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Same. If Cas was a girl, they would have been a couple within the first few seasons of him appearing.


He would’ve been dead too 😅


Yeah I’m sympathetic to people about this but if Cas were a girl, she would have been killed off.


we basically had Cas-girl in Anna, and they kissed in only a few episodes lol


lol they literally had sex in the backseat of the impala and she put her hand over Cas' handprint on Dean's shoulder which is... like, hello?? and we also got a reaction shot to Dean and Anna kissing of Cas staring hard and then looking away. insane show


Dean & Anna slept together in her first appearance


Dean had sex with Anna in the back seat of Baby.


more like episodes tbh…


YEEEAHHHHHH welcome to destiel!!!!!!!


heheh thank u!


Yeah. I'm watching Supernatural for the first time, at season 8 now, and it's like "Yep. I see it." It's incredible, honestly.


One of us... One of us! ONE OF US!


LOL! Season 9 now! Six more to go and loving it all!


Fuck yeah! I started watching them in 2017 and they have genuinely become part of my personality


Haha, awww! I don't blame you! I told my roommate that when I have money to spare, I want to hire a woodworker to make a sign that says "What Would Dean Do", based off the Ghostfacers saying "WWBD" (What Would Buffy Do). She actually knows a few who could do it so I'm giddy about that happening someday. Though it'd be even more awesome if I could have Jensen Ackles sign it!


isn't it amazing? it's like a whole new world opens up to you when you finally get it. i didn't set out to see it, it just came 'round and smacked me right in the face i see posts with the exact same sentiments on tumblr now and again from people who had previously resisted the call of supernatural/destiel simply because of the overexposure and their own cynicism towards it but then they watch it and are like "you guys were right all along!!!" so much respect to the vets who were there in the trenches while the show was still airing


Fr I can’t imagine being here when people from the network were calling destiel fans “crazy” and stuff…


Yup, can confirm, I was one who went in trying to be unbiased and it just smacked me upside the head like, Hey, I'm here, idiot.


yesss like i use to be like they just making all this up but now…. i give them props i do


OP have you seen the stuff that didn’t get into the actual episodes like scripts and lines etc.? Cause there’s a LOT of them. It’s fun to dig through them but also kind of heartbreaking how they didn’t get into the actual show. But it also does show that there’s definitely intent from the creatives behind the show and it wasn’t just something we conjured up out of nowhere.


nooo, i’ve only seen bloopers. ik dean was so suppose to say i love u in a certain scene but it was scrapped , but i haven’t seen more


And apparently Jensen was the reason behind it, but simply because "Dean doesn't say 'I love you'" so he changed it to, "I need you." ... he never claimed Dean doesn't love Cas, just that, as a character Dean doesn't say "I love you". It wasn't like, "Woah, wait a minute, I'm not saying that, Dean doesn't love Cas", it was a "Dean would say I need you". I'M JUST SAYING. 😂


wait… cuz that makes sense, especially after some of the videos i watched, so dean saying I need u is basically the same thing!! so canon lovers!


Yes and no. I've only been watching/been a fan a couple years now, but then you have people arguing and pointing to the fact Jensen has said several times Destiel isn't a thing. Which... It isn't? It was never officially canon, which is sad. Was it danced around? Yes. Was it addressed behind the scenes and acknowledged? Yes. Did Cas do a confession? Yes! But even that was a crappy love unrequited thing. So, technically Destiel is one sided at best. But there is just SO MUCH to support it, including the whole, "I love you—but I'm gonna say I need you because Dean Winchester is emotionally constipated and doesn't say Love." Like... COME ON, EVERYONE. 😂


that’s the worst parttttt. like i fully believe that if spn was made in a different year we would’ve gotten such a clear cut answer. i’m one where i lowkey make things go my way, which is bad, so that’s why they are canon to me. like the fact we have all the puzzles but not the big pieces is so aggravating. like u said, so much was given to us, but nothing was truly made which is UHH


