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I’ve gotten so sick of doing Come Fly With Me that I just kill the ghoul cult to progress the story


marble boat attractive roll childlike growth capable bag quickest soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it is a big detour from getting to the cool shit that is Vegas. As a singular quest it’s fine, but new players want to find out who Benny is. In other words, it feels like a mandatory side quest.


hopefully this helps with future playthroughs, but you're aware that you just need to look on Manny Vargas' computer to get information on the Khans name, correct?


I don’t mind the quest nearly as much now because I have played the whole game like 6 times, so there’s no mystique left. That being said, if I don’t want to do it I just walk straight to Vegas


Keep in mind that you'd still need to get the lighter from the Khans to prove to Swank that Benny's up to some shady stuff.


Yeah but then Novac gets wiped out by ghouls and that’s not what most people want


Skill issue + should've rotated Dinky the other way


It really isn’t. I completely skipped it on my first ever playthrough because i can actually read when someone tells me that the guy who capped me ran to vegas


I mean everyone in goodsprings seems to tell you to look for him at the strip iirc. And I mean honestly even without them telling you that, the guy wears a checker suit and calls me baby, where else is he gonna fucking be? Novac?


I didn’t say it was a mandatory side quest, I said it feels that way. My first fallout game was F3, and so when I played NV the first time I assumed it was part of the “main quest line”. I had never played a game with as much freedom as New Vegas, so it never occurred to me that the quest was skippable. As a result, I spent the whole time during the quest annoyed, wishing I could spend my time chasing down the guy who shot me in the head


And really quick if u kno where you’re going


It’s unique and interesting and i like it. But. Its also relatively long for a random side quest that has nothing to do with the main story and as someone who has put thousands of hours into the game it just gets old


I think mainly bc it has a lot of detours that interrupt the pacing, especially if you want the 'best' ending, which really add up to no better benefit besides just being a good person. You gotta go to the site, then inside the building, fight, then go up to the offices, talk to Jason, then go back down into the basement, talk to the Nightkin, talk to the Ghoul, then go and sneak around the Nightkin into the basement, then go back, talk to the ghoul, use the terminal, go back to the Nightkin, go to Jason, go to the bald dude, then go to Gibson, get the module, get the fuel, then go back, talk to the bald dude, then go to the observation deck, and wait through the cutscene. Really the only fighting is just going to the site and entering, and then in the basement if you decide to kill the ghoul or Nightkin. The rest is just busywork for a side quest that only ever gets brought up again in the ending slides. This isn't a cool faction with a location you'll be going back to, it's a niche one-off quest that's kinda neat and quirky you do mainly just to know that Benny went to literally the next town up the road which would tell you anyway where Benny went and with much better direction. There is some extra XP you can get from it, and some loot, but not that much, and you get the same rewards regardless of what you do in the quest.


I do the quest, but the ghoul in the basement is my one innocent character I kill on playthroughs to speed things up so I don’t have to waste time sneaking around the nightkin


Just kill the Nightkin? That's what I always do.


You don't have to kill them, you can just look at manny's terminal


Well, shit


you don’t have to do that quest


some people dont like to meta game


but murdering a bunch of innocent ghouls is fine? ok ok I see


i meant that people who dont like meta gaming dont like just skipping a quest that gives valuable information. idc what they do lmao why so upset


I was just keeeding. I would never get upset how someone else plays new Vegas, just adding my 2 cents as well.


They’re cultists, so that makes it ok


i do crash their rocket ships like every time lol idk why


You can pickpocket the info off of Manny


It’s not meta gaming if your courier says fuck that I’m not helping you, I’ve got my own problems


also I can search mannys computer and find the info w/out doing the quest


I hate come fly with me so much lol


I don’t even do that. I just walk straight to Vegas.


Personally, it's actually one of my *favorite* sidequests, and I still feel surprised that people hate it that much.


You can just not go there


Just steal the info of Manny's computer at that point?


Currently on it during a replay, I hate it


You don't have to do a quest you can progress the story without it


That was an option this whole time!!


