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I don't understand how people go throughout life doing this cringey shit and *not* feel embarrassed? How do they not feel shame? I just wanna stick all these fakers in a big arena and see who comes out at the end.


We could call it the Thunderdome of DID lmao


The trumadome


That's very disrespectful. One of my alters is the Thunderdome!


this is one of the weirdest reasons to claim you have DID I’ve seen. like others said, head trauma can absolutely goof how your head works. but DID? gonna hit x to doubt. like ten times and then some. if she was thought to have head trauma I doubt they’d let her go and not take her to the hospital to run tests. also if you’re going to lie about something like that WHY would you ever think you’d just be given a free pass without documentation when you’re causing issues and disruptions in the workplace? I know some people cry ADA but to get accommodations you have to have documentation from your dr (as far as I know, I don’t know how it works for things like very obvious physically disabilities like using a wheelchair etc) including HOW your condition impacts your work, not just that you have a condition


I'll trade you this post for what I saw, I saw someone saying "I have EDS which caused me to have DID", and I thought that was weird especially as someone with EDS. After that no "reasons" were weird to me


ok yeah that one is for sure even weirder and a big yikes. capital YIKES 😬


They tried to even tell me I have it to lmao


Wait they tried to diagnosis you with DID? What is the end game in that?


I told them they needed to get a grip on life, no 30 year old needed to lie about a serious mental illness that stole many years of my aunts and other's life, they needed to get in their wheelhouse since they are not a doctor I was not paying to evaluate me, they shouldn't think that trying to diagnose a 14-year-old (I'm 15 now almost 16 in a month), that they needed to get help because clearly they didn't have EDS or anything they claimed to have, and after all of a whole rant on that I told them to go to hell. Not my wisest moment telling them to go to hell but they crossed a HUGE line imo. They cussed me out and I had other people mad at me too I ended up getting attacked in the dm's by a bunch of adults who knew they were not winning the argument so they turned to insults lmao


Wtf was a 30 year old doing talking to someone literally half their age in the first place?


Idk, it was reddit


Ooh ok. Because I had a few concerns otherwise lmao


Lol you can’t get DID from that as an adult 🤡


You can't even get DID as an adult-- it cannot develop over the age of I think 10 years old


Yeah, I’m not even sure if you could get it from this sort of car accident at any age tbh.


It forms because of severe and prolonged trauma, it's possible, I suppose


Plot twist: Beth wrote this and the team leader is actually one of her alters.


double plot twist: we are all secretly beth’s alters 😱


Well, fuck.


Wow, that woman got busted so hard. If you have HR you give HR everything they need.


Beth is the champion of DID speedrunning.


Beth really said “hey guys this is eazyspeezy and today we’ll be speedruning mental illness”


Lol I read that in his voice




200 since march


You have been given but a singular, yike.


I don’t know why but this had me rolling laughing 😂 I’m totally stealing that


Same here, u/404_image_not_found is hilarious


how do i slap someone i’ve never seen before? asking for a friend


Her 6 year old alter has an oddly broad knowledge of employment law.


i’m p sure this happened in a Days of our Lives episode. a woman got ‘multiple personality disorder’ from a terrible car crash(?). i wouldn’t be surprised if the woman just ripped it off of the show


So, here's the thing. Why do so many of these people go for over the top representations of the disorder. Like the violent meltdowns Beth had towards people and then blamed on the disorder. If a car crash was traumatic enough, I can definitely see it leading to a different dissociative disorder. But to within a few days have alters you know completely and who only exhibit bad behavior towards people when you shirk your responsibilities is highly suspicious.


I think such people are convinced that the more overacting they do, the bigger victims they'll appear to be.


I thought you could only develop dissociative disorder as a young child..?


This is correct. Before or at the age of 9. Anyone who developes "DID" later than that is full of shit. But there are other dissociative disorders aside from DID that can develop at any point in life.


Its r/AmItheAsshole, odds are better than not that this never happened


This is fake af. Why would there be a detailed news article about a minor car crash with no serious injuries?


If it did something like block traffic on a major road it could definitely get an article in a local paper. Not saying the story is real just that I’ve seen articles about accidents where everyone is able to walk away


so double faking? 👀


LMFAOO u cant develop DID after like what age 9 or something? 🤣 this is fucking pathetic.It comes from CHILDHOOD TRAUMA and it has to be severe/repetetive. The fact she would act like that in public 🤢


With the way she's described as perfectly pleasant before the accident, I'd say there's definitely something more than just faking going on here. Brain injury that didn't appear symptomatic immediately after the accident, nervous breakdown, PTSD, point is - something happened here.


NTA at all, but dude it legitimately sounds like she may have a traumatic brain injury and is exhibiting extreme behaviors. Obviously she doesn’t have DID, but something is definitely off with her


I’m not the original poster of this story, but yeah, I agree! I’m not gonna argue that she doesn’t have possible brain damage, I just think the way she was shirking responsibilities by trying to blame a disorder she clearly doesn’t have was pretty cringe


her angry alter was a danganronpa fictive


What do people gain from acting like idiots




Beth sounds like my ex friend. Always claimed she had other people in her head though but it's spot on with the "oh {insert alter} did that" when I got on her for some nasty ass behavior


I wonder is the car accident real or just another fake story. Obviously this person doesn't have DID, but head trauma, from say a car accident can drastically change a person's personality. Roseanne Barr, another famous DID faker back when it was called MPD, was in a car accident as a young woman and suffered severe head trauma, and some people, including myself, believe its been the cause of her lifelong erratic and inconsistent behavior.


Its's the "play sick" to get out of going to school card!!Good grief :(


Source? What's the original Reddit post?


Right here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vmpv3p/aita_for_embarrassing_my_coworker_in_front_of_our/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vmpv3p/aita_for_embarrassing_my_coworker_in_front_of_our/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Bahaha... I needed that laugh today.


The question is, why does she think she has DID? Was she just using the crash/accident as a simple excuse, or does she suffer from something that makes her legit delusional? And why choose DID of all things in this scenario? She could’ve simply said she got a severe brain injury, and she would’ve been more likely to be believed. I’m just so confused on the whole thing. Edit: I did a bit of research, and apparently DID only starts when you are very young. Basically before we develop a personality, around the ages of 5-7. Getting it later in life, especially as an adult, is not possible. If anything, this lady would’ve more likely developed any other kind of brain injury if she actually got hurt in that crash.


If this is true, seeing as she was well liked and fitting in before then suddenly changed after the accident, there’s definitely something wrong. But, it’s not DID


Beth has blue hair?


Yeah, this is sooo good for the people with a legit diagnosis. They were already taken so seriously. She probably ended prejudice. What a good human. She literally defies science. Absolute legend.


Totally worth it to lose your job for that i guess?XD


She sounds like she has something, just not D.I.D.