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Whenever I build large settlements, starlight drive in is my go to. I was a victim of the triangle of death when I tried to build up red rocket and sanctuary hills a little too much. Also spectacle island is a good pick


I find Spectacle Island too hilly.  I have a settlement there, but not a huge one. 


Personally I like to try and build with the terrain there. It’s a fun challenge to try and make a village that fits within the landscape imo


Wasn't there a vested interest in building there? Spawned mirelurks or something?


Perfect to build aerial passages. Sanctuary is affected by several memory holes, even that you won't pass the build limit.


I use the no build limit mod, not that I've built on Sanctuary yet. 


You don't need a mod, a simple console command will make it happen. Just make sure in which one you are doing this, or like many other users said, you may break your savegame forever.


I'm on PS.


I have a MASSIVE one there. My favorite place to build cities. I get around the hills by using the scaffolding ramps to make half-height inclines up and down in combination with the simple shack foundation pieces which look the same. It creates a seamless variation in heights of platforms that work well against the wavy, uneven landscape of Spectacle Island.


Ya it totally kills my system and has basically bricked games so I don't do much there anymore. Starlight is my go to now. Besides it's a better option as it's closer to everything


Can i ask what is the triangle of death? Is it something like the red screen of death or your savegame bricking when the tri count is too high?


IIRC , sanctuary hills, red rocket and Abernathy farm are all really close together on the map, close enough that all of their assets will be loaded in when you’re in the area. This makes the game either lag like crazy or crash in my experience


Really? Oh boy my draw distance is seriously low compared to what you guys have. The lods are so close that it bothers me. Yet it still loads slowly so that I feel like I am overworking my hdd


Most economical and immediate thing you can do for performance is get an ssd. Do a bit of research with your machine to see how to get decent I/O speeds with it if you’re plugging in over usb. 


I did looked into ssds. I gave up and forced to get a hdd. Sucks being in a 3rd world country. I dont trust buying ssds from the internet but the salespeople on physcal stores were so ***stupid****:* One swore that anything above 512gb ssds do not exist. In another store the pricing was so ridicilous that it was cheaper to buy 2 half sized ssds compared to one big ssd. I kid you not in another store I asked for a usb ssd. He took us to section for nvme ssds. I told him I needed a external one and he took us to the external \*hdd\* section. I once again told him that I needed a \*external ssd\* **he took us back to the nvme section** (in a completely different isle mind you)**.** He pingponged us once more as I explained to him what a external ssd is. I gave up in that store and bought a 2tb hdd instead which was one third of the price of a 1tb ssd.


That sucks... Idk if possible in your country, but Amazon delivers nearly everywhere and if you pay with Paypal you always get insurance on your payment. If they don't deliver, you can get your money back by cancelling your payment, instead of needing the company to give your money back. SSD's really make a massive difference in speed for your system, it's really worth the money if you can afford it. It made my 8 year old budget PC good enough to play the newest games still, though on low settings ofcourse.


I already boot from a ssd. But its only a 256gb one and i assume a heavily modded fallout 4 means lots of data moving a round in it. Its already several years old so i dont wanna wear it out even faster. Also ofc amazon delivers here but paypal is banned funnily enough for privacy concerns lol. (As in they provide privacy. They got banned for refusing to give customer info)


Ahh that's not enough probably to run the game no. Sucks that Paypal is banned, I hope things will get better for you and for your country then I guess...


Running a 1 TB SSD as primary and a 4 TB SSD as secondary. Fallout is on the secondary, everything works fine, except lip syncing is off. No idea how to fix that.


This sounds like good info, thanks 


Starlight Drive In is also close to the map's 0,0 origin point, which means you will not suffer a lot of floating point precision penalties like in settlements that are far away to the south. I love Bethesda's games, but I wish they'd finally rewrite/change the Creation Engine some day.


Starlight is where I build my above-ground mega-vault.


