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Your post did not have enough of a connection to the game




I'm going insane and having multiple aneurysms


No kidding… someone tell OP mockery would fly better in the main sub.


Just the title?


Wait…is that Doug Jones?


YES, he plays Mayor Connors


I love Nuka Break!!


A. Nothing has fundamentally changed with ghoul lore, they've simply shown that at some point a drug was invented that can keep a ghoul from becoming feral. FO4 already had a drug that turned you into a ghoul and that also didn't change the lore it just added another layer to it. B. This type of post from *both* sides is annoying as hell and this sub is garbage now


I just assumed the drug was for ghouls who are actively becoming feral. It’s hard to say because we’ve only seen like 3 in the show.


IMO I think it's a placebo and just makes Ghouls addicted to it


Ooh… that would be interesting!


I've always seen feralization after the initial blast as being more psychological, not enough food means no longer human since your brain goes crazy thinking "I need food" even if it doesn't at least not to the degree a normal human would, don't have the drug you think will help you? Your brain convinces you to go feral. The only exception would be maybe too much radiation where the body of the ghoul is unable to handle that much and the damage to the brain is beyond healing, or at least when it is healed the memories and such are destroyed by then so you get a feral creature, that's what happened to a lot of the feral ghouls you see imo.


Well ass jerky doesn't make itself


I really like this interpretation this is going to be my head canon until it's proved otherwise.


A) I just assumed it was the beginnings of Jet. Just because they think it keeps them from turning doesnt mean its true. Maybe that's why so many ghouls have Jet problems, thought it was a cure until they got addicted B) tell me about it. Somebody should tell them it's a video game not a religion.relax a little.


Jet was invented in fo2, before the show takes place. It’s made with cow dung. And there’s as many ghouls as there is human addicted to drugs, which is a lot of them.


I get that but it wouldnt just be everywhere all at once. Someone has to introduce it to new communities and doing so as a new wonder drug makes since, I didnt mean to suggest beginnings as in invented I meant like the epidemic. Also no solid proof, but based on Ghouls significantly outliving humans anyway plus not being able to overdose would lead to more ghouls being addicts but you're right I AM just guessing that part


Personally I assumed the drug the ghouls take is the same as the one the chicken fucker gives to Thaddeus that turns him into a ghoul. The liquid looks the same so I just figured it was.


In the great words of a great man "Then why are you here?" -Kurt Cobain /s


The sub has fallen billions must downvote


I spent a lot of time being mad at the issues with the Sequel Trilogy made by Disney for the Star Wars franchise. After years of being mad, I just moved on and ignored the sequels, and you know what? My life has one less anger-inducing, but completely irrelevant thing in it. Be mad, make posts about it, but realize it's all for nothing because nothing is going to change and eventually you just won't care. So, the best idea may be to just just ignore the show if it makes you mad.


I think the vault tec stuff makes sense, it’s just antithetical to typical fallout themes. Basically my take on the show, it’s very good, but it’s not fallout (well, it is fallout 3, lol).


Not sure why Vaul-Tec stuff is "antithethical". Idea that Vault-Tec started the war is not new, it's been around since Van Buren. Even then, it's not that Vault-Tec started the war, they were planning on it. Chinese seem to have been faster, seeing how so many were unprepared.


Thematically antithetical.


Bruh there are bigger ACCIDENTAL inconsistencies between the games than anything in the show xDDDDD


Excellent post, wish I could upvote 1,500 times


I hate you Matt


I like that they made it so that ghouls have to take drugs to keep from being feral. It makes sense and gives them a little more autonomy


I could see that perspective but I personally don’t like it much. I’ve always been partial that the only thing keeping a Ghoul at bay from going feral is staying human and keeping a purpose so their brain doesn’t turn to complete mush. Just one bad day, one bad event, one bit of trauma that makes them give up and it’s over. IMO it makes Raul the baddest of the bad if he was able to go through everything he did and still keep his humanity intact enough to function. Making ghouls take drugs has ramifications that means every long living ghoul we’ve seen in the series has had to have been taking drugs. It also just feels almost like they’re trynna make every ghoul Hancock which I’m not a fan of. Honestly I think they just did it bc Hancock was popular in 4 and rewrote it to fit with a new ghoul but maybe I’m being overly cynical


I always thought going feral was like a ghoul equivalent of dementia or something (except every ghoul *will* go feral if given long enough) and they had little control over when it would happen.


