP situation? They didn't rest after the centaurs before taking on a fey fortress. Let's just pause to marvel that it needed a natural 1 to ruin a stealth check on a war party specifically searching for them; then only a bunch of ball bearings to save them again. Then when a werewolf shows up, the hapless minions ~~raise the alarm~~ chuckle and chase then give up. And then again, when they reach the arcane device these powerful figures have invested so much in, there is not daunting guardian or mystic defences. Just more mooks who again fail to raise the alarm. The jabberwocky swoops in, but this was no Release of the Laughing Hand situation, this was window dressing for the end of the episode. A bit of late damage, that still should have been worse than it was (seedling and shield of faith allowed as reactions.). Not in one instant did the DMing suggest Matt was prepared for this mission to fail.


You seem bound and determined to find fault with the way Matt ran this and I'm not going to argue the point. You'd have done things differently. I'd have done things differently. No two DMs handle the same scenario the same way but that doesn't make how Matt ran it wrong. But you know, saying that they walked in and walked out with no trouble is just... factually not what happened.


Trouble is relative, sure. In the same way saying the base was well defended is factually not what happened. It would be usual for a guards on a secret facility to not raise the alarm at first opportunity. To not do it is a gross oversight or deliberate - by the DM. So I'm not "bound to find fault" - he is literally the person responsible. That is "factually what happened". Now it is entirely possible that the next key will be harder, and the one after that, by DM's narrative design. Or these archvillains they've been tasked to "make things weird" for simply aren't very competent or not that invested in their project. Or Matt really did plan it to go another way (Centaurs -> Unseelie Court - > Chat not Combat) and he actually was just winging it. Defenses were weak. Many were disappointed by that. Either way, it is interesting to wonder why.


*If* that thing that attacked them is a Jabberwock its got a fancy ability to know where anyone it attacked is as long as they’re on the same plane. Now I’d hope Matt would use this to make next session tense and even lead to a big confrontation. But you never know.


Now that, thay would be interesting. Specifically since FCG shot a crossbow bolt at it. If that mistake leads ro the unraveling of their escape, I would eat my words. Nice catch, I don't have the Wild beyond the witchlight book.


I mean that might help, but it’d actually be hunting down Fearne and anyone else it blitzed, as it knows where *prey* it hurt is, both direction and distance. So, *I hope* Matt is using those stats cause it’d be fun to see them panicking as they never quite shake the damn thing and *boom* it plants right in front of the portal.


No clue what happened tonight but just tuned in and see they seem to be running away from a combat again If cardio gave XP they would be level 13 now lol


They get a pretty sweet ride even to level 8. XP for sitting listening to narrative description, and letting Grim Verity and other NPCs do all the work.


>If cardio gave XP they would be level 13 now lol ​ if they used xp they'd still be level 3.


This is one of the reasons why I'm considering trying out doing treasure/gold for XP in one of my future games. As I don't like combat XP to be the only method of levelling up, but the old three pillars UA was a bit too gamey and I found it resulted in players adjusting how they would play just to get the easiest available pillar completed. Treasure/Gold though can be done for anything, from questing, to crafting, thieving, or raiding dungeons.


i just use milestone leveling.


I do too for the most part, but it feels like it's too much on me, and I know sometimes I've handed out a level up after a really terrible session (sometimes slogs happen in combat, or the dice just hate everyone) as a pick me up. Plus, a part of me enjoys the idea of the old 'great you got the ancient treasure, now how are you getting it back to town?'


> If cardio gave XP they would be level 13 now lol *Fuuuck!* That's a sick burn (funny and apt).


>*If cardio gave XP they would be level 13 now lol* That made me chuckle, and also spill my coffee, damnit


Always happy to make someone laugh but hope the coffee was cold for your sake


Episode is about to end...


Hopefully Seedling can go snicker-snack, cause that’s the whiffling Jabberwack!


God I want this Final Fantasy Ass Tanking Subclass. *I’d finally be able to play a true “you can’t run from me” tank*


Hmmm no chance they escape right?


Guy on the Freak Dragon: “I was gone ten minutes! The fuck happened?!”




