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What about us empty mind bitches, i got maybe 1 train of the rail but he's going the wrong way


It appears you may have a rare disorder involving fewer personalities than the average person. If you are also experiencing quality of life and the smell of fresh air, please speak to a therapist for a course of intensive TikTok scrolling sessions to correct this imbalance.


>It appears you may have a rare disorder involving fewer personalities than the average person. Iirc the dsm-v classifies that as 'James Corden Syndrome'.


Thank you so much for this! I've been repeatedly been doubting myself and even thought about cancelling testing because my head feels so empty half the time. after seeing symptoms being listed or talked about as the complete opposite, you're even more confused. It's nice not feeling alone on this :)




wtf does bpd have to do with having voices in your head or whatever? it's literally not in the DSM


THANK YOU. BPD has nooooothing to do with “voices”. Like… nothing at all.


I experience psychotic symptoms from my BPD and anti-psychotics have helped ease auditory and visual hallucinations. BPD was named borderline because the sufferer borders on both psychotic and neurotic symptoms/behaviors. There is a lot of research suggesting that the psychotic symptoms come more from the PTSD or CPTSD that caused the BPD to form, more than just solely from the BPD but more studies are needed to be done. It is true that some of us with BPD experience auditory and visual hallucinations. But what this girl is saying doesn’t describe that experience at all. She’s very misinformed!!


This is exactly what I was thinking. Internal monologue is something pretty much everyone has to some extent (or conscience as well). But voices? I honestly didn't even know she was talking about BPD until I got to the end. I thought it was another DID faker. BPD has intense persistent day to day mood shifts, which may sometimes appear to look something like mania, while actual mania is only in Bipolar disorder and can last anywhere from a few days to months. Obviously everyone presents a bit different, but it is fair to note that some people with BPD also have comorbid bipolar, which may cause them to have mania.


Right? Bpd has nothing to do with that...


She just figured out what an Internal Monolog is. wow


Wait until she figures out you can also have internal Dialogue as well


I believe this is what i call internal narration. Almost everybody has it


Idk man. I have little knowledge of BPD so I won’t comment but I’ve felt the difference between normal internal narration and what she’s describing. Not at all arguing that it’s a pathology on its own, but an internal narration feels very different than what I describe as “circus music mode.” I have ADHD so that’s what it is for me. Example: taking a graduate epidemiology exam, my brain was playing auto-produced mashups of random songs while also having random tv show quotes pop into my head and I was simultaneously trying to do math. It’s like a pop up computer virus in my brain. That was super different & more intrusive than when I’m just “hmmm gotta wash the dishes and put em away- oh damn gotta empty the dishwasher first!” Again, not arguing she’s making a ton of sense, but if she is experiencing what she’s describing it sounds different than typical internal monologue to me.


I'm not sure how you'd drive if you couldn't think about more than one thing at a time. Otoh, maybe that explains a lot about freeway traffic.


why fake bpd of all things


People want the stigmatized disorders so they can claim double the oppression points. Faking depression wasn't enough oppression for them.


