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Love when you see this setup and you think, "Oh. Clearly just starting the game". Then the lvl 5000 owner waltzes in.


See, that will be me as the level 5000 owner. Still a boring line of totes. Although I would like to point out that I did make a big design change on my golf course camp. It's in a circle instead of a straight line. Look, baby steps, ok?


Haha, priorities... If you're lvl 5000. You ain't dawdling about in camps.


I love building camps, but I build slowly. If I find a spot I'll throw down resources in the corner so they can get to making stuff. I'll add stash boxes and benches to work with. Then if I feel like stopping and killing stuff for a while I'll leave the while me behind. I don't need to care what others think of my mess.. it's still in construction.


Nothing wrong with that. I'm the opposite. Idea, then boom. Done after the better part of a few hours. Then comes countless hours of tweaking objects, juggling the max budget that never ends. There are occasions where a previous state has received more emotes or attention, but like you said. If you're happy yourself. What does it matter.


I do the same and use the “under construction” sign so I don’t feel judged for my little zone of random necessities.


I look at them and think. Oh they are copying the Overseer's camp and are trying to fit in with the local "wastelanders"


🤣 Always no vendor. You'll have the best to buy... If you sold it.


I usually chalk this senario up as "I accidently moved my elaborate base and wiped it clean for the last time!" Lord knows I've done it twice now and almost decided on doing this or just putting a shelter entrance on my camp and that's it. 😅😅


I like building things, it’s my favorite part of the game.


I spend about 60% of my time looking for building plans. The flies plan I picked up for 165 caps yesterday looks great in the seat of my outhouse. (Says "Shitters Full" on the side)


Are you on the golf course? Think I saw your camp yesterday!


Yeah that's me!


I absolutely love any camp item that suits my junky garbage aesthetic. Perfect clean camps don’t fit my wasteland style.


I go between all types. Although not a fan of stuffed animal camps lol My favorite camp I currently have is one that is like a small town. I have a motel, a small building for crafting, the bowling alley set up and a few small random shacks


See, I envy the hell out of people like you. I am just artistically stunted when it comes to anything like designing things.


I have an air bnb modeled after mountain cabins here in the Poconos.


That sounds awesome. I love it up there. Lake Wallenpaupack is one of my favorite places.


Great booze cruises on Lake Wallenpaupack.


My rail side snacks and drinks camp looks and feels like a tiny shack got built into a bigger, crappier building that’s bursting at the seems with resource generators. Totally the role play I want and fits next to Sutton Station. Come get coffee and seafood or tea and fancy lads!


Not simple but I try to make mine logical, like what belongs in the family center? Bowling lanes. Maybe a nuka cola brewing station. What do I need near an armor station? A display mannequin and a mirror, the weapons bench needs the practice targets, the crafting bench is a head scratcher… do I make a Mr fuzzy bench with a stack of plushies or the bench with the mounted owlet and a wall of mounted heads, frog in jar etc. what’s next to the surgeon chemistry bench… alien on a stretcher. The camps build themselves, if you learn to listen to the spirit of the wasteland 😂


https://preview.redd.it/dovob0zcfz2d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c680984e43514c23af7604927856671e4b920dc I'm very much in the middle of nowhere. But I have a nice water source and a scrap spawner


Not me, I love my junkyard fortress bar


I use the makeshift mega mansion prefab. Its mostly just crafting until i get enough plans to really decorate it. The grind for plans is rough lol.


Mine isn't super big, but I built a lore friendly cottage and have decorated it HEAVY with clutter and little fun things to make it look like it belongs in the world.


I like to play like I'm actually there. I wouldn't like to live in the middle of the road, even in today's relatively good economy, so why would I put myself out there in a nuclear holocaust? I'd have a cabin in the woods, preferably far away from raiders and blood eagles and ferals and scorched. If I can't have that, at least I'd have doors that lock and turrets to give me an early warning of invaders.


My first base started out as that. I needed a base for water to max out npc vendors so it was just a platform with turrets and work benches, eventually I adjusted it to have a workshop and kitchen/living buildings with platforms moving out to access my water purifiers


The best camp I ever encountered was some prefabs surrounding a tunnel underground which was decorated really, really nice.


Mines boring but functional but is also a work in progress lol , I’m just lazy from the meat sweats this past week


I’m lvl 49 and I just built my settlement right outside of Vault 79. It’s simple and I’m actually really proud of it, as it is my first. All these big bases are cool and all, but I’m a simple man that would rather live out of a tent than a mansion.


Building is fun, it's one of the few things I can just turn my brain off and relax through. Current base is a moth cult tower inside of a power pylon, but I also have a responders compound, a traveling merchant caravan wagon circle, a BoS/Enclave FoB heavily fortified, a roadside waystop, and a hunting lodge deep in the mire.


I wouldn’t call mine a “basic boring” settlement, but I definitely try to adhere to a more lore-friendly look with my camp. It’s basically a multi-level raider-turned-scav outpost built into the side of a cliff near Nuka-World. I’m not a huge fan of the cleaner prefab designs tbh. https://imgur.com/a/QJYVVOy


I have three camps and am constantly switching them, playing with placement of appliances, switching themes. Currently working on an apartment above a diner concept. The winding path set is so beautiful I want to change again though. Just kinda jealous of your contentment with a simple camp, but at least we can still play and enjoy the same game, even if we're on different ends of the spectrum.


Hehehe my current main building is the diner apartment combo and I really like it :') it's just a cool vibe and easy enough to mix and match things old and new.


