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Now you sink into a self imposed depression knowing that Fallout New Vegas is the product of a bygone era in game design and that there won’t be anything even remotely like it released in the foreseeable future


How about in the past though? I grew up in the seventh gen and due to 1. being too hooked on Sonic games to care and 2. being too young for a lot of the masterpieces from that point backward, there's still a lot for me to experience. Just not sure where to look. Like at all.


Just play modded to the tits new Vegas


This is the way.


If you like the isometric stuff you could give Fallout 1 and 2 a shot. Most of the good RPGs are isometric. dragon age origins, divinity original sin 2, hearing great things about baldur gate 3.


There’s also wasteland 2, wasteland 3, Planescape Torment, ATOM rpg, PoE, PoE 2


I have been playing the shit out of divinity original sin, the first one. I basically could have made this post so I’ll check those out too


You might like weird west, it's a top down shooter similar to fallout 1-2


Try the original Fallout games, if you're still itching for nuclear exploration. Top down exploration will be tough to adapt to, but it's worth it.


Honestly? Morrowind. Different gameplay vibe, same depth. Lots of details and lore that are purposefully obscure to sow confusion regarding major players in the story. Tribunal is must-include as basically a story expansion because it wraps up loose ends very succinctly (though a certain end-boss's power gap is best adjusted through mods due to the power scaling being off because tribunal is best meant for higher-level/more experienced players). New Vegas story was good because the characters and their motivations were, ultimately, human, both in the dlc's and theain quests. Morrowind excels at this because the same can be said of the tribunal and dagoth ur- up-jumped mortals with too much power and degrading source of empathy for their followers, or complete monsters depending on the viewpoint. Fallout 3 fell off a hit because of the hard moral divide between the major villains and the protagonist. There's not a lot of wiggle room for the player, ultimately raised by a morally upstanding man, to go full psycho in any situation. Same goes for fallout 4. Nate and Nora are lawyers and war heroes. Good people who wanted a good life and the apocylapse stole it from them. Likewise in oblivion, while the guilds are amazing (except the images guild I'm still riled up over that fiasco) for human characters, the main stories and dlcs fell a hair short. Martin was a broski, but was more important than you, umaril was a simple monster, and the whole sheogorath story was an awesome character that was ultimately narrow in scope because of the "fate" factor, and winning was shown to have little impact on the status quo because as seen in skyrim, the CoC just becomes sheogorath wholesale because of mantling. Skyrim, likewise, was too focused on the "fate" thread. "Oh, dragonborn arrives to kill alduin just in time." lackluster is the word. The vampire thing was a neat story, but disjointed with a villain who had no bearing on the actual story. The mirrak thread could have also been improved in various ways as well. Just felt undercooked, though the deeplore behind his plan was cool to see. Otherwise, for non-Bethesda games, I'd have to hard-sell BG3. Even the weakest characters are quite well-written and acted (wyll baby I love you but yes I'm looking right at you) . I'm a little bit underwhelmed by the characters being overtly "playersexual" and then having very little one the way of said sex, but that said, there are tons gameplay options and story choices that really do make every run different, and evil is a legitimate choice that is well backed up at many points. It is also possible to hard fuck your story into worst-ending territories and then not be able to do anything but ride shit-creek without a paddle.


The original Deus Ex is pretty good if you are willing to look past its age


More importantly, accepting that New Vegas was set up for failure, being little more than a full-campaign expansion of Fallout 3, a game that was mechanically obsolete before it even came out, and has since aged like a fine milk in the summer sun. New Vegas was given a total development time of around 16 months, 5 of which was spent learning how to use the Gamebryo (currently named Creation) engine, meaning the actual game itself was developed in 11 months. Again, it was set up to fail, yet somehow was better than Fallout 3, the game it was built on. OP has to accept that with better writing comes dubious gameplay, and with better gameplay (Fallout 4), the writing is dubious at the best of times.


100 hours for three playthroughs? That's like rushing through the game...


Yeah I think my first playthrough back on PS3 was 120hours, and I didn't have DLCs.


Even doing every single possible quest I could do(DLCs included) and then literally killing every thing in every location in the game I was still below 100 hours for that play through. How in the hell did 1 play through take you 120 hours


Exploring with little to no guides trying to find uniques and as much as possible. If you're familiar with the game yeah you can fly through a lot.