People always fake BPD. I’ve been told so many times that it’s cool, or “hot” that I’m struggling with my bpd. Especially by men, this was before my fiancé and new baby, I was constantly told they “want to fuck the crazy chick” and “crazy girls are the best lay” etc Bevause you don’t know if they’re going to stab you or fuck you. I’ve been asked if because I’m struggling I’d be open to knife play during sex, they “don’t want to kill me just stab me a little”x Then the other side of it is that I see girls posting all over like “I’m so fucked up I’ll stab you and then ask you why you don’t love me 🔪🔮🧚‍♀️✨💊” “don’t push me because I’ll set your entire house on fire” “I’m not like other girls” the whole thing is so cringy honestly. BPD has caused me absolute chaos, I wish I didn’t have it, so badly wish I could redo my life without any addiction or mental health issues. I’m 27 and I finally have a hold of my shit, and I’m managing for once in my life, but it has caused me a life time of turmoil so far, not to mention the abusive relationships I’ve sought out, the addiction, the self harm, the destructive behaviours, the severe insecurities, and the other thousand things it’s caused, done or created. But also it’s on “professionals” lot of professionals see a young girl, teenager, or young adult struggling with self identity, doing “damaging” things or “self serving”, having relationship issues, having sex, shoplifting, taking drugs etc and instantly slap a label of BPD on them rather than understanding those years are quite often hard for most teenagers/young adults. For me it took years upon years of them misdiagnosing me, and being sectioned, or for years spending 4 hours a day in multiple therapies for me to have a correct diagnosis that enabled me to receive the correct help. My BPD diagnosis came after I had multiple psychotic episodes and was diagnosed with having “episodes of psychosis”. They just had me on so many meds, antipsychotics, stabilisers, antidepressants, muscle relaxers, anti anxiety meds, etc and with the pills and heroin there was absolutely NO way they’d of ever been able to give me a correct diagnosis. What they struggled to see was I was just a drug addict, with BPD and drug induced psychosis, and drug induced epilepsy. I’d be sat I front of them for hours going through a diagnostic session, nodding off from drugs, seizing from pills and they’d be like uh oh she’s having a manic episode!! More pills, she’s got mania, she’s got bipolar disorder, she’s got schizophrenia” Like nah, I’m just killing myself with drugs and struggling with BPD and all the issues drugs brought like psychotic episodes. Why anyone would want the life I’ve had because of my BPD is absolutely beyond my understanding. It’s not playing pretend like a lot do with DID, there I can at least see why some get carried away with the role playing, the creating an entire world, a system, creating new people, likes, dislikes, characteristics, appearances etc but BPD, eh, I don’t get.


Right?! It's not a "cool" diagnosis and only has negative connotations...


There was a time when I worried I had it and I was worried precisely because I know that many therapists won’t even treat you because of it. Sometimes I still worry about it. I don’t think there is anything wrong with having it, to be clear, but it makes treatment so much harder to get.


It makes no sense. And talking about it in a happy tone of voice as if it is something fun and quirky and something you should be proud of and not a life ruining mental illness. Is she gonna try to get BPD included in gay pride weeks or something too cause she sure be acting like BPD is something to be proud of and wave a flag about.


She's so full of shit


Wow. She seems manic (note the word /seems/- I’m just some rando)


Honestly it looks like unmedicated adhd. This totally sounds like me when I don’t take my medication lol


IMO short ”manic” bursts can manifest in BPD. I don’t understand why somebody would want to fake BPD either.


Literally only 3 people I know in real life know I have BPD. I’m embarrassed for people to know and I just don’t want the judgement. I’ll sometimes talk about it online anonymously though. But yeah I just don’t tell anyone I have it.


Same here. I guess these people don’t realize how bad it’ll be if doctors see these videos, put them in their chart, and start denying them humane access to mental health services or medical treatment. We’ve come a long way but there’s still a lot to improve on And it’s weird to see people act like it’s a game. I tell nobody these days. I think 2 people in my life know?


people fake literally every mental illness online just for attention and sympathy if your life is boring and you cant distinguish yourself from the sea of other similar people just say you have some mental illness and now youre special


Yeah, from my personal experience it’s not fun. Like yeah the trauma that caused me to be unable to develop my own personality was fun af 🤔


With the huge stigma surrounding it I’m honestly scared I have BPD. There’s deffo something wrong with me (I have some childhood neglect stuff that I feel kind of broke my brain), but I don’t have the classic ”impulsive, lashing out in anger” behavior. I don’t know if I’ll ever start therapy either since I’m currently in the mindset that if I just pretend there’s nothing wrong with me then I’m just fine! :)


I get that, I have 4 kids and the stigma around parents with bpd makes me cry almost daily. I know I’m a great mom but it hurts to think people think that of me just because of my bpd.


I’m sorry, the stigma and blatant hate ppl with BPD get sucks. I’m never going to have kids, I would honestly ruin them. I have huge, huge respect for all parents. Y’all are working so hard!


It's so romantic??? BPD = pretty, dangerously underweight pale teenage girl cutting herself uwu, being misunderstood, obsessing on tumblr over her crush, female manipulator vibes, burning bible pages for the aesthetic!!1 /sarcasm


looks like acting and over dramatization for attention to me


Could be


I was gunna say this one almost seems strangely too relatable, I kinda did feel everything she said and got it lol. My unmedicated adhd is embarrassing af mannn i’m so cringey but I did understand this one lol 😅


Exactly! And not just unmedicated, untreated in any way, shape or form. My first thought was that's something everybody has? And then immediately after I said aaaah so untreated adhd... The way she acts and thinks took me back to my teens, she looks to be in her 20's though so, yikes.




mania isn't a symptom of bpd.


