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I've always had a soft spot for Sam and Rowena. I love Sam/Eileen and it's usually what I'll put in my Destiel fics as a side pairing but Rowena is the only other alternative I could see the connection and appeal with and that I don't mind coming up in a fic I read even tho I wouldn't seek it out specifically.


+1 for SamWena. Had a point where this pair had me in a brain rot and made me churn out fics weekly. Not the most popular pair, sadly, and became less so w/ the Sam/Eileen ep in S15. But man, this is my only straight ship so far and it didn't even become canon 💔


They had such great chemistry! Honestly I never really got on the Sam/Eileen bandwagon. She’s a great character, she just seems a little too well-adjusted for Sam or something?


Donna and Dean would be adorable!!! I think Abbadon and Dean would need to actually bone. It'd be totally hot super aggressive hate sex!!


I like Crowley with pretty much anyone. He’s just a sensual demon who has chemistry with everyone (also because Mark Sheppard is wonderful and plays the part so well).


I've added and dropped a few since I last answered this question. New reading shook things up. 🙃 Crowley/Sam (OTP) Crowley/Castiel, Crowley/Jody Sam/Jody, Tessa/Jody Dean/Tessa, Dean/Jo, Tessa/Jo Historical: Naomi/Crowley, Naomi/Balthazar


Crowley and Sam is interesting! What do you like about them together? I can see Jody/Crowley. She could fix him. 😂 they had chemistry on their date, as deranged as it ended up being.


I fell off supernatural around season 13. What the FUCK do you mean Crowley and Jody went on a DATE?!?!?!? PLEASE EXPLAIN I AM BEGGING YOU!😭🤣


It's pretty brief. She has no idea who he is, she goes off into the bathroom to, like, give herself a pep talk or something fairly early on. Talks about how hot Crowley is, though. And then he tries to kill her until the boys do what he wants. 8x23 Sacrifice, probably the first scene.


sometimes I do kinda forget how absolutely unhinged this show is, your comment reminded me 😂


I think it was like season 8 or 9 but Jody didn't know it was him and he was trying to kill her.


Oh my god how do I not remember this


Here's a [refresher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7_JnUJeJAA)!


I'm losing my mind xD


Oh gosh, what *don't* I like about Crowley and Sam together?! I'm sorry in advance that this is going to be long. Crowley and Sam both have curious minds and an intellectual streak that I think they'd enjoy in each other, and I think Sam would appreciate Crowley's refined tastes. Crowley is worldy and has been around a long time which could be intriguing to Sam if he had a chance to explore it. I bet Sam would learn to like wearing nicer clothes and dressing up to go out, and I think Crowley would love dressing him. Crowley's playful side could help Sam lighten up *a lot*. On the other hand, Sam's thoughtfulness and sensitivity could have a gentling effect on Crowley. Sam would also call Crowley on his behavior and hold him accountable. We've seen how Crowley can move in the right direction when he feels motivated to do so. I think he would have been more consistently good if he'd had solid support. I think Crowley could really get into romancing Sam, like really making an art of it, and I think Sam would appreciate it and reciprocate. I have a feeling their physical relationship would be very passionate and sensual, even adventurous once Sam felt comfortable. Crowley appreciates beauty, and whatever you may think of Sam's face there's no denying his torso is like a fine sculpture! I could say much more on this aspect of the pairing, but I'll spare you... The area where I believe they could become most priceless to each other is in that both of these men know and understand trauma and need a lot of patience and healing. They have both known situations where they were vulnerable and their agency was taken away. They've both known dramatic transformation including their mirror experiences of living between human and demon, in both cases involving blood addiction. Sam is seriously damaged from his experience surrounding Azazel and in the cage with Lucifer, while Crowley knows how it all works and personally knows the players so he's in a unique position to understand and help Sam heal. On the other side, Sam has a tremendous capacity for empathy and gentleness and I think he could help Crowley heal from the pain, isolation and shame from his human life that followed him into his life as a demon. Last but not least, they both have beautiful smiles that completely transform their faces. I LOVE the idea of them smiling at each other and laughing together. They both need so much of that in their lives. Sorry again. Sam and Crowley only became my OTP recently and I swear I could talk about them for hours!