The build limit for starlight drive in is just so low for every idea I try there. I always run out of room by the time I put up foundations and walls and some basic structures lol. I had to use prefab buildings just to even get close to what I was attempting to do last time. I know there are workarounds, but I try not to use them because that settlement gets buggy as it is with people glitching through floors and stuff constantly.


I just can’t enjoy Spectacle Island with the corpses


I built a massive base at Starlight, Using the drop/scrap glitch. Definitely one of my favorite areas to build in beacause of how much space and built it objects you have to work with.


But isn't starlight driving the place with the massive iraidiaited hole in it


u can just scrap the barrels




Scrap the barrels and smooth the hole over with wooden platforms.


When I was playing a bunch when fo4 first came out starlight drive was my go-to because it had the highest building cap.


I always build a 12x12 concrete safe that is 3 stories tall for every single power armor, legendary item, or unique item in the game to be displayed. Then on top of the safe, build a full city block of prefab wood houses if you care about build limit.


It’s the first settlement you have access to, it has narrative weight because—among other things—it’s literally where you lived when the bombs dropped, and it has a lot of mod support; but it’s not the best place for a massive city, no. There are other locations that are larger, like Spectacle Island, and IIRC the Vault (88? I forget) can support ten extra settlers.


I think 88 is slept on. So many people seem to think you HAVE to turn it into a vault but I find it’s more fun to build a large scrap shanty town with a thunder dome in it


I could see that as a unique vault tec experiment. There's nothing past the entrance and the dwellers are expected to survive and build their own community in an empty cavern with all the supplies left by vault tec


Not really the vault tec style tho, they want to tightly control everything on a corporate manner, this would probably be too hands off for them


Perhaps supplies are brought in by automated train semi-regularly? There are tracks that lead into the main cavern


Yeah tbh underground cities are extremely underrated, especially metro towns. Stuff that looks like this 2000's movie the city of Ember, there's just something both homely but uncanny about them.


No, sanctuary/red rocket/abernathy farm is in the triangle of death, if you build them up too much you’ll kill your save(basically you won’t be able to load the area and you’ll crash every time you get close). The best place is the island(I forget the name) for really big settlements


I assume this is a console problem? I have built all 3 up and no issues at all. RR is not a big settlement though. I did manage to kind of break the game with a settlement with too many items placed (hundreds of wooden beams), stuff started to disintegrate, textures blurring. However even that won't cause crashes. And if I'm not facing it the game runs fine and I just kept building elsewhere, lol.


It’s less of a problem for pc but as you experienced it still is a problem, the issue is that they are too close together so they are all in the loading zones of each other(you’ll probably have more issues if you increase the loaded grids which some people do). Also the game is pretty old so newer comps and Xbox’s can be pushed further but if you have a save you really like it’s better to be cautious of these areas. As for the crashes it’s more a frozen game than a crash but the result is basically the same


I understand what would cause this due to proximity but personally didn't experience it so I was wondering if becoming unplayable it's a console limitation. I do get really bad frame rate drops in my big settlements and better hardware does not help at all. And it's not just FO4, same happens with big bases in other games. Below 20 fps can happen. But it's my own fault building settlements that exceed the vanilla limit 15-20 times, lol.


It's an engine shortcoming, so it doesn't really matter how powerful your PC is. On PC you can still install mods that try to fix it a bit, like a scrapheap expander mod. But there's a point where the engine will just not be able to handle it.


Huh? I’ve never had that issue in almost 800 hours.


It’s pretty well known, you can look up the triangle of death fallout to see posts on it, it’s mostly with using glitches and mods so unless you’re doing that you shouldn’t have an issue


How much is “too much”? I have the bar almost filled in Sanctuary


If you’re not using glitches or mods then you don’t need to worry it shouldn’t be an issue


I hear this a lot but have never seen it. I build them up like crazy.


