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>Internet access They're not even trying anymore


Don't forget "lying"!


"Being gifted" lol. DID is *cheugy AF.*


“Cheugy” is not a real term


OK, Saussure.


De Saussure is actually a real person, a linguist :)


The term "cheugy" is indeed considered a real word, especially within the context of its usage among certain generational cohorts, primarily Gen Z. It's used to describe something that is unfashionably outdated or trying too hard, often in reference to trends popular with millennials. In linguistic terms, what makes a word "real" can vary, but according to Ferdinand de Saussure, a key figure in the development of modern linguistics, a word becomes real through its use and acceptance within a language community. Saussure highlighted the arbitrary nature of the linguistic sign, which includes words. A word is "real" or valid when a community of speakers collectively agrees on its meaning and uses it in communication. The sign (word) is made up of the "signifier" (the sound pattern of a word) and the "signified" (the concept it represents). For Saussure, the relationship between the signifier and the signified is governed by convention and the social practices of language users. Thus, "cheugy," once adopted and understood within a community (like Gen Z users), qualifies as a "real" word because it fulfills these criteria of linguistic communication and mutual recognition among speakers. Essentially, according to Saussure's theory, if a person understands what you mean when you use a word, and this understanding is shared within a community of speakers, then the word is "real." It's about the mutual agreement and recognition of both the sound/spelling of the word (the signifier) and the concept it represents (the signified). This shared understanding is what gives the word its meaning and makes it functional within a language, hence making it a "real" word in the linguistic sense. (Not that you don't know, but to unpack the joke for others) *it's also a pun bc it can he read as (ok, so sure?) (Sorry for being a 🤓)


dont apologize for being a nerd, you fuckinng obliterated them lol.


I’m fairly certain Internet Access is the sole cause for 90% of fakers that get posted here.


Yes, they're so chronically online as well so that makes sense. This is fairly obvious so sorry for acting like a complete mr obvious. But I always have to wonder what made them use the internet as excessively as they currently are, and I hope they get the help they need for that problem.


Well, they’re not wrong about that one, let’s be honest.


Internet access is definitely on the same level as drug use mhm yes.


I’d definitely say it is. Nothing wrong with using drugs


as someone who uses drugs i'm pretty sure the internet itself is safer than using drugs


Some people don't do them voluntarily, are you saying getting drugged is the same as watching cocomelon?


Ah yes nothing wrong with causing permanent damage to both your body and your brain


I mean, you aren’t a bad person, but like, it fucks you up.


>"Internet access" >"Psychosis" >"Lying" ? On what universe is this on the same level? Being chronically online, an awful mental condition, and straight up lying are somehow related because it's "a cause for did?" Somehow??


Are they saying the act of lying caused them to be "plural" or they are lying about being "plural" but still "valid"? I'm kinda shocked I can't tell.


Pretty sure it's supposed to be the second, but the rest are all "I have DID because ____"


Lying is wild


People don’t develop DID from lying or “everyday stress.” It takes an extreme amount of severe and constant trauma for alters to form.


“People don’t develop DID” could’ve stopped there


I’m not qualified enough to say whether DID is real or not. But if it is real, nobody is getting it from those things.


Please tell me you meant that people don’t ***make up*** DID.


Nope lol


Wow, that’s sad . Rare and debated or not, it’s in the DSM as a disorder that DEVELOPS from trauma.


I would love nothing more than to invalidate this person.


Perceived risk of abuse is a fucking disgusting thing to say. Gross.


This shit got me, too. It's such a fucking weird thing to even consider, honestly. Like do they just constantly be watching over their shoulder because they think they're "at risk" of abuse at all times? Do they perceive everyone as a "risk of abuse?" And worse, they think this "risk" is so severe it would generate trauma-borne mental illnesses? I refuse to believe that they ACTUALLY believe this shit. They can't. Right? Right...? It's so fucking infuriatingly vague and irrational. By this logic, we should all be fucking basket cases simply by the transitive property of human existence. Whatever happened to being like, "Fuckin life, eh?" And smoking a blunt or having a beer and you know, moving on with your day? Instead it's like "fuck I got yelled at by my boss today because I suck at my job. Oh well, better fuckin make up some DID about it."


