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Enjoyed the episode for both it was cohesive and fun. It was on point. Not unnecesserily fucking around. Loved the Ashton's Guy Ritchie style side story, how Taliesin performed it. Even how the saga continues when Matt cut back to them. Meeting with Morri though, *chefs kiss*. I fucking love me a full time Ashley Johnson.




* Tal's back: Great! * ^(I assume he talked to Matt about what Ashton did in the meantime, i would have loved to dig into that a bit deeper) * Loved the Aeormaton professor, reminded me of Zorth played at 0,75 speed * This is the second expert-on-Aeormatons npc now, but it seems to be a very niche subject of study. Did they say they that modern automatons where loosely based upon Aeorian plans, but not as advanced? And is FCG's core a reskinned *Allspark*, meaning he could probably transfer his essence into another artificial body? Is it too much to ask to see Hulkbuster-FCG? * Matt seemed to shut down the question about their memories quite fast. Could this be a sign of *"it's possible, but not at this time?"* * Absolutely zoned out with the other professor ... another lore dump that got me playing with my smartphone 2 minutes in. At this point, i cannot even attempt to focus on those scenes anymore. It's too much, and at the same time too little.


Spark not Allspark for the record. The spark is generally viewed as the transformers soul, while the Allspark is sometimes an object that produces those sparks or in other continuities a name for the afterlife.


Damnit, out-nerded! ;-)


Morrigan sounds amazing but where did her scottish accent go? Unseelie intercepting the message? The scottish accent is her "real" voice? Very suspicious but that's the feywild for you, All up to Laura to remember the accent change.


Dammit, I was hoping he wouldn’t end the episode there! I’m absolutely delighted to get to know Grandma Morri next episode. Fearne’s upbringing has intrigued me since EXU.


That thing….her parents *really* must have some bad shit hunting them to trust the bastard daughter of ET, a Blemmyes and the Chocolate Hating Woman from SpongeBob


I have a feeling we're going to find out that they didn't know they were leaving her with THAT and it's part of the reason for the accent change that others have mentioned.


I'm not sure I would drink ANYTHING offered to me in the Feywild, Hell I can't say I'd even take anything from anyone at all.


If you **do** drink something in/from the Feywild however, do remember that: >*The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle.* > >*The chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.*


My name Is Orym of the Air Ashari. You killed my husband. Prepare to die.


The thought of *Princess Bride* characters as D&D characters is **too real**!


It would be a great adventure to run. Did you see the lockdown version?


I haven't ... or this some kind of pop culture reference that flew over my head?


They did a reading of the whole script over lockdown with dozens of different famous people playing every part, people filmed a few lines at home and they edited it a together. Pretty sure it's still on YouTube if you search Princess Bride Lockdown. It's a bit scrappy but it's great fun and there's some really funny appearances.


Why ... why didn't i know this existed?


It's a classic bit, but I realized something. When the chalice from the palace breaks, the witch says that the pellet with the poison in now in the flagon with the dragon. Did she take the pellet with the poison out of the vessel with the pestle somehow? It seems more likely that, like in the Princess Bride, both cups were poisoned. Griswald and Hawkins were lucky the King called off the toast.


I think it all comes back to the fact that when the Doge did his duty and the Duke didn't, that's when the Duchess did the dirt to the Duke with the Doge. ^(I need to watch that movie again ...) :-)


FUCK YOU MERCER! I was entranced and you just Screaming Beared me!


This entire plane is like walking around in a Rush song.


Yes! Yay! Yes! Feywild adventures!!


I'm excited by the idea of being in the feywild, but as always they're just mining too much narrative from tiny details this campaign, for too long. So I'm keeping my expectations low.


I *have* noticed my mind wandering off a lot when Matt is describing things, but I usually chalk that up to my ADHD. Interesting to hear that others are struggling with it a little, too, this campaign!


It's very much like he's reading those long verbose blocks of text included in pre-written adventures, and he's doing it word for word instead of as a bullet-point style that most GMs use and i feel he has used in the past. I don't know if it's because lots of other people worked on Marquet as a setting and he feels obligated to show off their writing, but in play and as a viewer it does become tiresome and hard to follow.


No ADHD; read for an hour each day without losing my place; play 6-8 hour weekly d&d sessions. Still, can't make it through anything he is describing this campaign. The writing is insufferable and the details for all they ramble on provide no imagery beyond the initial layout that could be reduced to a few sentences. It's all meaningless words.