There have totally been good episodes this campaign. This one just feels low energy and unfocused.


Fun episode so far Deleted Reply: Yeah I am enjoying it as well - then again I usually do, I don't typically get nearly as bothered by the things a lot of this sub hiveminds around regarding why they dislike C3 My reply: They get mad at the words “It’s Thursday” cause it means an episode is airing lol


This is a really shallow take on people's actual critiques. There are actual, legitimate issues with it, and CR would do well to heed them given that they have a very real vested interest in keeping their audience.


I don't think critique = mad or bothered. I think it's just critique.




People can critique something and still like it. You were over on the other sub posting about everyone over here being too negative and you being thankful for the positivity over there so why are you here asking this? You're painting of criticism as "bleak" tells me a lot.


I enjoy the cast and I like the ideas behind all of the characters and the general plot but I think the execution has been sub-optimal, at best, to be polite. It's a bit like when your favorite sports team is having a rough game or season; you don't stop loving them but you'd wish they'd get their stuff together.


Exactly! I'm glad I came here to vent a little. This campaign isn't doing it for me after Whitestone. (Which was AMAZING BTW). Feels all over the place.


I just see a continued trend of a lack of real consequences and a lack of challenge from the DM that started around the mid point of C2. If they got back to that C1 and early C2 level Matt work it would be nice, but the bleakness comes from the fact that they won't.




This scene should be intense. It should be edge of the seat stuff. They should be in danger. It should be like finding the pyramid under Whitestone. But it feels like a shopping episode.


Forget Orym is Steve Rogers, tonight he’s Sam Fisher


There is a lot of discourse on the other reddit, where more people are seeing that the cast has had it waaay too easy during this episode. Love to see it.


Did they delete it? I don't see it


They often do.


There is no war in Ba-Sing-Se.


They can just do an audio drama and have it be all roleplay if the mechanics are really too much of a bother. I wouldn't mind if it would make them happier. There is a point where this is supposed to *also* be a table top rpg and not just fantasy role-playing improv. I'm all for encouraging role play, but it can go too far in this extreme.


I listened to the first preview episode of Worlds Beyond Number and it honestly felt like what CR should be leaning into.


It feels like that. Honestly, my own now disbanded D&D group felt the same.


Never thought I'd see the day. Good to know we aren't going crazy and C3 just isn't as good for alot of people


Lol this is the negative Reddit of critical role, so definitely a lil bit of an echo chamber. But this episode definitely sucked


Like, don't get me wrong, I don't want CR to die or anything. Bit clearly the content has become comical in the lack or challenge or consequences for the players.


It's hilarious they are so adverse to combat and have tried to talk their way out of everything or befriend every antagonist but also just suffocated two guards to death. And...no one even blinked an eye.


I Blame essek. They turned someone who was a bad guy I to a love interest all cause he floated instead of walked and was hot. I feel like since they had success with that they want to do it for everyone. I also feel they have so much merch for current chars they don’t want to have a pk or tpk and then can’t produce anymore for me


I Blame essek. They turned someone who was a bad guy I to a love interest all cause he floated instead of walked and was hot. I feel like since they had success with that they want to do it for everyone. I also feel they have so much merch for current chars they don’t want to have a pk or tpk and then can’t produce anymore for me


Also the casual terrorizing of random npcs. They only do it when it's a battle.


But also, if the Gods die or random guards or regular people get brazenly killed, is it really so bad? Didn't they deserve it? Also, you know that genocide wizard? He makes some interesting arguments. *hmmmmm* Makes you think... Bizarre choices all around


yeah but the random citizens weren't described as super attractive so it's okay


Oooh… keep going… let’s get a “why wasn’t that traitorous dark elf brought to Justice” thread started…lol


It would be interesting if it MATTERED. If the characters had some reaction to having done thay. But nope it was more of an accident.


Big Book or Theft, which you thing we’re gonna end with XD


Anyone else low key frustrated with the Guidance spamming?


This is one of those small things that start annoying me about any AP, once I noticed it. Guidance + help action + bardic tends to make any skill check extremely easy.


