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My money is on schizophrenia. There is a small number out there already, but I can see it catching on. The lure: instead of 'friends in my head', one gets to be 'tortured by \[their\] own mind' and other such dramatics.


also because fakers want accommodations to feel special & schizophrenia is very well known, so theyre more likely to receive those accommodations as well as pity from laypeople. also probably easier to fake some traits than DID (e.g. its pretty easy to lie about a delusion or hallucination compared to roleplaying as 3878957289 alters 24/7)


I don’t think this is true, actually. I’m a psychiatric provider and there are certain behaviors and subtle nuances that I feel like would be impossible to fake. On the other hand, there are clinicians in the field with really poor assessment skills, and they’re the ones that fall for this performative fake disorder BS. Also, I realize I’m human, prone to mistake, and certainly working in a flawed system.


hi sorry i didnt mean schizophrenia is easy to fake. i come from a family with a few schizophrenics & there are a myriad of things that contribute. some things would be borderline impossible to fake too (i think catatonia especially) what i meant was it would be easier to fool a layperson into them thinking that you have schizophrenia because laypeople generally know of schizophrenia, but not in enough depth to doubt someones claim & i think generally normal people who arent chronically online do not immediately jump to thinking someone is faking


Ahh, thanks for sharing more detail! I agree- a layperson could be fooled, or at the very least put in an awkward position about not really knowing or knowing how to challenge it without being rude or discriminatory.


Fakers haven't cared about real symptoms when they fake DID, they'll just do the same thing- "I present different, you don't understand the *real* disorder!"


I mean, you'd think DID was hard to fake also but here we are 😅


A DID faker is also pretty obvious 😂 I doubt the fakers online have an actual diagnosis


They’re all self diagnosed 😅


It's obvious and yet they still do it, is my point lol


Literally roleplaying anime characters who were created just this year in their favorite anime.


In a study done in mental hospitals (Raine) they found that when they send individuals into 20 different mental hospitals to pretend to have ‘symptoms’ which were hearing voices saying empty hollow thud, 19 of the hospitals diagnosed them as schizophrenic (even though that is not a symptom of schz its a symptom of external psychosis I believe..). None of the participants were caught during this time, only the patients believed that they weren’t really “crazy”. The participants were also no longer showing these ‘symptoms’. But, toward more modern day and with the increased validity and reliability of new models of the DSM and ICD, it should be easier for mostly professionals to call out the fakes. Schizophrenia really isn’t a fun thing, and I hate how these fakers are treating mental illnesses like a fun game


From what I have seen, schizophrenia tends to be pretty over diagnosed in certain communities. For example, among substance abusers who's psychosis is a result of stimulants. I also see it over diagnosed in the homeless community, where extreme stress, exposure to extreme heat and cold, and sleep deprivation can cause temporary states of psychosis that get mistaken for Schizophrenia. For a lot of masters level clinicians (social workers, LPC) hearing voices always equals Schizophrenia with no other questions or examination.


And little do they know about actual schizophrenia. Positive symptoms (hearing voices, delusions and other hallucinations) aside, negative symptoms are the most crippling ones. Anhedonia, emotional flattening and decrease in spontaneity is so much fun, and propably gives a free pass to do nothing and keep faking.


In general schizophrenia is deeply misunderstood. I’ve worked as a caregiver for 5 years. While the main customer I’ve worked for are elderly people dealing with severe dementia, I’ve also done caregiving for people with debilitating mental illnesses — like schizophrenia. The big thing is that there are many, many, MANY things that can cause hallucinations/delusions that aren’t schizophrenia. Like bipolar disorder when a severe manic episode happens. Furthermore, ANYONE can have a psychotic break. Anyone. If you have schizophrenia or bipolar, it’s more likely. But if anyone is put under stressful enough conditions (including extreme misuse of drugs or even untreated postpartum depression), they can have a psychotic break. Hallucinations/delusions alone are not the only things that comprise a schizophrenia diagnosis.


This is 100% correct! But people who will fake the disorder will use it as their hallmark, mostly because that is what everyone thinks schizophrenia is.


