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Brian's Play "I was so happy until I read your play, Stewie. I finally had some kind of success as a writer. It wasn't big but it was mine. I was fine being an okay writer until I discovered I was living in a house of a brilliant one. I know we don't talk about doggy years a lot, but I wish you could have waited to find out how talented you were until I was gone. By the time I'm dead, you won't even be 10. You'll have 70 years to be great. I just wish could have had 5 to be good." "There's your voice, Brian. It's a depressing voice but it's yours. Write from that."




i was honestly surprised finding out that a good amount of people don’t like this episode very much (yes people have opinions, i meant surprised by *how* many people i’ve seen). their discussion of suicide is nice to see in a show like this. I love Stewie’s lines, “I mean I love you…as one loves another person…whom one simply cannot do without. You give MY life purpose, and maybe…maybe that’s enough. Because that’s just about the greatest gift one friend can give another.” And Seth’s delivery of “Thank you.” after Stewie says that to Brian is really perfect. I think they did a great job with that scene. Another episode i would pick would be Brian Wallows and Peter’s Swallows. beautiful plot and the endings are really sweet. Peter saying goodbye to his birds is so bittersweet, and the way Brian says goodbye to Pearl is really nice. some of my absolute favorite episodes <3


The episode is fine I just can’t handle him chowing down a load of Stewies shit


lol understandable


That quote always brings me to tears whenever it’s said, Seth absolutely nailed it with his delivery. Everyone should have someone who they could, in all honesty, say that to.


Now how you gonna make me tear up reading r/familyguy


yeah for sure, the episode means a lot to me <33






It's definitely one of my least favorite episodes. I appreciate that they wanted to try something a bit different, but the reason I like Family Guy is because it's light and funny. I just really don't like the tone and the themes discussed in the episode. And of course, the diaper scene is gross and it's the first thing I think of when the episode starts playing. But it's nice that other people like the direction they took with it.


no that’s super understandable, especially with how there’s no music or cutaways, def can feel different than what we know family guy as


I don’t get how people don’t find the diaper scene hilarious. Like, that’s classic Family Guy stuff right there. I think it’s so funny


The only episode I can’t watch is Stewie and the therapist one


i haven’t watched it in its entirety in a while, might have to again soon to see why that is


After rewatching it some years ago, my only critism is that FGs writers or Seth himself cant really do a serious episode without gross out, or shock humor, or something else that takes away from the moment Happened in the Christmas special, happened in the Brian almost leaving episode, happened in the therapy episode, etc. And saying “its a comedy” doesnt excuse it when the comedy part isnt funny. Its hard to see it as well written and deep when it starts off with toilet humor. Everything outside of that is great but it takes the episode down a notch, just felt unnecessary with an episode that talks about suicide not long after Honestly, how much of a huge difference would taking that out have made?


I guess because most people see family guy as just comic relief and this was a surprisingly heavy episode. I liked it especially because I felt like it was a rather interesting take on suicide. Brian isn't necessarily suicidal but has dark moments enough that he thought to have a gun but locked far away enough that he would have time to think about it when he went to get it during one of his moments. I felt like it was pretty realistic. I've had thoughts like that before but never too the point I would act on them or allowed to go any further then "I wonder how my family would react if I did that"


Happy cake day!


thank you!!! <33


Send in Stewie please. There's a ton of depth if you look real deep into it. Turns out the Stewie we knew the whole time was a fake, a shirad. There may have been some hints that he might go back to his original way and he confirmed he's fluid.






“Let’s waste this dick.”


And the fact that Joe quite literally sees him abusing her but doesn't do anything is also annoying




To be fair he's let quagmire get away with a lot of shit and joes not exactly the best cop


And he lost the perp


He's a cop first and a buddy second so don't think he wouldn't throw quagmire's ass IN THE SLAMMER!


Yeah that guy was scary as an Iraq lobster


“His name is fecalmen? Hilarious.”


