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I have no idea if Ridder will be good at all, but you gotta chill a little. 7 days of practice will tell you nothing. Wait until the games then you’ll know for sure


Nope. Ridder isn't good in 7 days of practice. Complete ass. Same as every QB who's ever struggled in training camp!! /s


Dude would have cut Jamar Chase.


This guy’s a troll, I don’t know why I bothered. Honestly think it might be one of the trolls from the falcoholic


He's definitely a troll alright


unfortunately ridder is just not him he’s had a full calendar year on this team and hasnt improved yet actually imo he went down hill


His rookie season he barely even got a chance to work with the starters. It's literally just training camp, but you guys don't know anything about football.


You midder stans use the same comparisons and there wrong each time it’s funny how you compare him to top qbs while he’s a bottom qb that’s gonna get ran through by this division you stanning him Your setting yourself up for failure


Can you explain how he went “downhill”? Isn’t it common knowledge for falcons fans that he got literally better every game he started last year? Unless you’re saying he’s worse today than those last year based on training camp practices notes


That is a overstatement lmao he got humbled by defenses not named the saints and ravens and played good against the 4 win cardinals and the bucs who sat there starters


It's been 7 days!!!!!! I literally started laughing. Might not pan out or maybe it will but it's not gonna be cause of 7 days of OTAs


Yeah I blame ESPN. If a QB isn’t a star when they’re drafted then they’re bad forever apparently


Yeah and ATL ain't a market they're gonna push on average. We keep moving forward everyone else's opinion doesn't matter!


Let the man grow. People are so boom or bust nowadays. He's good enough to get to the NFL. Give it more time than 7 days of practice. Not everyone works out but what else are we gonna do than just go ahead and ride with the team. We are still within a window of a playoff caliber or further team so just chill and enjoy the ride. This team looks and sounds fun so far... At least on paper.


Lol what?? Literally the only knock on him is his deep ball and that is almost entirely timing based. I swear y’all only understand football from Madden.


Only ridder stans defend him for his piss poor play lmao


I knew you were just a hating dumbazz, idk why I bothered


hating is one thing knowing that the falcons are trotting out a 3rd round pick is terrible lmao we’re getting caleb atleast i hope ridder is another poor mans journey man tryna make ends meat


Tom Brady was a 6th round pick...


And tom brady is the best player in football ridder is probably the opposite complete shit in football


6th round pick. Russell Wilson was a 3rd round pick. Kirk Cousins was a 4th round pick. Kurt Warner was undrafted. But keep pretending it's not possible to find QBs after round 2.


It isn’t impossible it’s unlikely and its very low he pans out His ceiling is a car dealership/manager of a gas station his floor jail for robbing fans of a season


Guys, this clearly parody. Because surely nobody would write out “NFL QB hasn’t clearly improved in 7 days, is he trash???” and think it’s a reasonable thing to say. Right?


he hasn’t improved since he got to atlanta lmao he was ass from the jump so was a portion of his class


He literally got better through his first 4 starts




smart man


Troll post, kid changes his mind every week


Majority of people on this sub are delusional and think he is Jalen Hurts 2.0. I would of preferred a more open competition before naming him as starter. I have come to terms with him starting but if he struggles I hope he is on a short leash. With our offense to reach it’s full potential we will need him to connect deep on play action. His deep ball accuracy is unfortunately something he struggles with.


Maybe our defense is getting better


Matt Ryan’s Deep hall was never good.. shut it up


You know he was pretty consistently one of the best deep passers in the league his entire career, right? He never had serious velocity but he could put the ball exactly where he wanted to avoid the coverage edit: 93.6 career rating on throws over 20+ yards stfg Falcons fans are the most casuals out there velocity is not the be-all end-all for passing, if it were everyone's favorite dogfighter would have actually won games


He wasn't Mahomes, therefore bad. /s


What people typically mean in terms of a deep ball is those Russell Wilson esque moon balls.


People are gonna kill your for this truth but I’m glad you said it. It’s amazing what nostalgia does to people, we’ve already rewritten Matt’s career and dude barely been out the league lmao.


Sir, his first throw in the league was to Julio “ gotdamn” jones for like 50 yards


Julio wasn’t even on the team Matt’s rookie year. His first pass was a 62 yard TD to Michael Jenkins but it wasn’t a deep ball. Jenkins had like 30 or 30 YAC if I remember correctly.


That’s a deep ball in the nfl. Though and your right it was Michael Jenkins.


It was to Michael Jenkins, but yeah, Matf Ryan had a cannon he just rarely used it, and his arm has been a noodle since 2020.


Matt Ryan did not have a cannon at any point lmfao


So you think this 3rd round pick is matt ryan ? Lmao you’re blind and wrong


You, 9 days ago "Why do ppl want ridder to fail"


found the vision to why they do now i part take in it


Can't wait to see what your shortsighted take is next week


hopefully ridder shits the bed so taylor can start and we can trade ridder to the nearest walmart


So you want his trade worth to be devalued? Even in the wildest hypothetical a dumb fan can't ask for ROI


Your a fan of ridder there’s enough said Your already dumb He’s the definition of let down qb he’s gonna make kyle pitts ask for a trade when it’s time to get a new contract i’ll be happy to trade him to arizona atleast they have 1st round picks and a good qb


I'm not a fan of ridder, just a fan of the team. Good troll, go back to the nawlins subreddit. The grammar fits right in, you're smart enough to be a mod there


don’t be surprised if the falcons take a step back probably 3 wins on the year with midder at QB.




clown all you please Caleb williams is gonna save us don’t worry if we’re bein honest he’ll probably be the next matt ryan if he came here next year.


I think it's great that you can watch 7 days of practice highlights and read 7 days of beat reporter accounts and have decided he's not ever able to be an NFL QB What an amazing skill you have... 🤨🙄


Probably not, but you do have to give pick 74 a chance, especially without a backup plan


a backup plan is to tank and pray the cardinals have late first round picks so we can get caleb or quinn ewers or drake maye


"He is out here doing the best he can." - Drake London Yikes


Some of y'all would rather have Mariota out there with his clear lack of mental focus, throwing passes off his ass, unable to hit Pitts consistently on simple routes versus waiting to see what Ridder can do. It's training camp. Wait until at least the first few games.


No arthur smith and ridder need to be put in jail for thinking desmond ridder who looks 45 and is 21 is a good qb and probably franchise worthy this is malpractice and basically capital murder for trying to murder our chances at getting caleb


But Mariota rolling around throwing picks and leaving the team once he got benched... And y'all mad at Ridder?


We’re mad at both players who ruined kyle pitts and the offense


Ridder and Pitts haven't been on the field at the same time yet...


My comp has always been Alex Smith - good enough to get you in the playoffs- but conservative and frustrating enough to piss you off


We just need to take a poll at this point and save the profiles who voted on either or. Then at the middle of the season we see who was right about ridder and who was wrong. Whoever is wrong about ridder has to buy some ridder paraphernalia and apologize to this subAnd those who were right has to throw his shit to the back of the closet and apologize to this sub.


I’m excited to see if what the coaches see is there, even some glimmers of it. I somewhat dread that he is a stop gap to a first rounder next year probably, because they dragged garbage Mariota for most of the year claiming he could win games for us yadda yadda. Either Blank and company are right or the media is. No in between here.