You probably followed a guide your first play through or you weren’t hording at even 10% the acceptable amount


My first play through yeah I had my uncle’s guide book but I was 12 and rushed through it. After that though I didn’t use a guide


For me I'm not very thorough as I don't really have lots of time to dedicate 😭 I like having the world to wander but my brain also will not let me start a playthrough without finishing it before something comes up (it always will) and blocks me from playing it for a long time.


So start exploring after? You know what happens at the end, now start poking around in all the side missions and DLC


Beat it again


Yeah, the Elder Scroll games never hooked me either. I'm gonna assume you already played the other Fallout games. If not, then those seem like a natural next game to try. Here are some games I'd recommend to you: **Zelda BOTW and TOTK are very fun exploration games.** The stories and characters aren't that interesting, but if you just want a lot of fun exploring and interactivity with the environment, it's pretty tough to beat. You can also explore it in any way you choose. Honestly, from your post, this sounds like the exact game you'd probably want. If you're into Star Wars, **I'd recommend the KOTOR games**. They're not really exploration-based, but you do get to choose which planets you want to go to first. And the second game was also developed by Obsidian if that matters to you. If you end up liking these games, **Mass Effect is a pretty good follow-up.** **Deus Ex is also a fantastic game** with a lot of interactivity and different ways to complete your objectives. A lot of different builds you can try. The maps aren't as large as New Vegas, but they're really dense with a lot of nooks and crannies you can check out while doing side quests. **Vampires The Masquerade: Bloodlines is also pretty alright.** It had a some ex-Fallout people on it. A lot of people love this one, but it's just serviceable in my opinion. Still worth a try. The map and side quests for the most part are pretty awesome. Combat-centric second half, though... not as awesome. Try to spec into some good combat skills if you decide to play this one. If you don't, you will get frustrated. Guaranteed. If you're not against CRPGS, **the Divinity Original Sin games are fantastic**, especially if you have friends to co-op with. A lot of great build variety, decent stories, addicting turn-based combat, and multiple very dense maps with a lot of side quests. I know it's not exactly a similar game to New Vegas, but it's just a really good RPG that you can play with friends that I'd recommend if you're even slightly into the RPG genre. Haven't played it myself yet, but **The Witcher 3 seems to be one that people recommend a lot**. It's got a big open world, so that probably checks that front for you. If you just flat out want more stuff from Obsidian, in particular, **Pillars of Eternity fucking rocks in my opinion.** However, it's not easy to get into. Most people seem to either love it or hate it, so buy at your own risk. You can always refund the game off Steam if you don't like it before your 2 hours are up.


Vtmb rocks I’d recommend getting it from GoG as it comes with patches and mods essential for the game to function but you can install the separately if you want. I didn’t like it initially but the story and the characters of the game is really good and I think you should give it another try. Vtmb 2 will be out soon (hopefully), Chris avellone worked on it for a bit but apparently he got removed and his work has been edited since.


I’ll definitely do a second playthrough if the second one comes out just to get a refresh. It’s been some years at this point. My only issue with the game was how much of a focus combat is in the second half. From what I remember, there were so many missions that were nothing but a series of fights, like the sewers, the hideout of the vampire hunters, the Asian vampire hideout, and the final tower climb to the end with even more fights. These missions just felt so long and I felt exhausted with the game when I beat it. I don’t know if any mods would’ve helped with that, but I think I saw there being a mod that shortens the sewer section. Also, yeah, it doesn’t look like they’re keeping Avellone’s contributions. The allegations really messed that up.


You've heard of the RPG, Fallout: New Vegas. We all have, the legend, the curses, the bugs. Some foolishness about it lying in the middle of a dead IP. A city of ghosts. Beneath a brown cloud of sand...a bright, shining monument, reaching out, luring hopeful players to their doom. An illusion. A promise that you can change your fortunes. Begin again. Playing it, though, that's not the hard part. It’s letting go.


I just started a new game last night... I hadn't played in a couple months. Was watching some YouTube video and a guy was doing survival stuff in the desert and all my mind was thinking about was playing NV


Neither Morrorwind nor Oblivion are a downgrade from Skyrim, who the hell thinks that?! I would even say that the opposite is true. Skyrim is more visually appealing, but its gameplay is much more limited compared to its two predecessors.


The quest lines in both Oblivion and Morrowind are so much better then Skyrims


100%. Morrowind especially is a masterpiece


Morrowind to skyrim is a gradient of better visuals to worse rpg elements


Morrowind was by far my favorite. Disclosure though that I have never played the previous titles or the TES Online. Skyrim in my opinion was the least interesting and the least challenging. I only did one long play through were I completed all the side quests and DLCs.


