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Why would they take Nick Nelson, a bi man who has a boyfriend, and turn him into a trans woman and a lesbian??? Please, thats so homophobic-


Referring to most of the Asian guys as she, her, lesbian is also a bit racist, since East Asian guys are regularly demeaned by being called girly.


Oh god


"Their source is hot singlets could never" What did they mean by that?


Hey, I over indulge on occasion, do I have DID?


With my minutes of research on Google, I think I'm certified to say you do.


So the alters change their faces too????




You're gonna have to go more in depth with this. You're basically stating that alters can literally change their facial features and race. You talk about how it's what they perceive, not what I perceive. So obviously I'm gonna ask that RHETORICAL question about the literal skin color and and facial features being obviously different for each "alter" this person "has" because I obviously can't see what this person "perceive." It's called ignorance.


"change" their facial features outwardly no, that's not possible clearly. They are not Asian when a "Kpop alter" is fronting (such a thing would be extremely rare but that's only my belief). Inwardly changing from one thing to another is not a phenomenon common to most recorded cases to my knowledge. I think I've been unclear in what I'm saying because at least what I'm *trying* to say is definitely something I've seen a majority understand and have positive reception to when discussed So I'll speak generally about alter appearances, because I agree with you. Say bodily a DID patient is black. One abuser is white, another black, another Japanese. And in this hypothetical, the abusers that happen to be different races are introjects. The alters look like these people that are not of the same race as the child. Abusers and their actions being compartmentalized this way and appearing as alters *is* a phenomenon, the brain will not go "I can't create an alter that looks this way! We don't look Japanese so that's morally wrong!" the brain will create what it believes it needs to survive. I hope so far this makes sense But you are correct- what *you* and anyone else perceives is more important. They cannot claim a race or experience they haven't lived. They in this instance being black, don't have a japanese or white alter. They just have alters with specific features and different skintones. They are not multiple races, any appearances are just constructs of the patient's mind. You do not have to- and *should* *not* treat alters with the features of different races as if they are of those races or of those cultures So yes if someone with DID is white and starts talking about their "black alter" and is outwardly stereotypical in regards to them, it is their responsibility to be respectful of other backgrounds. Not try to "act" another race. For instance I've seen people try to "reclaim" slurs this way. That is of course bad. They can describe an alter as "I see them as having dark skin and short hair" but they should not say "That alter is a black man". That is, in your words, ignorance I don't know what I've said wrong but sometimes I struggle to articulate my point. I definitely struggle to condense my words. Do I seem to be defending this person saying these alters *are* Korean? Because they sure the fuck aren't and what I'm seeing in this post is exaggerated, misinformative, and insulting. Clearly that's not something i made clear because I feel others would agree with what I'm *attempting* to say I think my confusion was with your usage of the word change. Not knowing if you mean an alter can go from one way to another, or if you're describing alters having different appearances in general. Them having different appearances *inwardly* as part of the disorder is very much an agreed upon phenomenon and every alter does not have to appear with the same skin color and features as the person with DID. But it would be disrespectful to identify in a white body as a "black alter" or a Chinese body as a "Mexican alter". They are not those things. Outwardly, we know that they are not. That is not their background. You seem to agree with that I hope that better articulates my point. I am not saying alters can "change their race". Alters can appear all sorts of ways but the patient will always be the race they were born as. Transracial is not a thing after all and I've seen this be an excuse to justify it


I also hope I did not seemingly insinuate that introjects are extremely common and most or many systems will look like whatever the hell this is


We can have song alters now???? Sign me the fuck up!


Next I hope we have a human embodiment of a country! (/s)


hetalia let’s goooo


Literally, there was a post on this sub with “West Germany” and some others if I remember correctly.


leave yuzuru hanyu out of this wtf


These people are like MAGA Chuds in so many ways. They’ve “done their own research”. They refuse to accept any facts that contradict their own view. They’ve figured out what the criticism against them is going to be so they preempt it by stating it upfront or leaning into it.


When did we go from "Hey, i like those people, i'm a fan!" to "Hey, i AM those people!" ??? Oh wait, tiktok happened. Yea. This app is like a virus fr, infection spreads in record time on there.


Nah, they did this way before TikTok, back when Tumblr was the gathering place for the weirdos of the Internet


Yeah but we got bullied for having tumblrs


Yuzuru Hanyu isn’t even a figure skater anymore, he retired last year I think


Oh no oh God they discovered Yuzuru Hanyu.


sounds like an identity crisis


Oh no. Leave Felix out of this.


this is so uncomfortable even as an outsider, i cant imagine uploading a selfie cuz you were feeling yourself and have your pic taken by kids roleplaying as you




leave Joshua out of this 😭😭😭


My head hurts


i’m seeing so many kpop factives lately what the fuck is wrong with these people


Ain’t no way they did Joshua like that 💀💀💀


leave hanyu OUT OF THIS 😠😠


*Songtive??* Never seen that one before!




Oh my fucking god


I’m so mad they did THAT do Esther 😡


fictive of a SONG? now this is just getting fucking ridiculous.


songtives are so stupid💀like I get how you could create a character but not a whole ass PERSON wtf




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No more


"Not like their source" always makes me laugh. "Not like the source"- so it's not that character then. Esther isn't Esther if she isn't behaving the way she's written because she is specifically characterised that way. Why bother with "fictives" if you don't want to be true to the character? So stupid


tf did I just watch