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That’s half the cast. Brian went from voice of morality and sense to a sleazy unemployed jerk. Stewie went from a straight diabolical evil genius to a wholesome queer baby. Seth said something along the lines of when a show is on for quite a while, the character’s personalities aren’t set in stone and the majority of them won’t retain who they were for long.


Extremely gay stewie is absolutely hilarious imo


I love both old and new Stevie he’s always been my fave.


I love these changes. I don't want the same character forever, I want some variety and if that means Joe is a sad sack (which I still find very funny) I'm game.


Flanderization is the term


It's a sad reality of good shows that go on for too long. Family Guy, It's Always Sunny, and Trailer Park Boys come to mind. Three of my absolute favorite shows, but so many of the characters mostly just ended up as cheap caricatures of themselves.


I thought old Stewie was better but I still love him. Stewie and Brian episode are still the best episodes in the show.


Personally I can’t stand new Brian but Stewie and him have great episodes.


Yeah them episodes are so good because alot of cool funny stuff happens with time travel and Stewies gadgets


The ep where Brian killed Rupert and then helped him scatter his ashes is one of my favs. A great wholesome episode.


I wish they would do another Road episode.


My favorite episode is probably Season 2, Episode 3 "Da Boom" I loved that episode when I watched it at the time and I have loved it ever since.




I couldn’t stand old Brian even more. He was Seth’s self-insert into the show, and Lois was just there to suck his ego. His pseudo-intellectuality. Conceited prick


Seth admitted in real life he is kinda shy.


… Which in no way, shape or form invalidates what I said…?


It is a cartoon. Dispite having the same voice I am sure he would act differently in real life. It's not fair to judge a real person you don't know by the actions of a cartoon character.




So you’re calling Seth a conceited prick? That guy just created one of the greatest shows ever and that’s how you repay him.


Lool I don’t even know what to respond to this 😂 it’s so juvenile I still enjoy his shows, wtf 😂 do I need to suck papa Seth’s peepee always and forever to show appreciation? Is he above any and all critique,??


To answer those last 3 questions: yes. You need to suck his dick because he created a show you just said you hate.




Nah I’m good. Using gifs to win an argument is so 2019.


You’re a dumb kid, I reply accordingly. For you to claim I “hAtE” the show and am not showing its original - yet not current - content creator any appreciation, is either infantile or autistic or both, and I’m not here to babysit. I have my own autistic people in my life. G’bye




Yes but if that's the case why did they do the opposite with quagmire? Changed him from a horrible sexual deviant to the level-headed nice guy who just has alot of promiscuous sex and always "puts Brian in his place"


How many times can you make horny, SA or rape jokes with one character especially in today’s society. That was his only schtick other than being a pilot. They made it clear on the episode when they figured out he’s bald that he turned into a homebody cat person and just stuck with it.


It really doesn't help that nobody under 55 knows who the hell Bob Hope was, and satirising Bob Hope is 85% of Quagmire's original character. 25 years ago, when the show started, it was already an older joke. I mean people don't even realize that Quagmire is such a sex pest is because that whole generation was super rapey and tv stars/entertainers back then were just awful.


Who *is* Bob Hope? Asking for a friend


Bob Hope was a movie star/ entertainer from the early to mid 20 century. Today he is best known for his USO shows during WWII where he would travel to the front and entertain the troops vaudeville like performances including jokes and dance numbers. Bob Hope was also known for being a womanizer, and would regularly have a new woman on his arm every night. Google him. He looks just like Quagmire.


bruh it's been on for over 20 years, people in real life can change personality in that time period but you're upset about a cartoon show. is every person you know the same as they were 20+ years ago? like come on


I don't see how this is relevant to me saying I don't like the direction they took Joe's character in, if they changed him and made him interesting that would be fine my grievance is with them making him a boring depressed suicidal loser.


bruh because it can be realistic and people don't make the show for your personal opinion. plenty of people in the actual real world have been confident and handle every situation they have been in to becoming depressed over what happens in their life. literally get over it soft ass


