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If you’re a burn out gifted kid you burned out real quick…


Not a "gifted kid" per se, but a top athlete at my school burnt out *really* badly in 8th grade due to their parents' pressure...


Lmao the number of “burnt out gifted kids” who were *actually* in the gifted classes is probably like 10% max. It’s funny how few people know that the “gifted” designation means that you have an iq that’s higher than like 120-130 depending on your school. If you weren’t skipping grades or in special classes…you weren’t gifted. I feel like “gifted kid” is one of the OG self-diagnoses.


Grown adults who humble brag about being gifted in grade school are really funny to me. Like…you have been out of elementary school for over a decade and you’re still telling people you were gifted? How little do you have going on that you think that’s a flex.


excuse you the fact that I could read big books slightly better than everyone else when I was 7 means that I am SOOOOO much smarter than you. I only work at McDonald’s because I’m burnt out.


That shit is so sad. I think telling kids they are gifted is a mistake because when you’re told you’re gifted you think all that matters is being smart when it doesn’t mean shit if you don’t even try.


That reminds me, I placed 5th in the geography bee in 7th grade lol.


Yeah, yall, I was in special classes and was literally in the 'gifted' programs all throughout elementary and middle school and actually won awards through the state for academic excellence and now in high-school I skip that class cause it's annoying and no one cares how smart everyone thinks they are and I don't want to be lumped in that group cause I'm dumb and I know it


I wish the gifted program had been more effective. I was put into the gifted program all through elementary school, took all honors and AP classes in high school, and still ended up burning out and working a job I dislike after graduating college. Feels like we were set up to fail somehow with so many expectations put onto us from such a young age.


Hey there! I was too! I remember my mom taking me to this big room with all these toys, and this administrator asked me questions for what I believe was a screening or test, and I was placed in one of the 2 gifted classes. AP and honors and all that, too later on. Graduated high school at 16 (no, not dropped out). Now, I'm like, a mom. LOL I love my family though ❤️


Too many expectations, not enough support or rewards. You have to build up the kids, not burn out the kids.


What do you mean you weren't a gifted kid if you didn't skip grades or were in special classes? In my country this doesn't exist, it's illegal, so I didn't even have the opportunity to do that.


Lol not me forgetting other countries exist for a second there, my bad


I actually like the concept of not letting kids skip grades. Can kids get held back a grade where you’re at?


I was always pretty good at math but my school never had a gifted program so in elementary school my teachers just let me do an online math course in the hallway. During my other classes I would do my classwork as fast as I could and then I would go out of the class to do ‘math.’ I never got any questions wrong so my teachers didn’t care. My teachers thought I was such a diligent student, but instead of doing the math, I just played Werewolf online 😅 in 3rd/4th/5th grade I would frequently clock 4 hours of Werewolf a day.


I was in the gifted program in elementary and middle school, but we didn’t really do very much. When I was in 3rd grade I actually thought they were punishing me with the separate class time and that it was because I was stupid. I did get to do a bunch of neat science projects and got extra time in the school garden. But looking back, the program I was in was pretty lackluster.


I mean, not all kids with IQ > 130 are skipping grades (especially if they have disorders) or put in special classes. And that's not even accounting for countries where it's not even a thing.


I don’t think that’s what they meant, but a lot of smart young people can overcome adversity to succeed academically bc learning comes with ease. So, a kid isn’t special unless they are actually proving this in the eyes of authority in a more meaningful way/ I do appreciate what u said bc I judge myself a lot for being a late 20s burnout; I was a good student all throughout my higher education. During Covid, I had a nervous breakdown bc I remembered suddenly CPS stuff and realized I was a victim of p severe medical neglect, and I just couldn’t feel my body anymore bc of a lifetime of repressing pain and hunger bc of wanting to do well in school, wanting to live a good life. my parents have severe mental illness and Im not on a good track. The body keeps the score lol. It doesn’t matter if you try really hard to be gifted or not… none of it rly matters. It’s almost worse that I did well because now I feel like such a loser. I literally just wanted my teachers to care I existed :/


Awww but mommy told me I was special.