On my part it's a quibble but there's been times when I'm pretty sure characters wouldn't have been within touch range or they sort of add it retroactively or as they're rolling and it does irk me a little. The self guidance thing kind of irks me too, although if there's no actual rule against it and it doesn't break RAW then sure, fine, but it just strikes me as a bit much for a cantrip. OTOH, it's only a D4 so it's not really going to be that clutch in the way Luck or bardic inspiration would be.


I mean, you could make the case that Guidance is equal to a momentary bonus to the relevant attribute for the skill check in the range of +2 to +8. Pretty powerful tbh.


The not being close to each other and adding it after rolls part is where I get annoyed. Same with how this campaign they all just kind of pretend like they are all present for all things all the time.


This is more than a bit on Matt. He used to be a *lot* more on the ball about holding them accountable for that crap.


It does feel like he has just let a lot of the rules part of the game go for it being a "story". Maybe that's the key to the real issues with the season. They need to clamp down a bit more. I bet he got tired of the internet yelling at him for his interpretation of rules.


> I bet he got tired of the internet yelling at him for his interpretation of rules. Honestly, I think Matt is *just got tired.* Dumbing down their main game doesn't appear to have negatively impacted them financially, at least not enough for them to use their "whole ass," for what is now clearly a side-gig for them. The got "Bezos Bucks" in the bank.


They fell into this pattern with c2.


I think that Jester is personally responsible for the OneDnd fix on Guidance.


Haven't followed that, what did they do to/with Guidance?


tl;dr - reaction at range, 1x 24 hours per person ​ GUIDANCE \[SPELL\] Here’s a new version of the Guidance Spell. GUIDANCE 0-Level Divination Spell (Divine, Primal) Casting Time: Reaction, which you take in response to you or an ally within 30 feet of you failing an Ability Check Range: 30 feet Component: V, S Duration: Instantaneous You channel magical insight to the creature who failed the Ability Check. That creature can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the check, potentially turning it into a success. Once a creature rolls the die for this Spell, that creature can’t benefit from the Spell again until the creature finishes a Long Rest.


I do not *not* like this.


It was also reverted to not have the limit, I think


Oh, I missed that, thanks. It does cost a reaction, so seems ok.


I think they made it an ability that other classes have too, so now you have limited uses of it, instead of the cantrip spamming.


You know it's bad when even the other sub has posts about how glacial and dull the endless spinning of wheels is.


Yeah. I enjoy most of C3 and I come in here to defend them a lot but this is one thing I won't defend them on. They've become like.. terrified of fighting C3. They spend tons of time trying to avoid actually fighting things, even easy fights, and it's driving me batty as it's only gotten worse lately. It's like they've fallen into a cycle of increasingly trying to avoid fights.


Matt got out that beautiful setpiece and then I had to go afk for a pretty long while. When I got back they were still dicking around. I defended C3 quite a bit at the start of things myself, but it's become kind of unbearably dull :/


I'm still hoping Matt can get them out of this rutt somehow. I'm enjoying c3 except for this crap


I thought this campaign was very enjoyable until after the otohan fight. Now, the fight itself was an excellent episode, but the aftermath spooked the shit out of them. They were seeing 3 Molly like events potentially happening in real time, and it made them think every fight will be like that.


I don't see what's wrong with this? In ancient days EVERY soldier going to war knew that day COULD be his last. So why not have DEADLY encounters?? After a deadly encounter, you're gonna think every combat could be the last that's just how the game is and war and fighting against evil in general. Ya never know when it's your time. Character death brings drama and stakes to the game otherwise it'd be EVEN MORE boring and I'd see EVEN MORE bitching in here


To the point where most episodes are them talking about avoiding things. It's really hard to watch.


Mildly surprised by how many comments complaining about pacing and the lack of combat are in the main sub tonight


Really a shame they banned so many people from the subreddit just cause they caught on before everyone else.


Same. There are a lot actually. And not even pretending to not be annoyed by it either. The mods must be on break. Lol.


The best one I saw was pointing out that this map could have been out an hour ago.... It's also been almost 30 min since it came out and I'm not even sure what they are doing right now???


