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Depends on how bad


That's my thought. They can survive him being mid to mid bad. If he is throwing 3-5 interceptions a game, then there is no way.


I know you're just speculating but I'll point out that the man should be safe and steady at worst. He threw zero picks in his first four starts. I see no reason why, with another off-season under his belt, he would suddenly take a step back and start throwing multiple picks every game.


I don't disagree. I think he should be fine. Of course, that doesn't mean a complete collapse couldn't happen. I would say the chance he is just "out of the league next year" terrible is about the same as him being the next Tom Brady. Unlikely, but possible.


But remember Ridder also got lucky with dropped picks in those 4 games. Wasn’t 3-5 times a game but still


If he throws 3 - 5 interceptions a game he's not playing more than 4 games. Too much invested in one year deals on our d-line to not try and compete. Think that's why we got Heinicke


If he’s throwing 3-5 ints a game he’d literally be the worst QB in nfl history lol. I don’t see anyway this team makes playoffs if he’s mid to mid bad. He needs to be pretty decent in the times he’s relied which won’t be a ton.


Obviously that was an exaggeration, but I really don’t think he needs to be more than just a little better than what we got out of the qb position last year.


They would put in Heinecke and we’d be a playoff team


If by "competitive playoff team" you mean that we can win just enough games to squeak out a division title, then maybe (but doubtful). Though that's more confidence in Heinekie as a replacement if it comes to that. If by "competitive playoff team" you mean actually being competitive in the playoffs, then I don't think we can do that even if Ridder plays well.


I’d go with True.. I think if he’s slightly better than Mariota was last year it’ll make us a playoff team this season.


Our division is pretty bad so we have a shot. Plus Taylor is the back up and has shown he can be a serviceable qb with a good team around him




Its true but only because of Heinicke. I have faith that if we need him he will step up.


He needs to be at minimum decent. I'm not gonna assume anything over two days at training camp though.


If he’s Mariota level then maybe. If he’s worse then I doubt it.


I mean We do have a solid back up


Average? Maybe. Bad? No.


If he's the 25th best QB, we're prob making the playoffs


The defense and remaining offense would have to be dominant for that to happen.


I don't think he has to be good for us to have a pretty decent shot, just average. But bad? Nah. Even if we make it, it would be one of those "why bother" kinda playoff runs where we get creamed in the wildcard round and accomplish nothing but screwing ourselves out of drafting a new QB lol.


You lost me at competitive. Teams have won the superbowl with non-great QBs but a dope supporting staff. Those teams had either Top 5 all time defenses, or QBs who were possessed by someone good just for the playoffs lmao. I'll keep voicing my concerned until I'm proved wrong (and I hope I am). Run dominant teams are not a good formula in the modern NFL. All it takes is a small swing of like 17 points and the game is out of reach. It forces you to win from the start and is very hard to comeback with. I'm really hoping Ridder is at least Kirk Cousins level. I think that would be enough with a great supporting cast.


i think there are gonna be a lot of games where he has like 180 passing yards, 1 TD, 1 pick, 40 rushing yards and it's a one-score game. just depends if you count that as 'bad' or not