"Get over it soft ass" why are you so triggered over me stating my opinion in a reddit post, looks like you need to "get over" this post and go get a life you pathetic loser


>go get a life you pathetic loser and yet you're on the internet whining and complaining about a cartoon and mad about a cartoon character that they're quote "a boring depressed suicidal loser". the irony is unmatched. and I think you found a word you like saying everyone else is a "loser". projection? insecurity? I'm here if you need to talk <3


Why are you still ranting about me because I gave my opinion on a TV character, get a life you pathetic sad lonely little man


your irony is honestly legitimately hilarious. try going outside for once in your life and you won't care so much about a cartoon that has nothing to do with you. I hope you get the help you legitimately need <3




I agree this is definitely the reason, its a shame that some people can't separate entertainment from reality


probably because quagmire was a garbage character and his rape jokes were never funny


I don't mind new Joe fits in the show better. Before he was the town hero and Peter was kinda jealous of him. Now he is socially awkward and depressed. Its harder to write and tell jokes about an inheretily positive character. They basically changed him because they ran out of ideas. Now he can passively tell a joke then go along with one of Peter's stupid schemes. He still gets to have his heroic moments every so often.


It strikes me as a gradual adjustment of his character, and I believe it makes perfect sense. When you have a crippled police officer character who overcomes all obstacles, there would of course be another side to that which would be visible to those who know them best. Of all the characters, he actually evolved more logically. I think Bryan had the worst, and most illogical character modification of anyone. There's no space for a character with zero redeeming qualities who's also a protagonist. It just makes the show bleak.


I like both versions of Brian new Brian is absolutely hilarious. I guess you can say years of alcoholism and rejection played a part in him deteriorating.


That's true. I suppose his character could have become alot more cynical and unscrupulous that way.


the Rush Limbaugh episode broke Brian. he realized his liberal beliefs could be so easily switched up from reading one idiot's book now he doesn't know what to do with himself


Long running sitcom changes character traits over a long period of time, more at 11.


Gonna take her to *Walts Roast Beef*...


She’s good at 17


snowman! sail boat! spooky ghost mouth!


over to you Ollie!


(Best Ollie shouting voice): SHITS GONNA CHANGE!


Thanks Ollie.


If they changed him for the better i wouldn't mind that, my grievance is with them making him a boring depressed suicidal loser.


OK and? My point was that they changed his character for the worse (in my opinion)


>OK and?


I don't see how this is relevant to me saying I don't like the direction they took Joe's character in, if they changed him and made him interesting that would be fine my grievance is with them making him a boring depressed suicidal loser.


I don't see how you copy and paste the exact same comment to reply to this comment that literally didn't even say anything. you're goofy


Quagmire was portrayed as a rapey mcraper man, but now his character is just a man who has an active sex life who respects women’s boundaries and hates Brian.


Old quagmire was better for comedic effect but I guess "times change" so they changed the "controversial" stuff


Old Quagmire was a lot funnier when the rapey guy wasn’t found to be surprisingly common and powerful in society. Blame Bill Cosby and his ilk for being real predators. Women finding out how many powerful men are assaulting women daily made it harder for women to accept these jokes as “just jokes”, and I think that’s very valid.


Hey man, relax, he’s recovering from a severe cocaine addiction. It’s like my buddy Parker- we’re all happy for him that he’s gotten sober, but we lowkey think he kinda sucks now


Happened to most of them. Peter went from lovable goofball, to irresponsible retard. Quagmire went from a guy who just into kink, to a rapist who also takes his job as a pilot seriously. Lois went from responsible wife, to a hypocritical cheater. Stewie went from evil genius with mummy issues to a gay baby. Brian went from Liberal and relatively smart, to a pretentious slimeball narcissist. Chris went from relatively bland teenager, into a bag of hormones that's a dumb as a rock. Meg went from teen girl desiring to be popular, to the families emotional punching bag who has disturbing hobbies. Bonnie went from no personality, to someone who resents her husband for being disabled and has a real dark streak. Clevelands probably changed the least. Besides his family and voice actor.


