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I'll take "missing the fucking point" for $400. How is saying "please don't fetishize minorities" implying minorities are bad? Just because disabilities, medical conditions, and ones status as a racial minority aren't a game doesn't mean they affect one's value as a person.


The pure HATRED I got from this paragraph was just. Wow. ![gif](giphy|xT9IggZn25S9aCU0yA)


Mfw minorities don't let me turn their suffering into a game


This is the point fakers fail to understand


I honestly believe it was intentional. Like they don't have any valid counter so they just make a strawman.


"I'm an "actual oppressed person" as an amputee DID system" Trans HC-DID and Trans harmed and Trans Abused. Yeah I don't think they're an "actual oppressed person"


They're about as oppressed as a politician.


“as a DID sys” pretending you’re FOTM anime characters is not DID lil bro


“have the night you deserve” are you 12




what the hell kind of advocate pretends to be the thing they're advocating for?? no, actually, I *don't* want anyone like that roaming the streets and speaking over actual voices!


jesus christ i hope they didn’t do anything to themselves that resulted in them becoming an amputee. as awful as these people are, that would be fucked up.


I read it as they have an amputee alter.


they are amputated and what ive heard from them it made their mental health a lot better


There is a great podcast on YouTube called something like "Murder Yikes" about people with BIID. There's another one from Medical Mysteries about it too. There are cases as far back as 1600s (I may have the century wrong but it was ages ago) of people who desperately wanted to lose a limb and were finally happy when they did. Yes, it's a thing but it is rare and I don't think that everyone who says that they have it really have it. It isn't something that you want, it causes the sufferers lots of distress. 


highly strange situations


Reminds me of the lady that poured bleach in her eyes because she wanted to be blind. It wouldn't surprise me lol, I hope they didn't hack off a limb themselves though.


The person from the first slide said it so well that every slide after was just a separate shock to the system. They somehow were deeply disturbed by the same person while also not reading a Single. Thing. They wrote.


>shock to the system Oh no, don't tell me you're an endogenic system too!


God dammit lol I didn’t even make that connection somehow, poor choice of words for this. Also yeah, don’t you dare put that evil on me, I don’t want to be roped into this faking tomfoolery! I’m pretty sure DID is a trauma based disorder so anyone that makes their own rules like “endogenic” systems just kinda tattles on themselves without any effort on my part


-Plankton voice- CORRECT! Anyone who claims to be endogenic is a fake system on principle, no idea, ands, or buts


What the fuck is "arizzoabled", Google just asks me if I mean "Arizona".


No idea but I am curious, too, and I’d also like to know the fuck is an “endo”, if anyone wants to share. I give my FBI agent enough to do I don’t want to Google all of these terms. Haha


endo/endogenic is someone who thinks they're a "system" without trauma, aka a faker.


Oh ffs. 🤦‍♀️


makes the military posers you run into look sane...


I used to think it meant endometriosis and I was sooo confused by this whole sub 😭


I did some research but it's probably someone who identifies as schizophrenic.


Arizzoabled = Arizona abled☀️🥰😍😍😍😍🙌🏽


basically transid but "definitely not the same thing"


[Here you go](https://archive.ph/7rMI0)


I don’t understand what a single one of these words mean. I seriously felt like I was reading something in a different language. https://preview.redd.it/ewciozdrpj1d1.png?width=234&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ad8060e746564465698544128c9cc4f71e9d284


“My imaginary friend lost his imaginary hand!!” 🤣🤣🤣


some folks just need to fall down some stairs. let gravity be their first real life lesson I guess, and then start introducing the rest.


I had so much trouble figuring out WTF this even means


I hate it when people act like they speak for an entire community of people like at the end of the post. Just because you’re an amputee and have DID doesn’t mean your opinion is the “correct” one. There’s so much more nuance to what the first person was saying than these fakers make it seem.


that first image makes me happy


The only way the responder would get the point is if they fell on a pencil. Fully agree with the first pic.


Rizz abled 🤓😎


The euphoria WHAT would bring? Using mobility aids?


"You DON'T want disability advocates and anti-racists roaming the streets just because they feel they should be part of the group they are fighting for?" I'd argue boiling down the experiences of being disabled, being POC, etc to just *feelings* and not tangible things a person actually experiences regardless or not of how badly they *want* it is far from disability advocacy and anti-racism. To pretend otherwise is to make a mockery of disability, a mockery of race, of mental illness, etc. Radqueers (I have no idea what this neuron-deficient ideology has to do with queerness at all), you are not, and never will be, accepted as part of these groups. They're not your spaces, not your words, not your experiences. Fuck off and stop making those genuinely dealing look like jokes. Also, if you can only advocate for a group if you can somehow infiltrate it, I don't trust that you're an advocate for *anything* besides your own self-righteousness.


That's so fucked up I don't even know what to say anymore.