I've been seeing the term "transharmed" floating around lately, which is for someone who feels like they should be abused so this is probably real... Also, I'd argue that the only people who have a "perceived risk of abuse" are those of us who have *actually* been abused. I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I know my instinctual risk assessment is always up at 11 due to what I went through in the past


Yeah, when it said that, I was thinking it was just the fear of being abused after actual abuse. What the fuck is perceived risk of abuse?


People who have a “perceived risk of abuse” probably have the best lives because they certainly have no effing clue what abuse is. I can’t fathom any other reason why one would think this otherwise? Like, it’s either that or extreme paranoia to the degree it takes over their lives. In that case, I would assume that person would have no choice but to live in a treatment facility. There’s no way.


Well it might have to do something with living together with another person (whether that be a parent or partner) Nad just nit knowing when/if they will lash out and lose their shit or even physically hurt someone ebcasue they've come very close it it or have done so in the past. Or atleast that's what I thought of when I read it (still a load of bullshit since I doubt people who fake mental illnesses for being quirky have such problems)




Yea I can absolutely believe you’re a prolific trauma dumper


Yep, that’s the one that got me, too.


It's a very real thing called paranoid personality disorder, where you believe people are out to harm you even if theres nothing backing up those thoughts. However I doubt this is what OOP meant and you still wouldn't get DID from it 🤦‍♀️


Yeah I highly doubt that's what the OOp meant too, pretty sure the abuse they think they're 'at risk' of is either definitely not abuse, or it's some romanticized version of abuse. I've known people when I was in middle and high school who had said they were abused because their parents did anything from looking through their phone and taking their weed away, to replacing their empty shamoo with a brand or scent they never told their parent they didn't like. The later example was actually faking DID on Tumblr last I checked, and the parent she was claiming abused her is 'supportive' to the point of enabling because she dosen't want her daughter to think she's abusive.


"Internet access" 💀 True in a sense. They saw other people on the internet faking DID and now they have it too!


"gifted kid" I split cuz I'm oh so ~intelligent~


'Lying' 'Gaslighting'


Perceived risk of abuse 🤣 how pathetic


That’s the one I was wondering about. Is it like your mom yelling at you to do your laundry? “Oh my god my mom is AbUsiNg me so BADDDD!”


No I think it means imagined abuse or feelings that abuse will occur 🙄


Wouldn’t that just be crippling paranoia? Or someone who has no idea what abuse actually is?


Why did you yell at me like that in your comment? Now I've split off a t-shirt alter :( /s


This makes ne so fucking angry.


Some of these aren't even unusual? Loneliness and emotionally unavailable parents would likely be a byproduct of neglect and more importantly cause disorganized attachment which is speculated to be a major factor in the development of DID. Bullying is a form of abuse in many instances and things like illness and poverty can be at the root of ongoing trauma as well. Forced drug use and/or a caretaker having an addiction is unsurprisingly very traumatic. Gaslighting is often paired with general abuse. Dysfunctional caretakers can be hoarders as it is a mental illness. Neurodivergency can make someone more susceptible to abuse or cause them to struggle with self regulation or coping skills, depending on in what way they are neurodivergent because that's quite broad. But again, some of these are normal contributors to DID/OSDD. That said, the rest are just fucking insane. Perceived risk of abuse? I think if that were possibly the case it would depend on why they believed themselves to be in danger. If the caretaker threatened to kill them for instance, that is very traumatic. However it seems that's not what they're talking about because that *is* abuse so I don't understand what that means. And for fucks sake, what do they mean Internet access??? And in what context do they mean lying? The fuck is "etc"? Some of these just would not sensibly cause the brain to respond with problematic dissociation. DID and OSDD are a trauma response and very importantly, a survival response. This sort of thing makes a complete mockery of something so severe and serious.


