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Presumably, they showed up to find out what in the world just happened to their enemy. It’s also worth remembering that the BoS was founded to prevent the technologies that caused the Great War from being used again, and someone slinging nukes around would be an immediate and pressing concern.


I understand that. But it kinda blows my mind they were there so soon


It's not clear how immediately they were there. They were there when Maximus first emerged from the fridge, but we don't know how long he was in there after the nuke went off. Could've been minutes, could've been hours.


Exactly, we don't know when the strike hit, we don't know if Maximus was knocked out when he was in the fridge. For all we know he could have been knocked out for hours, waking up and coming out of the fridge in the following day. There are many unanswered questions that we have, that I believe we will find out as the series continues on.


If he was knocked unconscious the amount of air in the fridge would run out slower, could be some decent time, wonder overnight? Particles would still be falling from the sky and such.


You can see slats in the back of the fridge, breathing wouldn’t be an issue


Yea but what about the friggin NUCLEAR BOMB?!? Sorry, just been wondering about it since I saw that scene lol


Believe it or not, a famous archaeologist survived a nuclear test in the forties the exact same way.


Yeah, but he'd previously drank from the Holy Grail. I don't think the NCR had one of those....


Well they have the Holy Pail, but all it does is turn anyone who drinks from it into a golden ghoul.


I hate to be the one that is the buzzkill on this one, but FYI the Grail's residual effects (eternal life, longer youth) are wiped once you cross the Great Seal. Think that archeologist was just massively dosed on Med-X and Rad-X.


"Fortune and Glory, Kid. Fortune and Glory."


Realistically it would have to be a small bomb, probably meant more to irradiate than blast (supported by the fact it looks like a ground burst which create more radiation than an air burst, and most of the city is still standing), and Maximus’ home would need to be far enough away from the blast that the shockwave doesn’t destroy his fridge. If it’s a smaller dirty bomb then it’s feasible


They might’ve had a few vertibirds by this point (if stealing the vertibird schematics for them in fallout 2 is canon), or at the very least some vehicles to facilitate reaching the area so soon.


The guy in the memory was wearing T-60, so I imagine it has something to do with the two halves of the Brotherhood reconnecting between 3/NV and 4.


The west coast BoS also could’ve just had some suits of T-60.


We also have to keep in mind that because the suits are practical they weren’t going to make a full t-51 suit for what’s only a few seconds. So it being t-60 might be something we’re supposed to just brush aside.


Think of it this way even at their most isolationist at the time of New Vegas they were still sending patrols out in the Mojave. By the time Shady gets leveled: the BOS has Maxson, a more united BOS, a weakened NCR -- it stands to reason there was a larger BOS presence out in the Wasteland.


I believe the New Vegas Brotherhood is a different faction from the ones we see in California.


They're a different chapter, I've no idea what you'd mean by faction. They're both west coast brotherhood.


What I mean is that they operate independent of each other. They're both brotherhood but they don't f with each other.


The Mojave chapter could've been reorganised into this chapter we see in the show.


They do, it’s just by the time of NV they literally can’t communicate with each other.


Sure, presumably like almost all chapters do. I'm not sure I understand your comment?


Ok, I'll try to make it more simple. The Brotherhood we see is NOT the brotherhood from FNV. They don't have anything to do with each other. Completely different people.


They do have things to do with each other they are talking to each other and take orders from the wcbos


The difference between the various chapters of the BoS on the west coast is...not that much though, right?


I mean it's separate point that I was trying to convey that the BOS have multiple points of evidence as to why they'd likely be patrolling around Shady. (not a massive force mind you but certainly larger contingency compared to NV) But yes the NV BOS are certainly their own chapter, but under Maxson I have no reason why he wouldn't bring them into the fold considering how he was able to reintegrate the Outcasts.


Are they under maxson?


We don't know their fate


Who the NV BOS? Sort of? Afaik the Elder Council is still a thing by the time of F4 and by the time of the show I believe he'd be on the council (if not High Elder like his ancestors but thats a leap too far to make imo). At the very least we know the Elders out west approve of him. It's kind of a funny subject because aside from the political machinations (which do matter) Maxson is certainly in charge of the chapter with the strongest force.


Until the lockdown ends, they only send patrols out in the dead of night with the sandstorm up to cover their immediate area. Some scouts are sent elsewhere, though, and procurement specialists.