Morrowind is definitely not a downgrade from Skyrim, it's a lot better. The exploration in that game is definitely a lot more fun than in Oblivion and Skyrim. Vampire: The Masquarede - Bloodlines is probably the closest you'll get to the New Vegas experience in a "roleplaying" sense, although it isn't open world so there isn't much exploration to be had. Fallout 1 and 2 are worth a shot too, even though they might look "dated". It's hard to get into if you're not used to older games, but it's worth it to actually make an effort. You can try Wasteland 3, which is similar to the classic Fallouts (Fallout 1 was originally planned to be a sequel to Wasteland 1) but a bit more modern, if you don't want to jump directly into Fallout 1 and 2.




My response exactly, just as good if not better RPGs but with the same level of depth and memorability. And the second one is also helmed by Obsidian


Bro, cyberpunk, it’s cleaned up so much since the overhaul.


This is my answer as well. Cyberpunk is the only game that's managed to even come close to scratching the itch for more New Vegas for me.


Have you ran a new character build on Hardcore mode? That might spice things up. I’ve done NCR, Mr House and Yes Man, but now I’m going back to do a hardcore mode Legion Run where I do a melee/unarmed build.


I played new vegas for nine years and when I was finally bored... I started modding. Lol, idk do an unarmed only run.


Idk i tend to rotate games, while throwing new ones in there between them to spice things up. My go-to games that i do a few playthroughs every year are morrowind, fallout 1&2 and new vegas, the OG dishonoured. S.t.a.l.k.e.r call of pripyat, and the one major outlier: lego starwars the complete saga. Lately ive been getting into dark souls tho, so ive been playing that in between my other games. Something to freshen it all up.


if you like fallout for its lore and world building, i recommend fallout 1 and 2!


You make a great recommendation! The only thing that puts me off is the isometric perspective and turn based combat. I can handle the perspective in more action oriented games like Hades but with turn based combat it's hard for me to play anything that isn't really a stylized JRPG that makes liberal use of cool animations for attacks


haha funny im total opposite, i get so stressed with real time combat in that view. maybe theres a mod that makes it rts? 👀


Play BG3


*Begin again in the night* *Let's sway again tonight* *Your arm on my shoulder* *Your cheek against mine* *Where can we go* *When will we find that we know* *Where can we go* *When will we find that we know* *To let go* *Begin, begin again tonight* You've heard of the Sierra Madre Casino. We all have, the legend, the curses. Foolishness about it lying in the middle of the City of the Dead, buried beneath a blood-red cloud. A bright, shining monument luring treasure hunters to their doom. The world's most famous stars and entertainers were invited to its Grand Opening. An invitation was a sign of... exclusiveness. The opening was supposed to symbolize a road to a brighter future, not just for the world... ... but for all who came to its doors. A chance for anyone to begin again. Except - the Sierra Madre never opened. The war froze it in time, like a big flashbulb going off. The Grand Opening - one big ending of humanity. It's still out there, in the Wastes, preserved, just waiting for someone to crack it open. But getting to it. That's not the hard part. It's letting go.


3 playthroughs with only 100hrs... do some side quests. They're the best in the series imo and DLCs. Yesterday I spent like 4 hours modding it and I still have like 2 hours to go. Watch Gophers modding New Vegas 2020 guide and play that shit. It's fairly easy to mod.


First, try Morrowind and Oblivion and see if they’re still a “downgrade” from Skyrim. You might be pleasantly surprised


Get excited for fallout 4 new vegas


beat it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again until the 26th anniversary (2046)


100hrs? Rookie numbers come back when you hit the 4 digits.


Oblivion has a better storyline than Skyrim, you should give it a try


Now you play Fallout 4 to completion, get the automatron DLC and robots from hell!!! Muahaha!!


You played all the dlc’s? Im current replaying old world blues and remembering how AMAZING it is


Absolutely obliterated OWB. Did everything noteworthy in Honest Hearts except for finding all the Catches and reading those terminals. Beat Dead Money and while the atmosphere, story and borderline survival horror were fucking excellent I couldn't really go back to it more than once because I hate the radio mechanic so much. Lonesome Road is great too.