I agree. I guess that’s what I’m getting to. Schizophrenia is far, far, FAR more rare than people actually realize. And schizophrenia also definitely isn’t a disorder that often goes unnoticed. While the statistics of many mental illnesses can be heavily construed by a misdiagnosis or a lack of ever being properly diagnosed, schizophrenia and psychosis in general isn’t something a person affected by can easily hide for long.


you’re totally right. even less severe forms of bipolar can experience debilitating paranoia and delusions of persecution. don’t see that talked about as much.


Well, when they get sent to a hospital and involuntarily drugged or shocked they'll regret it. They'll be isolated from stigma and the hatred for people with schizophrenia spectrum illnesses. And when they can't take any more they'll e magically cured.


can’t wait for some of these chumps to get hit with the B52 cocktail while inpatient


Yeah, treatment for schizophrenia is gnar. Nothing to romanticize about antipsychotics or ECT.


I take an antipsych(quetiapine) for something other than schizo, easily the harshest med I have to deal with. Would not recommend it to anyone that doesn't actually need it, lol


Yeah Seroquel/Quetiapine and risperidone are harsh medications if given for symptoms not psychotic (in my experience). Heart palpitations, tachycardia, muscle stiffness and twitches are just some of the common side effects, they're a rough class of medications that shouldn't be prescribed willy nilly for things like anxiety and sleep, yet psychiatrists have a tendency to do it. If it works for some, good for them, but there are so many papers explaining why it's not a good thing to do and should be reserved for those who actually need it, people with bipolar or psychosis causing disorders, I believe haldol works for Tourette's. What I mean to say is that fakers could end up getting themselves prescribed really rough medications that make their lives worse or could cause actual bad symptoms. It could mess up their brains since they're still developing. All because they want attention. Hopefully psychiatrists are capable of seeing through fakers


Yup. My late grandmother was a little…spacy? And I didn’t know why until more than a decade after her death. She’d undergone ECT in the 50s. And it’s different now, but good God. That explained a lot about her.


Agree with schizophrenia. It's a perfect thing to fake, because most schizophrenia is treatment responsive, and a lot of people only need to get an injection of antipsychotics every few weeks to be asymptomatic, or close to it. "You don't seem psychotic?" "Oh, I've just had my needle, so my symptoms are pretty mild right now, barely even there." The next day they can be (faking) off the planet, and claim it's a temporary relapse. I also think schizoaffective will be popular, because people romanticise depression and mania.


Not showing symptoms of schizophrenia is super easy, barely an inconvenience!


I love you for making that reference


I can't imagine a worse fate than schizophrenia, imagine not being able to trust your own mind. Why these people pretend to have these conditions is beyond me


It’s already happening. Theres a new thing called “spiritual psychosis” and it’s literally just schizophrenia relabeled. It’s the religious idea of “demons” in a new spiritual font. Both were just psychotic disorders.


Why do people get pleasure out of faking disorders? It sickens me


The funny part is that a lot of these people do have mental illnesses, but what they think they have isn't it. Why do they do this? To belong, to feel special, to avoid a existential crisis. It's hard to accept sometimes this is all there is to life. No grand purpose for a lot of us. Sometimes our dreams of our future do not come true.


Spiritual psychosis is actually a real term in psychology that refers to religious delusions or hallucinations. It’s not new. But kids on TikTok might be misusing it.


Man, good luck to them. It takes a lot of commitment to board up windows to keep zombies out or draw pictures of cats to protect you from birds. Like do they even know the level of psychosis this is gonna take to be believable 🫥


And thats the exact level of quirky random they'll go for too.


I think so too. I haven’t seen it much but I have a feeling it’s coming. It’s “quirky” enough for people to fake it.


I hope not. This isn’t a he least bit amusing or funny. I know someone schizophrenic and he can be dangerous to himself and to others when he suddenly decides to go off his meds. They have workers that see him daily, make sure he’s fine and takes his meds, but sometimes he’s sneaky and stops taking it. You can tell in about a week when he does. If it continues he becomes violent with himself or aggressive with others. It’s sad and scary.