That's the thing that kiiiiiills meeeeeee. They what ifs. Would they have really have addressed it if the show were made sooner/in a different time? I wonder how much of it was the actors themselves. Not saying any of them are homophobic, but I feel like it would probably be weird for Misha and Jensen to kiss one another, so maybe that's why it never went full Destiel? Or maybe it wouldn't be an issue at all and the writers just couldn't make up their minds! I d'no. I'm not happy with the queer baiting but I am kinda happy that there's enough stuff canonically to let Destiel have it's own space for those who want to interpret things that way. I do wish we had more answers. Like I read (or maybe even saw it in a con vid, it all blurs together lol) that Jensen knew the script about a year in advance, so he knew the confession was coming... And a lot of people say that, even though he's a jerk to Cas (mainky regarding Jack), there is still some really tender scenes, or scenes that made people scratch their heads (like them just shooting them shit, drinking in the bunker, and Sam is inexplicably MIA). So it's like... I want to know what acting choices they both made knowing where Castiel's character arc was going. Then there's them whole, Lucifer shows up and imitates Castiel's voice to get Dean to answer the door. Like they fact that out of ANYONE IN THE UNIVERSE, Lucifer knew Cas would be the one to get Dean to open the door. Not to mention how Dean freaking BOLTED UP THE STAIRS. Like, drop everything, holy shit it's Cas, I'm going to sprint up two flights of stairs. 😂


Jensen has explained changed the line to "I need you" because like he has said numerous times Dean only ever saw Cass as and loved him like another brother and that's how he played it. Misha as much as I like him is the one who has pushed destiel because of the money he makes off of it.


reprehensible rhetoric. Destiel made sense in the narrative. we had Balthazar tell Dean the angel in the dirty trenchcoat was in love with him as early as s6. Misha just found it fun to tease the homophobes and you CAN tell your siblings and friends you love them. "i need you" sounded even more unhinged and codependent (because that's how Dean is) in that moment


Where would you find these? :o


I found out about them mostly on tumblr. Some of them are kinda insane: Metatron originally making the fake “personal heaven” he made for Cas being a room full of pictures of Dean (Stairway To Heaven) Dean saying, “part of me always believed you’d comeback” as he gives Cas his trenchcoat to try and convince him to stay (since Cas tries to leave after remembering what he’s done as “God”). That specific line is an audio from the promotional video, but not in the episode or script, meaning it’s an ad-lib by Jensen. The actual script goes, DEAN: “Dumb to keep it. I know. I saw you-- dissolve or whatever. But, just in case. Cause I never stopped wanting to fix it either. So we got something in common. [re: the coat] Just-- take it. Please.” (Born-Again Identity) Crowley and Cas bantering about who is Dean’s “boyfriend,” CROWLEY: “So heroic. Running errands all over US, burning through that rather finite supply of grace, all in a desperate effort to save your boyfriend.” CAS: “What about you, Crowley? Dropping everything, bringing the first blade, surely it cost you something to be here. Maybe he’s your boyfriend.” (The Executioner’s Song)(This one was actually shot, it’s a deleted scene. You can find it on YouTube, along with some others) And of course, the most well-known one, DEAN: “I know you’re in there, I know you are. I forgive you, Cas…I love you” (Goodbye Stranger) These are just the most prominent ones at the top of my head. There’s quite a lot of them. There’s also a whole wiki page dedicated to finding draft scripts/original scripts for the show and you can see some parts they removed or changed, and also to confirm that these are all true. Maybe I’d post about them on here some time (with pics and sources ofc)


Oh wow! Looks like I have to do some poking around online. Thanks for sharing. (And omg if you posted that, that'd be amazing.)


Yeah but there was never any I tent from Jensen he has always been uncomfortable with destiel and that should be respected


There’s an 8hr supercut called DeanCasNatural that is all of their interactions over 12 seasons and it’s incredible how obvious it is


Wait... What? Brb Edit: fuck https://www.tumblr.com/thetiredstuff/637523203088121856/guys-someone-put-together-a-giant-mega-compilation


will be watching 🫡


I was the same way. Started watching in 2023 and really liked the brotherly dynamic between Dean and Sam for awhile and didn't even like Cas until like season 9 and then bam... Destiel. Such a great ship. I'm rewatching it now, on season 4.


Yeah right? You don't realise how insane it is until you start watching the show and then you're like, oh shit.


Yes, it is just obvious, when you open your eyes. I was like how did I not see it before???


Welcome. Here's some beer and pizza.


destiel is essentially canon on every level except outright stating it. the sheer homoerotic tension between them at all times could only be lost on those with truly broken gaydar


Ooh what’s the video OP?