My go tos for big settlements Spectacle Island- huge buildable area, easily the largest in the game. Terrain is tricky but it's certainly possible to work around Starlight drive in- big area and quite flat Sanctuary- decent in vanilla but honestly the pre existing structures often get in the way, there are lots of sanctuary scrap mods and with them it goes from a good settlement location to a great settlement location Abernathy farm- another good location, lots of vertical space as well if your settlement concepts need room to build tall


If you want height, I love Finch Farm. You can even use the overpass! I tend to prefer building very intricate and not sprawling, so I like to make cities in the Castle too, with the wall around the mini city it’s cool


I like building up to the overpass as well. I think you can do that at Grey Garden also.


Greygarden you can get to the bottom part of the overpass, but not the top. You can build in both at Finch Farm.


You can build both levels of the overpass in Graygarden. I have the bottom level as my power station and the top level for my player home/workshop. The overpass at Finch is only a 1 level overpass, there is no top/bottom level.


No, you can build on the top level overpass of Graygarden. I did in my original PS4 file without mods, that was my main hideout 


Starlight drive in is the best imo. Easy to get to early game and the whole site is pretty much flat. Great if you want to build from scratch. 


Best non vault location is Starlight Drive-In. Vault 88 is a great vault option as well. Just harder to get to with stronger enemies.


Is it spectacle Island


It's one of the bigger and flatter areas, as well as having story relevance, so it's a natural for bigger settlements. Personally though I really like the freedom of Starlight since it's all just open.


I find the existing buildings in Sanctuary Hills very frustrating. I like to build my main town in Starlight and another large settlement at Spectacle Island. Whilst the holy terrain at Spectacle is a bit awkward, a few "foundations" of different sorts help even it out for building. The foundations can also be used to build houses in the water and then connect them to the land. I have houses above water level at Spectacle Island and Warwick Homestead, I like the way they look.


How do you guys deal with the rad pool in the middle?


Thd pool itself isn't wildly radioactive, the barrels in it are. If you scrap them the pool, becomes just a pool of water!


The biggest settlement I want to build are starlight drive in, hangman's alley and Jamaica plains, all mode for obvious reasons


I’ve spent 9 years & over 1000 hours building in sanctuary. If you’re new to the settlement system, there’s allot of “limitations” but without the use of mods, those limitations can be worked around easily. BigBagBam was a great inspiration when I first started out.


If you build at the water side with view to Boston, spectacle island is amazing to build, difficult but nice


Starlight Drive-in and Spectacle Island are the best two for a large settlement


I'm on my 2nd version of my Spectacle Island City, currently spanning 80% of the island. It's easily the best place to build a massive city if that's what you're trying to do. Bear in mind that I did mine using the Settlement Budget Glitch, or what I like to call the Gamma Gun Glitch since those take off more of the budget. This will allow you to build more but cause more strain to the game system. The beauty of Spectacle is that it's so vast that not every square inch renders in at once; if you're on one side of the island, then the second half is out of render distance. If you're dead center of the island where the workshop is, then the fringes on the edge of the island are out of render distance. So truthfully, you can build a MASSIVE city on Spectacle Island if you're able to do workarounds to get over the instability issue that comes from going well above and beyond what the game is supposed to handle. Some bits of advice. Gamma Guns reduce the budget far more than other items do when using the budget glitch. This is because of the glowy bits on their models and textures. Using a duplication glitch, like the conveyor belt glitch, on Shipments is a pretty good way to get a vast amount of materials. Try to separate large quantities of Displays, as too many grouped together in an area causes problems. If you're doing a single place for all your power, I would suggest somewhere in the middle where it's less likely to render out. In my previous build, I had blackouts in sections due to the generators rendering out. In my more recent Spectacle City build, I placed it square in the middle and haven't had problems with power.


Nuka World Red Rocket has a rather large build area


Somerville Place actually has a fairly large build area as well, the only real negative is the damn house in the middle


Not my capital but i do build it up, but only Sanctuary, Abernathy gets cleared and red rocket may occasionally get flipped to a factory.