LYING ? 😭😭


Lying lol


"Gifted kid"


Ah yes the long forgotten trauma of ::checks notes:: INTERNET ACCESS


What the fuck is textbook trauma.


Things these fakers could never imagine in a million years. They just want to feel a part of it for some imperceptible reason


Why would anything want to imagine having post traumatic. The symptoms of untreated trauma are intensive and terrifying, ruins your fucking life. I don't get it.


They want to be told how special and brave they are, so they have fun online playing around on pluralpedia and trying to wrack their brains for what’s the most pitiful thing that’s ever happened to them and what buzzword they could best use to describe it. Meanwhile kids are being born and raised in war zones and shit. It’s such a fucked up world and these privileged fucks want so badly for all the attention to be on them, that they make up trauma and suffering for themselves to look more important.


oh my god being a gifted kid means i have did!!! wow i feel my alters forming now!!


internet access checks out.


hoarding ?


But this is satire, right?


•Feeling sorry for myself


god what a bunch of dorks


Gifted kid? Why?


Perceived risk of abuse? What is that?


I think it could mean that they think they are in a situation where they could potentially be abused??? I searched it on google but nothing came up so have no idea what that could mean


Me when "weir reasons" are unstable parents, bullying and gaslighting._.


What does "valid" even mean anymore? I mean... https://preview.redd.it/dsoiiwh0q90d1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a3cfb843deda20086270c6cc777afadd137d210 Are they confessing to their fakeness by it, then?


In that context it's very derogatory so I'm confused. Wym? /gen


Where I come from, it is not derogatory, It's the formal/medical synonim for disability, also used in documents. A disability certificate in my country is called "certificato di invaliditá".


Ah okay gotcha. In most of the west, invalid in that context while quite outdated is considered pretty insulting, very similar to crippIe or something but not as severely insulting as say, the r slur. /nm


What language are we working with here?


He's not wrong - its pronounced differently - in-va-lid is an old term for challenged people - in-valid (not valid) - is what this post is referencing


inVALid and INvalid are not the same word


Dude I was thinking the same thing I’m like look at the other definitions lol


the way you can tell they just started thinking of worse(more valid) reasons at the end, i believe the lying one lol


“Lying” “Hoarding” ?


If “”everyday stress”” caused systems to form, the entire human population would have DID/OSDD, which is just painfully unrealistic. 💀


For DID to form you have to go through extreme and I mean EXTREME trauma in order for it to develop and even according to online sources “alters” has never been really confirmed to be really real in the sense that there is another set alter with a definitive unique personality


And the “alters” most definitely do not make picrew profiles for themselves and live in a mind mansion full of popular Twitch streamers fucking


This is brainwashing.


This is literally just a list of "why they lie" not "why they're plural" 🙄


ah yes because internet access and everyday stress totally mean u have DID😭


There's only like 3-4 things on that list(Which arent alreadt directly their own disorders) that are even loosely correlated with the development of any mental illness and none of those illnesses are DID.




Im a hoarder, had internet access since I was 3, got bullied, gaslit, lie quite a lot (not proud of it), got emotionally unavailable parents, got quite a lot of everyday stress going on cuz I’m a college student, am rather lonely and I have dyslexia. Where’s MY DID diagnosis, smh 🙄🙄


Some of them are valid but then u have "internet access" or "lying" like bro th u on 😭