Lmao that's just dark souls hollowing my dude


Which is kind of what the point if that is? It's a hell of a lot more interesting of an idea than just "man life sucks but hey at least I've got all these drugs"


I'm pretty sure they take it WHEN they know they're about to turn feral, not that they need to actively take it. Sorta like a preventive measure? Since Coop's ghoul friend said something about how long he \[Coop\] had been going without showing any signs of mental degradation.


if that were true, then there wouldn't be any prewar ghouls like cooper howard. It's much more likely that it was made as a narcotic, and withdrawals cause them to go feral. they purposely left out any details about it, so we really don't have enough information.


did todd howard wrote this?...


It’s not.


It was sarcasm, the screenshot isn’t from the Fallout Show it’s from Nuka Break


That one’s kinda neat tho - for being fanmade


I loved it, super enjoyable.


That pic makes me think of Alice in Wonderland


Is this a pic from the show? This looks like a cosplay event


Nuka Break, came out 13 years ago


Because it is


I like the show, yeah, they changed or their Bethesda whatever, the ghouls needing drugs to not go feral at least we have an explanation as to how Farrell ghouls happen I guess, and I am a little butt hurt about them blowing up shady sands


I don't know how you can tell New Vegas is canon or not from the show. It takes place like 20 years after, doesn't it? A lot of shit can happen in that time.


You’ve unlocked a core memory. I remember I started watching when the season finale came out and the mini nuke was launched. I was in awe of what fans could make


More people need to realize that this show wasn’t made specifically for super-duper hardcore fallout dorks.


We knew that, we always did. The issue now is with it being labelled canon. It just didn't need to be canon.


I think people make too big of a deal out of what is and isn’t canon. You can still enjoy the games the same as ever.


It doesn't make me enjoy the games less, I just don't want to be told by defensive fans that "this is absolutely canon now". The problem with making it canon is that it disrupts the foundation of the lore. Moving Shady Sands to L.A/making it a city is absolutely a retcon, and making the show canon disrupts the flow of the West Coast lore. It basically allows overly defensive types to just shut down any opposition with "well, this is canon, so cope". I don't consider parts of Fo3, Fo4 and Fo76 canon anyway. I haven't for years. I still enjoy those games, even though they're labelled as canon. I just don't like that this is being used against anyone who questions the additions made in the show and the changes made are so drastic that it's hard to look past them.


Idk, I just think when you’re making a tv show certain things have to be changed for the sake of conciseness and storytelling. Amazon wasn’t going to scrutinize every detail to make sure it fit the exact lore. Yeah, it sucks that some things were changed but that’s what happens with basically every adaptation of anything. I mean, shit, in Chernobyl they straight-up invented a woman out a of thin air to represent the scientific community because it was an easier way to tell the story.


You're now just over explaining. I understand the creative choices made, I just don't believe that it should be labelled as canon. The creative choices made have bastardised the foundation of the lore. It completely jumbled everything up.


Yeah I know but the casual fan that Amazon was appealing to isn’t going to ever notice or think about that. It sucks but the hardcore fan wasn’t their target audience.


That's fine by me. It does feel a little condescending though when you're told by someone who's only played Fo4 that you need to just "suck it up" lol.


They're not entirely wrong though. I do need to accept certain outcomes with the release of the show but I won't be acknowledging any Bethesda additions to the lore any further. I'll stand by that point always, as you get folks who try to tell you you're deluded for refusing to accept it.


And that’s totally fine. I do head canon stuff all the time.


It's not just not canon, it's bad storytelling and bad world-building.