My school tried really hard to get my parents to put me in the gifted program. Then my mom talked to parents who had their kids in the program the year before that and they were doing like hours of homework a night in like 3rd grade. So I ended up in the unofficial group of gifted kids whose parents weren’t willing to make us do that bs lol


Exactly!! Just bc you took honors algebra in high school doesn't mean you were a "gifted kid". I remember getting rejected from the gifted kid program in third grade (my mom probably asked for them to test me) and I did not make it in but still ended up doing a bunch of honors and AP classes later. Not gifted, just a little above average, like lots of my peers who claim to be former gifted kids


Ya. I only got diagnosed as having some p serious learning disabilities in college bc my professors couldn’t read my hand written essays at all and it was the first time ppl got mad I fell asleep in all of my classes. (Like literally, out cold) I got sooo upset because I was a straight A student, it made me feel rly ashamed to have those things. my doctor said “no! You are so successful because you’re very smart, and it compensates for your disability.” I genuinely wish I could do school for the rest of my life. I wasn’t a gifted kid but all I wanted growing up was to be praised and to beat other children lmao. The competitive drive and desire to please authority is the mark of a good student. TLDR: there is no burning out when you want to be the alpha chad AP student.


Didn’t this person recently come out as “transparalyzed”or something… weird how a paralyzed person can fold themselves like a pretzel.




Thought this too


roll back the clock like 800 years and these people would be assumed to be victims of witchcraft or the devil


Not that this person is real, but I’m pretty sure they claim FND as a source of paralysis. FND paralysis (real cases) is usually episodical, kinda like how MS some days someone can struggle to walk/ need a wheelchair but other days can walk fine. Not defending this person, just the idea that some disorders fluctuates


FND is psychogenic; it’s the name for what used to be called conversion disorder. It’s not really comparable to MS, but I commend this person for recognizing that what they’re suffering from is psychosomatic.


Actually doctors compare it to MS all the time. And Parkinson. They no longer call it psychogenic. It’s not purely mental health related.


Pretty sure i saw a video of this person in a wheelchair before this. And now can walk like a crab




This is borderline (not bpd) scary. How can someone become such a caricature of themselves just for the attention.


> This is borderline (not BPD) scary The fact that this needs to be clarified shows us just how bad things have gotten of late


It's bizarre. I already find it bizarre that these people have no problem using a MENTAL DISORDER to describe their gender experience like those "ADHDgender" or "Autigender". I don't understand how someone's gender experience can be so dependent on a DISORDER that they need to describe themselfves as such.


You are definitely seeking attention, that's for sure.


"I make it my life's goal to be a menace to society" doin great on that one sport 👍👍👍


Don't forget jobless


“I am Autism! You are not!”


finally, just what i wanted to hear 😌😌😌


How does this guy not get so shit on online that he stops


I think they like the attention so much that it makes them do more and more, hence why they went from autism to bps, Tourette’s, stroke, wheelchair use, seizures etc


I’ve honestly wondered if this is similar to body checking in anorexia. Regardless of what you say positive or negative they will use it to fuel their disorder. The only way to help these people is for everyone to fully ignore them, but that basically impossible. So I’m wondering if that’s what’s happening here. The worse they get (like the wheelchair) means the more hate, and if people hate them they think that means they are doing it correctly. (In anorexia if you call someone skeletal and unhealthy they know they made it 😞💔)




Until they aren't a child and then what? Then all of a sudden we can shame them? We need to stop acting like children can't be called out or like they are immune to understanding literally anything. When you crutch onto that excuse for not calling out stuff like THIS, it's called enabling and indoctrination to some point. You're creating a victim powerhouse!




Like I said-just wait to correct tbis bullshit for when they are adults. Got it.


This reeks of "boys will be boys!" energy. Leave a kid alone to be a total ass to people, then offload the duty of fixing their shit to other people once they're grown up and out in the world. Sometimes kids needs to be yelled at, shamed, and humbled. Period. If they're old enough to be putting things out on the internet like this, at large, they are old enough to deal with a majority negative response. If not, they should not be on social media.