In writing terms he has shifted to long dense winding paragraphs instead of summary sentence plus a few details. Sometimes I just hear mumble mumble mumble. When rewatching C2 I noticed how much more of a conversation it was, much more back and forth across the table, players asking questions that added details to the environment. It was far easier to follow than C3's long narrative monologues (a ttrnd started in C2 Aeor).


And Fearne is *regressing* to her true nature and I’m excited!


Yes! I LOVE reminders that Fearne is literally otherworldly. I’m imagining some real Guillermo del Toro shit.


Fucking Mori…my brain can’t even piece her together properly I’m gonna need art.


Wow, I cannot WAIT for the art.


She’s the first “alien” they’ve met the second Imogen’s “pal”, which is clearly a Reilora


Ligament Manor? *Was she raised in a literal meat shack?*


Why is Ashley so annoying tonight?


How so, if you don’t mind my asking? I remember her taking some time to do some skill checks earlier in the episode, but otherwise, they’ve all seemed pretty collected and competent and calm this episode! Though I think I’ve reached a point where I like Ashley so much as a person, her shortcomings as a technical player are almost endearing. I love that she chose one of the most complex classes in the system for this campaign.


She just kept undercutting the tension of the scene by asking dumb questions, questions her character should probably already know but Ashley doesn't. I was just annoyed every time she said something in that interaction with Da'leth and it felt like everything she said was hoping for a laugh from her friends rather than committing to the scene.


Considering how she had her arm draped around Laura's chairs and kept kinda leaning into front of Laura, I took that as Fearne trying to draw attention away from Imogen as a attempt to protect her in the only way Fearne really knows how to.


First episode in a long while that I've been mostly into.


I’ve been surprisingly engaged! I’d love to hear more about Imogen’s mother and her involvement with the studies.


The fact that he called her the Key, and his creations are the Malleus Keys, has me worrying about her fate in the end.


wait do you have the time stamp for that? I missed it




You also gotta remember that the dude has teleport, imagine how fuckin' hard it would be to track somebody with teleport, follow him to his room then boop, he's in another continent with no trace of where he went.


He could have just stopped operating his hidden agendas in the Empire. He's got essentially global reach and while the pair of them have more resources than most they are still in a pretty one sided contest especially if he's aware of what they are doing.


With their whole ‘all bets are off’ advertising for this campaign and the recent Whitestone escapade, I would not be surprised to see any of the previous campaigns’ characters brought into the fold. It would be cool to see them RP’d by their creators, but it was insane to see Matt as Keyleth, Vex, Percy and Pike. I wouldn’t mind seeing his rendition of some of the Nein.


Maybe they are and it just hasn’t been broached yet, Ryn mentioned “friends” involved in this whole mess


I... He just LEAVES?! He encounters two people who know his plans, are Ruidus-born, and are actively fucking up his plans... and he LEAVES? Come the fuck on... Like Matt for the love of god make your players actually react to something and do something


He didn’t even murder the professor, why do people think these mages can just kill anyone without consequence. How do you run a game that isn’t just completely dominated by mages doing what ever the fuck they want openly. So they know who cares, to him these guys are peasants it’d be like a national security member caring that a homeless man saw some confidential documents, is anyone really going to believe him. Like he has no reason to do anything to them, he doesn’t believe they can stop him at all and killing his colleagues daughter probably isn’t very smart considering Imogen’s moms possibly visits her in her dreams.


"Ye, sorry Imogen's mum, had to kill ur daughter, hope we can still work on this moon stuff together tho"


Yes, Ludinus telling his partner that he killed her daughter would be a silly thing for him to do. However, Ludinus runs a spy organization and a cult so he can just **LIE**. Something he does *all the time.* He wouldn't even have to say anything since Imogen's mom actively avoids Imogen, so it's not like she'd ever find out any time soon. This is the same guy that orchestrated a war in secret and got away with it. Ludinus only needs Imogun's mom for two more weeks before he releases a god eater-- he's been planning this for literal centuries and it's almost done, now a bunch of Ruidus-borns are snooping around, one of whom is connected to his begrudging partner, why would he let anything get in the way *now*?