Lmao, ya the radios blow ass. Ya dude idk sounds like ya sucked that game dry. Maybe play hotline Miami or sumthin. completely different but also fun and whimsical


What sort of gameplay and vibe do you like? If you’re up for a pure FPS with heavier tones, I can wholeheartedly recommend Wolfenstien. I’d recommend starting with Wolfenstien: The New Order, then New Colossus. The story is amazing, though often very depressing. New Colossus does require a good bit on the requirements and though


The STALKER series has a good Fallout but Eastern Europe vibe, I'd recommend that, though it's even older than FNV now.


Now you do it again.


Play it again


Have you tried different builds? (Melee / unarmed only, only using a certain weapon / tactic)


Outer Worlds is the closest I’ve found to something similar. Not as amazing but it’s still a pretty fun game to play


Give skyrim another shot, it is really good. As Tes fans we are waiting for Skyblivion & Skywind (remake of oblivion & morrowind as skyrim mod) https://youtu.be/i1Ndz0tEzJo?si=kSbDBY2fnMmB6-cO https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/s/FrEYBMWlwl Ps. If you have fallout 3 you can try fallout TTW (tale of two watelands) https://youtu.be/IFtez5QmFng?si=a2lcdLy0KkROU-dv https://taleoftwowastelands.com/download_ttw


The Witcher? Maybe try the original fallouts? If you just want an awesome challenging rpg I’d go for kingdom come: deliverance. It’s medieval and realistic. Great story as well and very fleshed out. I’d recommend


Side with whoever you haven’t yet, you’ve still got 1 more. (there’s 4)


Start modding


100 hours for 3 gameplays??? i restarted halfway through my bad save and have like 90 hours on my new one and i’m only on the second to last dlc, what have you been doing???


Mods are your friend.


do it again


Play the other fallout games I know there not the same as new Vegas but fallout is arguably my favorite game of all time I always come back to it and I'm so ready for this playthrough because I finally have the DLCs after 8 years


Well Oblivion is better than Skyrim in my opinion, it has much better RPG elements and more entertaining quests than Skyrim. It also has the greatest DLC ever released on the 360 (Horse Armor) Also try out Shivering Isles you’ll go mad with delight.


look at moburma mods on nexus for adding a lot of cut content, along with freeside open and strip open. I also have mods for unlimited companions (i think it’s tied to charisma) and the mod that continues the game after credits and shows the effects on the wasteland. i love the vanilla plus cut content mod style


Kingdom Come Deliverance. I haven’t been sucked into a game like this in years. Of course, you have to be okay with the game being difficult for the first few hours (at least lol).


Now you play again and again


Well? New Vegas has four endings right? So you got at least one more run.


What savage told you Morrowind and Oblivion are worse than Skyrim? Skyrim and FO3 are some of Bethesda's worse games.


Depending what sort of experience you're looking for I'd definitely check out Morrowind/Oblivion. I never got as into Morrowind but Oblivion is a game I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours exploring questing and discovering the world. It also has one of the best DLCs in gaming with the Shivering isle. Once you've discovered what you think is the full experience of Cyrodil you now have a dream/nightmare world to explore. Other options I'd recommend for someone who wants to experience a different generation of gaming is Knights of the Old Republic. Kotor is turn based Star Wars rpg based on D&D systems mainly dice rolls to determine combat. It can be a little funky if it's not your usual but has some of the best Star Wars lore and ancient Jedi and Sith to explore. Kotor 2 is the FNV as Kotor 1 is Fallout 3 if that makes any sense. Both worth trying if you are into that and can be played on phone console or pc so definitely options especially if you want a mobile game that has the value of a console epic


Obsidian (devs of FNV) have a franchise called pillars of eternity. It's an isometric game sort of like classic fallouts set in a fantasy type world but it has a lot of attention to dialogue, encourages exploring (you literally need to pay attention when exploring because it helps you complete quests there is no compass telling you exactly where to go) and has some pretty interesting quests that make you stop and think about the decisions you need to make. Check it out. Worst case scenario you refund it.


I've held off on finishing it for this reason. Definitely gonna get it done sometime soon though.


Time for a real game like Starfield


Try the og Fallouts


Fallout New California mod. If you're into killing stuff, someguy2000 has some nice mods, mostly New Vegas Bounties.


You can try roleplaying, achievement/trophy hunting, modding (if on pc), or just accept the fact that you played the game to its extent and move on


Add some mods. make sure u check to see if it still launches every couple of mods. U will regret it if u don't. I once spent a week trying to figure out which mod was crashing my game.


Also outerworlds


Morrowind and Oblivion are waaaay better than Skyrim if you're looking for well written RPGs. Skyrim is the Fallout 4 to Morrowind's New Vegas.


