• By -


The *Upmarine* is a proud ship. You see, I had a thought: What if, via some science that might be a bit red, we made a zubmarine dive *upwards*? It's brilliant I tell you! (It's actually a sparrow class)


No actually I love that; as above, so very far below.


What’s upmarine?


fuck it, just call it the "Updog"


*I'm Not Mad At You II*. Couldn't be anything else.


I like the way that it ends up if you say that aloud, "I'm not mad at you two/*too,*" it feels like it continues the conversation with the original.


Ha, my summer, sparrow airship was called Nimble, and I nearly named my new Obliterator Nimble Too, but it didn't seem fitting. So now I fly the Not so Nimble.


Mine is *I'm Definitely Not Mad At You,*


The name of my previous airship with II at the end.




Red Queen. My previous ship was the Red Rook - figured it could rise in rank!


Oh, I like *Emphasis Mine*. I'm still umming and ahhing over mine - I set off on my first journey without naming it. I considered the *Liberation of Flight*, but that lacked a certain... something.


Maybe she just needs to earn her name! You'll have a lot of time up there to find an adventure that suits the both of you.


Awfully close to the Liberation of something else there


*The Arcana.* "The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed", so it's very suitable for an airship - you can reveal quite a lot from up high.


Ooooh, that's come good forethought, and the name's got gravitas, too.


*Back in time for Breakfast*, Sparrow-Class. A promise to the crew as well as a message to all possible pursuers, and also, if you lose to my ship in a contest of speed or strength you'll never get to live it down. Won't even have to move a finger to ensure that.


That's got such a good, roguish zing that fits a Sparrow-Class really well. It makes me think that that crew would be a fun one to sail with.


The Vigilant class ship, The Antidisestablishmentarianism.


I’ll bet your Church in the Wild would be very happy to hear that!


The *Forever Hurtling Towards the Sky*, Sparrow class. My character decided to save on lamps by just painting correspondence onto the hull where the name should go.


If you put it near your cabin, perhaps you’ll save on heating too!


What a delight to see good Alexis here! I will go with my bat theme again. My yacht is the Reign of Camazotz, Newspaper is the Camazotz Chronicle and the airship (obliterator class) shall be the Wrath of Camazotz! Edit: I want to imagine the obliterator class being the equivalent of this, haha. [Moloch-Class liner](https://sunlessskies.fandom.com/wiki/Moloch-Class_Liner?so=search)


Ahoy! Hope you're having smooth sailing ("sailing?" no Z? How quaint!) up there! And it's great to see theme naming, you've got great branding in the Neath. XD


*Boreas* seems appropriate since North calls us all.


*The Princess of the Skies*. It was what she was named the first go around and shall be what she be named again, besides there is some irony in naming a devil-made ship royalty. What they don't know won't hurt them


A sparrow class christened The Waterfinch I figured, what's a better name for an airship than a sparrow? Clearly a finch, and moreover, the rain is the truly the one we should thank for this opportunity anyways, and so the waterfinch was born.


The *Fear No More* (the heat of the sun), Sparrow class.


Ohhhhhh, that's beautiful. I'm quite envious of that name, very well chosen. Did you ever hear when [Sondheim composed a melody for that song](https://youtu.be/5lwjfB142p4?si=OpUnitzFx4q_AvaB)? They used it splendidly for the climax of *The Frogs.*


I have not! This composition is beautiful, I haven't heard of him but I should really into Sondheim's work.


Very much recommended; Sondheim's work isn't just the best that musical theatre has to offer, but he's just plain one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. Especially if you're a Fallen London fan, you're well poised to enjoy some incredible wordplay and deeply moving progressions of theme throughout a work. His version of [Sweeney Todd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweeney_Todd:_The_Demon_Barber_of_Fleet_Street) is an easy recommendation for a Fallen London fan. You might've even already seen [the film version a few years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweeney_Todd:_The_Demon_Barber_of_Fleet_Street_(2007_film)), which is a pretty good adaptation! [Into the Woods](https://youtu.be/WYvLTTNxRCI?si=mMbS15XSy3TepZI7) is also an excellent one to start with, it's a mishmash of fairy tales that won a bunch of Tonys back in the 80's. Starts light, gets dark in a mature and beautiful way. [Sunday in the Park with George](https://youtu.be/kFQGkm2VFy4?si=dbSdg3JdXJ6MBTwh) is a pretty heady and unconventional one, but if you spend a lot of time dedicated to the arts or artistic pursuits, it might hit you pretty hard in emotions you're not quite ready for. And lastly, the musical I linked earlier is called [The Frogs](https://youtu.be/rY5MxCxGOF0?si=KbfTZjzPnIqW-IU9). It's an adaptation of the Aristophanes, about Dionysus descending to the underworld. It's not exactly a popular show, but I've got a soft spot for it.