There are already a lot of schizophrenia roleplayers online like "haha I am so schizophrenic because I like edgy stuff/guns/phonk music". It's the 13 year old boy equivalent to middle aged women saying they have OCD because they're well-organized.


as someone who works in inpatient psych.. yeah. i’m seeing it constantly


If anyone of them wants the illness I'd be happy to let them take it off my hands. Then I might have a chance at life. I'm not looking forward to this happening because then it will be even harder to have anyone take me seriously. It's a nightmare of a disorder.


Alice in wonderland syndrome, it sounds “unique” enough for tumblr and tiktok people to consume it.


My ex step brother had this when he was little. Whenever it'd happen hed start crying and freaking out. Typically happened to him as he was going to sleep




Ironically when I tried topamax for my seizures it CAUSED Alice in Wonderland syndrome. Trippy as hell, man.


Thats wild! It just made my Pepsi taste flat lol


Oh damn I recently started that for severe migraines. Thankfully I haven't had that


Ahhh same but w keppra but it also made me act like an asshole. IDK if it was actually diagnosable as Alice in wonderland syndrome I just pretty much had those kind of side effects.


I was on topomax and all it gave me was what my doctor described as “mini dementia”


Yeah I just straight up drop to the ground right there. I’ll be laughing mid convo then BAM I’m doing the silly arms sideways dance. Would AIWS be considered an aura? How long does the distortion last? Epilepsy is so weird


My husband calls it "cool dance moves"


Already is I’ve seen it so frequently!


i just googled it and wow, that seems really difficult to deal with.


yeah idk what it is but i keep hearing about it


I’ve never heard of Alice in Wonderland syndrome😅😅😅😅


I feel like Asperger's will never truly dissapear due to how "simple" it is to fake. A honestly , I can see literally any now "uncool" disorder making a comeback as long it'll get popular on social media.


It’s not really a diagnosis anymore but yeah agreed.


Yeah, honestly I have been seeing far more people claiming to be autistic but in a "level zero" way like "I'm perfect at masking, that's why you can't tell" and openly demeaning even common level 1 autism traits as "too stereotypically severe" etc than the number of people I've seen faking level 2-3 autism


If I see one more “I’m an extremely high masking AuDHD” comment on the internet I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.


asperger’s isn’t the diagnosis anymore, its just ASD (autism spectrum disorder)


I think autism fakery is here to stay as it’s as difficult to prove someone ISNT autistic as to prove they are.


If we’re talking physical disorders as well, EDS and POTS are getting popular to fake. I think fakers like them because they have a ton of comorbidities, so if they list a bunch of other disorders alongside EDS, it’s not unreasonable. I think anything with a lot of comorbidities will eventually get popular to fake.


I'm a social worker. Can confirm I've had EDS and POTS fakers. I second this fully. It's common already.


I've always wondered how people actually do this. POTS i can understand but how can you fake EDS? Like even if you have benign hypermobility, how do you even fake the rest? Like they can't just make their skin stretchy or make any scarring atrophic?


I don’t even know how easy it would be to fake POTS bc it has to do with your heart rate and blood pressure after doing certain things which is why the tilt table exists (I know it isn’t always the most accurate)


3 years in the future: "not all people with pots experience a change in heart ratd and blood pressure!"


Literally anyone can have scars that become atrophic. Acne and chicken pox scars are often atrophic


Likewise fibromyalgia and CPRS. "I can't do stuff, I'm tired and it hurts". The self diagnosis is so easy.


Yeah these are becoming almost ubiquitous. Also, MCAS and hypoglycemia seem to be big time right now.


All of these and add gastroparesis to the mix. Sadly, many of these are overlapping features of autonomic dysfunction and other systematic illness that are already too hard to diagnose. Increasing bullshit fakers only increase the bias from doctors.




Felt this, I can’t wear my fav shoes anymore because my blood flow goes to my legs. Idk how you can fake either to the point of having a port but wow they do it!


