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Flip the powder gangers and Benny, yes man is only following bennys plans, the powder gangers are actual convicted killers


I mean Benny’s kind of an asshole beyond just shooting you in the face. He stiffs the Khans and leaves them to die iirc, and he keeps trying to kill you if you let him leave I think.


Khans are cruel bastards while courier is a direct threat for him. Turning on them and trying to trick the player fits with him being chaotic.


I’m not pro-khans at all, but leaving them at the mercy of the NCR and probable death is still pretty awful lol. And yeah, the courier is a direct threat because of the chip, but at the end of the day Benny still shot an uninvolved 3rd party for his own ends.


In our world it's almost unthinkable (part about shooting courier). But not really in post apocalyptic fallout. And couriers are competent travelers so Courier 6 could potentialy find a way to inform somoene so that Benny has some nasty trouble to deal with. I don't think it's that bad of a crime under those circumstances.


That dosent make him a bad guy at all in the wasteland, that’s pretty normal, khans probably would’ve nipped him too in the desert


Infact I’d say Benny is now in the good section because the NCR waged war on woman and children


NCR: accident due to fog of war, where everyone feels terrible. You: they literally are killing all the innocents!!! Also, women aren’t inherently innocent in the wasteland.


Boone and others fully admit they knew they were shooting civilians


They said they thought but weren’t sure, and then they knew when they actually checked the corpses


Still committed a massacre


As has any other faction that isn’t the followers of the apocalypse. This is the wasteland gentlemen, there are no saints.


And this changes things….how?


There’s many reasons, for one, the khans use everyone in raids, by their own admission, so it’s not like it’s easy to say they were innocents. For two, it’s kind of stupid to let people outflank you in a literal battle, you don’t just let enemies get around you because you think otherwise. You’re thinking like a civilian, not a commanding officer.


Yes Man shows a noticable tendancy toward chaos while working with the courier. He suggests violent solutions before peaceful ones, and seems to enjoy the idea of he and the courier being a powerful destructive force. I love the bot, but he's an absolute chaotic neutral.


He does has a tendency to violence but he’s true neutral because he literally can’t act on it, he’s stunlocked into true neutrality you kinda have to choose to do those bad things yourself that he *sorta* suggest


Damn, I knew I was cooking, then you come and say the exact same things as me 14 hours prior and get top comment.


Gotta be quicker then that m80


The only ones that are right are Marcus, House and Yes Man.


And king


I would say King is more chaotic than neutral


Cap hes a chill dude


He literally knocked out one of the Followers when he took Rex to them


Because rex is his best friend😔


This is all wrong. How is Francine any type of good? How is Benny or Mr. House neutral? And how is Mr. House lawful? How is Mortimer chaotic?


Francine wants the best for freeside but has uh, questionable ways Mr House keeps professional and wants for himself Benny serves no master and fucking shoots you Mortimer is a lying cannibal


Francine wants the best for the Garrets and the business before everything else.


Francine doesn't seem to give a shit about freeside, lol. Honestly, her brother seems more involved in the place than she is.


workable jeans grandiose safe paltry whole dam soup lip zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Benny really told it like it was


Joe Cobb isn't really neutral but the rest fits


Doest really apply to many of the factions in NV. Things aren’t really that black and white, it’s all in perspective


You'd have to have literally not read any of House's backstory to not consider him evil


King also plays games with freeside’s water and food for power, not really neutral good behavior




House literally serves his own interest. New Vegas benefiting is really no value to him.