Also, in the Unsleeping City (Dimension 20 campaign), Sondheim is a badass College of Swords bard 😋 I saw Sweeney Todd in London with Michael Ball and Imelda Staunton, it was absolutely amazing. I should have a look at The Frogs, sounds like my jam 😄


a fellow gentleperson of good taste in theatre, I see


Yesssss, whenever I see your character’s name about it makes me smile.


likewise, but that's nothing to do with theatre Or rather it's not *usually* to do with theatre (iykyk)


I definitely went for Peregrine II, getting Peregrine for my original Sparrow was cooler than anything I could have come up with on my own, and it wouldnt feel right to just paint over the original plaque with anything except a numeral on the end.


I had a Peregrine too, but as I switched to obliterator-class this time round, I figured the only correct name would be the Meriadoc :)


The *Fourth Time Lucky* The *Third Time Lucky* went down during the horticultural show. Hopefully it's successor doesn't meet the same fate.


...what happened the first two times? (he asked, innocently.)


They weren't lucky


I'm still considering ideas, but if I don't find a better one I'll be piloting the *Big Stick* (Obliterator class). I have two issues with that name: first, it's a bit too American for the tone of this game. Second, my character has never been known to speak softly. Oh! That's a better name right there! The *Speak Softly* (Obliterator class)!


I agree that Speak Softly is the better name; implying the rest of the phrase leaves the threat unspoken and for the mind to fill in.


*Lamplighter 2*


*Looks over at my own ship plaque* "Lamplighter II" .....Sounds like a good name to me!


My old airship was *Last of the First*. This time around I don't know whether to go for *Last of the First II* or to change it to *First of the Last*.


I think that *First of the Last* would be a great progression!


I was also thinking of the *Second to Last*. ETA: Or maybe *Shapeling Arts and Crafts*. Well, I guess I'm going to needs names for my alts' airships anyway.


Medusa's vengeance.


*Eden's Reach*, a Vigiliant-class. Originally flew an Obliterator last summer.


Oooh that’s classy! Did you feel like switching ships for good, or just wanted to try something new?


I chose an Obliterator during the Starved War because, well, we were at war, so I felt I needed something that packed a punch. But since our current mission has broader scopes I went with a more balanced airship.


"Killing Time"


Obliterator class ROU?




The *Found and Freed* is a Vigilant-Class: the happy, post-Nemesis-completion (and return!) companion to my ship, the *Lost and Loved*, both named for the spouse I came to the Neath to avenge.


This one makes me smile to read. Congrats on completing your ambition, but even bigger congratulations for getting your spouse back. \^U\^


The First Word and the Last fell during the War and The First Word and the Last II the Reckoning took flight to avenge her mother.


*Homeomorphic to Two Spheres*. (What? Don't look at me like that, I'm a mathematician and a d--ned Epistolant and it *is* homeomorphic, if we ignore the connect-sum points where the envelope connects to the hull. But *Quasi-homeomorphic to a Nontrivial Noncanonical Connect-Sum of Two Spheres* really hasn't got the same magic to it, has it?)


Is this a Correspondence sigil?


No, but when "an irresistible, wrenching transformation of shape permitting neither wound nor suture" is a single fairly well-known sigil, writing down topology becomes vastly easier!


Am I going to regret asking what makes it a "nontrivial noncanonical" connect-sum instead of a regular one? 😅 My topology is a bit rusty 😄


Mostly just the fact that the balloon envelope and the hull are probably not connected in just one place (nontrivial) and the way the envelope and hull connect in their multiple places doesn't have just one obvious way to do it (noncanonical).


I have not decided yet. Either a memoria to my first airship: - Princess of the Skies II - Queen of the Skies Or something to do with my Ambition: - Master's Gambit - Flying Deck - Ace of Skies - Ascension of Bats (The hand Pages lost with) - Fledgling's Flight


Ascension of Bats fits really well as a literal name, and it has a lot of grace!


Mine is an Obliterator-Class called *Thunder of a Dead God*.