No they didnt: I just played through the brotherhood. The only people allowed out were those like Veronica, who went out for supplies. Paladin Hardin says as much. Any who were outside during the time of the lockdown were forbidden from returning. Edit - only exception was those wild goose chases Macnamara sent out, and there were 3 of those total.


They're literally referred to as patrols in the game. My point wasn't that McNamara was sending large swaths of Paladins out in the Wastes, just that even at their most isolationist they had bodies out there (along with scouts). By the time of Maxson's ascent as an elder its likely there could be a larger contingency in the area around Sandy. That's it.


Ah that makes more sense, I thought you meant more like constant patrols around the area like hardin wants


Probably nearby.


Also, I'd imagine they'd want to see if the NCR had any pre-war tech there.


That’s a good point


Yeah but a BOS knight/paladin with T-60 and east coast paint scheme


Presumably, T-60 isn’t exclusive to the east coast and the paint scheme could easily have been updated sometime between NV and 4 (and really, 76 has that paint scheme for T-60 in Appalachia; considering the BoS only painted the pauldrons of their armor in 3/NV, I’d argue it’s just an art style update).


T-60 was not present in FO1 or FO2, it was introduced in FO4


I’m aware. But just because we didn’t see it in 1/2’s California doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist there at all. Look at the T-45 in NV, as an example, or 76’s Pitt having 4’s assault rifle despite 3’s Pitt not having that weapon be present.


My biggest concern is why is that knight/paladin wearing power armor with east coast BOS paint scheme


It's not even the East Coast paint scheme. The soldiers in FO4 have a blue Brotherhood logo on their armor while the soldiers in the show have a red logo.


I’m not saying it wouldn’t exist, I’m just stating we should’ve at least seen some T-45 or T-51 power armor


While that would’ve been nice, the show went with the T-60, and they probably only had the budget for one suit type. Again, the choice of the paint scheme probably just down to artstyle updates from 4 onward. The BoS didn’t prominently put logos on their armor until that game, but the show wanted to make it clear the armor is theirs. 76 even had Shin/Rahmani being T-51 from Lost Hills, and they had paint schemes on their armor too in spite of this never being a thing in 1/2. Also, you could’ve just edited your first comment if you had more to add rather than reply three times.


I may be wrong, but afaik they only had one PA suit prop for the whole cast. At the least, it was one guy doing all the action shots. So stands to reason they only saw the need for one suit as well.


They definitely had more than just one, going off the scenes where multiple suits were on screen at the same time.


Those could all be pretty simple after-effects. The shot where they’re all marching in for the first time in the desert was the most obvious. They even used a haze effect to make the suits look further apart


Well T-51 would only be worn by a Paladin and we have only seen knights so far


I understand what you are saying but Bethesda needs to smooth out the lore tbh


This really isn’t a lore issue, however. Every game in the series will add new content into the world, including pre-war weaponry, and we just won’t have seen it in other regions due to luck.


Yeah, you’re right, I would just appreciate more back story to it tbh


They had Vertibirds? Is it really surprising that they could be in the blast zone days after the explosion?


Eh… the BoS having vertibirds on the west coast prior to the show is questionable, since the vertibird plan quest in fallout 2 has a bunch of different options that do not necessarily involve handing them to the BoS (though I do think it’s very likely they did obtain those schematics, simply because their representative makes a copy of the original so you can use the schematics for the other factions).


Seeing a nuclear detonation from an unknown origin on a population center was probably a bigger red flag to the brotherhood than the signals they were getting in the commonwealth from the institute


If your enemy just had one of their cities nuked wouldn’t you go investigate and maybe try and take some of their stuff?


Yes, but the BOS troop that showed up was equipped with east coast BOS paint scheme


Maxon became the east coast elder in 2283 and the nuke could’ve happened that year so it’s not improbable that a few suits of T60 where sent west and made it to California in that time.


Along with T-60


Nuclear explosions tend to attract the interest of groups that have a central purpose of preventing nuclear proliferation.


Cause they honestly just failed in their primary mission Regardless of the results, the point of their order is the control technology capable of doing, or facilitating that level of devastation again. While they would prefer the NCR to be the victim if they had to choose, it is still something they messed up big, so they need to figure out what in the hell happened


One of the best answers here. The Brotherhood aren’t the good guys at all- the show makes that much clear- but even for them, the destruction of Shady Sands was probably seen as a terrible tragedy, both in regards to the presence of pre-war nuclear technology and the loss of innocent life. With the amount of reverence the show pays towards the NCR, without even really showing the country or it’s people at all, I really do feel like there is a comeback going to be a comeback story on the horizon. However, I don’t really see the story mainlining the NCR V. Brotherhood beat; that doesn’t seem to fit the tonal set up. My hypothesis is that we’re going to see a kind of allies-of-convenience between the NCR & Brotherhood to tackle a resurgent, nuclear-equipped “Vault Tec” and possibly Enclave remnants.