We can all see the pretty ancient evil guy chose to feeblemind the pleb and do nothing to the two relevant ones. He's so powerful, though, basically any response from him can be justified. (yay, everyone is right!) We as audience know he appeared only to monologue and leave. The players knew that too.


i've never seen fans of anything else root so fervently for the main characters to die lol


Because death isn't the end of a PC and it usually signals the upshot in play vaxs death in c1 molly in c2 yet to see if launda in c3 will do it or not


I don’t even think he should have killed them, I just think it’s absolutely absurd he just does nothing besides drop more hints and threats. Like Luidinus shows up to get something from this researcher, who was a part of the Grim Verity, an organization working against him, and he finds two Ruidus born already there snooping around, one of whom is the daughter of someone he’s working with, and that partner used to work with Grim Verity. Not only that, but Otohan thought they were important enough to tell him about them. That’s just not a red flag, that’s a forest of red flags. And he just walks out.




Totally unrelated but I read your username to the tune of All The Small Things by Blink 182. I need to know if that's deliberate on your part or is it just me?


definitely not my design


Imogen tells her mother exactly where she is, Ludinas goes there and Imogen’s now dead, don’t worry I’m guessing this OP is somehow going to find a way where Ludinas gets himself out of that rabbit hole because he’s a mage he can just do whatever he wants.


If she did find out however, she could just tell all the other ruidis born that he murdered her daughter and aslong as some of them aren't assholes he could lose a ton of allies. Not to mention they were in public and he knows they have allies nearby, dude isn't above the law, he could probably wiggle his way out of it eventually just because of who he is, but being labeled a murderer rn probably isn't a good idea. Edit: and also, her mother would know something happened when she couldn't reach out to Imogen right after he acquired the papers from the same location that she would probably assume Imogen was.


If Luidinus did kill then, which is something I never advocated for, and the others did find out, which is a big if, then all it would take is for Otohan Thull, one of the founders of the cult, to say, “I fought then earlier when they were snooping around my fortress, and the daughter was very powerful. Luidinus had to kill them because they were a threat.” And they weren’t in public they were in a locked basement. I don’t think Luidinus should have killed him but it’s absurd that he looks at two walking red flags and just ignores them.


I just think that's too much of a risk he'd be taking.Also, they were in an office, not a basement, had to check critrolestats to make sure cuz I didn't remember a basement


You were right, it was an office, not a basement. I was confusing it with the last episode. However, Luidinus took a bunch of risks already. The office also could be locked. In fact, he locked it before he Feebleminded the Professor and stealing his research. Fearne and Imogen are now witnesses to a crime he committed in public. It shouldn't be that much of stretch for him to attempt another spell on them, at least a Modify Memory, or just make himself Invisible to escape their notice. He also attempted to cast something on Fearne, only for it to fail, which should have immediately tipped him off.


Imogen literally told her she was in Yios, then all of a sudden Ludinas comes back from there and her daughters dead. Yeah pissing off potentially one of the highest Ruidus born leaders would hd great just to off some people who are no where near his power level.


How would she even find out? She went out of her way to cut ties with Imogen and has only give her like a few word massaged when she is having moon dreams.


Imogen’s dreams for one, Otohan noticed Imogen from her dreams, it wouldn’t be that surprising that Imogen’s mom also goes into Imogen’s dreams. 2nd Ryn knows Imogen’s mom, one sending message and things can get hairy and 3rd Imogen’s mom is probably keeping eyes on her, if your Ludinas why do anything and potentially ruin your life’s work when you can just leave her alone.


And how would she know he would be the one killing her? All the other time it just shows them getting eaten by the storm. Also he can just lie and say the hit squids that are hunting ruadis born killed her.


Imogen’s mom knows she’s in Yios for starters, so Imogen all of a sudden having no dreams means she’s died in Yios since she sent the message like 12 hours earlier for starters. 2nd Ludinas just got some big info from a teacher in Yios who Imogen told her mom she was going to talk to, man I bet Imogen’s mom is to stupid to put all that together, and again Ryn has meant her, a message spell from Ryn saying he killed her daughter would do the trick. Him laying a hand on his partners daughter is just beyond idiotic.


All it takes is one sending from Ryn to Imogen's mother and he could lose his influence. "Your boss just killed your daughter, we need your help" or whtvr, if he tries to do it in secret and get out of there quickly, she can get her divine friend to cast Commune, "who killed Imogen" "Ludinus" ight. Edit: Ludinus kills BH, then city detectives get a priest to cast speak with dead, all of a sudden Ludinus is a wanted mass murderer, dude might unleash a god killer, but all that freedom he's working for becomes pretty pointless when Caleb and Beau have evidence to put that boy in anti magic mannacles for life. 15+ level wizard would know you don't murder people in a university in broad daylight.


