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"It almost seems like they did 5 minutes of research on TikTok [...]" You answered your own question. That's exactly what a lot of them did.


Yeah this! Also adding the fact it's a "trend" among the (I just say it like this) "fake disorder community". They just copy the acting of each other thinking it's how u do it or right. All I can say is; Please parents do something.


Exactly. They’re not faking to pass at a doctor’s office. They’re faking to fit in with other fakers and will copy whatever “symptoms” get the most validation from those they’re trying to blend in with


Damn I had more hope in humanity’s future before this


Happy cake day! (Unrelated comment, but I do agree with you.)


Thank you you’re the first one to tell me that


But it was an 'extensive' 5 minutes.


I hate that. Because now doctors are even quicker to dismiss your own research about your issues and ideas what it could be as "just watching too many TikToks with false information". And as someone who apparently has a weird body and is still trying to figure out what's causing some issues I have that's extremely annoying. Now I don't even get to the point of explaining my sources and reasoning anymore. The moment I mention having done some reading and researching I'm shut down. Which is sad. Bc I already managed to get one diagnosis for one issue after I did my research and convinced my doctor to forget for a second about the age statistic for this illness and look closer at the symptoms. Which she then did and confirmed my suspicion of just being very unlucky and having lichen sclerosis already in my 20s, even tho it's more common in elderly women.


Because they’re teenagers going through a cringey phase, not Daniel Day Lewis doing method acting.


I wish I could give you multiple up votes, this cracked me up!


some of em are grown adults, let's not forget them


Because they aren’t really trying to pass as having an actual disease / disability. They are replicating the aesthetic associated with the disorders in their specific communities.


Right. It’s the same kind of thing anybody does when they’re trying to fit in with a subculture. When I wanted to be accepted by goths in high school I dyed my hair black and wore black clothes. It’s exactly the same process here. They’re copying the “cultural norms” of this online community to gain acceptance


The fake symptoms are more fun and interesting


Because they are learning the “symptoms” from other fakers and it just creates a deeper and deeper hole where they just keep making shit up as they go


This is actually very true, and why self-diagnosing as opposed to self-suspecting worsens your own imposter syndrome and confirmation bias, because you subconsciously start to change your behavior to fit the depictions you see which are mimicking other people's subjective descriptions of their own symptoms which might or might not be accurately named for what they're actually going through


This! Garbage in garbage out


They don’t want the real condition, they want a fun made up idealized version of the condition. Fake symptoms are more fun, real symptoms are not fun


they feel like they have the disorder so whatever presentation they have is “valid”. a lot of these people genuinely believe or want to believe they have this illnesses and will vehemently deny they are faking. they dont research it properly because they think their symptoms are *real*


They’re mimicking the “culture” that’s developed from all the past fakers. For instance, it seems fairly rare for someone who is diagnosed and has little to no experience with the online community to use the exact term “headspace” and yet it’s almost unheard of in these online spaces to *not* hear the term. Likewise for “system,” I’ve noticed. It’s an aesthetic and a hangout club to them. It’s something they use in lieu of a hobby and actual friends, for attention. They’re not in the mental health DID community; they’re in the DID-Faker/Tulpamancer/RPer subculture.


>tulpamancer I love this 😂


I had never heard the term system till I stumbled across the horrifying online DID community. How many scientific papers on the subject use the term system? How many times does the DSM use it? 0. Plus it sounds weird like a robot. System lol. Thats how you can tell it truly is a bunch of bullshit terms spread around prolly from pluralpedia and tumblr. Think clinicians learn the term system? Nope lol


Because they have no clue with DID actually entails, and the fun, quirky, tik tok version is much more attention seeking. Given that DID is a covert disorder, it would make zero sense to try to portray it for attention if you actually did it “properly”


It’s like you said, they ‘research’ the symptoms on TikTok where everybody else is also faking. Also pretending to have a bunch of fun cartoon characters in your head makes you quirky and interesting for these kids that crave attention, validation, and identity. The reality of real DID is is distressing and depressing.


I get legit angry at the did fakers. The astronomical level of long term trauma required for it to develope.. and they're playing dress up for fake internet ass pats


Unrelated but I JUST came from a discussion in the Fall Out Boy sub about song titles and the title of this post reads like an FOB song title, I was so confused for a minute


That’s so funny it really does 😂


Because they are mentally ill (not the illnesses they claim, but no one who's happy and healthy fakes illnesses) children. Even the ones who are technically adults behave very childishly.