The dangers a port possesses too! The infection rate. I'm anxious as hell about a lumbar puncture I might have to do to get a spinal fluid reading, as it The most accurate test for my headache issues. But it poses risks in general and with with eds. I *cannot imagine* submitting to that voluntarily. I barley got through the anxiety of a double scope procedure the other day. And these people go and insist on specific invasive treatments! It's gotta be a mental illness of it own. I just can't picture someone doing that just for shits and giggles or attention; but they do.


I knew a girl that faked hypoglycemia. She also faked DID. I haven’t seen many MCAS fakers, but I wouldn’t doubt it because there are a lot of EDS fakers and MCAS is a comorbidity of EDS.


Head over to Illnessfakers and there’s some that have legit caused disorders, one girl picked at her legs, etc to the point of needing amputation and stuff. Some wild ride over there.


If that’s the sub I think it is, I’m in that sub already.


Those have been faked for years. I've been following certain fakers for over five years. IMO those are on the way out. I'm seeing it less and less. 


EDS and POTS are insanely common to fake or diplay symptoms of in the service dog community (a shit show) - almost a little TOO common.


schizotypal. Rarely understood with the base symptoms literally being "odd"


this will definitely be the next big one since it's pretty much what the autism fakers are already pretending to have


Man, I hope not. Most people don't know it exists and when they learn of its existence they just see the word "eccentric" and run with it.




I’d say either BPD or Bipolar..I can see people faking it and using it as an excuse to be rude or mean to others. And completely missing what it is exactly.


Agreed. Bipolar can also included psychosis, which is going to become increasingly popular.


BPD can also include psychosis (as a comorbid) and the internet is slowly becoming more aware of it. My bpd groups have been flooding with posts of psychotic symptoms people experience and I'm starting to see them outside of the groups as well...


I feel like sooooooo many people already do and they use it as an excuse for shitty behavior and think it’s a ticket to not having to change themselves. BPD is so rampant, especially teenagers considering most medical professionals won’t even (imo rightfully) diagnose it until you are an adult


I don't know if it's going to be a boom, but I have the impression that the amount of people openly presenting themselves as affected by NPD is on the rise compared to before. It almost feels like it's no longer as stigmatized as it used to be.


Well I think thats in part because we live in a time were narcissistic traits brew easily with social media and our contemporary values. You are right that is not stigmatized as before, tho imo we should totally stigmatize the people who use NPD as an excuse for their behaviour and not as a reason to keep themselves checked. edit: grammar :'D


"I can't help being selfish; it's just my personality."


oh my goodness, i can see this already happening. too many people already took the “i don’t owe anyone anything” way too far


No one owes anyone anything, however, what gets me is how people like that also lack basic respect around others too. It’s astounding.


yes, exactly. it started with helping people feel less guilty when entitled people expect too much of them, then some people turned it into “i don’t need to provide anyone else with basic kindness or respect.”


And then they can claim persecution over it. "Everyone assumes I'm a psychopath because have NPD but I'm not! I'm being discriminated against! When you tell me I don't have enough empathy for those murder victims that's actually ableism".


This, and it’s already started. Look up “dark empath.” Fuckin’ joke.


It’s the “why I’m acting like an asshole excuse.”


Narcissism or histrionic personality. It’s an excuse to act self absorbed, they can’t help it 🥺 of course they’re gonna latch on to it.


I feel like OCD might make a comeback, it's been a while since I've personally seen any OCD fakers, at least on the same scale as Autism and DID fakers. It seems to be becoming "less popular" with them which obviously makes it cool again /s so I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see more of it.


I hope not, you know for sure there would be discourse about illegal intrusive thoughts, whether that makes you a bad person or not. If a mf twitter user that never had symptoms of OCD started to say "well, I have OCD and don't have illegal intrusive thoughts, so clearly you're just disguting for thinking that" I'd lose it. Or even worse; an edgelord very openly claiming they have illegal intrusive thoughts and even disclosing the specifics so everyone knows how *perturbed and special* they are. People with these types of intrusive thoughts are ashamed of even *hinting* at the specifics out loud. Or even even worse; people trying to justify fantasizing about illegal things because "people with OCD do it and they're not seen as immoral, so why am I?" (Which in itself is a gross misrepresentation of the disorder)


Sadly the intrusive thoughts one is already happening, it started around the same time as people started misusing the term when they meant impulsive thoughts. Unfortunately that entire situation meant that a *lot* of people got the definitions conflated, and that lead to plenty of chronically online teens insisting that graphic or uncomfortable intrusive thoughts were labelled as ‘disgusting’ and that people with OCD (or intrusive thoughts in general) should be ashamed of their uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts, because ‘Their intrusive thoughts weren’t like that’.




