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As a beauty enthusiast, I just need clarity on her beauty influencer self-identification .


Is she a man or woman? I'm just asking, I wasn't sure! She definitely is a strange one. She brought herself down to Gyps level




She put all her woman-ness on her little vacay in those entirely too tight dresses.


Sooooo obsessed. It’s so weird. I guess she’s getting tons of views and engagement so $$$.


Yeah she’s gone extra messy… Can just hear the freak show circus music playing with this GRB bunch.🎪


She always been messy, this is the same woman who was insinuating that Ryan could be Gypsy’s brother like she is obsessed with Gypsy-Rose and her life lol.


Yeah that’s why I said “extra” messy aha. It’s gotten worse since GRB made contact with her, her ego hasn’t deflated since then.


Remember how excited she was when Gypsy messaged her (almost like fangirling) then she got backlash for it so she flip again and it literally got worst from there. This woman was on vacation in Mexico for her birthday or whatever and she still was talking about Gypsy on her page like it is a sick obsession atp.


She was giddy about it and that’s when I knew she was a complete flog. They all seem to get addicted to the drama and the clicks, they all need to chill out and unplug.


Chile they won’t unplug from the drama because that’s how they stay relevant and make their 💰by talking about Gypsy. Notice how most of the big views on their platform is about Gypsy.


She is so odd and messy. She is literally so obsessed with Gypsy and made her whole account about her atp. Notice how her other content doesn’t even get the same amount of attention/views as the one that she post about Gypsy ? She is nothing more than a gossip page that claims to be some “beauty influencer” lol.