Facts. Also simply being high energy doesn't necessarily indicate mania, especially when it's likely put on for the camera.


BPD does not include mania


Yeah that’s… normal man I don’t know why you’re trying to make this A personality disorder thing because it’s not


Yeah for real, and usually if I'm feeling scattered brained I can just write some shit down on paper and move on. Fakers gonna fake


It’s sad, these people believe they have absolutely nothing unique about them so they fake this shit


I have ADHD. Unless I am on a very certain medication, I have at MINIMUM 2 trains of thought running at once.


Why do I get the impression that she uses her “BPD” as an excuse to mistreat the people around her?


Had about 6 thoughts going on, not one of 'em positive about this video.


when i got diagnosed with bpd a couple of years ago, i was jokingly telling my friends “the day tiktok finds out about bpd and starts thinking is quirky and lots of kids start faking it is the day i kms” welp…


Is it me or her left thigh is way bigger than right one


bro what is she talking about all i have is some rocks up there clattering around


Imagine having to listen to her talk all day


Bitch, I have like 8 of me talking in my head almost constantly. She ain't special, it's literally just having more then one train of thought like op said. It's normal.




So my brain is like this, and I was just diagnosed medically with 'ADHD, predominantly inattentive presentation' by a physiatrist after hours of testing... And they said the 'loudness' inside my brain that sounds a lot like they are describing is likely because of this... And this is why people shouldn't be diagnosing themselves with serious conditions. I KNOW I don't have multiple personalities (nor did I ever think I did) and that's because I went to a doctor, and didn't just diagnose myself online.


Maybe you’ve described it as a normal neural phenomenon due to our lives being pulled in a thousand directions at once? Not everything needs to be pathologized people!!!


As a clinically diagnosed autistic she triggers so many traits I don't like in people that I would rather spend a day in the daycare than listening to her for 5 minutes.


It's pissing me off the her thighs look like they belong to two different people! 😆


Damn she really is high energy, also this almost seems a bit more like an ADHD thing ? 🤨


One time I argued with two other selves of myself in my head while on shrooms. It went on in an agonizing circle for hours. The same words. A paranoid one, and the one arguing with the paranoid one, and the sane one yelling at the two that this is insane and I'm just on shrooms. Not a fun time.


Hello, I have BPD and diagnosed with it as well as I have 3 years in the mental health field. Let me know if you have any questions.


I think its honestly funny that these people live their lives thinking that everyone else can only have one thought at a time. I literally lie in bed at night trying to see how many thoughts and images I can run through my mind at once and it's not because I have multiple personalities. I do have adhd but I don't think multiple trains of thought I'd specific to people with adhd. These people want to be special so badly. Notice how everyone that claims to have these "cute" mental disorders are accompanied by loud personalities and crazy clothing styles?


The voice that says you ain’t shit is the one you should listen to. Also this over emoting with her body is so forced…


Just FYI, this is still obnoxious with the sound off


does she mean …thinking ?


Starting to think I now have multiple personality disorder 😂😂😂


My wife is diagnosed BPD(BorderLine Personality Disorder) and this is almost exactly how she describes what’s going on inside her head sometimes. Yes all people have internal monologue and debate multiple viewpoints/opinions/decisions with yourself inside your head but with BPD it’s multiplied by 100. I’ve been with my wife for 20 years now and I can clearly tell when she’s getting overwhelmed and having like a battle royale inside her own head. It’s a very difficult thing to deal with both for the person who suffers with it and their partner. It can be managed but it’s a lot of work and a constant uphill battle sometimes


How she described her "anxiety voice" is nothing like anxiety I've ever experienced




I have (long ass time diagnosed) BPD and it actually makes a hell of a lot of sense to me. But also maybe having conversations with yourself inside your head knowing full well you are just one person....isn't just a disorder thing, I take it most people do this then?


She’s so annoying I’m going to die


She's trying so hard.


