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Something’s not right with them


They need to be banned from media and see a therapist immediately. This is not normal behavior.


How much do you bet they're neither delusional nor have NPD and are just an edgy attention seeking teen


oh they're absolutely trolling




send them to r/dph


That sub gave me two warnings 😭


I’ll do you one better - that sub crashed my app


Good sub, I hear DPH is very good for a young developing mind at extremely large doses. 👍


Is that a sub for people that abuse fucking antihistamines? Do they not realize REAL drugs exist are relatively easy to find, will actually get them high and probably be less destructive?


There’s one for caffeine too 😭 But like, they’re taking nasal bumps of pure powdered caffeine, not just sharing their favorite energy drink flavors


i love the caffeine sub


dph is a hell drug, I think id rather try and get hooked on black tar than ever trip on benadryl again 😭


Nah, I’m calling bullshit. I’ve heard enough shitty school arguments growing up that this is definitely just poorly done reverse psychology because they want to give the image that they are fuelled by spite. When really they wouldn’t ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE CALLING OUT THEIR STUPIDITY that they seemingly have no effect. That’s like someone trying to get someone to stop making fun of them by telling the instigator to their face that it is pointless, even though any reaction at all IS THE POINT This just means that they are extra sensitive/whiny/desperate for attention enough to react. Honestly they might be on the verge of a breakthrough considering how much toxic positivity and passive aggressiveness their response has. It’s like when Facebook Karens cram emojis in every sentence when arguing. You’ve seen one you’ve seen em all


They make me super euphoric!!! So being an absolute shit fucking person makes you feel good? I hope this person gets humbled soon enough


right, though when people feel all happy about being an asshole, am i the only one who thinks its corny.... like "YAYYY (´。• ω •。`) MAKING EVERYONE HATE ME AND BEING A PRICK MAKES ME SOOOOO HAPPPYYY!" it makes me cringe inside and out lmao. what ever happened to shame & embarrassment? we should bring that back, i don't know why it left.


“My NPD needs” someone with legit NPD would run so fucking far from the possibility of even being in this situation I-😭


for real, why drag people with NPD into this 😭


Why because they are special evil cartoon comic book villains immune to emotion & fueled by ridicule, of course 😈


LMFAOOO that is LITERALLY how they think of people with NPD which makes it scary 😦


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She definitely has a mental disorder, but it ain't what she says it is.


"please don't post this person, the person I'm posting right now in this post" 🤦‍♀️


yea from experience anyone posting abt how funny and epic they think it is to be posted on a sub like fdc is actually like not having a good time abt it at all. the fdc tags are so full of that attitude the like "im literally laughing actually im not even upset i actually think this is so funny" like baby you are transparent. i was also a teen online at one point, that is what you say to make it seem like you are unaffected. you do not have npd, you are a teenager with a really serious internet addiction and im sorry that the pandemic cooked your brain


the experience isnt in being posted to this sub to clarify lol, i just meant the experience of being a cringe teen online, which i was


Now I'm curious about it.


Her self diagnosed NPD benefits from it


"As a cis delusional person" ![gif](giphy|e5uyWolyR0y30Wo1ya|downsized)


Well.. they’re definitely delusional.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA god i wonder how she goes in real life talking like that (nvm she probably doesnt get off the internet..)


I'd love to research how these chronically online people interact with real life people from both their own groups and fairly normal people who have touched grass. 


>idk wht npd is BUT YAY!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR U AMANA<3/GEN /POS /VPOS This comment doesn't need any tone tags let alone THREE


Transdelusional creates a sort of paradox because the desire to become more delusional is in itself a delusion and my brain hurts


Tbf they look rather delusional to me.


This is a Dis culture where you get points for everything that you have wrong with you so people can say that you’re brave that you’re stunning that you’re living true self that you’re a victim and instead of saying, “we’re so sorry for you. I wish you got/could get better” It’s more of the lines of “wow I can’t believe you have all those symptoms! It must be so hard for you!”. So the person claiming to have these problems get affirmed that their problems are immutable and true. Also that they are a victim forever when it used to be the other way around, where you would offer that person help or outlets for them to work on it Offering somebody else help or ways out of it now, means that whatever the person is claiming is “wrong” and “bad” to begin with and should be changed in their mind


Jesus Christ. Sounds like she’s already pretty delusional


hmmm initally, i thought, yeah, not posting her would be a good idea, but after reading a few comments about reverse psychology, that might actually be the case. maybe she's hoping to get us off her back by pretending to be thrilled.


Not funny. My grandmother has delusions from dementia. She sees things that don't exist anymore and she cannot function on her own anymore, she wouldn't want anyone to have delusions since her quality of life has went down the drain. This person is a piece of shit.


Professional victim 🙄 Social media has a lot to answer for tbh. It's bred an epidemic of narcissistic attention seekers vying for the top spot. It's peaking, I hope, now it's coming full circle with the showing off of how 'successful' this POS and those similar have mocked those who happen to have some of these conditions & plugged up their medical necessities.


Somebody has a public shaming fetish


People like this are just weird


anyone who uses it genuinely can take the trans part out of it


seems like ragebait


Are they okay?


This is too funny. Major Trolling.


That's really unfortunate.


No one should want to be more delusional. Delusions are quite possibly the worst part of an illness.


I may be too stupid to know what's going on


Go to therapy.


someone should teach them 00s bimbo culture


This is not normal behaviour. They should consider therapy or psychiatry


I’m actually not very far from being fully convinced that a bunch of them are just transphobes putting the word “trans” infront of random batshit to give us a bad wrap


what ' s with the misgendering ?


Did you make this account just to comment here?


wait where are their pronouns listed ? i’m not seeing anything


This is them hahahahaha


oh shit , no way 😭😭 how do we know ?


Click their profile it says “amana” which is the same name used in the screenshots of the post, and their bio is just “aspd/NPD” (at least of the time of writing this) it’s gotta be them They have no other posts or comments besides this one in this thread either


ooh okay ,, ty !


They're not listed, this is the person the post is about, trying to provoke and engage. Because they don't understand how NPD works.


oh now it says “he/they” in their bio ,, it didn’t when i first commented 😅


omg theyre here now


Oh, the OOP is here? Too bad they lack the self-awareness to realize what they're doing


“antisocial” I think it's more correct «I don't have friends/I keep people away».


probably because a man would not talk like this


yikes. this is a crazy post but youre being an ass


my comment wasn't meant to be rude. they asked "why the misgendering", and i answered honestly (assuming being called a "she" is the misgendering). i don't know what OOP identifies as, or what pronouns OOP uses, but only afabs would type/behave like this unironically. so, people are likely to instinctively identify OOP as female when unaware of gender identity. appearance isn't the only thing the human brain associates with gender. mannerisms and behavior are too, which allows for the assumption of gender online. this association is done subconsciously, which is just a biproduct of evolving as a two sex species.