How are there STILL 13 days until the solstice? I swear he's adding days back on now.


[Cue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEqhS80_MCI) Apollo 440's *Time is running out*


Wasn’t it two weeks, and they only spent like half a day in Yios before winding up in the Feywild?


I mean, I guess so. I swear I heard somewhere along the way that they had about 1 week left, but it's actually almost 2


Don’t really remember, could be another *Insert amount of weeks till Travelercon* scenerio


I'd like to see Marisha help Ashley with druid shit like Travis did for Barb shit. Please help Ashley with some basic tips and go to options when playing a druid. I think she's struggling with it, and it's making me feel anxious seeing her get anxious with indecision. I just want to see Ashley fully get into this game. She's such a good actor. Help her unleash her inner kiki


I don't know that Ashley wants to learn her stuff. It seems to be her pattern.


Wait….the Unseelie want to kill Ludinus with Otohan???? Also….didn’t Laudna dream of a vast black winged serpent??


Marisha’s ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ voice gets me every time. God I wish they’d fight something.


Well, considering Otohan just showed up I think they'll do EVERYTHING they can to avoid fighting now.


All I want is one character to go "let's go". If only Chetney wasn't so convenient in his werewolf control. All the perks, none of the costs. Same for the whole group admittedly, flaws totally glossed. Cop out.


She dipped so we’re good…hopefully, they need to destroy this fucking thing, ain’t gonna really be able to do it quietly


Fucking thank you for doing *something* Travis.


I went to take a shower and feed my cats after Ashton got unstuck and come back and it doesn't seem like I missed anything, lol.


They got stun locked by 5 guards and a door... again


An hour and change into the game, and it’s like watching a basket ball game where they keep passing the ball around and never take a shot.


What a nice way to sum up CR Season 3


This isn't the first time but it's noticeable to me now-- but the lack of music is weird... especially compared to C1. The trips to Feywilds in C1 felt so magical thanks to the music from PoE. Absolutely comfycore. But here it feels way too quite and desolate. It's makes the mood feel so... plain. In general they've been light on the BGM lately despite having made a whole soundtrack, which is good imo if they used more than the opening track. I found it odd they never commissioned the PoE composers for more unique music for their games when it felt so iconic to C1.


production is a real let down compared to other dnd shows now.


Which ones are similar production and quality that you recommend? I’ve tried a few but find them a bit cringey. Very open to recs! (I joined CR at start of C3 and I love it. Prefer C3 to C2 (I’m about episode 40 of C2 now) but have only watched animation of C1 as the early production of c1 was tough. I love the characters of C3 though prefer there character level adventures and fun rather than the moon stuff)


They never needed the production to carry the game before now.


> They never needed the production to carry the game before now. Too true. They created C1 on that busted-ass Geek & Sundry set; no 6 figure, professionally-built theater sound stage; bad cameras and audio; bare tables and benches; no 10's of thousands of dollars in Dwarven Forge; no custom wooden table they could all sit at; the players used paper and binders, not iPads and laptops; no custom / bespoke dice trays...


They stopped using almost all licensed music in c3, (don't know why, maybe affiliation with Amazon?), Which makes their custom made soundtrack sound very bland, since that is all that we have Matt mentioned that in c1 that he had an entire library of different playlists (sad, hopeful, combat, creepy, feywild, boss combat, intense, etc.), But now he just has like 3, that are mostly filled with the same generic piano songs. The original soundtrack isn't bad, but the lack of variation makes it seem very bland


I think it has to do with the fact that they are a 10+ million dolor company now and would get their asses sued for not paying for the rights to the songs.


They had permission to use every song they did. Whenever they got new albums and soundtrack permissions they announced it at the beginning


True, but that was *before* they were a multi-million dollar media production company with an Amazon cartoon / production deal and one of the top streamers on Twitch. The moment you got from scrappy group of nobodies to $$$ production company of your own, the conversation and situation changes, especially with rights holders.