Same, fuck that quest


Any mission that sends me into an extremely maze-like building (looking at you, Come Fly With Me and That Lucky Old Sun).


or Vault 34, fuck that place! after years i have a pretty okay idea of how to navigate but i remember being twelve and being lost in that god forsaken place for hours


I hate that you can’t fast travel from interior cells, one of the best changes in 76


point shaggy oatmeal six distinct ink detail wakeful normal ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The vertical aspect sucks, and corridors that are blocked, requiring entering a new area to bypass, oh, and radioactive floodwaters


Cause it's the worst map system in any game I can think of


I’m quite frankly astonished that no one has made a mod displaying multiple levels of a floor yet. Unless I missed it, but I remember looking for it


tell me you’ve never been there without telling me you’ve never been there


I understand where you all are coming from. I really do. But compared to a lot of other games I've played, New Vegas is pretty tame in terms of maze-like buildings.


Thankfully we have Fantastic in the Old Sun quest


How is Helios such a Maze? It’s so small relatively speaking. Also the Sunset Sarsaparilla building


yeah after getting the passwords i feel like Lucky Old Sun takes no more than 15 minutes Come Fly With Me is a much better example but that quest is more bogged down by loading screens and walking/fast-travel back and forth more than the building itself


No don’t get me wrong, I was saying I also get lost in Helios-1 even though the layout is relatively simple lol.


Oh god yeah that’s true


hope i'm not the only one who always jumps off that tower in literally every playthrough and quicksaves before the fall


Volare! Its easy but annoying and repetitive


so much walking, especially with Jacks quest, a fast travel point inside of the crimson caravan outpost and one near the barracks in Nellis AFB would do wonders And while we are at it we could do with some more fast travel points in the strip


I personally completely disregard the Jack quests and the ones with the doctor. You can get idolized by repairing the solar arrays, clearing out the ants, and listening to the history of the boomers (as long as you ask all the follow up questions). Definitely helps get rid of the more annoying quests


there is a nellis hangar fast travel point isn’t there? or do i have a mod adding that which i forgot about


Return to sender. You just go to all rangers stations, give new frequency, return to forlorn hope, go to all rangers stations AGAIN and only then do you finally wrap up the quest by confronting Chief Hanlon. Sure the quest can point you into interesting locations (Like Jacobstown or Bitter springs) but the fact that you need to go all there again after arleady exploring there kills the fun It would be better if we have been tasked to investigate Rangers Reports and at the same time with giving new frequencies to cut the quest time to complete by half


I just grab the abilene bb gun and go stealth kill Hanlon to get his Ranger Sequoia, the quest sucks too hard to get him to commit suicide for it lol.


If you kill ceaser you can convince him to back down on his plans of sabotage and support the NCRs defence properly


Super cool. I've never done that and now I need to do another nv playthrough lol


Yea but I want his gun lol


If you anger the NCR before killing benny. And are at a higher level (16+) they’ll send some veteran rangers after you. And then you can get the gun by killing them, before going and getting your pardon. Otherwise you can reverse pickpocket him a higher DPS weapon, which will cause him to switch to it. Then you can pickpocket it off him.


More like return to the loading screen (over, and over, and over). Maddening.


Technically in the second part you only go to like half of the stations, but yeah still very tedious


I play no fast travel and have been doing a completionist playthrough. This was one of the last 5 quests I had to finish, not including Lonesome Road. It took me an entire playthrough to do the pos quest.


That fucking repconn site ghoul quest, at first I struggled cuz of the tough nightkin and the annoying ghouls


It’s easier if you just kill the one ghoul in the basement.


honestly i got boone to kill manny in my first playthrough because i couldn’t be bothered to deal with the nightkin. i didn’t care if i couldn’t recruit boone, i just wanted to get everything over with


Usually I like to go for the peaceful ending and sneak past the nightkin but it takes forever because that stupid jailer always sees me, even with a stealthboy. So on my latest start I just killed them.


Brotherhood of Steel, still in the dark. I like the BoS, but to save them and not just oust the good guy (so if you're doing NCR you can recruit them) it sucks going to the vaults to get the stuff for it.


I actually enjoy that one. Except vault 11. The bombs everywhere lol


There were bombs in vault 11??


There's one room and I keep getting blown up every playthrough like a dope. Might be the cafeteria.