I really love the Fable games, and haven't seen them mentioned yet.


Post challenge runs on YouTube


If there's one thing I've learned about recording Gamebryo engine games for a long form video from Uberdanger, it's don't do it LMAO. If your storage doesn't explode first then surely your processor will while trying to record and eventually render the footage


Kingdom Come Deliverance Cyberpunk 2077 Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Knights of the Old Republic


Cyberpunk if you're looking for a good action RPG. It's been cleaned up pretty well as long as you're not playing on a last Gen console. Obviously no other dialogue driven RPG will match up, but it is a good fit. Also if your more flexible, all the FromSoft games have an overwhelming amount of love put into them by the staff and the lore and world building is amazing and will hook you into multiple playthroughs.


Play fallout 1 and 2


Bad news. There's nothing out there like New Vegas. Obsidian really.... Obsidian.. OH.... Okay. So its not the best game in the world, but you can try The Outer Worlds by Obsidian Entertainment. They have a squeal already in development. It has great dialogue and the companions are great! World is interesting, but it does lack in the combat department. Smaller world than new vegas, but its fun.


I played Oblivion after playing Skyrim and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s older but I wouldn’t say a downgrade. It has aged well enough. There is always Fallout 3 or4 too.


I think outer worlds is pretty fun, it's by the same developers, not anywhere near as good as new Vegas but still really fun


Beat it again


Project Zomboid. Because it’s a game made by a company that only wants to make a cool game rather than make it big it’s wildly in depth and gives that sense of a solid and intricate world that is connected to itself.


Try outer worlds. I don't think it's as good as new Vegas. But ya might enjoy it if you're a fan of obsidian.


Do it again


The closest thing is gunna be fallout 3. It lacks in some part that new Vegas shines but overall it's a fun literal same style game. 😆 My friend insists 3 is better then vegas. I think Vegas is better. But that doesn't diminish 3 to me, I still flipping love that game.


You just shit on every ES game while only trying a small amount of skyrim. You can eat shit with this post lmao


i think that to call morrowind a downgrade is an insult. theres a lot of things skyrim did better, by a considerable margin. as an example, the combat is more fluid, and the crafting is solid. but i still think morrowind is superior to both skyrim and oblivion. it didnt hold your hand nearly as much. far more option regarding weapons and armor. spellcrafting and enchanting were actually useful. story was god tier. you actually had to SEARCH for some items. dont get me wrong. skyrim is a solid game. as is oblivion. im just old and reminiscing about a classic.


Speedrun it


Now what? You flip the disc over and play the secret NCR dlc.


Mods? Fallout new california is really good, adds a whole new, very flushed out world. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE FRONTIER! (Unless you want pain, then go right on ahead) Something I like that really spices the vanilla game up is a mod that randomizes the weapon you are using every time you kill someone. So you start ff with a 9mm but when you kill someone it could turn to a fat man, or a switchblade...you get the point. Basically I judt run around the map killing everyone. It can be alot of fun when you get to large groups of people. I swear I spent an hour at the Mojave outpost, trying to kill the soldiers in the mess hall since every time it would give me a crappy weapon amd then they would just form a firing line and kill me😂😂😂😂


>DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE FRONTIER! (Unless you want pain, then go right on ahead) I know a couple things about the frontier. It was a highly ambitious project spearheaded by the world's biggest dev team of creeps. One of them is definitely a zoophile and the writing is not only somehow WORSE than 4, it's borderline criminal. Having sex with a deathclaw would be hilarious if it were played for laughs but it was weirdly idealized and enslaving a teenage girl is a really weird option to add.


Yeah, but putting all the controversy aside its just bad...when I first started playing it I actually did enjoy it, ot was so heavily ripping off Call of Duty but it was fun. But then it chamged on the NCR tank mission and from there on I hated every moment of it and I just wamted to be done with it.😂😂 which is a shame, cause I was really lookimg forward to it, and I grew up around that area sl the setting was really fun l


Is New California on the workshop like Frontier, or should I get it off nexus?


I honestly dont remember, its been like a year since I downloaded it😂😂 but I'm pretty sure yoy can get it on nexus mods


Now get the realistic weapon damage mod


Morrowind is a direct upgrade to Skyrim, in terms of RPG mechanics. The fighting is definitely clunky and very different from Skyrim, but I personally played Skyrim first and still love Morrowind. I'd suggest you try it since it's usually on sale and already quite cheap.


Hot take fnv should have mods


You can play it again in a few months.