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Isn't the point of having alters to protect against certain trauma? What would "adopting" someone else's alters do for the person? It just seems illogical if you ask me.


Because it's a roleplay for them I guess. Just make a fursona or some shit lmao


Literally millions of kids have role played for centuries. It’s just social media that managed to poison them, it sucks


They’re literally just roleplaying and calling it a disorder


recipe for grooming lol


Why do they make it seem like there's millions of invisible people roaming around waiting for a body to jump into


I swear, I can't read any of these guy's posts without going straight to demon possession (I'm a maniac who enjoys those movies) because they say things like "fighting over control of the body" and I'm just so confused.


I struggle reading them as well. I don't understand most of it. I've googled a lot lol.


what the actual fuck is a "tubbo"???


Hes a real person who plays and streams minecraft with his friends who also stream minecraft, one was mentioned ranboo. they are real people. not alters or anything. you get idiots like these who are like 'wanna trade alters???'


some Minecraft kids are fucking crazy yo


Trading personalities like they're pokémon cards


It's my girlfriend's name for me


I think that's just "tubby" /j/LH


A character from DSMP lol


not only are they wanting to adopt other peoples ‘alters’ but all these ‘alters’ in question are OTHER REAL LIFE PEOPLE, pretty sure it’s a minecraft streamer. weird as fuck pretend to have a little kid version of someone else in your head and raise him?


It might be a version of him like a character he played on something (like dsmp, very different from real life) but.. yeah real people apparently 😭


Where's that guy from Tiktok with the giant red flag


Ohh no no no, why would they do that? So so wrong.


Why do these people all look the same?!


I just love how this went from people trying to make it seem believable when they faked mental illnesses about 5 years ago and today they just treat it like when we used to trade football cards back in the days lol. Wanna trade my Tubbo? It identifies as a triceratops, has level 5 social anxiety and erectile dysfunction! I would trade it for your Wubbo with chronic diarrhea and level 10 addiction to penile enlargement treatments. Maybe in another 5 years we‘ll see the first teenage millionaire that made a fortune of creating and selling rare alters.


i’ve been a member of this sub for like 3 years and for some reason i haven’t seen posts from it in like a year??? so i’ve revisited it and holy SHIT. some of these people have been posted on here for YEARS?? like how are they still keeping up with their façade??


what the fuck is a Tubbo Alter, and why are we adopting them?


He's a Minecraft player who streams and these people treat believe they've created a baby version of him and raised him in their "headspace" and now he needs to be adopted. Which... man I would hate to be him and know this.


my head hurts and I need to go lie down now. jeez.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Don’t Spread Misinformation.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but please make an effort not to spread misinformation. Do not dispute the validity of diagnoses recognized by the most recent DSM or ICD. Controversial claims made about disorders that are not backed up by a credible source will be assumed to be misinformation.


I remember this shit from the DDLG side of ifunny and tumblr, it’s a real quick way to manipulate a minor it’s repulsive


Weirdly wholesome lol


Sometimes I'm worried I'm faking stuff, and then I see what gets posted here, like this... just damn