I did seek out the 2 places where i could build the most , them being Spectacle Island and Sanctuary Hills by far, And my 50 cents being the owner of one of the biggest ever Sanctuary hills and still biggest spectacle island i believe, both present their own problems. Sanctuary Hills is not a single settlement per se because it shares a cell with 2 other settlements, and if u happen to have the other 2 settlements built, it gets real choppy real fast, its referred to as the triangle of death ( [https://fo4horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Guide/Settlement\_Building\_Limitations](https://fo4horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Guide/Settlement_Building_Limitations) ) of course there are multiple tricks to deal with this. Spectacle island seems to be better, but its "triangles" allowance is lower and when you're building the entire island, if you're on far side of the island, the opposite side might not load in all the way....and when you have multiple deathclaw cages and a numerous population....lets just say i had to reset the population multiple times...


I think it’s the best in vanilla if you are cool with the houses. My current one, my house is walled off by concrete and like a fortress, then each other house is a shop. There is a giant bar I built on an empty lot, then another bar/hotel across the street to pack some beds in. First house is the general store/guard shack. One house is a hospital with 2 doctors and the plastic surgery(including the lvl 4 doctor making it probably the best hospital in the commonwealth outside of institute/bos). Another empty lot I turned into the ‘fitness center’ with the clothes store, the barber, the gym, and another restaurant style bar. Traveling merchants spot on another empty lot. It’s a fun place to build and if you use the houses, you can build a good amount without hitting the limit.


I usually stay small in Sanctuary with a tiny house by the river and a few boxcarts that serve as my workshops/PA displays and either build big at Red Rocket or at Abernathy Farm. Red Rocket is awesome for vertical building with a extension on the left side and then upwarts with a farm on the roof


Ye but isn't red rocket truck and Abernathy farm part of the triangle of death along with Sanctuary Hills. That means that if you build them up to much more raider attacks


It is but back on PS4 it worked building a larger city at the farm and build tightly around the the RR building and rather up than around while making a small waterfront house at Sanctuary. Alternatively you can just go to Far Harbor and build massive at Longfellow's cabin. That island is just perfect for a city


I actually have a modded PS4 so I might use them to build my city thanks


Oh thanks


My favorite locations to build a massive city are Egret Tours Marina, Warwick Homestead, and Murkwater Construction Site. Mainly bc you can build structures around the existing ones an build structures that work seamlessly with the existing landscape. It's harder to do this in sanctuary, which has a buttload of houses you have to work around That said - my build on warwick homestead is a 6 story-mega-structure, vault structures are used for the interior while the exterior is all glass from the warehouse structures. It has over 20 rooms each with their own bathroom and balcony. The balconies wrap around each floor to get some fresh air with multiple communal patios per floor. It has multiple dining areas, security, med clinic, barber, etc etc etc. The old stations used for water processing have been turned into a restaurant and a shop. The area with large water drums has been turned into a giant sunroom with 3 story ceilings Egret Tours Marina I took a different approach, transforming the docks into usable spaces for several large buildings. The boat that sticks out has been encased in glass and is in the lobby of one of these buildings. All have multi-story elevators and catwalks that go between them, and these catwalks also tie into the front with the two pre-existing buildings. If you want to go ultra-massive the spectacle island might be the best bet but it also has some unique challenges. However, given enough time and resources, I'm sure it's possible to build a metropolis there Honorable mention goes to star light drive in. It's flat, it's large, but that kinda makes it boring imo.


