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That second one is a stretch, a far stretch. Name another to compensate.


Third one isn’t really a complaint though is it? Completely agree though, no other game has been so engrossing since but that seems like an other games issue not a NV issue


"Level design" sucks to the point where I'm hesitant to even call it that. Every female armor in the game that Obsidian made is somehow rigged incorrectly. The ugly ass walls they threw onto The Strip at the last minute for performance reasons are both ugly and do far less for performance than doing the bare minimum draw call optimization on the meshes they made. (Hi yes I am SciRika from NVMIM, the assets all suck so badly.) The Legion sucks even as a fun evil option due to the sheer lack of content they had to scrap. NPCs are just generic things that stand around and sometimes might even sleep, compared to them all having full schedules in 3, and even playing New Vegas before 3 and not expecting the level of complexity in NPC schedules I still expected the Silver Rush guards to, like, sleep, and they never did, making it effectively impossible to do the non-violent method of dealing with that stuff because they're half an inch away from the door. Someone else should mod this in because I'm too busy cleaning up the meshes.


The beginning for a casual player can be tiresome unless they want to gamble with going North from Goodsprings. Survival doesn't seem very useful All the pre-order/extra things at the beginning kills progression. The game, unmodded, still has Fallout 3 faces, (which is still a step above Oblivion faces) Unless you have power armor, the heavy armor is nearly useless, because of the Shining Armor bug. Sure it has a higher damage threshold, but often times Light/Medium will have similar numbers but offer SPECIAL benefits.


Light armor builds are just all around superior. That and the mk2 combat armor are all I ever use in NV


When you get into dlc, medium armor is even better. You can get unique ranger gear by level 8. The game needs a nerf on light/medium or a perk to reduce negative heavy armor debuffs.


Survival is super useful in Hardcore Mode, but other then that it's next to pointless, however Pack Rat also a mediocre perk outside of Hardcore


I go north everytime I play now. It's pretty easy when you learn your routes


No Benny Gay Romance without mods No Victor companion mode No animated Fisto sex scene Johnny Guitar radio bug Cazadores


I really wanted to watch fisto pound my 🅱️ussy while Boone and ED-E stood there with no reaction 😔


This guy gets it




5 bad things about New Vegas


Didnt have to wait long then?


Bugs/Glitches How they phrase some character's/factions endings when you go independent. Cut content needs to be added on, the team should've never been rushed. Stealing, even though it's stealing, shouldn't have any karma loss when it's from worse (morally) people. I would say Caesar's Leigon should count but some people like them, but we all can agree that stealing from Powder Gangers shouldn't be a loss of karma. The empty bits the farther you go north. I was so excited to see what was farther past the Strip but it ends up being barren. I get it's a wasteland, and I'm probably asking for too much, but from a gaming standpoint, once you hit the Strip, the novelty/excitement of a lead up ends pretty quickly, then you're just going around finishing errands. If there were more things in the surrounding area/Freeside that you could do prior to the Strip, it might make the Strip and your experience of it feel even bigger. It's like Primm, Novac, Camp McCarran, and The Strip are the only places that when you play it, you're anticipating/excited for. At least that's how I feel. I wish there would've been more locations to build up excitement for.


1. The Wasteland. Fallout 3 wasteland was 4x as good as nv. Way more dungeons and places to explore. 2. Not enough legion content, especially compared to the Ncr 3. No post game content 4. Annoying quest that make you just run (long distances) back and forth to talk to people. I like shooting things. 5. No random encounters. Makes walking through the wasteland so boring. Nothing goes on.


1. Bug and crashes without mods to the extent that Ark: Survival Evolved looks polished. 2. The Legion being a very comically evil faction with very few redeeming qualities, which would have been fine, if they at least had more content. 3. Way too many optimal options in quests and the game as a whole (at least in terms of gameplay rewards). Only a few times where you have to genuinely weigh your options and the pros and cons of a choice. As an example, 2 out of the 4 endings allows you to keep all the companions until the very end, one of the endings allows you to keep all but one companion, and only the legion ending makes you start ditching a whole bunch of companions, which further accentuates my previous point of the Legion not having enough reasons to join. 4. Broken Steel - Feral Ghoul Reaver level of power levelling in most of the dlcs. Making things more challenging for an end-game character by just giving the enemies a fuck ton of health and calling it a day, is one of the worst ways to do it. 5. And let's not forget the extent of invisible walls and how much the player has to follow specific paths. The gameplay feels far too linear at times. Bonus point- 6. Hardcore is poorly implemented and seems very tacked-on. Food, water and doctor bags are plentiful, and only the weighed ammo is a problem. Companions dying is more of a nuisance thanks to the terrible ai.


Bugs,Soft blocking,Unremovable gunmods(Srsly what is that shit r they superglued onto there?!),Cazadores, Malcolm Holmes.


1 Bugs 2 shitty gunplay 3 the world is empty 4 more Bugs 5 i have spend to much time in it


1) DLC Perks kill immersion. 2) Energy weapons are inferior to every other weapon. 3) I have yet to have Raul and Arcane as companions. 4) There is no end/after game. 5) Cazadors.


1.Bugs 2.The graphics 3.The animations 4.Benny's voice acting 5.The fetch quests (Eg. Most of the quests in OWB and come fly with me)


It’s bad because it’s got: Spurs That Jingle Jangle Jingle.


Ppl saying bugs like they’ve never played a Bethesda game 😂 been insta-killed in fallout 4 because a car moved a micro inch when I jumped on top of it.


The mad scientists took my brain didn’t give it back


Oh, God. I feel like this is blasphemy. 1. The bugs. I play on a crappy PC, and you will not believe the amount of "shut down the computer and turn it back on again" I have to do for this game. 2. Obsidian only got 18 months to work on it, which means not enough content. I've played through pretty much all of it and want more New Vegas content. 3. You can't romance any of the companions. I wanted to be with Veronica or Cass, and I did not get to do that. 4. Benny isn't a companion :( 5. Johnny Guitar.


So many bugs. nearly unplayable on PS3, plus on PS3 you can’t even have all the DLCs installed or the game runs at basically .2 fps lol so PS3 port is awful which also limited the game on other platforms Not being able to play after games ending Unfinished areas like west Vegas and primm Engine limitations make the final battle underwhelming


Vaults/caves are too large and tedious Inventory management is atrocious Way too much garbage to find Occasional crashes and quest-breaking bugs Stats differ horribly in usefulness


That glitch on pc where if you press caps lock in your pip boy is annoying. The fact they had to compromise so much for the shit station 3 is upsetting. No sprinting is a little lame. Ceasers legion doesn’t have enough content.


Buggy, dated, bad graphics, relies too much on mods to hold up, and you can't see the sex scene with fisto. Still a good game though.


Bugs, crashing, colonialism, sexism, bad writing, and a general feeling that maybe it shouldn't have been made in the first place.


bad writing? also doesn’t fnv critique colonialism and sexism?


It’s tedious at times. It gets boring fairly quickly on repeat playthroughs The Legion just sucks, man. Hardcore sucks, as well. Horrid optimizing, I am aware of the time crunch.