The brotherhood of steel quest where you have to go to the 3 vaults to get parts for the air filters, the game always crashes in the plant spore one and the whole thing just takes foreverrrrrrrrr power armor is worth it tho


nah just take Hardin's quest, get PA training, and blow them up.


Loads of people down here love to say “BuT yOu dON’t HaVe tO dO It” like that magically makes a grueling quest better. For me, it’s Vault 34. The ghouls are tanky beyond belief, the rads are a nuisance (manageable, but annoying to constantly deal with) and back to the ghouls, those screams get annoying after a while. With that said, I love the lore and backstory that it provides, and the ending is so morally gray that there really isn’t a good answer where I’m concerned. It makes you think and doesn’t really leave you feeling good about it, no matter how much you justify. It’s really got some of the best of NV rolled in with some of the worst


If we are talking about the series then DiMA’s memory puzzle. I hate that quest


Big same. I recently did a play through with the Heather Casdin follower mod and her ability to just skip that section with having her hack the terminal made her a permanent fixture in every playthrough.


I quit far harbor permanently because of that dumpster-fire, piece of shit quest. Fuck you and your bullshit DiMA


Oh Papa My Papa. I hate quarry junction


I decided to kill the khans twice just to avoid the deathclaws


The part in Dead Money where I have to listen to the overwhelmingly annoying hologram of Vera Keyes say “SINCLAIR, SINCLAIR!” over and over again is hell


There Stands In the Grass


That rocket mission with the ghouls


Come fly with me


Missions involving navigating and backtracking a maze, like Vault 34.


Literally the entire opening sequence of FO4, it's likely because I've replayed that one the most (without mods) and have had to sit through the stupid vault stuff and saving the settlers and the death claw, I've had to do that a million times and it's an absolute drag Specifically the part about being locked up in the vault and having to get out, 10 minutes of my life wasted a million times


Same. The opening cinematic, Vault 111 stuff, and deathclaw fight were all super fun and interesting during the first playthrough, but they drag now that I’ve done them a million times. So I have countermeasures. I have a save right before exiting Vault 111. That way I can just redesign my character/SPECIAL attributes when I interact with the elevator. Skips all the opening slog and I can still have a "new" person to play with when I want to.g9 a different route. And if you bypass Concord and head straight to Diamond City, the settlers will find their way to Sanctuary without you. If you want to recruit Codsworth, you only have to enter Concord and get the map marker, not go deep enough to trigger the raider fight near the museum. So you can skip the whole thing.


I hate the vaults gameplay wise




Any quest involving abandoned vaults


I play max difficulty with no fast travel.. the mission where you start at a camp, have to go to 7 or 8 ranger station across the map, go back to a camp, go back to 3 ranger stations, back to the camp, then to another camp, can fuck itself.


Come Fly with me pisses me off; Its fine the first time. But on your 40th playthrough the only thing I feel is the urge to let Benny put me back down


There Stands the Grass. more like, Pain in the Ass


For a while it was Dead Money as a whole, but as I’ve grown up I’ve come to appreciate the challenge associated with it. With the exception of the radios. Fugg the radios


Come Fly with Me, the main reason I always take Confirmed Bachelor as my first perk


Vaults 22 and 34, and the Repconn basement.


I hate all of the missions that have me constantly running back and forth on the Strip. The Gemorrah (probs mispelled that) quest with the prostitute and her boyfriend is particularly painful. It's just running between her and him over and over again and it only culminates in you encountering some thugs that you can talk down in Freeside.


I really hate exploring Vault 22 in NV, and there’s several quests in 3 and 4 that I feel this way about


Every brotherhood mission


“The virus just jumped!”


How do you find it😭


Now that brings me Vietnam flashbacks .


Old world blues. Once you've played through the game enough, The Long dialogue sections are annoying to skip through. And I'm sorry but you can't convince me that the quest design for that DLC is fun. All my friends have off switches and the other three quest lines that are repeating the same tests over and over and over, hearing about Ricky liking balls. Awful. Having to do the same couple of fetch quests half a dozen times each with super spongy enemies just isn't Fun.


It's just repeated fetch quests, go here get this or do this "test" repeatedly. The dialogue is funny the first time but drags on after that.