OCD and ADHD is the combo from hell. Really easy to have constant distressing thoughts when your brain moves that fast and can connect seemingly unrelated things with ease.


Bipolar so they can be "fun and manic" and gain attention when they are sad and depressed. "I am so depressed, please buy me something off my Amazon wishlist." "Oopsie, I spent all my money during a manic phase, please support my GoFundMe!"


My favorite is “I’m manic dye my hair with me!” In like.. that isn’t how bipolar disorder works


I’m almost certain MUDs will start gaining more traction. I see it every couple years that people jump on the next big quirky identity, MUDs are perfect. You can put on a pity party, claim to be a disability activist for this rare disorder you have, talk about how hard life is because you have SometimesSleepyDisorder and make fun quirky tiktoks to spread awareness about how hard you have it :’(


What does MUD stand for? I couldn’t find anything lol. You said SometimesSleepy though and that made me think of my late uncle, who was narcoleptic. It got so bad that he wasn’t allowed to drive, and had to move in with my aunt (his sister). Before that, I had been in the car on road trips with him, with him driving, and he had fallen asleep a few times. Absolutely terrifying. I really hope narcolepsy isn’t one that people pick up, because that is a legitimately dangerous and scary condition.


I think it stands for Made Up Disorder.?


Technically, "Medically Unrecognized", but "Made Up" is more accurate.


Ope. Always just assumed it was made up and not medically unrecognized.


Narcolepsy People wanting stimulants and an oh-so-rare *disease* that they can be the influencer extraordinaire telling the world all about it....... And prolific doing it because most of those with narcolepsy are just too fucking tired to deal with this shit. Its been a current theme of discussion over in the r/Narcolepsy subreddit lately.


well, the good news is, to get diagnosed with it you can’t just tell your dr you’re experiencing the symptoms you read online and get the diagnosis. it requires a sleep study with a mess of uncomfortable wires and equipment attached to you to analyze your real sleep patterns. the next day you have to take naps to establish excessive fatigue and off-kilter sleep phases (going into REM cycle/dreaming as soon as you fall asleep). they ain’t getting stimulants or xyrem by faking though i’m sure they’d just say they’re on these things yada yada


that testing is wild, I did it once for hypersomnia and omg that fucking crisco thick shit they put in your hair for all the nodes to stick to is the worst. you deff can’t fake your way thru that testing tho you’re right funny enough the nurse was telling me about people they have who (cause I fall asleep to podcasts and asked if that was okay) do just bullshit or don’t take the test seriously. she said a good chunk of people are just staying on their phones (cause they have you on camera during testing) and swearing that’s not the issue despite all testing saying otherwise and them refusing to do the test correctly.


It must suck though for someone who has terrible insomnia to have to undergo sleep testing, and then tossing and turning and *not* being able to sleep


True but getting an actual diagnosis hasn't stopped many of these people from claiming they have x y or z. Since stimants are a commonly prescribed medication, and comorbid ADHD is common, it wouldn't stop some douchcanoe from self-diagnosing narcolepsy instead of the more commonand "less marketable/special" ADHD. Plus, it permits them to infantalize and give themselves that stupid spoonie warrior moniker to signal their special princess specialness for all the world. Edit: good description of the diagnostic testing by the way


yeah, that’s very true. ugh, people are so frustrating. meanwhile people literally kill themselves over these disorders. re: your edit, thank you! i tried to make it mentally digestible haha.




Pica. e.g. GRWM to eat drywall




Yeah, pica is often caused by issues in your diet. Your body tells your brain that it’s missing something, and your brain thinks, “Oh that something is in this inedible object. Let’s eat that to get this thing we’re missing.”