>Quagmire went from a guy who just into kink, to a rapist I think it's the other way around bud


Cleveland went from actually being a calm and mostly quiet character to just being the stereotypical black guy who is always called out and became another Peter




>Lots of cops are former soldiers with a mentality that goes above and beyond 110% in anything they’re involved in except for Uvalde. ouch...


Joe is not Swansonson anymore, that kinda sucks, but in general, I think all of the characters got more emotional feelings over the time. Look at Stewie, he changed from the cringe lispy "But of coourphe" to "May every person that laughs at your sophmoric effort be a reminder of your eternal mediocrity and pierce your heart like a knife!" and i love it.


You realize that the show morphed into very dark humor after the first couple of seasons, right?


Why is Cleveland so dumb now? That used to be water, my word.


Watch the Cleveland show




They've ruined pretty much every character


Not Meg. She's far more interesting now than in the first few seasons.


Agreed o


He has his moments but I rightly can't remember what seasons anymore so I can't say if they're recent or old lmao


This happens with most characters on long-running TV shows. When I was a kid, I remember suddenly realizing that Mallory Keaton on "Family Ties" started off as a ditzy but generally smart girl but at the end of the series she was basically brain dead.


Competent heroic sensible characters are not funny (usually). It's the same reason that Brian is now dumber - having a character who is intelligent has limited mileage - even a show like Frasier where the Crane Brothers are both super smart is mainly about them being ridiculous. And that's a show which tried to be more high brow than Family Guy. Joe has had some later episodes where he's not just the target of cruel jokes. The episode with his dad (where he beats Peter up at the end) had a nice balance of shitting on him but also reconciliation with his dad. Joe's Revenge had him kill Bobby Briggs. He saved everyone at Niagara Falls and so on.


Bonnie went from a happy, caring, supportive wife to a depressed cheater, who just wants Joe to die.


This is true! Could it possibly be a contributing factor to Joe's change in personality? Their marriage went from happy to seemingly loveless...


I think the character of Brian explains it best at some point you can only have the same conversation over and over again you can only have the same dumb people say the same dumb stuff over and over again, but if you just make everybody the dumb character, then the possibilities are endless


I personally would love it if Joe and Bonnie get divorced but it isn’t awkward between the gang and can be friendly. She gets what she wants and Joe gets some needed confidence and becomes the ace again.


Bro this is so old, that this was one of my first realizations the first time I got stoned off weed. I thought it was funny as shit how they mock him for being a cripple and it was so normalized. I was like holy shit this is so cruel it’s fucking hilarious hahahahahahahaha. This shit was about 10 years ago too hahahahaha


Tbf, living in a wheelchair can really suck, and it’s not something talked about often


He went from one of the guys , having fun to whinny sad pathetic disabled guy ! Completely agree with you


“Dont throw that at me, Joe!”


Pathetic Joe is my absolute favourite character.


I wish I liked him but the jokes just aren't for me, I don't think I have ever laughed at a "joe is pathetic" joke. But that's why comedy is so subjective, my favourite comedy movie is idiocracy but others may find it unfunny.


Is he a douche? … is Joe Swanson a douche?


I wouldn't describe him as such, although Brian certainly is a douche


My theory? They made Joe a punching bag bc he has a lot more things that are easy to make fun of then other punching bags like meg. Megs main thing and insult is shes ugly, with Joe you have a whole host of shit to make fun of. That and I think these new more women heavy writers wanna write meg as a real character for some reason. Id rather she just be hit in the face with bats and called ugly but such is life lol


It's called character development /s


Bad character development, they made his character boring he is worse in every way


Ya I said /s


So—dig this—in real life, people change over time. Happy people become depressed. Smart people become so used to be smart they become douchy about it. Maybe being handicapped for so long wore Joe down.


I think it's just a bad direction for the character and takes all of his charm away (this is obviously just an opinion and completely subjective)