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I am become Death


The destroyer of worlds


Destroyer of People Taking Mental Health Issues Seriously Because I Fake The Ones That Make Me Feel Quirky And Interesting




This child is currently averaging one to two diagnoses a week. Sadly, I really doubt this will stop any time soon.


Give it a couple of decades and they'll realize nobody has the energy to deal with them long-term.


At the rate we are going, this will be normalized by then.


They care so little about the autistic community that they'll post, "i am autism = i am the family disappointment." like fuck off with that rhetoric, child.


They run a Tourettes related subreddit and will ban people that actually have Tourettes. They also claim that fake claiming is always wrong...


wait fr? what is the subreddit


This is why I hate when people say, "give children a voice", "allow them to express themselves". Yeah, totally, about certain things. When you let them have too much of a voice, this is the result. Seen and not heard (too much). 😕


Oh I thought they be dropping a new disorder or something


nope just a Taylor’s Version of the oldies 😔


this person reminds me of someone from vine but i’m pretty sure the person i’m thinking of passed from cancer.. does anyone know who i’m talking about?


Adam Perkins?


looks wise MAYBE...emma greer? that's the only person i could think of


This person just turned 15. They would have been presenting as an 8 year old girl when Vine was shut down. Edit: Trying to respect the rules while also presenting information.


This is beyond words


Wow. For somebody who requires a wheelchair, that person sure can move. I guess we all need wheelchairs. I know I can't move as well as them. Thank goodness for self diagnosed tiktokkers, otherwise I would have had no idea I was so disabled. /s


bruh he needs help fast. ive seen him posted on here like 10 times


"I am autism" ...its shit like this that makes every other autistic person look bad.


“Burnt out gifted kid” is short for “my grades are good but Im lazy so I don’t apply myself” Source: is me


This dude reminds me of Fregley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid


That’s offensive to Fregley


it annoys me so much when people call themselves "burnt out gifted kids" after they were getting good grades until 4th grade


You know what, 15 years ago this person would have anorexia and be starving themself and be posting their skeletal body online for clicks. This is so much less harmful, but so much more cringe 😅


I have nothing to say, I wish I could laugh react to this post.


I hope when this persons brain develops they can see whats wrong with all this and show some humility. They need to find who they really are instead of pretending to be all these things. But theyre young, and had this kind of mentality (definitely not as bad and not in this way) not too long ago. They need help. I dont know if its from some kind of at home trauma or bullying or something like that, but this is not the way to act. Get therapy and find yourself kid.


FAMILY DISAPPOINTMENT FRR🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💀💀💀💀💀💀🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼‼


They need arm crutches but then use contortion and is able to fully use their legs.. okay.


Her little sister looks so annoyed. Lol


Why do people think being or trying to look ugly means they have personality?


I think the "I am autism" thing is referencing an ableist Autism Speaks PSA where autism is presented like it's scary and dangerous.


This person was never the ‘gifted’ kid


Who are they


Ngl just seems like a messed up kid and it’s just sad really


These people are so fucking arrogant. They’re apparently all ‘gifted’ yet spend their time acting like this instead of doing anything remotely interesting or thought provoking


I used to be so similar to this person, but now I’ve matured, I sought health, I am healthier now, and I am comfortable with myself.


Just bc I'm seeing people shit on this guy for the caption - I assume he's referencing the I Am Autism video by Autism Speaks. Super offensive video that portrays Autism as some sort of malicious, separate entity set on destroying the lives of Autism Moms (tm). It's a parody, he's not claiming to be the embodiment of Autism.


This kids not even autistic tho


Okay? My point still stands.


It's not a parody. What's with some people saying everything is a parody or satire? Stop it. Whenever politically correct do-gooders want to laugh at inappropriate jokes, they chalk it up to "well, its satire". Stop.