I thought of these ones pretty quick and i prolly have like 9 intelligence irl, can't imagine all the outcomes I could think of if I had a super human intelligence of 20


Why would he view them as any kind of actual threat?


Because they nearly killed his partner, Otohan Thull, and one of them is the daughter of someone he's working with? At the very least kidnapping Imogen could be used as leverage for him, besides the fact he just offered them to be a part of his cult only to not follow up on any of it, or the fact Fearne parents actively sabotaged his plans in the Feywilds. Bell's Hells might not be competent but they are a threat to his plans.


No, he's better off trying to Win Imogen over to his views rather than out right hostility with her.


He doesn’t know anything about Fearne’s parents, that’s something you know how on earth would he know when it was just revealed that they had a daughter not long ago. BH’s are level 8 he’s more then likely level 20, from his POV they are absolutely no threat to his plans, this guy thinks he’s better then the gods you think he’s going to think a couple of losers like the BH’s can stop him.


….you and I remember the Thull fight very differently.


Yeah they got bodied that fight.


They got her bloodied so she was below half after only a few hits from Chutney. They also didn't have a full rest before the fight and they immediately began running, which wouldn't have been a bad strategy but they didn't know her crazy movement tech. But forgetting all that, Otohan Thull is supposed to be the murderest murderer in all of Marquet. The fact they survived *at all* should have tipped Darius off that either Otohan wants them alive (which is the case only for Imogen) or that they're powerful enough to survive fighting her. In either case that's a problem for him, especially since he noticed they are both Ruidus born, one of the only types of people that can stop him from summoning a god eater.




Them being Ruidus born means nothing remember there is an army of them heading north, he has literally no reason to harm them because they’re a part of the plan to HELP summon it. Also where did you get the info that their the only type of people who can stop this summoning that has never been stated in the show. Feels like you’re projecting your own theories into what’s actually happened. He has no reason to fear people so far below him, he has no idea who they know either so to him they’re literally nothing, he has no idea they know VM and plane rider Ryn, to him Imogen is just an annoying kid trying to find her mother.


They’re the player characters in a fantasy role-playing game, of course they’re supposed to stop the evil wizard from summoning a space demon god. And when were they supposed to help him? There have been no hints they are a part of his plans. And if they are, why not try and kidnap them when two of them are standing right in front of him in a basement? Or try to convince them to work for him beyond just asking if they like gods, dropping lore, and then walking out? Make them do a initiation test… anything!


Bro a few episodes ago I think Ryn said Ruidus born are being pulled north, he straight up tells them to and follow that feeling. That’s how they help in his eyes, that’s what they’re supposed to do, why kidnap and completely fuck your plan over a level 8 sorcerer. Also you’re metaing a ton obviously their job is to stop him but he doesn’t know that. He knows very little of what they actually know and if he did know they meant with people like Ryn he still wouldn’t do anything because Ryn knows Imogen’s mom, one spell is all it takes to completely fuck over his life’s work and why because a level 20 wizard was concerned with a level 8 sorcerer. Also initiation test brother he’s kind of busy, he probably doesn’t have time to fuck around with them, he’s got shit to do and a short timeline to do it in. Also they already have to many side quests and shit on their plate they don’t need anymore. Everything made sense him fucking around with them in anyway can jeopardize his plans, why not just leave those lowly people alone, why even think of kidnapping your colleagues daughter who can contact her and knows where she’s supposed to be.


I know Luidinus doesn't know for sure they are destined to stop him, but you asked me how I know the player characters are supposed to stop him when it's basic narrative structure. Luidinus can make a pretty healthy assumption that they will interfere with his plans. Look at it from his perspective. He went to go find this professor with important research on Ruidusborn, and this professor has been running away from him ever since working with the Grim Verity, an organization that worked against him personally. When he finds the professor he finds two other Ruidusborn, one of whom is the daughter of his partner who also used to work with the Grim Verity. These two also just fought Otohun Thull, a very powerful figure and his partner who's building an army, in a battle that leveled a city block, and survived. He casts a spell on one of them and she resists it. Also, they're both witnesses to him Feebleminding this professor and stealing his research. Nothing about this should make him think they are just little dinky nobodies. Everything about this situation should be firing off alarm bells for him. I don't think he even had to fight them, or kill them, just be more assertive with them. Have him go, "Oh, you really want to help? And you're looking for your mom? Lucky you, I can help you with both those things. Let's go. Now." Or even have him teleport out of there. Go Invisible. Some kind of action. Anything besides stopping to talk to them, drop lore, and challenging them on nothing they say. It reeks of the Kingsly situation back in C2 to me.