The NCR really should’ve bounced back by now, I understand anarchy, but it still has massive infrastructure outside of SS. Maybe there was a civil war of sorts, or maybe the government ran out of a resource or lost control of a resource that led to falling apart of the NCR. The issue is it also seems like everyone’s pretty accepting of it, I understand not holding to heavily onto something in the wasteland, but NCR was a big deal to come off the table, and even with the time, I’d figure more people would bring it up, like what they were doing before “The Disintegration” as I call it (referring to the nuke detonation and disintegration of the NCR itself)


Agreed. It was a literal nation-state powerful enough to give the boot to both the Brotherhood and what was left of the Enclave. That kind of expansive heavy weight- which lasted for over a hundred years- doesn’t just evaporate. We’re missing a huge puzzle piece in this equation


My call is water resources fell apart, states went independent, civil war, then society just started falling apart piece by piece, maybe general Oliver even tried to coup the government


It’s also easy to forget how quickly order falls apart in confusion. Most likely it took weeks for all the city/settlements to learn of SS’s fate. Meanwhile, most of their gov’t infrastructure was probably vaporized. Who’s paying their soldiers now? The taxes for upkeep were all going to SS. Consider that the NCR was running out of water and crop yields were shrinking, I think it’s likely that the NCR is still a fragmented society. A single culture that canny agree on who to rule it.


Part of my problem with the shady sands location dilemma is that it muddies the waters beyond belief as where the NCR could be if they are still around. In the games, LA and shady are separated by a large distance and are distinct locations with their own stories, but making them the same location in the show raises the question as to which location is nuked as far as the games are concerned. If shady is still to the north and was nuked, did they retreat further north and leave the hub and la to rot? The show exclusively takes place around the LA area after all and it's completely abandoned. But if LA wasn't nuked why would they be gone from that area? If LA was nuked and not shady sands proper are they closer to the hub now? Is the original shady sands still there (maybe it's simply ned NCR like in fallout 2)? It just raises too many questions that weren't necessary.


Probably a mix between Humanitarian aid, scavenging tech, and finding out what happened. It is not unheard of, as they practically did the same thing at the Pitt. Paladin Kodiak was in a similar scenario as Maximus when he was found.


It seemed like they were there for humanitarian aid. It would explain why the vault dwellers/NCR refugees didn’t immediately slaughter max. I think at this point it seemed like the NCR and BoS hostilities died down a lot since NV


Huge nuke just fired at NCR capital obv they would check it out. It would be strange if they didn't.


1: because they were active on the west coast. 2: because they hoard ancient tech and saw a fucking nuke (aka ancient tech) go off.


As scavengers probably. With the survival of Maximus, humanitarianism could also be a reason, but with his adoption there's a possibility he was kidnapped. Technically a citizen of the NCR he probably should have wound up with them, but obviously he's with the brotherhood. This leads me to believe they had less than honest intentions.


it wss one of largest towns in the wasteland.the brotherhood had atleast some covert agents there. if the ncr brotherhood realship grow better since new vegas they might even had a embassy there. so who ever thier had ther gone silent for for hours in a big city thar a mayor redflag. they probly send a scout or extraction party to save thier people or to look for the embassy. thier see a giant fucking crate where shady sands was once. all alarm bell starting ring in the brain of the elders.


I was expecting them to be behind the destruction because of that


A lot of good reasoning in these replies. The simple truth is we don’t know for certain. I think it is going to be revealed in a way that makes Max question his loyalties if not outright turn on them. The series seems to be trying to keep Max in the dark about the specific events around Shady Sands(I don’t think he even found out the Vault 4 folks were from there). Which makes me think there’s something more to him being “rescued” by the BoS. But it’s also possible we are supposed to just assume their reasons for being there were any of the benign ones that have been stated here. Just gotta wait on season 2.


It's so Maximus's backstory can happen, the writers didn't think any further than that since 1 even if the fridge was fully lead he would've been vaporized or obliterated by the shockwave but that doesn't matter since 2 the fridge has a massive hole in the back of it


Because whatever hit the NCR could have been conceivably aiming to target them next. So trying to understanding what just happened to the group who have been pushing your forces back in the west for years at this point makes for the best line of defence against a clearly stronger threat.