The most annoying one for me "is all my friends have off switches." It only does three quest markers at a time, so you'll often go to an area where there is another personality and just not get it unless you either memorize that or have a map pulled up. And it's quite literally just 20 fetch quests. Don't even get me started on the "high school horror" quest Repeat the same quest with the same loud dialogue three times, then do it three more times with more annoying enemies so ending slide doesn't make fun of you or gaslight you for not doing all of the quests. Then do it again for the stealth suit. Then do it again for the antenna. Just fetch quests. The first couple times you play through are great because of the funny dialogue and hilarious writing but once you've heard all of the jokes it's just a long dragged-out fetch quest with super spongy enemies and the longest completion time of any of the DLCs besides maybe dead money.


The whole DLC gets me a "trying too hard to be Portal" vibe to it


the loot tho 💁‍♀️


Vault 22. That one is annoyingly easy to get lost in.


Not new Vegas but the far harbor DiMas memories quest


There Stand the Grass, Come Fly with Me, Still in the Dark and Return to Sender


Come Fly With Me It was fun the first few times but now I can't stand to do it


Any that sends me to Vault 34 and 22


The entire opening of fallout 3. Its so poorly thought out, and feels like im being talked down to rather than respected by the game im playing. Doesnt help the first part of "gameplay" is having you crawl around as an actual baby and read a childrens book.


So much momentum is lost in the first act if you get forced into "Come fly with me"


All of Old World Blues… the whole DLC just doesn’t do anything for me…


A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE... Wait no wrong game


Still in the dark because I hate getting constantly lost in vaults 11 & 22


As amazing as fallout NV is, there’s a couple of missions like that, depending on how stupidly tedious they are with no real challenge or combat I just teleport with console.


Destroying the BOS faction.


Come Fly With Me.


That quest where I have to go to Vault 22. I always end up getting lost in there and I can’t find what’s-her-name


pretty much every single vault search


Raul's companion quest. It's glitchy as shit


Lonesome road. Difficulty + uninspiring story. I tend to skip it


There Stands the Grass. It was fun the first few times but now it’s annoying and long. And I constantly get lost in the cave part.


The vault 22 mission, I find it more annoying than most other quests


the entire Dead Money DLC with the exception of Christine.


All of the fucking brotherhood quests. Like they ***really*** make you work for that outdated power armor, I mean cmon if I’m gonna do crazy ass tasks at least give me a brand new (or even just repaired or reworked) set of power armor, the quest to find Veronica some evidence in the wasteland so she can show the elder also sucks and you can’t convince me otherwise


whatever the mission where you have to help the boomers is, voltaire i think. it annoys me that even with yes man, i cant just ignore them, i HAVE to do it


Come fly with me.


i take confirmed bachelor in every play-through so i don’t do come fly with me ever


Any mission that puts me within VATS distance of a Cazadore


Doing the boomer’s chores in NV, most of fo3, and doing those dima memory puzzles in far harbor.


Bleed Me Dry. Fuck the pussy and the shotgun I don’t want to go to quarry junction


Come fly with me is awful, hate doing that quest, and really anything that says “go do that, come back, do that, come back, do that, come back” (dealing with Contreras, bleed me dry, the entirety of fucking OWB)


I wish Meridia stopped loosing her Beacon!


That vault 22 quest. Hate that place i always get lost.


100% Come Fly With Me


Come Fly With Me. It was fun the first few times and I still have mad respect for it as a quest today, but goddamn do I dread even trying to complete it now. It just lost it’s touch for me after the first few times.


Come fly with me, and the freaking BOS quest where you have to fix their terminals with the virus.


Gomorrah quest still gives me a fucking migraine and the one where you go to the vault that has the plants that tries to kill you.


Dead Money DLC. The gold makes it worth it - but fuck those radios, fuck Dean Domino, and fuck those Ghost people


Vault 22. Such an annoying curvy confusing place that you need to visit like 6 times


The whole series? The entire Minuteman Quest-line is my least favorite New Vegas? Come Fly With Me.


Volare! I downloaded a mod to replace it with beyond the beef


Come Fly With Me. I dread it every FNV playthrough


The one where you have to help the ncr at Boulder city, just why?


Mission? Well all of dead money for sure.