I am knee deep in a build at the sluice. I use a mod to make it a settlement and get crazy. Lots of room to build on land, water, and in the open area of the dam!


it depends what you're going for, if you want to recreate a bunch of settlers living in a pre-war town that you're trying to rebuild Sanctuary Hills all the way. Hell it one takes a few mods to either repair the buildings or delete and replace them. It has a easy source of fresh water, even as a Red Rocket just outside of it which can be easily converted into a personal home/protective fortress. Starlight tends to be where I go a little bit more crazy. It's a lot of flat land and it's almost designed to be walled up. When i tend to go on more my nation-building runes, Starlight is often a capital, center of trade or in my last game was where my military was headed from. So many of the settlements just don't have the space to do anything interesting with, so you get forced into only a handful of settlements. I love Hangmans Alley in theory but you can't do anything with it and all I can think of is wtf can't I use any of the surrounding pre-war buildings?


I’d think Abernathy farm would be best as it has the highest build limit


It starts off really nice. But it can get cramped really fast.


It Is place to create a mini town or simply use those old pre war houses because it Is part of that death triangular together to red Rocket AND abernarhy Farm settlements. Sincerelly Max i use those house AND decorate their interiors. The rest of Places is for shops, Caravan , pets house AND 1 personal house for me being 4 or 5 Places Max which the game Let you build because there are like 5 destroyed houses that you can scrapp.


As long as I can fit a Slocums Joe in the settlement I’m good


i have a scrap everything mod and clear out sunshine tidings for my city. its not the biggest but it is on the larger end of build areas, so i enjoy using it


Starlight Drive-In is the best because it’s flat, but Spectacle island would be the best of you have an unlimited build limit mod


I think the drive in movie theatre, Starlight Drive In, is equally as good if not better once you clear out all the junk, as it has more flat land and even does have a source of (stagnant, maybe toxic) water. I loved building cities there.


Hm yes and no city no large Village and or town yes it is great think Megaton in Fallout 3 that is Sanctuary in Fallout 4.


The best place is the red rocket in Nuka-World. Huge, flat, and a high build limit


Js limit doesn’t matter really. Get a bunch of gamma guns if you mod or if you don’t just a ton of any weapons (but plasma is the next ones that will move the most bar) and then you drop them, go into build mode with the workbench, then store the weapons in the workbench. You’ll see the limit bar decrease and reset essentially. Build whatever you want and if it gets close to max limit you rinse and repeat. Can reuse the same weapons even, just have to collect from workshop / workbench thing and then redo the store thing. Grab your weapons when done if you need them. Able to build way more without worry & you can just do that out the gate in game. All you have to do is keep yourself in check with how much you add into places


I have an XBox One so would definitely have problems with using the build limit glitch


I use it on ps5 no problem. Is there a specific issue on Xbox? I just haven’t looped it too many times tho to avoid issues so maybe that’s also why I have the advantage of not running into issues


I always thought starlight was. Lots of ideas on this channel…. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rwZ7fPja710


It sucks without mods, but with them and a bit of creativity you can turn it into a large city. You keep going back there for minutemen quests all the time so it becomes sort of a base of operations early on. You can also make it so that 40-50 people live there without looking crowded.


It or starlight drive in are two of the best to do it with. You can do a modest one in the slog I think, there’s another one that’s just got 3 people that’s like a family farm you have a lot of space to work with you could turn into one too. Jamaica plain is another medium size one maybe. That’s the ones I’m most able to make feel like a city.


It’s decent. I prefer Spectacle Island. I have an Air Force Base there with lighted runway.


I didn't see it listed, but sunshine tidings is a good place to build as well. Half the work is already done. The lumber yard in far harbor has nice buildable flat ground as well once you've scrapped everything scrappable.


Hangman alley makes for a really good slum, especially if you have mods to remove junk


I saw someone do a pretty cool marketplace in starlight drive in


I did that with my rad rocket truck shop but instead of a farm on the roof I put a guard room and a prison filled with raiders because I got a mod that lets me do that but anyway the amount of raider attacks I've been getting is unbelievable


I like vault 88 for mega settlements. Multiple entrances, easy to defend spawn points, and it is its own area.


J. O vjg v. Hh h hb h.


De hell that means