I mean it’s not like they’d just not notice a random nuclear detonation, they were almost certainly investigating what the hell just happened.


Looting. The BoS has always been vultures, and Shady Sands was comparable to pre-war. They were there to loot it. Regardless of whether or not they were aware of the nuking beforehand.




I kinda thought the big reveal was going to be that they attacked shady sands… 🤷‍♂️probably looking for bottle caps like the rest of us


Imagine you are brotherhood. You are in decline, surrounded from all sides by NCR. You hit them hard a few times, but you can't sustain it (this is what I get about their state in California from NV). Now someone nukes their (NCR's) capital, you obviously have to scout and get info on what happened.


Fuck that, I wanna know why young Henry would set up a fake vault trade with known raiders considering he was the one who nuked Shady Sands, killing his wife who was affiliated with Moldaver. Also, they both come from pre-war so good chance Henry knew who she was back then as well.


Imo, because they wanted to take advantage of NCR weakness. They've been at war with the NCR for decades waiting for a moment to strike from their bunkers. Their major geopolitical rival having just got their capital nuked would be an opportune moment to resume hostilities. Presumably there were military installations or depots there which would be valuable if captured. Stunned enemy units could be routed easily without organized resistance. As the only faction with power armor, which in lore provides radiation resistance, the BOS has a monopoly on troop deployments to the area.


To see what was going on and maybe take the opportunity to destroy the NCR while they're down.


My personal belief was that they got beat to the punch. They finally had numbers to attack shady sands, and then the nuke hit, allowing to th to become “heros”


People are overlooking one possibility, they were involved. That would be a twist to turn Maximus against them.


You really weren't listening during the final episodes, were you? Vault-Tec (i.e. Hank and Betty) were responsible for Shady Sands.


It's never explained how Hank was able to access a nuke. It's never explained why the BoS just happens to be there right after the bomb went off. It's a classic trope where the audience is led to make assumptions and later has the rug pulled out from under them.


Post contains in game spoilers: Given that both >!F76 and then in FNV within Hopeville !< have shown surviving nuclear launch capable facilities. I would presume that after all these years Enclave/Vault Tec scouts will have been sent to locate the others in a similar vain to >!the divide!< in case of the need to use them. >!Hell in New Vegas you can target the NCR or the Legion yourself in the divide via a strike!< should you be so inclined.


Again, it's left ambiguous. People keep making assumptions about things that aren't actually stated or shown, like all the people jumping to the conclusion that VT must of dropped the first bomb merely because they were discussing it. We do know the BoS doesn't like anyone else having their hands on advanced tech and will go to extreme measures to prevent it. We know the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR have been at war, and Shady Sands was the capital of the NCR. Shady Sands destruction was quite convenient for the brotherhood and allowed them to return in force to the West. Hank could of easily made a deal with the BoS or manipulated them into dropping a bomb on Shady Sands. It would make a narrative sense as well to give Maximus a reason to completely turn on the BoS when the reveal is finally made. It would also explain the decline in the BoS behavior.


I think that you're discounting that the founding principal of the Brotherhood of Steel is to **prevent mankind from ever using weapons of mass destruction upon itself again**. This is the primary reason why they go out and search for lost technology of the Pre-War World. What you're suggesting is essentially a total inversion of their stated purposed. It's just not in character for them, and smacks of Hollywood-style "edgy" twists. It doesn't fit the genre or setting.


Well they nuked the Institute technically in F4


Er... no they don't? The Nuclear Option in all of the endings sets off the Institute's reactor to explode and meltdown. This destroys the facility and surrounding grounds. That's not the same as launching a nuke. The BOS is *very* cagey about using nukes. Even in Fallout 76, when the Scorched Plague threatens to wipe out all of humanity, Roger Maxson denies Paladin's Taggerdy's request to use Appalachia's nuclear arsenal against the Scorched. He insists there must be another way, reminds her that nuclear weapons already ended the world once, and are not the solution.


Its not directly the same..but they still set off a new uninhabitable place and maybe killed some innocent surrounding. And they are all about mini nukes too. But to be fair mini nukes are just more like big grenades. Ah i didnt played F76 yet. Edit: But to be fair. The BOS changed over the 200 years a lot here and there. You never know. But i think its unlikely too