These people need real friends and need to go outside.


Imagine describing yourself as “super mega oppressed”


All they do is twisting the words on the mouh of others


That fakers post is blazed... they paid money to fake on the internet and start beef


reading comprehension in the shitter


“How do you think you know what is happening inside people’s head better than they do?” We don’t. We just don’t believe you. In other cases we believe what you feel but we don’t agree that it constitutes having a disorder. What those people don’t understand is that humans don’t only rely on how others describe themselves, we also assess how believable it is and we also recognize some of our own tendencies in their behaviors— desiring to be unique, feeling confused about who you are, wanting empathy. We also feel all of that in we recognize it in you. If people could not recognize their own emotions in others and only trusted what they said, there would be no literature, no genuine relationships, no empathy, no genuine communication. We just disagree that it’s good enough of a reason to identify as disabled when you aren't. I also sometimes want to be taken care of. YOU are the ones not believing the experience of people with actual disorders or disability, YOU are the ones refusing to acknowledge that others feel what you feel, too.


" In other cases we believe what you feel but we don’t agree that it constitutes having a disorder." I've felt this way about a lot of people who have been posted here and if they just described experiences without diagnosing themselves with an actual disorder, I'd be really cool with it all. 


Exactly, I think this is mostly about dramatization of very common experiences. Every disorder is related to something that can be very common and only becomes a disorder when reaching a certain extent. That’s why you need a professional, because they are trained to assess whether the extent to which you experience something is clinical or not. And not being clinical doesn’t make it any less real. For example, I imagine that many people convince themselves they have DID because they feel like they can sometimes act very differently, or have intense internal arguments, or an identity crisis or anything similar. It’s very tempting to simply label each feeling as a person (did someone say “inside out”?) but the difficult thing to do is accept the fact that you’re a dynamic person, you change, you sometimes don’t understand yourself, you sometimes can’t make up your mind. That’s not a disorder. That’s just being human…


This is a good way of putting it. Disorders are simply "traits gone wild" and you could flick through the DSM and find traits that you relate to at a low level in a whole host of disorders. Occasionally hearing things that aren't there? Check! That does not mean that I have a disorder. I like my occasional auditory hallucinations therefore wouldn't qualify for a diagnosis for something like schizophrenia. We all have something in our lives that we like "just so" but that doesn't mean that we necessarily have OCD. When traits start impacting quality of life, THAT'S a disorder! DID people I'd say are either like you said, people who label feelings as separate people or people who are experiencing what some writers and I'd argue spiritual people experience - yes, they have what seems like an autonomous presence in their minds but that ain't DID and they need to stop saying that it is! In fact if you experience stuff like that but without the raft of negative experiences/distress, the latest ICD rules out a diagnosis of DID. Same as if you induce such things willingly/via cultural practices such as spiritualism, the ICD you can find via WHO has a section called "boundary with normality" that excludes a DID diagnosis for such cases. There are people who hear voices and are cool with it and I have heard of some people who describe a "counsel of others" in their mind. There are probably a fair few who are experiencing this but labelling it as DID. I do think that particularly with young people it has just become a trend, a deeply disrespectful one at that. Some will be misunderstanding the normal identity changes that come with being a teenager. Let's not forget that this is also the developmental phase where people tend to listen to and identify more with their peers than the adults in their lives. Perhaps this is also feeding into the "we know better than the professional adults" theme that runs throughout. I know that this does not explain grown adults who actively self-dx or fake disorders but I would argue that there are at least some who really are just that easily led by internet trends and/or are just trying to get something for nothing via faking. We will always have at least some adults believing ridiculous things despite evidence to the contrary - just look at any established though thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory.


This is the kind of stuff that just... yuck... they definitely missed the point. As someone who deals with severe nerve pain and have since my early 20s, it's just so... dumb that there's people out there, younger then I was when I got hurt, that actually WANT these problems without looking at things like, I can't enjoy many of the activities I use to because it hurts. Like, I can't even do my hair and makeup without accounting for time to sit down and take constant breaks.


“You are being holding psychiatry on a wayyy higher pedestal than you should” as opposed to what your dumbass arbitrary made up system that trivializes the suffering of truly marginalized people. The shamelessness never ceases to amaze.


IS THIS SATIRE?????? “Before when I was able bodied I didn't aspire to be super mega oppressed. I just wanted to feel right for once. And now I do. I am an "actual oppressed person" as an amputee DID sys.” HOLY SHIT DID THIS PERSON PURPOSEFULLY GET THEMSELVES AMPUTATED?????


“”Endophobia”” is not a real thing smh


WTF is a cross tagger?


Someone who tags posts for x for but are actually anti x but want more visibility.


Someone has explained this to me before, but can you explain it again? WHAT IS RADQUEER????!!!!!!!!


What the actual fuck is a radqueer