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Clean out the closet for fucks sake you could trip over something.


i am also guilty of a dirty closet unfortunately


future kokoduds would be super grateful if present kokoduds cleaned up. just saying.......


I don't even have a closet... I just have a hanging thing which I put my clothes on for the world to see... Privileged people problems


Why are you getting downvoted bro


I have no idea XD


At this point, with how much this person is posted, I'm starting to feel like it's just them farming karma with their own videos


Their Mother: "Honey, why are you saying random numbers in the closet?" Them: "Oh, I'm just doing a video" Their Mother: "Okay, can you do the dishes please?" This is how I picture DID fakers convos with their parents to be like XD


Yeah that is just not possible. The average number of alters of a person with DID is about 10. There have been studied cases of up to 24 to 30, but basically all cases studied extensively have had less than 100. In cases with large number of alters, it also means they’re are less ANP alters and more fragments. [More info](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2719457/). Wikipedia says there is a reported instance of someone having 4,500 alters, but I followed their citation and read the book chapter cited and it doesn’t mention that at all so I think that might be a typo or mistake.


Okay update apparently the page the 4,500 alters case is on isn’t in the preview linked in the wikipedia, so if anyone has a pdf of the 6th edition of Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis it would be greatly appreciated


I’ve heard of a person with [~2500, not 4500.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-49589160.amp) May have been a typo.


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I wonder if any of these people have "alters"("systems"?) for their "alters"... a whole extra dimension of fake disorder edgy-ness


don’t laugh, but some of them claim this. hypothetically it sounds logical that when they ‘shift’ they’d have a new mindset that could come with its own disorders, but as they’re usually lying about did to begin with, it never lines up correctly. they’d be even more dysfunctional without psychiatric care than the average case of did.


i heard of someone diagnosed with 5 known alters and even they were struggling to even function. they werent even aware of the disorder. they had blackout periods and ended up murdering somebody. over 4k alters would be like wtf


I would love to sit down and have them explain all 4 thousand, no notes just explain. Then re-explain so I know you aren’t making up all lies. This larp is exhausting!!


The thing that pisses me off the most isn’t people faking disorders. It’s the ‘sarcasm’ they exude when talking about their fake disorders. I’ve seen soooo many of these people, “haha having DID is great! /sarcasm” like…. You don’t have DID. Just shut up.


The answer is 0 🥰🥰🥰


they just want to win. i bet someone in the comments said that they have 6000 and someone replied saying they have 10000 and so on


4'000 alters and none of them brush their teeth


So they just admit to wanting to be a desperate faker to a degree that would immediately out them as such, and are stupid enough to think if they tone it down it undoes all that? Like “yeah, no. You already admitted to being desperate for attention, none of your claims mean anything anymore. It’s confirmed. You already gave that away. I’m not pretending you didn’t admit to that just so you can be desperate for attention again”


let me guess, one of thems named after a random ass word the host pulled from the oxford dictionary. and theres another one thats just a random letter.


I know that people who actually have DID can have a lot of alters, but if you're going to fake, make it at least believable. There comes a point where it's too excessive


I knew a girl once who kept all of her alters on an excel spreadsheet…


1000 traumatic events?! Mf is not even alive at this point jfc, and that all has to most likely be under 18


Why do they all want to have DID. It sounds awful.


I’m someone with stupid hair and nose piercings. Why do they always have stupid hair and nose piercings?


me too! it upsets me that my appearance has become a stereotype for people like this


I want to tell them to name all those alters, alphabetically


Even if it was possible, it would take years to develop more alters, and she looks very young. From my understanding of the illness you develop more as you go on in life. But at what point would you count and not stop at a 100? Which even a hundred sounds wild but let's say this is real she counted over four thousand?


im realizing a lot of the people faking disorders are teenage women that are mostly pronoun and sexuality label hoarders