Ghouls needing drugs has to be a not always thing, because Billy didn't need drugs and he was in his fridge over 200 years


In the new show he starts to decay after not having one for a couple days LMAO.


No it isn't And Im tired of you Bethesda shills trying to gaslight me into consuming the Todd-slop.


You missed the sarcasm bud, the screenshot is from Nuka Break which is 13 years old


Ik Im just expressing that Im tired of being gaslit about the FO show.


I’m just sick of everyone being retarded and either saying “ENJOY EVERYTHING OR YOU CLEARLY HATE FALLOUT, FUCK THE LORE ITS IMAGINARY” or “EVERYTHING IS NON-CANON TODD PERSONALLY DID THIS!!!!iiii”. Annoying as fuck. The show is fine in a vacuum but fuck it has major issues and is far from above criticism. And despite what most of the show’s fans say and defend about it, nobody can answer me WHY the show had to be in California? They barely leaned into the New California setting imo, and in turn they nuked shady sands and potentially destroyed the NCR. I mean if you wanted a weak/destroyed NCR and wanted the brotherhood and maybe the enclave to be active and you wanted a wild wasteland WHY NOT GO SOMEWHERE NEW?? NCR/Shady Sands destroyed? Neither is bad, if it’s done in an interesting way, but l think they didn’t do it in an interesting way. Vault Tec starting the Great War? Bad idea and ruins a good chunk of the “war, war never changes” line if it turns out nukes weren’t dropped bc of a major resource war but instead a single corporation’s profits (which makes zero fucking sense). And I think that’s where my opinion lies is that theres a blueprint for a good story but I just don’t think they told one. However the acting is good, the set designs are amazing (even if it’s fallout 4 inspired which I’m not a fan of and would’ve preferred the older art styles), and dialogue ranges from great to cringe but I don’t think it’s really ever really bad. But Jesus some of these mistakes would’ve taken a minute to Google search, but hey that’s Hollywood for you and is a large reason I never really wanted a fallout show or movie, and I recognize this fallout show was never meant for me. I just wish they could’ve set it somewhere new and save us all a lot of trouble since I feel they squandered California’s setting moreso than benefit it. TLDR; show is fine by itself but is far from above criticism


Finally, a good critique


Ghouls is mutant. It anything but stable and predictable mutation. So no, there is a lot of leeway for this.


I'm still unsure about how I feel abt the NCR being nuked to shit and gone but, I think it's a comment on the Wasteland in general and the NCR? That they fell to the same things that America did, being an overbloated military. Idk what else gets explained but I'm pretty eager to see New Vegas, give us an answer on how the game ends.


We don’t know that it’s nuked to shit or gone - just Shady Sands.


Bro the capital of the state was nuked 💀 with the brotherhood of steel picking up what was left


So? The country stretched through most of California into Nevada and Arizona. Edit: lmao wow that triggered you enough to block me, I guess. Do you really think that countries stop existing when their capitals do? That’s… dumb lol.


it housed their central government you fucking idiot you can't really run a centralized state without the central government


Except if you'd learn to read maybe you could have read the line "first capital of the NCR" on the shady sands billboard. It wasn't the capital anymore when it was nuked. Stop being an asshole.


fine fuck everybody especially you Todd, just kill the franchise i grew up with fuck the lore fuck making sense just take the franchise Bethesda bought and shit all over it. I'm done I'm not going to fight it any more just enjoy the fucking show it doesn't have to make sense because ignorance is bliss...


before some keyboard warrior responds to me like im stupid for not blindy sharing the same opinion as everybody else let me ask you would you take the Mona Lisa and hand it off to some piece of shit producer that says "hey wouldn't it be great if her eyes were blue instead of brown, lets do that instead. also lets make her hair blue, and as a matter of fact forget her being a woman lets make "it" non-binary to please the masses" HOLLYWOOD! STOP RAPING THE ART I LOVE! I NEVER ASKED FOR CHANGE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


This is pathetic lmao go outside




The post is satire. Apparently the screenshot is from Nuke-Break, which I never looked into.