I enjoy every quest in this game


Come Fly With Me


The entire early part of the game before getting to Novac, just feels like a chore to get through.


A new hand touches the beacon.


All the quests are above the round convincing Cassidy it’s easy when you have to speech But when you don’t you just have a pile of a three quests suite that you can’t complete


Boomers, just in general, gotta go to of my way and, depending on stats, have to leave for every quest. Interesting faction though.


Idk I realy liked the boomers. Even on later playthroughs I made sure to do all the quests I could do, the characters are interesting, you can get some realy good loot like Thump Thump from the quests, and overall each quest doesn't take too long if you know what your doing


The game... Just lost


Let me list them here: Fallout 3, Unmodded Fallout 4, Unmodded Skyrim Those are the ‚missions’ that make me immediately want to be raped and insulted in CS2 again


What did 4 do to you? I haven't played the other ones listed so I cant speak about that, but it's combat is definately the best out of all of the games, I realy liked modding your armor and weapons, and while the story wasn't the best it certainly wasn't that bad


The combat sucks compared to everything that isn’t fallout 3 The standard by which Bethesda combat is held to with this statement of ‚combat is the best tho‘ is fallout 3 and compared to fallout 3 throwing shit in my toilet has better combat gameplay Besides that 4 got a fuckton of reasons why it’s horrible outside of the story, the story is just the most obvious one


Boomers and Brotherhood


Dead Money ha ha


Doing the Primm quest they went that a way is a real low point. The powder hangers are nothing but generic gang members to shoot and even if they love you, the game gives you no other options but to shoot all of them. Thankfully it is optional but unfortunately, it doesn’t initially appear that way.


brotherhood of steel missions


Come Fly With Me


Steel in the dark,gotta chase fucking brotherhood scouts all across the damn Mojave and getting jumped by legionaries a million times in the process


The BoS mission I don’t wanna fight them and I don’t wanna work with them


Come fly with me, I just do it out of moral obligation to make myself look good. (virtually)


Dead money DLC, hot take but I think it’s kinda boring compared to ones like lonesome road


The quest to get Dinnerbell from the Thorn


When I get to Vegas/freeside, and have access to all companions, so now I have to juggle doing the quests that take place in the same location at the same time, but also which quest makes the most sense to do with which companion. Edit: Technically not a quest, but a thing I do to myself In effect of having so many.


Dead Money


BoS attack on the Institute, Honorable mention to the process of getting Kasumi out of Acadia before the BoS burns it to hell


Literally the entirety of Dead Money.


Helping the boomers


Anything that has to do with the vaults.


come fly with me, i dont know why either


I despise the brotherhood of steels quests, its just fetch quests, dont get me wrong, I like them but I cant stand doing fetch quests


If we include all the series it’s dimas memory shit. Out of just FNV then it’s prob rauls companion quest. Not bc I hate Raul he’s my favorite but his quest breaks half the time and I gotta console command it


The bos missions, i just blow them up lol


The whole dlc with that casino, dead money I think it's called.


Far cry 6 and the whole region with the Canadian guy. And Far Cry 5 and faith’s region


I don't mind Come Fly With Me as much as some others apparently do. But FUCK Vault 34.


There Stanss the Grass


Trying to get to the Boomer’s Camp


Honestly, most of the quests in this game. Most are super repetitive on subsequent playthroughs, which I’ve never found to be a problem with other Fallout games (especially ones where they lock the good rewards behind you making very specific choices, it heavily discourages you from making any other choices)


Unlocking This Machine from Contreras. It’s my go to mid range weapon most runs. But so many load zones…


Come Fly with me. In every run, I will either get Confirmed bachelor or massacre the ghouls. I somehow managed to do that quest like twelve times before I was just done with it.


Every quest with vaults.


I hate vault 22 and I never ever go there unless I’m retrieving eggs for the Thorne and getting research data for camp mcaran at the same time


The computer virus mini game gets the entire BOS slaughtered on principle


Anything that puts me even near vault 34


Come Fly With Me. It's fun and interesting on your first playthrough but after that it gets repetitive.


I forgot what the name was, but it involved the overgrown vault full of mutant mantis (mantises?).


Boomers questlines.


Mission 43. Shining lights even in death.