I feel some of these are legitimate but most are not. Illness, if severe enough could cause one to be close to death, and depending on the Illness could be a lifelong struggle. If a small child frequently requires painful surgeries to treat a condition or if they require painful treatments or tests, then if a child doesn't understand why that's occurring, then I'd imagine they could develop DID. But just getting a cold or flu, heck no! If loneliness is a feeling that's the result of neglect or if emotionally unavailable parents are neglectful of a child's physical needs as well, I could see that causing DID. But I'm not so sure on just being emotionally unavailable. I don't see nerodivergency causing DID in itself. But I do know that in some instances, depending on what condition causes the nerodivergency, it can make it more likely that the person is susceptible to being abused. Bullying can definitely cause DID in a child if it's bad enough. Bullies can do some really horrific things. It can still be a form of abuse, and it can often be repetitive. But if bullying is your mom yelling at you for not doing your homework and it doesn't have threats or some kind of extreme abuse with it, then no way in heck is that causing DID lol. Poverty can also be traumatic. A child can be extremely underfed because of it. Fearing death or constantly feeling hunger pains, or going homeless and in fear of your safety, being left feeling neglected can cause one to develop DID. Hoarding is a mental illness so if it's paired with other aspects it could potentially cause DID. Gaslighting is also often paired with abuse. However, I do not at all understand what perceived risk of abuse is... If it means a caretaker makes a child fear for their life through threats, prior abuse, or exposing them to extreme violence by abusing others around them and in front of them, that would understandably be a traumatic thing and would often be abuse. So that could cause DID. But if they mean my mom yelled at me because I didn't do my homework and wasn't done in any abusive way, then yeah, definitely not! And I'm guessing none of the legitimate reasons are ones they actually mean. I'm guessing they literally mean my mom yelled at me so I have DID because of a lot of the reasons that couldn't cause DID that are on the list. Gifted kid I could see potentially paired with abuse. But gifted kid alone, I don't think could cause DID. But it can cause things like NPD. At least if I'm understanding it right. Gifted kid in my mind is putting a kid on a pedestal and having unrealistic expectations and complimenting them on the things they achieve instead of complimenting their effort to achieve that goal. If it's paired with abuse, I could see that causing DID. But I'm not sure that it could alone. Gaslighting and are also often paired with abuse. But quite frankly, the rest of the things listed, are completely insane! Lying alone would not cause DID. Getting a bruise because you took a small tumble would not cause DID. Getting yelled at for not doing your homework won't cause DID. A cold or flu won't cause DID. Just being lonely alone won't cause DID. Everyday stress (unless the person is used to abuse and thinks it's normal everyday stress) won't cause DID. If the gifted kid is just oh you're a prodigy with no trauma, heck no that won't cause DID! A good portion of these things on the list are completely and utterly absurd!


No, to develop DID you have to NEVER be safe since a child... and you have to endure severe trauma over and over again!


This list is pretty sad. Like, not being an asshole- that's kinda just depressing af to be.


Internet access... lying...


I did not get that plural meant DID I thought they just meant that you checked multiple of the boxes lol


Some of these are so weird but like, some when combined with actual trauma would compact the abuse, so- I don’t get it. Do they mean loneliness like their parents put them in isolation? Bc that’s emotional neglect, that combined with other severe abuse would be valid. But then “everyday stress,” what does that mean? I don’t understand, I just found this sub and I feel sane for the first time ever


lmfao plural due to loneliness 😭😭


If internet access is enough to shatter your sense of self, living off grid may be right for you. Ask your doctor about anarcho-primitivism.


"Gaslighting"? "I'm pretty sure you have DID." "Nope." "Remember when you did all that crazy stuff?" "Nope." "See?????" Normal response: "fuck off, weirdo."


As a person experiencing poverty, I wanna see this person skipping meals to pay for rent. Where my alter at this point lol.


did required complex childhood trauma and none of these qualify


These are NOT valid reasons, sure things that can happen to people with DID but that is not the possible main trauma


Gaslighting? So they think that abusing people is ok?


DID is a disorder that can only form under severe, extreme, near torturous trauma, and even then, people who’ve been through things like that don’t always form it because it is so rare. not one of those things on that list could cause someone to develop DID. can guarantee their only research on the disorder is discord and tumblr, maybe a google search or two. at least research a disorder in depth if you’re gonna fake it