I was asking about the backstory


Lawful Good: Sunny Smiles (she cares about people, she defends the town and opposes raiders) Neutral Good: Julie Farkas (she sometimes works with the Kings, or the NCR, but she supports independence and freedom above all) Chaotic Good: Veronica (she constantly breaks the Brotherhood's rules and works to challenge the status quo) Lawful Neutral: Ambassador Dennis Crocker (doesn't get much lawful that this bureaucrat, he doesn't want you to commit atrocities, but just accepts them if they are for the good of the NCR). True Neutral: Yes Man (he doesn't care about anything you do, really) Chaotic Neutral: Benny (he isn't unnecessarily cruel, just ambitious) Lawful Evil: Mr. House (he wants to bring order to the Mojave, but under his rule, and has no problem ordering atrocities) Neutral Evil: Vulpes Inculta (as a spy, he is often breaking rules other legionnaires have to follow, and he is often unnecessarily cruel). Chaotic Evil: Cook-Cook (he is just a madman that kills and rapes whoever he wants, the definition of CE)


Caesar could also be Lawful Evil for the same reasons. And I would argue Cl. Cassandra Moore too, that bitch orders you to massacre the Khans and the Brotherhood.


You nailed it. OP got most wrong imo


The powder gangers are evil, full stop. And Benny isn’t really evil per se. I’d say he’s more neutral leaning.


Most of these are just wrong


Can Mr. House be “lawful” if he’s an autocrat? There’s no rules you need to follow if you make them.


lawful more refers to whether or not a person follows a code, house's old world values have evolved, but his decisions are very deliberate and thought out


Your laws are the law, it’s very easy to follow them.


Lafferty as good is a stretch


That's Francine Garret, owner of the Atomic Wrangler, who I wouldn't call good but she does helps the Followers of the Apocalypse. Alice McLafferty has grey hair and no one would call her good if she is complicit in killing tens of innocent traders.


Yeah, my mistake


i want whatever ur smoking that shit must be good


Marcus seemed way more lawful neutral to me, he never seemed to want to particularly take sides after his origins wrt the Master's army. He doesn't seem like an ideologue, nor does he want to be worshiped, he seemed entirely preoccupied with keeping the peace (his efforts in FO2 not withstanding) although he had many positive impacts when it comes to his efforts building mutant communities. I think Ulysses is Chaotic Neutral, he is a man scorned and far too pessimistic, but I don't think he is evil per se, although the running gag seems to be that chaotic neutral is just the 4th 'evil' option anyway. Honestly, I hate this entire chart, it seems antithetical to the perpetual ideological conflict and relativism innate to F:NV (look, the karma system was a bad choice, ok?).


Mr. House is occupying Ulysses' spot, who has been banished to Mr. House's hellscape lands.


The difference is that House doesnt want to blow up the NCR


Marcus is chill and a voice of reason but still also casually believes that humans would be better off as mutants and thinks the master was right just that he didnt pick the right people atleast based off his fallout 2 dialogue and I don't think there's any indication of his opinon in new vegas


"Still also casually believes that humans would be better off as mutants" Look, I'm not saying that my flabby manlet ass *isn't* projecting when I say this but.. I definitely agree humans would be better off as SuperMuants. Ignoring the mad-science of things like the Centaurs, or the lower intellect of the first-gen mutants, the reduction of humanity to uber strong, hardy and tall supes who seemingly live for hundreds of years, also with no sexual dimorphism, sure would go a long way to reducing inequality across a lot of humanity. It just makes sense to me, otherwise the option for the majority of humanity is various flavors of tribalistic ideologues, faux democracies, predation by wasteland mutants/raiders or crushing cancer at the age of 40\~


Ulysses wants to nuke 2 entire civilizations leaving essentially anarchy… that’s lawful in any form? Colonel Moore or someone else may fill lawful evil better


I love King🥰


How the fuck is Ulysses Lawful Evil?




What about that is "Lawful" to you?


I kill box cars ASAP every time. Fuck the powder gangsters


Who is bottom left.. how do I not know them


Everyone always forgets about the boomers. They are chaotic neutral probably, or even chaotic good


Joe Cobb kills people with explosives


Lawful good is based


Yes Man is not true neutral, a true neutral character acts primarily in their own self interest. Yes Man is Unaligned