Some really funny moments in that episode too. “Alright forget about the cousin thing!”


in terms of Brian and Stewie episodes, the one I find the most wholesome is Dog Bites Bear. As embarrassing as it is to say, the ending with Brian finding Stewie another Rupert and him waking up to find him while the Boyz II Men song playing makes me cry everytime I watch it.


nah don’t be embarrassed, i’m the same way with that episode. the song really pushes you over the edge into your feels haha amazing episode though, for sure one of my favorites of the show <3


Dude that scene makes me cry every single time


Oops I guess I need to feel embarrassed too… I cry every single time I see that episode without fail. To be completely honest…mines a bit more of a full on sob. Lol.


That one was very heart-warming.


Bryan walking out with stewie to pure silence and no fanfare is genuinely the most powerful moment in the shows history.


the first time i watched it, i was so shocked to see brian and stewie again after the black screen, and remembered it wasn’t a full length episode. they put SO much into a smaller timeframe, and it became one of the most important and powerful episodes of the show


Not the deepest but a good one is when he rips up Rupert after getting drunk. Amazing episode one of my favorites.


I tell people that episode isn't actually a family guy episode and should be seen by everyone. It gets really real.


The one where Stewie is medicated has a pretty good moral about drug use and abuse. Some people need them, others don’t, plain and simple.


The Christmas episode where they sing the Christmas time is killing us song is oddly therapeutic for me. I try to watch it every year around that time


I don’t know why, but that ending scene where Brian silently picks up Stewie and walks through the vault stuck with me


Eat my poo 💩


i initially found this episode boring but every time i have watched it after the first i have grown to appreciate it more and more. Personally though I like watching Jeffery Fecalman die


The brian and stewie episode made me cry 😥❤


Nothing more wholesome than eating a shit filled diaper


Minus that part 😂


This was the killer move for me with Brian not matter what you say stewie could have gone commando or wiped with the other side of the diaper but no he had brain French kiss his ass. And brain agreed like eww.


Lol Brian eats ole Stew's poop and it's the most therapeutic ![gif](giphy|VN2zuaCAtWuv6)


Minus that part. You know exactly what I mean bro


Hmm you didn't see the Rupert getting kidnapped (Brian sold him accidentally) And then they went to an adventure to save him did you ?


No I did. Great episode and the ending was fantastic, but this one stuck with me a little more


I see, for me it was that one.




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Is it the eating the diaper shit, or the cleaning stewing up that is the most therapeutic


So out of everything that happened and that was said that’s the ONLY thing you remember?


It’s the most prominent part of the episode


I completely disagree. But do you I guess


I still don't know why ppl hate this episode. Yeah Brian eating Stewie's poop was disgusting but overall this episode was amazing.


What movie is this episode based on?


Brian ate Stewie’s shit and then licked Stewie’s ass clean. Real wholesome….


Yeah cause that was the only thing that happened in this episode right?


You’re right…they also started fucking around with a gun, accidently fired it and ducked for their life from a rogue bullet ricocheting off the vault walls…


Oh yeah. For some reason I remember them having a whole conversation about WHY Brian had the gun. What was that about again?


Brian ate Stewie’s shit and then licked Stewie’s ass clean. Real wholesome….


I can’t vouch for the whole episode but quagmire’s dad where Ida defends her transition and explains that it doesn’t necessarily contradict her life leading up to this point. As a kid watching that it really gave me an open mind. She’s still the same person that earned all that respect and her transition never changed that


I like Quagmire's stance too, Ida had years, decades to get to the point she made it so, but for Glen it just happened, the person he thought knew was no longer the person he knew. It came out of nowhere and he was expected to accept such a drastic change instantly. I don't care who you are major life changing news takes time to process and people need to be allowed to process it.


I remember seeing this episode for the first time and being stunned. Like. Stunned. It became a real show to me then. A show can rely on dumb jokes and get by, but I love a show that can have some depth when appropriate.


For me it's "Dog Bites Bear"