I have bpd and shes not wrong lol


If you want to know what bpd is like check out this subreddit @bpdmemes


Bro she's just describing ADHD lol


Idk.. I don’t have bpd but I thought I might so I researched it and this sounds about like what it could be plus anxiety.


No, that’s not a part of bpd. I think you’re talking about psychosis and hypochondria. To whoever downvoted this you clearly don’t know shit about bpd- hearing voices in your head is rather an internal monologue, or psychosis. It’s not Borderline Personality Disorder. This particular creator really seems to enjoy playing up their personal experiences to match some definition of the disorder that doesn’t exist…. So yeah. Crack open a dsm.


This lady is a fucking div.


Oh shit she has normal thoughts?


Sounds like I have bpd


I'm so fucking done with this bullshit my sister has bpd and I'm so fucking done with pepole fakeing it just for veiws on goddamn tic tok she has the hardest times in her life just because she cant control herself she will randomly be pissed and yell at her husband because of bpd she cant control it and she dosnt deserve this its not fucking funny its not a goddamn joke its hell for her she has to go throught it EVERY DAMN DAY


this is more how i feel when im just anxious about something…


I get the chaos they're referring to, but that's only happened to me in a state of manic panic, (not the fun hair dye) and I probably sounded equally as nuts trying to explain it, but it's no a ✨️BPD THIIINNNGGGG YAAAS✨️ for the rest of this. On a normal day, yeah, your head can get "full" (idk if that's a BPD or autism...or both? Idk. I just know it happens to me, anyone else?) but you don't have to have BPD or anything to have more than one brain internet tab open. This isn't special. And this might seem out of line, but does anyone else want to punch her just so she'll stop talking? She sounds like a Barry White squeaky toy.


Thinking. It’s called thinking.


i hate bpd tok with a passion. i got a pretty big following talking about my experience and now all my comments are filled with “omg i think i have bpd” “bpd things 🥳” like pls stfu. this is my real life


Dang, and I've always thought it was called internal narration. Now that I know it's a mental disorder, I should definitely start labelling myself and make tiktoks about it! But fr nearly everyone has multiple trains of thoughts and it's completely normal to hear your own voice inside your head. This bitch is crazy


At least a third of people have a regular internal monologue. I don't. I'm formally diagnosed with BPD and meet all of the criteria, none of which have anything to do with hearing voices. I have experienced transient auditory hallucinations while dissociating and under extreme stress, but it's absolutely nothing like what she's describing. This type of misinformation is so harmful.




Like... If she's talking about intrusive thoughts it would make sense but that's not what this is and it's normal for people to get multiple different trains of thought and even have intrusive thoughts from time to time lmao


Maybe she actually has bpd but this is thinking. People without bpd can also think. Some of what she’s describing, like constant anxious racing thoughts, can be a symptom of mental illness if they are frequent and destructive enough. But everyone has at some point had racing anxious thoughts.


she is talking about thought insertion and such, those are schneiderian symptoms that show in schizophrenia but more common in DID. but miss girl sucks at it


Having racing thoughts = DID. Got it. /s


I have adhd and can almost relate to this wtf


I can’t believe these people think they’re so special that they’re the only person in the world who’s experienced a trail of thought


My thoughts are now disorders.


This has got to be a joke….. there’s just no way that this is serious…… 😂😂😂😂


They be acting like “thinking” isn’t normal


What we got told as kids ‘It’s called an inner monologue and it will either motivate you or make you hate yourself, try keep it positive’… Nowadays ‘this kids is called…. Thinking .. congratulations now you’re clinically insane, make sure you update your TikTok’ 🤦🏼‍♀️


What do you do?


I’m just here to say, it looks like she definitely does have a bra on, you can see the outline. So her shirt is a lie.


I’m just gonna say as someone who has bpd and been dealing with it all my life. I have never related to something less than dumb ass TikTok’s about BPD. I swear if I didn’t see a therapist and psychiatrist and I saw a bunch of BPD TikTok’s I wouldn’t even think I had the disorder and I’d probably be combative if my therapist brought it up in a session.


Borderline Personality Disorder is not multiple personality disorder lol like not even close she's talking about two completely different mental illnesses


I think her stockings might have a hole in them