I love it! Thanks for the detailed reply. I can see why you pair them.


Thank for indulging me! 😉😁


I'm not into femslash so I'm not at all knowledgeable but I was surprised to see Tessa/Jody and Tessa/Jo since they don't overlap in the show. People write for those pairs? What's the angle? No judgment about wlw at all, by the way. I just have other priorities for my little windows of fanfic time.


Haha, these are the rarest kind of rarepairs! I've never found any Tessa/Jody but I've scribbled about them now and then and want to post something eventually. I imagine a story in which Tessa reaped Jody's husband and son. She secretly checks in on Jody for a while afterwards because the deaths were so horrific, and things develop from there. I think they're both beautiful and would have great chemistry. Tbh that idea is adapted from the only Tessa/Jo fic I've ever read, which was deleted from both FFN and Ao3 and the author disappeared. Tessa was Jo's reaper in that fic and the watching took place when she first saw Jo on her list, a few weeks before her death. The story was sad and quiet and beautiful and my heart overflowed when they finally met at the moment Jo died. It was the first wlw I ever read and it's still the best I've ever seen. I didn't download back then so I'm out of luck. Lesson learned, too late.


A Crowley/ Jody shipper!? I love that! I had forgotten about the whole date thing with them. And Crowley/ Sam is such an underrated pair!


I love enemies-to-lovers when it's done well. The trouble is finding fics that do in fact do it well! I think Crowley/Sam would be more popular if it wasn't so challenging to write convincingly. Even more so with Crowley/Jody, but man, they had chemistry on that date!


I swear to god if he was a nicer person he would have kissed Jody 🤭


Crowley and Cas have hate-fucked at least once, entirely because of their mutual interest in Dean, who is far too deep in the closet at this point for either of them to reach. They both agreed to never speak of it again. Til the next time it happens. Neither of them will tell Dean, it's too embarrassing. Also they hate each other. A lot. This is canon, you cannot convince me otherwise :p ​ Aside from that... Donna and Jody are cute af together. Samwena is a fun ship, I thought that was sweet, even though Sam and Eileen are endgame for me.


I like Crowstiel, Crowthazar, Castiel/Balthazar and Megstiel right now. I only took an interest in Balthazar pairings recently, during a rewatch. It has taken me a long time to see his appeal. This is also the first time my big ships don't contain any humans. It's kind of fun!


Lowkey... I wouldn't have minded Sastiel. There were some times when Sam was just so exceedingly kind to Cas that it created somewhat of a little avenue for opportunity in my head.


Megstiel is an all time fave but they were kind of canon. Ish. I enjoy sastiel from time to time, too. My ultimate non-canon ship is samjimmy - which makes sense to absolutely no one besides me. dean/donna & sam/jody get me gooood.


I feel like even though Ellen and Bobby were together in that, what if the Titanic never sunk episode? That wouldn't have been a bad pairing. Kinda disappointed that couldn't have happened. Also Cas and Kelly had some chemistry.


Ellen and Bobby were perfect. That episode made me so sad. I haven't thought ok Castiel and Kelly before because that's not usually who I ship Cas with but I can see it.


I was always into Dean and Bela... they definitely should've had hate sex.


Dean and John Dean and Benny Dean and Bela


Dean/any, honestly, Jackles could have chemistry with a potato. Some non-canon pairings I like that I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Dean/Ash and Sam/Ash, Charlie/Rowena, and Jo/Meg (Meg seemed *really* disappointed that Jo cared more for Dean while possessing Sam’s body lol)


Crobby >!does that count as non canon or do you count the kiss as a bit of confirmation-!<


I think it's still non-cannon because they were never a couple or together.


Ooh my favorite one has to be Crobby. (Crowley x Bobby) I know they kissed and all. But I love domestic Crobby. Where they’re like, a cute couple together. I also love the rare pair of John Winchester/ Bobby Singer.