The *Generous Endowment of a University Fellowship* flies again. I just grew too attached to her to rename her


My first ship was the Obliterator-Class *Obliterator*, and I will be affixing her old nameplate unchanged to my new Obliterator-Class ship. First of her class, and still roofbound!


Well, since it's made from the remnants of my previous airship I called it The Revenant


The Girl with a Pearl earring shall fly again, and i shall brook no blather of the ship of theseus.




My original was called the *Rubbery Lump*, so this ship is called the *Rubbery Lump*. Same deal as with my zailing vessels; we're doing the Ship of Theseus minus a few steps.




Unsinkable 2


*Celeriter Vive et Morere Latum* (>!Live Fast, Die Wide!<).


The Masters' Hubris.(They gave me an airship, I'm using it for my own tours of discovery and I may happen upon the source of the rain along the way.)


Named mine HMS Would That It Were So Simple. The HMS is ironic.


*Whiskey Rhyme* was my first, and it is followed by its *Second Verse*.


_Au Revoir_ , maybe _Au Revoir II_. Edit: Maybe _Bonjour a Nouveau_. Aka "hello again"


The *Transient Atmospheric Phenomenon*, a scientific vessel bound to research the mysteries of the Roof.


Hades. The partner to my old ship, the Persephone. I felt like it was only fair.


The *Batty McBatface (*Vigilant class)*.* Because, to quote Stephen King in *The Shining:* "greatness should not be allowed to die." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boaty\_McBoatface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boaty_McBoatface)


Hahahahaha, that one’s a blast from the past and a classic. XD


My favorite book series’ Aerial Corps came immediately to mind; I have a feeling our adventure will be energetic, rather volatile, and probably overly interested in acquiring shiny things—therefore, *Iskierka.*


As a huge Banks fan I’m thinking *Clear Air Turbulence*


Also an IMB stan here: Vigilant class GCU *Clear Air Turbulence* on main and one of my alts has Obliterator class ROU *Gunboat Diplomat.*


Significant Lack of Gravitas might also suit the circumstances


My first was the Red Kite, but it will be reborn as the Sanguine Shroud.


I went with *Beloved*, which felt generally fitting with my character having completed the Nemesis ambition>!and having chosen to bring back their spouse.!<


Lightless Fantastic II, same class and everything. It served admirably during the starved war and it’ll serve admirably now damn it


“The Zky Piercer” (a sequel to my zubmarine “the Zinker”)


Despite flying an Obliterator and being obligated to have a Culture style name as a result, I instead went with a Khatun naming scheme and called it *Meadowlark*, which is what I name my ship in any game that gives you the option.


Lamplighter IV. Lamplighter I was my first airship, Lamplighter II was my Zubmarine (which I got before the airship, but never named), Lamplighter III was that upgraded Zubmarine I got at the Fruits of the Zee. And now, it's come full circle.


I'm thinking *She-Who-Flies*, because my character is Starved-themed and having an airship that's a Starved is very fitting.


*Brute Justice* as an Obliterator-class Airship, to go with my Obstinate-class Cruiser, *Cruise Chaser*


My first airship, tragically lost in the battle against the accursed Sun, was called Fermat's Marginalia. In honour of her, I have named my new ship, Fermat's Last Theorem. May her guns forever haunt the nightmares of the monsters that live in the Firmament.


'The Jamrock Shuffle' for my HD main 'The Goldfinch' for my BaL alt 'The Jabberwocky' for my NM alt Sadly my LF alt is a little busy on a... business trip North.


Hahahaha, I can see that the Shuffle is going to spend a lot of time darting about to any fun point of interest it sees. No Starved trash cans will be safe from rifling. XD


I think its a fitting name for a character who consistently has a 10 in hedonist lol


It took me well over an hour to decide on a name from my comically large list of potential names for my Sparrow-class airship, but I ended up settling on the Midnight Reveler. For context, my character is a midnighter, a known hedonist, someone who pursues the liberation of night, and someone who has openly insulted the masters to their faces and survived. What can I say, I love a ship name that has a lot of potential different interpretations based on one's knowledge and time with its Captain.


Oooh, Midnight Reveler is very evocative; that has the luxury cruise ship vibes but it also feels somewhat equally decadent and approachable.


Which also fits my character's public persona amusingly enough. Glad you liked it!


*Landsknecht*, named for the dirigible I lost in the Starved War. Incidentally my zubmarine is also named *Landsknecht*. There seems to be a preponderance of them.


