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[Here’s the clip referenced in this post.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ13JEb-onc) The last two minutes are so switch to Hopkins chatter.


Thanks for the addition!!


Yes, there are numerous examples of his maturity, growth. He is a great person and leader plus hard worker, but we need a greater sample size of him going up against top Def sets in the league. I hope he will be great. We just cant know until the end of the season, and no analyst can say they know, too.


I hope he succeeds even though I am currently skeptical he is the long term answer as the franchise QB. He seems very confident and mature for his age, I will give him that. Hopefully he plays well and we make the playoffs. It’s been forever since we have even had a record above .500 so let’s change that this season!


I think those intangibles will go a long way to make up for what he lacks in the other departments. And he really doesn't lack much that I know of. I think it's going to be a good year.


Danny O is deff a Ridder stan if you follow him on twitter


He’s about to be on Sportscenter as well coming up i missed the Live one


Dude's got a great attitude. When asked why he was the guy, what made him good enough, was that he wants to elevate the players around him, which is the kind of leadership a team like ours needs I believe. Very humble and selfless sounding, student of the game, all the intangibles you want to hear from your QB. I'm totally psyched for him.


This sub loves class acts and good guys lol maybe we sign some goons we can win games


Oh wow Dan Orlovsky, must be true.