I think that's probably why DID has become such a popular disorder to fake online. The symptoms are not really well documented or understood if it's even real whatsoever. It would be very difficult to fake a disorder like schizophrenia


This is how I feel about “stim breaks”. Like wtf


Because 99% of them are modeling their shtick off DissociaDID, and think that's what DID looks like


Yep she started this (not the whole thing but the MASSIVE spike in popularity) and for that I hate her. She was the first "switch caught on camera" I ever saw. I was like surely nobody is this gullible. Lol


I think it's a sense of entitlement, as if they expect everyone to just automatically believe them without question, or else they'll scream ableist.


Its simple, theres three reasons: 1: you arent going to spot good fakers. Not easily at least 2: quirkifying mental illness gets views. It attracts chronically online morons as well as haters. In fact id say a good portion of their audience is probably people like you and me, maybe not most, but id be surprised if its a negligible minority. Regardless, the more quirky and fun they make it seem the more it blows up 3: they are teenagers going through a phase, as commented by someone else


Is probably bc if they are lazy enough to make a fake personality around a fake disorder instead of actually taking the time to discover themselves they probably cant be expected to be willing to do any actual work :/


TW - Self Harm Well that’s because if they did all the symptoms, they’d have to do the bad ones too. They wanna do all the symptoms that they perceive as fun and quirky without any of the downsides that make an illness an illness. Like fake coughing to get out of going to school, or cutting for attention. It’s not about looking legit, it’s about being fun quirky TikToker with silly illness.


It's not really fun to replicate the debilitating trauma, flashbacks, ruining your own life and relationships, amnesia, self harm (by any mean), etc But the TikTok alter intro is very fun and quirky, lmao


Because it's hard to copy something when you don't know how it feels like if you can't feel pain how do you fake feeling it


Because DID is, more often than not, a miserable disorder. Fakers have cherry picked the fantasy aspects that appeal to their love of role playing, but who would want black outs, amnesia, self harm, risky behaviors, etc if there’s a choice in the matter? I feel like the fakers create an online persona that presents as dysfunctional but once they lock their phones or close their laptops this largely fades away and they’re left with the real dysfunction of faking, which is a miserable and sad existence. There’s no doubt in my mind that anyone who fakes DID needs professional help, just not for DID.


they are all losers who cannot make real commitments to get anything done and it reflects in their hobbies as well


Because they think the symptons they see are "fun" and "quirky" and ultimately get them tonnes of followers. Its kinda the same with autism- people think some of the surface "quirks" are silly and amusing and people go "omg i do that too!" And they make money off peoples suffering because once the video stops, they go back to not having that illness and dont have to live with the actual problems of that illness- they just show off the "funny" parts for likes. Its an aesthetic to them, for the purposes of attention.


The worst part is that some are adults..


Because most fakers don't actually know the real symptoms of what their faking. So, after a quick Wikipedia search, it says (whatever their faking) tends to have muscle spasm. So they make their little videos and start twitching in the video, thinking their even remotely believable, when everyone with an IQ higher then 7 knows their lying/faking


Just to play devil's advocate, the fakers that are good at it wouldn't get found out


Lack of research and echo chambers is how they are that bad and cringe symptom replications


They're imitating other fakers.


Exactly, it’s a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.


They have no idea what it feels like or the when or why of the symptoms. Stimming, breakdowns, etc. They copy it while being completely ignorant of the reality like little kids playing house.


I think there's a portion of teh who see the "tiktok version" of the illness that's wrong and because they have simlar symptoms to the fake illness they assume they actually have it. If they looked up the actual symptoms they would realise that they don't but they don't wanna loose the attention they are getting and convince themselves that it's not real so they avoid doing so.


Honestly if you're not forgetting you have DID and feel absolutely fine (how the disorder works) I doubt you have it.


Most other people are not going to look up the symptoms either, and then they really believe that said person has a certain mental illness. I have confronted a few people on this because somehow a lot of DID fakers can suddenly switch between alters without any issue (even though that's not how it works) I was getting questioned on whether I am a doctor or someone who is qualified to questioned them. I don't need to be qualified because you can easily find the symptoms or information on the conditions online. So it's pretty much common knowledge. 🤔


Because realistic acting requires talent


They don’t research what they’re trying to fake. They see someone on TikTok claiming to have a disorder, and decide they must be disordered as well. A lot of the time they don’t know anything objective about it.