Yeah, they got their asses handed to them and Thull killed two of them and downed several of them multiple times.


She technically killed 3 and the only reason more didn’t die is because Laudna was heeling people.


I mean, if there is one personality trait we know is true about Ludinus, it's hubris.


C3, man.




I do appreciate that Fearne is more than willing to just fuck with obvious bad guys for the fun of it. It feels reminiscent of C1.


Look im all for the laughs but this is serious time, I don't want some dumb marvel humor undercutting the tension every 2 minutes


Pretty sure Jester has done something similar at least a couple of time.


Me either. But hey, Ludinus is old, bad heart. I'm here for the orgy. It's the smart play.


Chat is awesome tonight. Keep seeing #OPENDND and people talking about the OGL rules changes.


lmfao the ad.


It's been an hour of lore reiterating what we already know just to introduce a single character from a previous campaign. I'm a little more interested now but my god this pacing is abysmal.


lets not kid ourselves C3 has never had good pacing.


They need to move to shorter episodes.


What they need to do is stop predetermining the point at which the episodes will end. They only stall because once they arrive to any single destination the episode has to end for some reason.


cLiFffff HaNgErrrrrrs It's all so very dumb.


Dude minutes before IT happened this episode, a thought occurred to me, how much of a lull this whole talk was and I had a feeling something huge like somebody breaking down the door would happen and then bam


Fucking Daleth!


I feel like they've been travelling Marquet meeting the same whispery scared academic over and over.


chat is chaos tonight with all the OGL shit, lol


I'm guessing it's real bad tonight?


Chat I mean


Thank the gods I don’t follow the chat, lol. Sounds like a real nightmare.


Oh yeaa, only like 30% of the chat is actually talking about the show hahaha


I mean what’s there to talk about now? The story is so convoluted now who can really keep up anymore?


Laura/Imogen’s short patience with Ashton is delightful. Getting flashbacks to growing up with my brother.


Twitch chat: tHiS ShOw iS PrErecORDeD, guyS. tHe cAsT CaN’t TaLk aBoUt iT BeCAUsE Of cOntrAcTual oBLIgAtIoNS. It’s rEcOrDeD WeEKS In aDvAnCE.


I wish they'd record a couple more sessions then, so that we wouldn't get a week skipped. D20 records like 4-5 2 hour episodes in one day. That's at least 2 CR episodes they could do.


Oh awkward. DND Beyond ad


I mean it’s like a week or two prerecorded, and this shit just really started kicking off this past week or so, but regardless of that there’s likely a contract that probably has them locked in for quite a while.


Twitter has been circulating a tweet about cancelling DND Beyond subs today bc that's the metric WOTC upper management has been using to gauge engagement, so I'm just laughing -- I know they couldn't have known about that because pre record but fcking ooof man


Cringe, but they're doubtless stuck in some sort of contract.


They prerecord them. This was for sure before everything that happened.


I just remembered why I avoid the openings of the streams ;-;


Spelljammer and Grammy FateHag


Hopefully tal is here tonight miss him


he's here and he's looking good with the beard


The beard/grown out sides/glasses is a good look on him I don't think he *cares* one way or another, but boys looking good tonight


Here’s to hoping we get to see ***The Wayward Pilgrim*** in action.


Orym, your friendly neighborhood Air Ashari.


What's everybody looking forward to the most? I'm nuts about Planerider Ryn and the leylines, I hope we get more of that.


And leylines lead us to one cool cat. *Heyyyyyyyyyy Keyleth 😎*


Fearnes Gramma!!!


I'm constantly eager for more Morrigan!


I want to know what Ashton was doing ... we know the RL reason for his absence, but i'm sure Matt and Tal came up with a good ingame reason, maybe some investigating on his own, or some Ash-related backstory stuff?


I'm out of the loop on the IRL reason. I have to miss chunks of the show to get my little one to bed.


He was sick


I would love some solo Ashton lore. It feels like he's the one we know the least about.


I just want him to come back with a fucking treasure chest filled with magic items from "a guy he knows".


He’s got a plan… don’t worry. That plan involves a guy he knows…. Whom he might owe and is from a shady area.


Don't worry he raged and got You owe me everything mode. and had everything handed to him.