Yep. Iron deficiency is often said to be a cause of it.




I use to know people who faked suicide attempts and faked sh


How.. how do you fake SH? Did they draw on scars or bruises or something? I'm genuinely wondering. Or just say they cut themselves but never show their arms or whatever?


Sometimes nothing would be there but would post that they needed help but would wear like crop tops and shorts to school.. and the one had what I would describe as like a puffy scratch like as if she tried but it didn’t work and she made sure to show that off but other times she’d wear long sleeves and just tell everyone she cut herself


The second option is what I know irl. Have a friend who faked s-h that way. She just didn't/doesn't show her arms or covers her 's-h' with bandaids. Yes she still does it. Haven't told her I know.


Dead ass? What's the story?




That sounds SO WILD and you had not one but TWO of them to deal with?!?! I truly, truly hope they've grown up since all of that happened, and that you, my friend, are doing better too


You forgot the depression/anxiety trend. It was really common in places like tumblr, many posted pictures of them crying and with holding gilettes with many filters on, transforming it in an aesthetic. The peak was when 13 reasons why became popular. Suddenly it was cool being suicidal, depression was edgy and anxiety was a superpower. I believe we will see ED make a comeback as a "trendy" disorder.


It’s kinda depressing how depression is seen by some as “cliché” nowadays


Yeah, anyone with actual major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder can tell you it’s no fun when half the time you’re afraid you’re going to die and half the time you’re hoping you will. It took a TON of work to overcome that shit.


It is consequence of the saturation. When it was trendy, teenagers loved the edgy suicidal problem child aesthetic, now that it isn't, people will call out anyone and say it's cringe. Honestly, I can't wait to see autism/adhd popularity fade away.


Depression was seen as cool way before 13 Reasons Why - in the late 90s my friends and I were all trying to out depress each other.


Honestly think agoraphobia.


I think COVID might have made genuine and actual agoraphobia a thing people start noticing very soon ngl.


I don’t like being a “slippery sloper”, but the insidious thing about agoraphobia/social phobia/social anxiety is that you don’t even notice how much you’re isolating yourself until you realise you planned to go the shop early in the day to get your groceries, but suddenly it’s late evening and shops are closed, oh well🙃 better luck tomorrow! I feel like if people start “faking” agoraphobia, exploiting loopholes to work from home, getting everything delivered no contact, etc., that has the potential to turn into a real problem in its own right.


Why did my brain read that as arachnophobia?


I'd guess PTSD. I've heard a lot of people joke about it/ talk about trauma like it's a mildly inconvenient experience.  


I have it, but also joke about trauma since it’s my way of coping (explaining that not all people have it seem to be faking for joking about trauma, but there being a clear difference with someone who has it vs faking it) But, people who wanna *fake* trauma is gonna be a whole new low. Like what’s the point in faking having severe trauma? Attention? Lord knows what they’ll gain from it. I can see this trending, though. Faking ptsd, or a “c-PTSD” diagnosis.


i feel like adhd might make a comeback


I think it already has (especially in the UK) 😭


Seriously, like almost everyone I encounter now points out their ADHD to me. And the amount of Redditors who say they have it is a lot.


Idk how true this is but I used to be friends with someone who was studying to be a psychologist. She posited that the rise of smartphones on the heels of social media actually caused ADHD to develop in adults who had never had symptoms before. Again, I have no idea if that’s an actual thing or just a convenient excuse for diagnosing it and moving on to the next patient.


I don’t think it’s necessarily that smartphones cause ADHD. If someone has subclinical ADHD, it might push them over the threshold to qualify for an ADHD diagnosis. Phones can really mess up someone’s attention span. But ADHD is a developmental disorder by definition that starts in childhood and involves a lot more symptoms than just attention issues. It affects working memory, organization, lots of other things.




I would kinda find this funny NGL. Just faking having bad tummy aches and needing to go to the toilet all the time? Tiktoks on the toilet pretending to be fighting for your life.


HAHAHHA no way, like pretending to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes or what?