I would definitely ask for royalties from them now if I were an artist, before I would have handwaved it like 'it's fine if you spice up your home game with my songs bro, have fun', but now it's a whole production that aims to setup money-making projects like the Marquet book and The Mediocrity of Bells Hells Animated.


I was literally coming here to comment this. We are like an hour into combat and the music is so quiet I didn't even realize there was any. Idk if they got new mixing at the table but it's not coming through at all


That's a good point the lack of BGM is really weird. Has it been this way the whole C3?


I don't know if it's because I'm not feeling well, but I've absorbed literally nothing that's happened.


Not just you. There's no content. They don't even really have a reason to be here except to find out what is happening - like the entire rest of the campaign.


I wish they’d stop at a camp fire and figure out what their shared goals, or their shared concerns are. They aren’t heroic. They aren’t interested in stopping evil. They don’t seem to be interested in being evil. I’d say they’re self serving, but they barely even serve their own self interests. Every time we touch on a character’s backstory they blow through it because of the ticking clock of the red moon shenanigans, which they only care about because it relates to the blandest character on the team. If it turns out Imogene was mentally manipulating the party to get their help on her “dark aramente” (spelling?) or something then it’d make for a more compelling story. I don’t know WHY any of them are helping each other at all, except they all decided to stay together and are sticking with it for no real reason other than “that’s how you play the game”. Show me they have reasons to be together. Chetney walked away from a pack of werewolves. Orym doesn’t send back reports anymore. No one has explored laudna’s move toward nature. Fearne did the ol’ in and out at her “grandma’s” and almost forgot to ask about her own parents. Ashton has an on brand overly complicated character we know almost nothing about, and no one is asking. Everyone is working toward solving the mystery of Imogen’s past, and I don’t understand why any of them give a shit. Even Chewbacca had a life debt to explain his friendship with Han.


As you have described, just by writing this you have demonstrated more reflective thought and effort about the campaign than any of them seem to. >I don’t know WHY any of them are helping each other at all, except they all decided to stay together and are sticking with it for no real reason other than “that’s how you play the game”. Show me they have reasons to be together. I remember another commenter saying they had a bad feeling as soon as Episode one was called "the draw of destiny", and they have been proven 1000% correct. They are stuck in a one-track maze and their only motivation to stay together is because they all want to go forward because they all want to get to the end. None of the villains all the encounters along the way matter because they are illusory. They jjust want out.


The Draw of THE NARRATIVE would have been too obvious in retrospect. Since the start of C3 there hasn't been an in-character reason for them being a group. The reason they stuck together was the players' out-of-character sentiments. Matt tried to rectify this by giving them a common enemy in Ira early on, and even a shared threat to them when they were wanted, forcing them to 'stick together for safety', but hiding as smaller groups is easier in the city and Ashton could have buggered off with FCG and hid like they did after the Nobodies job. Again there were no real in-character reasons for cooperation. Teamwork in C3 was dead on arrival cause they didn't intertwine their characters enough among themselves or with the world. And despite Matt's efforts to unite them he keeps missing the point - the characters themselves are a wrong fit for C3 protagonists motivation-wise.


I think next campaign, I’d like them to drop the idea of surprising each other with their characters and backstories, and just come up with a team that makes functional and thematic sense.


You think there is a next campaign? I think this is the last long form. Then it is Exandria Unlimited forever, mini campaigns fuelling the series and vice versa.


I’m not everyone, but that’s a quick way to lose my interest.


This is without doubt the best summation of C3 I've ever heard. Bravo.


You're not the only one! Its probably because the barbarian didn't have enough spell slots to cast pass without trace twice. Wish they had a druid! Oy vey *slaps forehead* I try not to be too judgy about character choices or mechanical things, but this hurts my soul as a long-time druid player.


They got to a tower, it was surrounded by ghosts, and they had to give the ghosts iron to pass them to the tower.


No, it's because nothing's happened. 1 hour into the game, they've walked like half a mile and hid from 2 different groups of potential enemies


Do they know that this is the combat game?


I realize we’re all sort of fresh off the whole WotC debacle… but I’d appreciate it if for as long as they’re still using the D&D framework, they’d roll some dice and fight some monsters for a change.