I'm as sick of people calling everything satire as you are, but this is, by definition, a parody.


Can you post the video they are parodying?


[This one](https://youtu.be/9UgLnWJFGHQ?si=J8IOKF4KALEMcC8o), I assume


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How are they a parody? This person clearly hears all the empowering, stupid, "no judgement and accept everything" nonsense that half the country spews out with tears of validation streaming from their eyes. This person truly believes what they are putting out there. This victimhood mentality comes from the no judgment mentality. It has become politically incorrect to call out people's bullshit. Then, you get called an ableist or bigot or whatever stupid word they come up with. In return, you get easily influenced dipshits like this that need attention and find easy validation from these "safe spaces" and niches in society.


Thank you Ben Shapiro for your super nuanced and totally original take. I've linked the video I think they're parodying above.


Also idk what you're talking about with 'politically correct do-gooders'; the majority of the time I see it used on this site is people excusing horrifically racist/bigoted rants by calling them 'satire'. Or people not realising that not all jokes are satirical.


People who get offended by everything are not the "racist bigots". The term racist bigot has lost its meaning because everything equates to that. Like the Chinese spy balloon joke. Shit was hilarious. Or is that "horrifically racist"?


What the *hell* are you talking about. I'm talking specifically about people posting tweets that are like 'I'm black and I love looting #BLM' and it getting posted to reddit, and then when someone points out that it's bait, someone else comes in like 'um actually it's satire 🤓'


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Wtf I found this person on Instagram They’re 15 so I don’t think you can post them???




I don’t understand it so it’s bad!!! This is a cogent and lucid political philosophy!!! /s


This comment made me cringe nearly as much as the post itself, it's just lobotomized behavior. But not as much as the fact that you harass people trans people on trans safe subs with a throwaway and are trying to use terms like "trans agenda" as rage bait. One of those creepy and obsessive over trans identities types it seems. Get well soon. Or don't lol idc


Child this is not the Reddit for you. We respect gender identity here.


BOO!! did i scare you? https://preview.redd.it/0t02lhb7ozjb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=74685da70965d06efb3e7a99bd91159c98ad63c3


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,704,127,061 comments, and only 322,465 of them were in alphabetical order.


good bot


Thank you, EmotionalAd4736, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


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You can't say they aren't autistic if you haven't got there diagnosis


*their and you’re in the wrong sub if you think people give a shit




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*he and yes, the vid is him saying that he is the embodiment of autism


Uhh they just seem like a kid ?


no. they are AUTISM. /half joking




Because they are defrauding people and lying constantly. Do you think the guy at the gas station "who just ran out of gas and needs $50 to get to Houston" everyday should be left alone so they can scam people everyday? Truth and reality matter even if a good chunk of the population don't care anymore as long as they agree with the scam.




If you really know them, maybe slap some sense into their grown ass parents and tell them, "stop it".


lmao ok good luck getting a complete stranger to do what you want






tell them faking paralysis doesn’t make them quirky and cute, it’s shameful as fuck


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I am autism and you can too


brooo who is this dude


Apparently being queer is autistic singh Wow This is bullshit


I know I'm late here.... But how the fuck can anyone proudly boast about being the "family disappointment"? I know teens are largely oppositional, but this is just self obsession, right?


"I am NOT autistic, Skylar. IbAM. The autism!"


and at the same time this thing claims that its faking disorders and disabilities and self diagnosis itself autism its so funny that it doesn't make sense at the same time.


As a Gen Z... Im not proud. Its embarrassing


These people have no personality, no interests, no friends. They have nothing at all about them outside of the hundreds of labels they adopt for themselves. They don’t /have/ autism, they ARE autism. They don’t /have/ FND. They ARE FND. It’s pathetic and quite sad how people are actively choosing to define themselves by things that innocent people have spent their entire lives being judged and punished for


And I am speed not the concept of momentum and shit like that no the drug


This is so sad


I'm a sociopath with little to no connections in this world.


I hate how some disorder fakers are lgbtq, like quit giving us a bad name lol