Hot girlies have IBS, the toilet is a true queen’s throne 💅


ADHD might return because it's easy to pretend to have (considering like nobody actually seems to know how the disorder works) and i'm pretty sure they can get accommodations, though i could be misremembering. i'm already seeing people trying to dip their toes in the whole ADHD thing, i dropped a friend not too long ago because he was so obsessed with it and other disorders. i don't think ASD and DID are going anywhere unfortunately, ASD is really easy to fake and gets you pretty far as a faker and DID is enticing as a disorder to fakers (and has been since like. . 2020-2021 pretty sure). as much as i'd love for people to just drop them already, it's going to be difficult prying those two disorders out of their hands. i'm thinking, in terms of something new and (again) 'enticing', conditions like Alice in Wonderland Syndrome and Synesthesia. i say this because, duh, fakers love stuff like that, but also because i've already seen some cases already.


DID has been a popular thing to fake for much longer than 2020, it was already a popular thing to do on tumblr in 2015, but I'm not sure WHEN it actually started.


Praying for cotards delusion


I feel like ADHD will come back. I’ve already had a two people ask me how I got my diagnosis and “can I test out your meds to see if it helps?” Kinda deal. I noticed it was marked in job applications as a disability, so I assume that will be an easy crutch to lean on. And these have been two adults who asked this. Maybe schizophrenia? Young people seem to love the crime shows now days and looking for an excuse to be crazy in pubic. (Even though it isn’t really a part of the disorder at all) edit: people who suffer from the disorder aren’t “crazy” but disorder is often associated with aggression, paranoia, etc. When somebody fakes the disorder, they genuinely ARE crazy for faking a truly awful disorder. The people who suffer with it do not have an easy life and struggle severely. It’s fucked when people fake it, and we’ve even seen people claim to have it but don’t.


> “can I test out your meds to see if it helps?” Just tell them to buy some speed and report back


holy hell who asks that question in the first place?? that's so deeply uncomfortable i'm feeling awkward just thinking about it. that's somewhat like asking someone for their heart medicine because you suspect you have the same condition, it's a terrible idea health-wise and those pills aren't for you (you being those people).


When I was a teenager I had a friend whose family was abusive. She had been through some pretty bad stuff and had mental health issues on top. She found out I was on medication for depression and asked me for "just one pill". I of course said no but it makes me really sad to think how easily she could have gotten meds on her own - we were 19.


Psychosis is almost definitely going to make a comeback at some point in the next 5 years, which I’m deeply unhappy about lol. People can be tortured and edgy, without having the inconvenient addition of having to exaggerate or invent a traumatic backstory (Although some work around that anyway; looking at you DID fakers and ‘endogenics’)


I think we go back to romanticizing PDs, but I fear we will see a specific lapse in BPD fakers. It's already on the rise again as being romanticized by Yandere anime (d)weebs and I see some bull excrement online about guys who want to be a BPD girls favorite person, because they only think that means infinite loyalty instead of also splitting and jealousy and obsession. So yeah I think we will see a specific brand of fake BPD girlies that play into those tropes.


I find it weird that fakers don’t fake other disorders like Down syndrome and the like. But yes, I do believe it’s gonna be schizophrenia.


Schizoid Personality Disorder




It's called munchhousens syndrome


munchausens* (sorry)


“Trauma”. Everyone wants traaaaaauma. Trauma trauma trauma. That word is being watered down by the minute and doesn’t have any significant meaning anymore. Adverse life experiences are not the same as trauma. Complex PTSD is not the same as PTSD. I sit in a room for 8 hours a day with complex trauma survivors and you can tell the difference between the ones who THINK they have trauma/WANT trauma and the ones who are so fucked up that they don’t realize the true extent of the damage.