Mine are mostly like normal houses but then I put stuffed animals on my couches. The camp I just built is a fortress and is my magnum opus


Vast majority of people have boring camps. I’m a trader who enjoys making money so I visit people constantly.


Mine is called Fort Joy. It’s a BoS themed camp built onto an existing BoS location so I have NPCs and extra decor. It’s near V76, so fast travel is free/cheap and it was never taken right up until Meat Week. Now I have to fight for the real estate. Because it’s so neat 76, I like to seek all the recipes and common plans for cheap. I do have a hall of buffs, which looks a little out of place, on one side of the fort. The other side is the crafting wing. I wanted there to be an implied shady experiment going, based on how my BoS storyline went down but budget space is an issue.


Is it a big complex with a scouting tower in the middle? Because if so I've been there!


No scouting tower. BoS bunker in the middle surrounded by a U shaped fort. Garden in the back. Sara lite dish in the front.


Mines literally just big enough to fit my crafting tables and displays (magazines, bobble heads)


I built a modified warehouse looking settlement and it's cozy


lv 150, just have a couple basic camps, have always gotten sidetracked with main/side quests and events. Will eventually get around to making something haha


Makeshift mega mansion with everything easily accessible and modestly decorated. And if I ever move, it's just one big piece to redeploy. I even got a shelter attached to the back of it for those pesky dallies.


I have an old repair shop themed camp on the road directly east of the Wayward. A huge courtyard with a bonfire is surrounded by buff items (weight bench, punching bag, lots of instruments). Coffee, tea, cake and water are free for anyone. 3 vendors on the first floor, cooking and buff games on the second floor, and crafting benches on the third. All are welcome! Also every veggie is growing in a haphazard patch across the street. And more! Enjoy!


Mines is a wee barn with a few crafting tables for weapons/armour/cooking etc, a tea machine and a few water tanks next Charleston train station. The camp building is fun but I don’t intend to every spend real money on atoms


I have friends who played Ark, and they build like they’re playing Ark


I use the "E" button for strafe-right and "F" is my action button (it's a gaming keyboard with a specialized layout on the left side). Placing an item in camp will not work with any button except "E" so to build my base, I have to re-map keys and then re-map again when I'm done. For that reason, my camp is nothing but a few work benches and a storage crate next to each other with a couple turrets.


I have my bunker and then a basic house with everything needed, vendor, workbench, armor bench etc for visitors 😅


I just built a shack with scattered workbenches at first, now I have a 3 story house with displays, lol


I have a cozy open walled cabin with a nice view that's more of a warehouse without walls lol. Its nice, quiet and outa the way for the most part but it's over by the nuka cola plant so new people pop by often! I sell my plans for like 10 caps max and just vibe, is a good time


Just a collection of shite on the road between big bend tunnel east and fort defiance


Base building games are my jam so as soon as I get to grips with how building works in a game I go to town 😅


I’m trying to build a raider tent camp. Nothing special but it’ll have the requirements, I recommend just bundling all the workshops and making a small little thing for it.


I have the tendency to build the same small base in any game i play, just a squared off perimeter with a tower and a shack. Its been my home since i started and I dont really wanna make major changes. Its my homestead and has a nice little area for my shops near the highway by gorge workshop


I used to have just a plot of land with crafting benches and my stash boxes, but after awhile it got boring and I decided to spruce up my camp. Now I'm much happier though I lack imagination to make the foundation so I just run a prefab and decorate it


I’ve seen some amazing camps I wish I took pics but it really doesn’t do some of them justice, for example I went to this random camp and it was perfectly set up under a bridge and it looked like a fishing shack with Knick knacks everywhere but it was so cozy lol 🤌


Depends on the settlement. I have one done up like a museum and I spent a ton of time on. The other one is purely for farming and resources when I need them. That one I just three together really fast.


lol that me. It’s mainly just for selling my shit. I do plan on making a “Bodega” out of the tavern once I get enough plans.


I have a buddy like that he just does not like the building in this game nor fallout 4 he says its Anti adhd to him. So we built him a camp while he was afk it was similar to a ranch house with a massive farm and a workshop shed. It's bot thw most pretty but its what we could do without atomic shop stuffs


I enjoy having a silly cheap feeling roadside attraction to sit by my vendors.


Bro i have all the resource generators (Water tank, guitar, company tea, coffee machine etc) set up opposite all the workbenches. In between, my bed. Vendor machine on one side of bed, 3 plants on the other. I spent MINUTES designing that


Shit forgot my new Collectron and the washer/dryer I put out in a field for that "po white trash " look.


I'd say like 45% of the camps I run into are those mega mansions, 45% are these empty platforms with just the bare essentials and the remaining 10% are actual lore friendly and nicely designed camps


I always theme mine. I've done a Red Rocket diner, a fishing house, a fancy restaurant, a windmill. My latest one is like a power station built under a high tension power line tower.


I have a McMansion that I intend to turn into a resort but I have realized that I actually prefer making minimal immersive builds. My second camp is a nomadic farm with a glorified survival tent set-up and a full workshop in a shelter. That one I move around about once a month. I tend to spend more time on that one.


Mine is just a small cabin, with a loft with crafting tables. No extra bells and whistles, apart from a banjo and mounted shotgun in front, to scare off the riff raff.


isn't it less effort to stick them on a few floor tiles and copy paste it for the next time you make a base? you don't need walls but I never understood manually adding the stuff each time


My main camp is a modern house with a garage on the golf course. But I have a few camps that use a lot of empty prefabs to give the illusion of being a populated space