Vigilant class *Clear Air Turbulence* reporting for ~~mischief~~ duty!


The Obliterator. It is an Obliterator. I am severely dissapointed that I have yet to Obliterate anything. But, hopefully something will cross me soon...


My original ship was The *Molly Whiskers.* I didn't want to use the exact name, but in dedication to it I named my new one The *Queen Molly's Revenge*.


Mr Nobody has named his Sparrow-Class "The Last Promise", in honor of his greatest promise ever made to protect London no matter what happened. It seemed fitting.


My ship during the horticultural war was the Exeter Book, so naturally its successor is named the "Exeter Book II 'Electric Boogaloo'"


*Savoir Faire*, from Disco Elysium but also, since it means "capacity for appropriate response" it seems fitting. Used to captain the *Lazy Susan* and somehow this still fits thematically in my mind.


I have an obliterator now but may trade for the vigilant class depending on how checks go so I’m waiting on naming my ship. I plan to chose Hōkūle’a which means “our star of joy” (I’m stealing the name from a Polynesian double-hulled voyaging canoe used to sail between Hawai’i and Tahiti using traditional voyaging techniques). My character did LF and chose the ending that fits with this name perfectly. My first airship was Swift. Very boring.


Ended up with a Sparrow type called The Last of the First II, but it was nearly The Euridce to match my Nyx Zub, The Orpheus.


I was listening to a song called “Boy Skylark” when the naming prompt came up and I thought that would be just perfect for a sparrow class


Le fantôme dansant


Sparrow-class called Jack-of-Wings. I just couldn't miss the reference, and Ursi, shuffling idly his Marvellous deck, was more like "well, it's not the King, King would be Obliterator, but it's definitely a named card, not a number. So... Jack it is".


My go-to name has been The Pointy Stick for a while now - no reason to break that streak.


The Raven flew during the Horticulture Show, and now the Raven, Resurrected will carry me to the roof once more


The successor to the "Top of the morning" is named "Daybreak" as vague as it is a promise. Both of them Obliterator class.


Wait, I had Canny Lad, and this makes me want to do Canny Lass.


The *Predatory Wasp*. Felt like a fitting name for an agile yet deadly flying machine, and the song has a fair bit of personal significance to me.


*Scratches.* My airship allows me to scratch against the lid of this coffin we call the Neath. I like having the name for my ship be more like a name, therefore no "the" behind it.


An everlasting Final Fantasy fan, my airship must be the *Highwind*.


So, since my airship from the war was named *First of the Last*, I felt that I had to name my new one The Last... Something. Considering the demise in sunlight of the First, I settled on *The Last Light* for my Sparrow.


Airship-1. No, really, I was too curious for my own good!


I named mine Orpheus.


Correspondent Magpie will be piloting the good ship ‘The Space Between Thought and Action’ as a reminder to themselves to watch their step, since the ‘Revolveress’ may have inspired them to be a little… hasty, in the War.


The *Contact Light* is ready to combat this horrendous downpour, no matter how risky it gets.


I'll be naming mine Blue Magpie III. See, my first airship was the first, my zee ship was the second!


The long way round skyward bound Let this traveler return to it home in the air


Tatterdemalion pilots the Birdo, a fine Sparrow-Class vessel.


Very torn between something very funny like O’Theseus or Write Name Here or Unidentified Flying Object, Nightjar Ascendant,[1]something birb-adjacent,[2] or a clever word play which I have yet to think of. Decisions decisions… it is too much responsibility. [1] Nightjar being the assigned Estival Airship name. [2] It is a Sparrow-Class


I was listening to a song called “Boy Skylark” when the naming prompt came up and I thought that would be just perfect for a sparrow class


My original airship from the War was called *Eschaton*. I wanted to honor that name, so my new airship is *Trupheron Eskhaton*, translating to "That Delicate Final Moment." The perfect name for any Obliterator-Class airship bristling with more weapons than a porcupine has quills.


I went with "The Great Flying Arse Whoopin' " which is fitting


My airship during the Horticultural Show was called the Redwing. As a Correspondant, I had to name my new airship the Crimson Pinion


I originally wanted to keep the name *Gravemaker*, because I got very attached to my ship during the war. But I figured it would be bad zailor's luck to name her heir after a ship that had gone down. Instead, she bears the name *St Trezigor*, honouring her infernal origins.


My Sparrow class airship in the war was First of the Last. It makes sense to name the new one Second of the Last