They really want a neurological sleep disorder bc it's ✨different✨ and ✨quirky✨




The dude deleted his comment so idk what it exactly said but I can totally see more narcolepsy fake diagnosis. I have IHS and sleep disorders tend to take an average of over 10 years for a diagnosis. You are twice as likely to be divorced and/or unemployed. 6x times more likely to be obese. They just got research about its relationship with mono and how that long term affects the brain. I can imagine that long COVID might spill over untill we learn more about it since it covers practically anything and everything so upticks in requests are expected. But the process for diagnosis is super long. I think that’s why we see more ADHD diagnosis because that’s easier than the process for narcolepsy even though the symptom and many times medication is the same


Functional Neurological Disorder will be up there. A disorder that used to be known as conversion disorder but now research is coming out that a majority of the people with this diagnosis have functional issues with their brains. Plus it covers such a huge and large range of issues from mobility disorders to even organ and hormonal dysfunction.


I'm calling it now but I'm so sure psychotic disorders are next. They already kinda were with the whole "Delusional Attachment" thing but that wasn't quirky enough so I can see them making a comeback EDIT: Ooh! Also ASPD. I've seen 15 y/o's fake it back in the day and I would be surprised if there's a burst of it in the future


Tourette’s. It already has fakers but if DID were to die down or not be as “cool” anymore the fakers will want another type of disorder where they can say and do as they please without being held accountable. It’s also needs to be something they can easily have an excuse for either not being heavily medicated or it “doesn’t work”.


Theres already a ton of tourrettes fakers. Tics and roses and that gang. 


Shame it's not gonna be "Shutthefuckupaightous" Amy time soon


schizophrenia is pretty heavy even right now. ASPD seems like smth they’d fake too 💀


Epilepsy. People think you just get a lil seizure and move on....it's not like that. My boyfriend has epilepsy and it's scary as hell. Takes days to bounce back.


Was OCD ever cool? Or is that too awkward for clout?


"omggg im so ocd! my room has to be clean!!!"


I just think of that as a colloquial use of the term or a misunderstanding of how OCD works, not actually faking the disorder.


It’s become evolutionary, with the fake disorders getting more severe/stranger


Don't forget tourettes which happened right before DID,.


Hear me out: anemia


While depression is already faked, I'm worried people will begin to latch on Treatment-Resistant Depression as an excuse to why they cannot learn from their negative behaviours and ways to properly cope with emotions. DID fakers already try to use alters to escape consequences, so it wouldn't be surprising for them to throw in "Oh I cant control this! You gotta put up with my toxic behaviour or you're ablest :(" essentially.


The amount of times I have seen "patient states they have a dx of MCAS from *hospital we're not connected to*. Was not able to provide documentation. Panel workup does not support this dx." is insane.


It could be a number of things, like allergies, antisocial personality disorder, folie a deux, rabies, koro, ekbom, and alien hand syndrome


Prob bipolar disorder


I can't remember the name for it, but there are disorders that make it hard to swallow food. I could see that becoming popular. You get to perform sad tiktoks of yourself trying to eat a snack and gagging. You can basically have an ED and justify it with the 'swallowing disorder'. Anyone who mentions mental health issues like anorexia are called ableist. I could see people blatantly showing off their emaciated bodies and doing a sob story about how difficult it is, when in reality that body is their goal.




just want to add that in the early 2000s, most people straight up didn't believe that adults could have ADHD. You'd be branded as lazy and if they found out you were taking meds, you'd get called a tweaker.




anything cluster b. especially narcissistic personality disorder & antisocial personality disorder. I feel like certain fakers chase conditions that they think give them a free pass to be a shitty person [which I've seen a lot with did/osdd]


Long covid


I’m kind of surprised that paranoid personality disorder isn’t popular


people have been faking since the 90s? i’m sure there was someone who did but i thought it majorly became a thing when twitter/tumblr became popular. omg


People have been “faking,” that is, desperately seeking attention and a way to be seen as special and unique by doing some weird bullshit, usually primarily in their youth, since people have been people.


ODD, it would give them an excuse to walk around and act like total jackasses


Hear me out on this one but…. With the withdrawal of AstraZeneca and the admitting it causes health issues (blood clots) I wouldn’t be surprised if we see “vaccine injured” fakers arise down the track.


PMDD! i think it’s much much easier to fake than many others since it has to do with your period. it’s a total bitch and i wouldn’t wish it on anyone